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Test 4


Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

A. together with B. left C. finished D. dinner E. waste A young man had a small business. He worked very hard, and he made a lot of money. One day, he had 1 with a businessman. He wanted the man to become his business partner. When they finished the dinner, there were two dumplings 2 . The young man told the waitress, \nd I’d like to take them home.\ the young man. He said, \great. He has lots of money but he won't 4 it.\

A. hard B. came from C. draw D enjoy E. pointed to Van is Jim's new friend at school. Van 5 a country far away. He doesn't talk like the other children in school. But he can do numbers and 6 . The teacher asked Jim to show Van around and help him.

Van sat with Jim and his friends at lunch. Jim showed Van how to play kickbal1. Jim 7 something and said the word. Van tried to say the word.

Van is learning many new words. He wants to learn how to read. Van is happy that Jim helps him and is his friend. Jim likes Van too because Van tries so 8


Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Harry keeps a diary. He writes in it every day. Here is his diary for a week in May.

Monday 15th. It rained all day so we did not have PE class. We stayed in our classrooms and read our library books.

Tuesday 16th. I missed the bus and was late for school. It wasn't my fault(过错). The bus was early.

Wednesday 17th. I had an English exam today. 1 got 96%. It's my highest grade ever. I made only one mistake. I used the wrong tense( 时态) in a sentence.

Thursday 18th. I went swimming with Ben. We had lessons with a swimming instructor(教练). He taught us how to dive.

Friday 19th. I was sick all day. I caught a cold at the swimming pool. I stayed in bed and slept all day. I felt better in the evening. I'm glad it was Friday and not Saturday or Sunday.

Saturday 20th. I was much better today, but Mom made me stay at home. I watched television all day. It was boring.

Sunday 21st. I didn't do anything interesting today.

1. Why didn't Harry's class have PE class on Monday? A. Because they had to read their library books. B. Because they missed the bus. C. Because it rained all day

D. Because they had an English Exam. · 2. What happened on Tuesday? A. Harry was sick all day.

B. Harry missed the bus and was late for school. C. Harry got to school early.

D. Harry 's bus late and he was late for school. 3. What was Harry's only mistake in the English exam? A. He spelled one word incorrectly. B. He used the wrong tense in a sentence. C. He used the wrong sentence.

D. He used the wrong word in a sentence. 4.What did Harry learn to do on Thursday? A. He learned to swim. C. He learned to teach.

B. He learned to dive. D. He learned to sleep.

5. On which day did Harry miss school? A. Tuesday.

B. Wednesday.

C. Monday. D. Friday.

6. Why did Harry stay at home on Saturday? A. Because his mom made him.

B. Because he wanted to watch television. C. Because he still felt sick.

D. Because he wanted to sleep all day.


Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Cindy found three baby birds on the grass in the yard. Near the babies, there was a bird's nest(巢) on the ground. She also noticed two birds 1 up and down in a tall tree nearby. \must be the mommy and daddy,\aunt for 2 After lunch, Aunt arrived and knew what had happened. \ 3 blew the nest out of the tree.\she said. \better make a new nest.\She found an empty plastic basket, washed and dried it. Then Cindy put the bird's nest in it and put the baby birds inside the nest. After these, they went outside with the nest and a ladder. Aunt 4 up the ladder and tied the new nest to the tree. \and waited and 5 the mommy and daddy birds jumped to the place where the nest hung. One of the birds put food into the babies' mouths. Cindy 6 when she watched the babies eat their lunch.

1. A. falling 2. A. answer 3. A. rain 4, A. flew

B. breaking B. question B. wind B. ran B. finally B. pointed

C. beating C. help C. cloud

D. jumping D. idea D. river D. walked D. happily D. shouted

C. climbed C. suddenly C. called

5. A. luckily 6. A. smiled


Read the passage and粗1 in the blanks with suitable words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they c 1 him. But while they were taking photographs of him—from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, w 2 a hat—he suddenly attacked (袭击) the policemen and ran off. They tried to catch him, but he got away.

Then a week later the telephone r 3 in the police-station, and somebody said, \looking for Bill Cross, aren't you?\


\ here for Waterbridge an hour ago.\Waterbridge was a small town about 100 miles from the city. The city police at once sent four d 5 photographs of the thief to the police in Waterbridge.

Less t 6 twelve hours later they got a telephone call from the police in Waterbridge. \have caught three of the men. They said h 7 and we will catch the fourth this evening. We think.\


Answer the questions(根据短文内容,回答下列问题)

One day Susan Li was walking along the street when she saw her friend Lisa Wu. She had not seen her old friend for some time so she said, \and cake in that cafe.\

She pointed to a nearby cafe. Lisa agreed, so the two friends went into the cafe. Susan ordered. \

The waitress wrote down their order and went away. She soon returned with the cake and the pot of tea.

Susan saw immediately that one piece of cake was a little bigger than the other. However, she was well-mannered (很有礼貌的) so she picked up the plate and offered it to Lisa,



Susan was angry \\you have taken?\



1. Where did the two girls go for a drink?

2. What did they order?

3. Who took their order?

4. Who took the first piece of cake?

5. Who was angry?

6. Which piece of cake did Susan say she would have chosen?

