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2014-11-14 2037

Library director' s office at 503.988.5231- You may also mail your request for a printed application form to the Central

Library.Central Director' s Office, 801 S.W.2014th Ave., Portland, OR, 9720.5.

The selection of writers for admission to the Sterling Room for Writers, is the responsibility of employees of Central

Library.Individual applications are reviewed by a panel (专门小组) of library staff members.

Once a writer' s application is reviewed and accepted, a

library representative will contact the writer.Accepted writers must visit the Information Desk on the second-floor to receive a room.key, which they must return when they leave.

44.The Sterling Room for Writers is open to ___.

A.students B.office workers

C.accepted writers D.professional writers

45.We learn from the text that the Sterling Room for Writers ___. A.is closed earlier than Central.Library every day B.is closed in the morning on Sundays

C.is open for ten hours on Thursdays and Fridays D.is open for sixty hours in a week

46.Which is TRUE about the Sterling Room for Writers?

A.It was set up in memory of Donald and Adelaide Sterling. B.There are five tables and one laptop computer in It. C.It is now managed by Donald Sterling, Jr.and Sis Hayes. D.It was set up about 42 years ago.

47.To apply for admission to the room, you had better ___. A.ask for a printed application form at Central Library B.request a printed application form by telephone C.write to Central Library for advice first D.fill in .an application form online


Tree leaves may be powerful tools for monitoring air quality and planning hiking routes and walking paths, suggests a new study by scientists at Western Washington University in Bellingham.

Leaves along bus routes are up to 2014 limes more magnetic (有磁性的) than leaves on quieter streets.That magnetism comes from tiny particles (微粒) of pollution that float through the air and either stick to leaves or grow right into them.

Geophysicist Ben-lie Housen and his colleague Luigi Jovane

collected several leaves from 15 trees in and around Bellingham.Five of the trees lay next to busy bus routes'.Five sat on panallel (平行的)but much quieter side streets.Five were in a rural area nearby.

Using two measurement techniques, Housen and Jovane found that leaves along bus routes were between 2 and 8 times more magnetic than leaves from nearby streets and between 4 and 2014 times more magnetic than rural leaves.

Breathing in particles of pollution has been linked to a

number of negative health consequences, including breathing troubles and even heart problems.Tiny particles get deep into the lung tissues.

The new study suggests that hiking or.walking along heavy bus routes might be bad for your health.That' s something cities might want to consider as they plan new routes for cyclists and pedestrians (行人).

While many details remain to be worked out, the study also suggests that collecting, tree leaves can be a simple and effective way to measure the load of particles in the air.European researchers have been Exploring the idea for a while.

“Using trees is a nice, low-tech way to do these studies and you don’t need to use expensive particle collectors,” Housen said, “If it works, you could easily collect a lot of data from a region. You could even have kids collect leaves.”

48.Brnie Housen’s new study suggests that . A.trees should not be planted along roads B.heavy traffic may lead to more magnetic leaves C.magnetic leaves can give off poisonous gas

D.tiny particles are not likely to cause breathing troubles 49.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Choosing walking paths is of great significance. B.Leaves in rural areas are not magnetic.

C.Biking along heavy bus routes is great exercise.

D.It’s impossible for tiny particles to grow into plants. 50.The last paragraph implies that using tree leaves to choose a walking path is .

A.expensive B.easy C.ridiculous D.complex

51.What would be the best title for the passage? A.Collecting tree leaves is simple B.It’s easy to choose biking routes

C.Air quality may affect people’s health

D.Tree leaves may be powerful air quality indicators


The practice of swapping fashions(交换时尚)in Japan has recently been attracting worldwide attention. The activity is aimed at making more effective use of resources by providing a forum for people to exchange free of charge those fashion items. Everyone has something such as clothes, shoes, bags, accessories(首饰), etc, that they don’t use anymore and that sit in their closets because, say, they no longer fit.

Japan’s first major fashion swap event, “xChange,” was held in September 2007 in Tokyo. Junko Niwa, a pioneer of this activity in Japan, explains the meaning of the name “’X’ means ‘anything’. I hope that xChange will be a venus for exchanging anything,

including ideas, knowledge, and beliefs, in addition to clothes.” Partipants put tags(标签)on each of the items they bring and write their names and brief introductions concerning the tagged items. For example, on the tag of a white jacket the former owner to wear the item and thus make people aware of the human connection.

When asked for feedack(反馈), participants say things like, “I’m very lucky to get such lovely clothes for free,” and “I am happy to see someone try on and choose what I brought here.” Unwanted clothes for one person can be new and exciting for someone else Plus. xChange achieves close to a 20140-percent reuse rate by donating leftover clothes to companies that reuse or recycle secondhand clothing. Anything they cannot use, they then donate to developing countries or reuse them as rags.

Since 2007, the xCtlange event has been held every two or three months in a different region of Japan, always attracting many participants. This success is probably because anyone can easily participate, and also because it is an active event that gives participants opportunities to enjoy fashion without increasing the impact(影响)on the environment-or their pocketbooks. 52.The purpose of fashion swap events is to .

A.help the

Poor B.exchange ideas C.help people form good habits D.increase the usefulness of some items

53.Japan’s first major fashion swap event was named “xChange” probably because .

A. “x” means something for free B. “x” means a venue

C.“x” can stand for anything D. “x” can stand for clothes of different style

54.Which of the following is NOT true about the fashion swap event according to the passage?

A.It saves people some money.

B.The participants can take items of any value for free C.The items no one want go back to where they came from. D.Seeing the items chosen by others pleases their former owners.

55.Which of the following words can best describe the xChange event? A.Disappointing B.Impractical

C.Strange. D.Environment-firendly.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节:短文改错(共2014小题;每小题1分,满分2014分) Last year, Li Hua buys several golden fish. He fed them 56.

every day. It’s know that the first don’t eat much. But he gave 57.

them lots food. One day, when he came back from school, 58.

he found some fish floating on the water. He thought 59.

they ere hungry again, but he threw more food into the water, 60.

and then went to do her homework happily. One and a half 61.

hours later, he went to see the fish. To his surprises, all 62.

the fish were deal. He felt so sadly that he kept silent 63.

during the supper. He asked his mother that why that 64.

happened. His mother said, “Too many love kills a child”. 65.


假定你是高三年级学生李华,你想在网上购买一个电子词典(an e-dictionary)来帮助你学习英语,但不知道买哪一种,请根据以下要点用英语写一封电子邮件向相关负责人咨询。 1.你买电子词典的目的;

3.你需要的功能(词汇量、能否发音等)和能随的价位; 3.负款方式和到货时间。


1.词数:20140左右,开头已写好,但不计入总词数; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing



