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Useful Words and Expressions

1. attack n. v. 攻击,袭击make an attack on the enemy对敌人进行袭击 a troop under attack 遭受攻击的部队

我突然从背后遭受袭击。The village was attacked from the air. They made an air attack on the town.

I was suddenly attacked from behind.

have an attack of fever突发高烧

a heart attack


an attack of flu.


2. exist vi.他们靠着一点钱生存着。 existence n. 存在 come into existence Do you believe in the existence of God?

They existed on very little money.

3. pe v. n.1.为了救那个落水儿童,他从桥上跳进水 中.

He ped from the bridge to water in order to rescue the drowning child.2.他做了一个漂亮的跳水.

He made a beautiful pe. 3.他向门口冲去. He made a pe for the door.

4. He claims to have seen …

You seem to have got the good news. She pretended to have seen the film. He claimed that he had finished the work but I didn’t believe him. claim that/to do/ to have done


v. 覆盖;

包含, 包括; 占地面积; 走完…路, 看了几页书; 报道,对….进行采访; 涉及,

be covered with (表状态) be covered by (表动作) Covered with a table cloth, the table looks very nice. (覆盖) The Red Army covered 25,000li during the Long March (走过)

Our school covers an area of 20 square kilometers.


How many pages have you covered the book?


His lecture covered this subject. (涉及) During the Olympic Games , journalists from all over the world came to cover the event. (采访)

The book covers the facts that you can’t find in any other book.

这本书包括了其他任何书上都没有的事 实。6.adapt v.适应 修改 改编 adapt to适应 He could not adapt his way of life to the company. 他无法使他的生活方式适应公司。


vi适应 ;


1.He has learned to adapt ___his to disability.

2.It’s common that young people to can adapt ____new changes and new environment quickly.

It is hard to adapt this story for children. 很难为孩子们改编这个故事。 The movie was adapted from a novel. 这部电影是由一部小说改编而来。

3. He adapted the novel.from 4. a play adapted____a novel

5.books adapted____Chinese for students



1.The three species evolved from a single ancestor.

2.The company has evolved into a major chemical factory.

8.die out 消失,灭绝 The old traditions are dying out.

古老的传统正在消失。9.throw light on 阐明某事,帮助弄清楚 The notes threw light on the texts.


e straight to the point 开门见山,谈正题 His speech was short and to the point. 他的讲话简明扼要,切中要害。 Whenever he talks, he comes straight to the point.



11.reputation n.名誉,声誉have a good reputation 有一个好名声 lose /ruin one’s reputation


12.indicate 常与that连用,指出,暗示Fever indicates sickness. 身体发烧表示有病。

I indicated that his help was not welcome.13.fortune: n.运气,命运,财富 make a fortune 发财

