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1、The King’s Beloved Cat


One day , the king?s beloved cat climbed up into a tree .(一天国王的爱猫爬到了树上) The king very worried about him. (国王特别担心他) The king tried to get the cat to come down .(国王尽力让这只猫从树上下来) But the cat was not willing to climb down.(但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

The queen didn?t like the cat . She yelled , “I command you to come down now!” But the cat wouldn?t climb down .(王后不喜欢这只猫,她大声地喊道:“我命令你现在马上下来。但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

The king?s chef brought chicken pies and said , “Here , kitty! These are for you!” But the cat still wouldn?t climb down . (国王的主厨带来了几块鸡肉并说:“小猫咪,看这里,这是给你的”, 但这只猫还是没下来。)

A magician said a magic spell : “Ding , dang , dong ! Dong , dang , ding …” But the cat still wouldn?t come down .(一个魔术师念着咒语说:“叮当咚!咚当叮------”, 但这只猫还是不愿意下来。)

A fisherman brought a fresh fish for the cat . But the cat still wouldn?t come down .(于是一个渔夫拿来一条新鲜的鱼为这只猫,猫还是不行。)

The king was very upset . He asked , “ What is the problem ?”(国王非常的伤心,他说:这究竟是什么问题呢)

The king?s advisors said ,”The problem is the tree . Cut the tree down , and the cat will come down!”(国王的顾问说:“是树的问题,把它砍了,猫就下来了。)

The king happily ordered a woodcutter to cut down the tree . Suddenly a child?s voice was heard from the crowd . (国王很高兴于是救命令樵夫砍树。突然从人群中传来了一个孩子的声音。)

“My king , I think you should be more patient and wait . The cat will dome down when he wants to .” (“国王,你应该再耐心的等等。”当这只猫想下来的时候自然会下来。)

That night , the king was sleeping . Suddenly , he felt something on his quilt . Then he happily cried , “My lovely cat!” (那天晚上,国王正在睡觉。突然间,他觉得什么东西在他被子上。原来是小猫,国王高兴得叫到:“我可爱的小猫咪啊”。

Kitty in the Tree

Kitty , kitty in the tree ,

Will you please come back to me ? Help me , help me , all of you . Someone tell me what to do ! Don?t stay in the tree !

Please come down , my pretty Kitty !

Why won’t You Come Down?

Oh! My lovely cat , my lovely cat ! Why won?t you come down? Why won?t you come down? I will , I will. (x2) But not now , but not now . When will you come down ? When will you come down ? When I want to , I will come down . I will come down .



2、Where is Santa Claus

Christmas is coming ! Everyone is waiting for Santa Claus .

“Bad news ,bad news! Santa Claus is missing. Santa Claus is missing,” the goat said.

“That is not true. I will go find Santa Claus,” Piggy said . “Is Santa Claus on the roof ?” Piggy asked. “No, he is not here , ” the rooster said .

“Is Santa Claus under the ground ? ”Piggy asked. “No ,he is not here .” the marmot said. “Is Santa Claus in the river ? ” Piggy asked. “No, he is not here. ” The turtle said. “Is Santa Claus in the cave ? ” Piggy asked. “No , he is not here. ” The lion said.

“Where is Santa Claus? It?s dark. I have to hurry and find him.” Suddenly, Piggy heard a sound , “Help! Help! I?m so cold.” “Let me help you , Snowman ,” Piggy said. He gave the snowman his gloves and scarf .

Then Piggy made a fire. Piggy found Santa Claus was inside. “Santa Claus , I found you! I found you!” That night , Santa Claus went to Piggy?s home. Piggy was very happy.

Where is Santa?

Where is Santa? Where is Santa? Is he on the roof? No, no , no! Is he under ground? No, no ! Is the river or the cave ? No, no , no! Where is Santa? Where is Santa? Shhh! I hear a sound ! Mister Snowman, is that you Santa? Look what I have found !

3、The Warm – hearted Little Rabbit


Mama Rabbit is picking carrots. Little Rabbit is playing . They see a butterfly flying in the sky . (兔妈妈在采胡萝卜,兔宝宝在旁边玩耍。她们看到一只蝴蝶在空中飞舞着。)

Good morning , Mrs. Rabbit and Little Rabbit .

Good morning , butterfly . How gracefully you fly. ( 你飞舞的姿势好优美啊。) Thank you Mrs. Rabbit . Good-bye , butterfly .

Mama Rabbit and Little Rabbit see a squirrel pick acorns. (看到一只松鼠在采摘橡树子。) Good morning , Mrs. Rabbit and Little Rabbit .

Good morning , squirrel . How hard you work! (你工作的好努力啊!) Thank you , Mrs. Rabbit . Good-bye , squirrel .

Mama Rabbit and Little Rabbit see a pony . He is standing on three legs .(他只用三只脚站立着。)

Good morning , Mrs. Rabbit and Little Rabbit .

Good morning , my dear pony . What happened to your leg ? Does it hurt ? I fell yesterday .(我昨天跌倒了) It hurts but it?s OK . I still can walk . How brave you are ! (你好勇敢啊) Thank you , Mrs. Rabbit . Good-bye , pony .

OK , dear , it?s time for lunch . Let?s go into the house . But Mama how about me ?

You gave the butterfly a flower . You helped the squirrel pick acorns .(你送给蝴蝶一朵花,你帮助松鼠采橡树子。) And you gave the pony a carrot . What a warm-hearted bunny you are ! (你给了小马一根胡萝卜, 你真是一支好心的小兔子。)

A little Praise

Give a little praise .

Always give a little praise ! Little Rabbit and his mom , Are so smart in what they say . They know that just a little praise , Will make a happy day !


赞美的话真棒! 兔妈妈的赞美让飞的很优美的蝴蝶小的更美丽;让辛苦的松鼠心情


4、The Wonderful Fish(秒秒鱼)

Once upon a time , there was a fish kingdom under the sea .

The king of the fish had four children . They were Swimmer , Jumper , Beauty and Wonderful .

Hi , my name is Swimmer . I can swim very fast .

Hi , my name is Beauty . I have many beautiful scales . Hi , my name is Jumper . I can jump very high . Hi , my name is Wonderful . I …

Every fish in the kingdom was happy and smiled every day , except Wonderful . My brothers and sisters are good , but I am not , said Wonderful .

What can I do to be wonderful ? (我该怎么做才可以变得更好呢?)asked Wonderful . Maybe I need to swim very fast . Maybe I need to jump very high .

Maybe I need to put on many beautiful scales . Why am I still not wonderful ? Wonderful was sad .

Then the king of the fish swam by and said , My son , Wonderful ! You don?t need to do anything to be wonderful .(然后国王又过来说:“我的孩子秒秒鱼,你不需要做任何事情来证明你很好。)

Why , Father ? asked Wonderful .

Because , my son ,you are already wonderful . That?s why I gave you the name Wonderful , answered the king .(“ 我的孩子,因为你本来就很美好了。那就是为什么我会给你取秒秒鱼这个名字啊!” 国王回答说。)

From then on , Wonderful was happy and smiled every day .(从那以后,秒秒鱼每天都很快乐。)

You Are Wonderful !

You?re not just any fish in the sea . You?re just wonderful to me !

You are special and you?re the only one ! I am special and you?re the only one ! I am special and I?m the only one ! You?re wonderful ! I?m wonderful !

Wonderful ! wonderful ! Wonderful !




