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总分复查人 2010年全国外贸业务员考试 外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷)


(考试时间:2010年5月16日 上午9:00—11:00)

题 一 号 得 分

得 分 评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,

答在试卷上无效。每小题1分,共40分) 二 三 四 五 分 长 总 阅卷组

1.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,由卖方支付保险费的贸易术

语英文缩写是( B )。 A.FCA B.CIP C.EXW D.CFR


程租船运输且承担装船费用。根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,该公司在进口合同中使用的贸易术语应该是( A )。 A.FOB LINER TERMS B.FOB STOWED

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第1页 (共12页)



一规则》(URDG758),该规则将于( A )开始正式实施。 A.2010年7月1日 B.2010年9月1日 C.2010年10月1日 D.2010年12月1日

4.我国现行《商品名称及编码协调制度》规定,商品编码的前两位数字表示( B )。

A.类 B.章 C.税目 D.子目


出单人不签字的单据是( A )。 A.商业发票 B.保险单 C.受益人证明 D.海运提单


额为进口货物完税价格的( D )。 A.1% B.0.1% C.0.5% D.0.05%

7.关于信用证修改业务,以下表述错误的是( D )。


B.受益人可以用交单的方式来表示是否接受信用证的修改内容 C.受益人可以用书面方式通知银行是否接受信用证的修改内容 D.受益人如果不用书面方式通知银行是否接受信用证的修改内容,则视为接受

8.我国海关对内地福利院以特定减免税进口的机动车辆的监管年限为( B )年。

A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 9.如果外贸业务员对国外客户的发盘内容(D ),则不属于还盘。

A.有条件接受 B.部分接受 C.实质性更改 D.非实质性更改

10.在出口业务中,若预测到本币汇率上升,计价外币汇率下降,出口商应争取( B )。

A.提前付款 B.提前收款

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第2页 (共12页)

C.推迟付款 D.推迟收款

11.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证中装运日期用“on or about”描述,则装运期间共( D )天。 A.5 B.7 C.9 D.11 12.亚洲最大的自由贸易区——“中国—东盟自由贸易区”已于2010

年1月1日成立,该自由贸易区成员有( D )个。 A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 13.我国进口消费税的完税价格为( D )。



C.进口关税的完税价格+进口关税 D.(进口关税的完税价格+进口关税)÷(1-进口消费税率) 14.外贸企业为了防范索马里海盗劫持货船造成的货物损失,可向保险公司投保( D )。

A.平安险 B.水渍险

C.水渍险+偷窃、提货不着险 D.水渍险+战争险 15.德国现行安全认证标志的英文缩写是( D )。



则该提单将成为( C )。 A.预借提单 B.倒签提单 C.过期提单 D.不清洁提单

17.承兑是( B )对远期汇票承诺到期付款的行为。

A.出票人 B.付款人 C.收款人 D.背书人 18.以下关于单耗的错误说法是( C )。

A.单耗是指加工贸易企业在正常生产条件下加工生产单位出口成品所耗用的进口保税料件的数量 B.单耗包括净耗和工艺损耗



外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第3页 (共12页)

况来核定和核销单耗 19.“拼箱/整箱”货物交接方式对应的英文缩写是( D )。

A.FCL/FCL B.FCL/LCL C.LCL/LCL D.LCL/FCL 20.根据我国进出口货物检验检疫的有关规定,报检人在向我国出入

境检验检疫机构办理报检手续并领取检验检疫单证后,下列哪种情况不用重新报检?( C ) A.改换包装或重新拼装 B.超过检验检疫有效期限 C.运输方式从空运改为海运

D.变更输入国家或地区,并有不同检验检疫要求 21.( A )is composed of a specific reference number, abbreviations of

consignee, the port of destination and the package number. A.Shipping mark B.Indicative mark C.Warning mark D.No mark

22.The word “about” used in connection with the amount of the credit is

to be construed as allowing a difference not to exceed more or less than the amount to which it renders. ( C ) A.5%, 5% B.5%, 10% C.10%, 10% D.10%, 5% 23.F. A. Q. is the abbreviation of( C ).

A.Free Average Quality B.Fair Average Quantity C.Fair Average Quality D.Free Average Quantity

24.The exporter or his agent is normally the person named as( A )

on a bill of lading or on an air waybill. A.shipper(托运人) B.underwriter C.consignee D.guarantor

25.Rock Co. wants to purchase lumber from Logging Co.. Rock Co. and

Logging Co. agree that a letter of credit will be used for payment. Who is the applicant?( A ) A.Rock Co. B.Logging Co. C.Bank D.None of them

26.Remitting bank is the bank to which the( A )entrusts the

collection items. A.principal B.payer

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第4页 (共12页)

C.drawee D.importer

27.Under a collection, a bank acts only as a collecting agent to( B )

the exporter in obtaining payment or acceptance of his draft before the release of documents to the importer. A.guarantee B.assist C.promote D.push

28.The issuing bank’s decision as to whether or not to accept the

documents will be based strictly on the principle that the( B )themselves must be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the credit, UCP600 and ISBP681. A.sales contract B.documents C.goods D.services

29.In insurance, the party who insures others against possible loss or

damage and promises to effect payment in case of loss or damage is called( C ). A.insured B.insurance C.underwriter D.consignor

30.International payments and other message are often sent through an

international computer network called( B ). A.CHAPS B.SWIFT C.CHIPS D.CHATS Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

As overseas sales and profits as a percentage of total sales and profits increase, there is likely to be more headquarters’ attention paid to foreign operations. Similarly, there will be pressures to centralize control in order to deal with the growing number of global competitors and the more homogenized(同质的) needs of global consumers. The need for centralization will present more challenges for MNEs in controlling their global operations.

One challenge involves management’s position in foreign facilities, where manager may see the erosion of their autonomy over marketing, production, and financial decisions. To keep those managers motivated, the company needs to include more nationalities on boards of directors and use cross-national management teams to develop practices that are

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第5页 (共12页)

globally rather than nationally oriented. But with such cross-national fertilization comes the risk of clashes between cultural traditions.

A second challenge for MNEs is a consequence of their size. A number of them already have sales larger than many countries’ GDPs. To manage such organizations may require even greater decentralization and more horizontal communication among subsidiaries in different countries that are mutually dependent on parts, products, and resources. This mutual dependence among subsidiaries may in turn require new hierarchical relationships within the organizational structure.

31.Usually headquarters would pay more attention to their foreign business if( A ).

A.their overseas sales and profits account for much of their total B.their overseas sales and profits increase C.their foreign operations perform well D.they have a better foreign market

32.The better a company’s overseas performance is, the more necessary for the company to( B ).

A.centralize its overseas control B.control its global operations C.guard against its competitors D.present more challenges to itself

33.If the company fails to control its foreign business, the headquarters’

position will be shaken in that( A ).

A.its foreign management often challenges the headquarters

B.foreign management may make its own decisions without asking

for the headquarters’ permission

C.foreign management might try to be independent in marketing,

production, and financial decisions

D.headquarters’ decisions are often ignored

34.In order to ( C ), the company needs to include more

nationalities on boards of directors and use cross-national management teams.

A.keep those foreign operation managers loyal to the headquarter B.be nationally oriented C.be globally oriented

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第6页 (共12页)

D.keep the foreign management from independence

35.The relation among subsidiaries preferred by an MNE is( C ).

A.greater decentralization B.mutual dependence C.easy communication D.everlasting independence Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

In addition to visible trade, which involves the import and export of goods, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between countries.

Transportation service across national boundaries is an important kind of invisible trade. International transportation involves different means of transport such as ocean ships, planes, trains, trucks and inland water vessels. However, the most important of them is maritime ships. When an export arranges shipment, he generally books space in the cargo compartment of a ship or charters a whole vessel. Some countries such as Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets and earn a lot by way of this invisible trade.

Insurance is another important kind of invisible trade. In the course of transportation, a cargo is vulnerable to many risks such as collision, pilferage, fire, storm, exploration, and even war. Goods being transported in international trade must be insured against loss or damage. Large insurance companies provide service for international trade and earn fees for other nations’ foreign trade. Lloyd’s of London is a leading exporter of this service.

Tourism is yet another important form of invisible trade. Many countries may have beautiful scenery, wonderful attractions, places of historical interest, or merely a mild and sunny climate. These countries attract large numbers of tourists, who spend money for traveling, hotel accommodations, meals, taxis, and so on. Some countries depend heavily on tourism for their foreign exchange earnings, and many countries are making great efforts to develop their tourism.

The fourth type of invisible trade meriting attention is called immigrant remittance. This refers to the money sent back to home countries by people working in a foreign land. Import and export of labor service may be undertaken by individuals, or organized by companies or

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第7页 (共12页)

even by states. And this is becoming an important kind of invisible trade for some countries.

Invisible trade can be as important to some countries as visible trade is to others. In reality, the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.

36.According to the definition of invisible trade, the followings belong to invisible trade except( A ).

A.foreign trade consultation B.car selling C.after-sale-service D.on-line software maintenance 37.Lloyd’s is the leading company of( A ).

A.transportation B.insurance C.tourism D.import and export 38.Immigrant remittance means( B ).

A.money sent back to home country by the people working abroad B.money paying for the commodity they buy C.the salary they own

D.the money people possess

39.According to the meaning of the passage, China at present engages mostly in( C ).

A.visible trade B.invisible trade C.combination of the two D.commodity trade

40.How many types of invisible trade are mentioned in the passage?

( A ) A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 得 分 评卷人 复查人 二、多项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡





1.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,采用FOB贸易术语时,卖方的义务包括( ACD )。

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第8页 (共12页)

A.取得出口许可证或其他官方许可,办理出口报关手续 B.租船或订舱,支付运费



2.出口到德国的货物,其包装材料要遵循该国“3R”原则,“3R”是指( ABC )。

A.Reuse B.Reduce C.Recycle D.Recreate

3.在进出口业务中,构成有效发盘的条件有( ABCD )。

A.发盘要有特定的受盘人 B.发盘的内容必须十分确定 C.表明发盘人愿意接受约束的意思 D.发盘必须送达受盘人 4.在进口业务中,以下哪些情况需要分单填报进口货物报关单?

( ABCD )

A.同一批货物,由不同运输工具运输进境 B.同一运输工具运输进境,但是属于不同合同 C.同一批货物,但是商品名称、规格型号不同 D.同一个合同的货物,但是贸易方式不同


( ABC )。 A.财产损害赔偿 B.人身损害赔偿 C.精神损害赔偿 D.道德损害赔偿 6.以下哪些单据不属于结汇单据?( BCD )

A.商业发票 B.投保单 C.报检单 D.海运提单

7.国际贸易分类中,以下属于无形贸易的有( ACD )。

A.知识产权贸易 B.货物贸易 C.服务贸易 D.技术贸易 8.下列哪些方式属于进口贸易融资?( ABC )

A.提货担保 B.开证授信 C.假远期信用证 D.打包贷款


的凭证有( ABD )。

A.出口货物报关单(出口退税联) B.出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用)

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第9页 (共12页)

C.增值税专用发票(抵扣联) D.出口货物外销发票 10.知识产权的特征包括( ABCD )。

A.客体的无形性 B.专有性 C.地域性 D.时间性 得 分 评卷人 复查人 三、判断题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,





1.根据《URC522》的规定,未经银行事先同意,货物不能直接发给银行,也不能缮制成以银行为收货人的记名提单。否则,由发货人自行承担货物的风险和责任。 ( √ ) 2.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,在CIF LANDED术语条件下,卖方应负责办理货物的进口批文。 ( × ) 3.根据《UCP600》的规定,如果信用证禁止分批装运,可转让信用

证只能转让一次;如果信用证允许分批装运,可转让信用证可转让多次。 ( × ) 4.进口商在申请开证时必须向开证行缴纳开证保证金。 ( × ) 5.合同中规定允许加工的零件尺寸有一定误差,该条款属于品质公

差条款。 ( √ ) 6.来料加工贸易合同一般包括进口料件合同和出口成品合同。( ) 7.空白指示抬头提单中,“收货人”一栏不填写任何内容。( ) 8.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》的规定,采用FAS贸易术语时,如买方所派船只不能靠岸,则买方要承担驳船费用。 ( ) 9.在采用FOB贸易术语的进口业务中,进口商若使用L/C支付方式,其申请开证工作一般是在租船订舱工作之后。 ( ) 10.信用证业务中,开证行负第一性付款责任,保兑行负第二性付款

责任。 ( ) 11.出口信用保险是我国对外贸易救济措施之一。 ( ) 12.在托收业务中,托收行与代收行之间是委托代理关系。( √ ) 13.监管证件代码“B”代表入境货物通关单。 ( ) 14.Pro forma invoice has legal status, and its details are normally

transferred to a commercial invoice. ( )

外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第10页 (共12页)

15.The importer will normally require the exporter to present shipped on

board B/L, for it provides better guarantee for both negotiating bank and the consignee. ( √ )

得 分 评卷人 复查人




具有相应的行为能力(3)合同的标的必须合法 (4)合同的内容必须合法(5)合同必须有对价或约因

2.在采用FOB贸易术语的进口业务中,进口商若使用L/C支付方式,简述其在履约阶段的业务操作流程。 答:(1)申请开证

(2)租船订舱 (3)投保(4)对外付款 (5)

接货 (6)报检 (7)报关




(2)若合同或信用证中没有写明具体的主唛,则出口商可以选择“No Mark”或“N/M”来表示无主唛,或自行设计一个具体的主唛;



外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第11页 (共12页)

(5)若合同或信用证规定的主唛用英文表示图形,如“KKK in diamond”或“KKK in triangle” 或“KKK in circle”等,则应将菱形或三角形或圆形等具体图形表示出来。






(5) 所提的不符点是违背信用证条款、UCP600和最新的ISBP。

得 分 评卷人 复查人 五、案例分析题(每小题5分,共10分)

1.2009年10月,河北鼎盛裘皮进出口有限公司外贸业务员Jack通过“在线广交会平台”结识法国Hut Industries Inc.经理Henry,双方通过磋商订立了裘皮服装买卖合同,价值18万美元,采用CIP Paris, France贸易术语,运输方式为空运,支付方式为D/P at sight。同年11月,河北鼎盛裘皮进出口有限公司空运出口货物后,备妥各种单据,委托中国银行河北省分行向Hut Industries Inc.托收货款。但是,Hut Industries Inc.拒绝付款。后经查询,货物早已被空运单上的收货人——Hut Industries Inc.提走。Jack与Henry多方联系,都无音讯。




(2)空运单是非物权凭证,空运单的收货人凭承运人的到货通知和有关身份证明提货,并在提货时在随货运到的空运托运单上签收,而不要求收货人凭空运单提货。因此采用D/P at sight 结算方式和空运方式,出口商是无法控制货物所有权的。


外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第12页 (共12页)





请你以金帆公司外贸业务员的身份,拟出上述案例的处理方案。 2.(1)由于风帆公司是民营企业,根据《商务部办公厅关于民营企业开展机电产品国际采购有关问题的通知》规定,民营企业国际采购机电产品可以不进行招标,自主选择采购方式。风帆公司进口数控机床虽属于法定国际招标范围,但企业性质属民营,可向省商务厅申请“免招标”进口,直接申领“O”证后再报关进口。




外贸业务基础理论试卷(A卷) 第13页 (共12页)




