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1. What a clever boy he is ! 他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊! 2. What bad weather it is! 多么糟糕的天气啊! 3. What heavy boxes they are 多么重的箱子啊!! 4. How heavily it rained! 雨下得好大啊! 5. How happy he feels! 他感到多开心啊1 6. How time flies! 光阴似箭!

7. How clever a boy he is! 他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊! 根据以上例句,可以总结以下句式:

1. What + a/an + adj +单名 + (主谓) !

2. What + adj + 名词(不可数名词、复数名词)+(主谓) ! 3. How + adj/adv + 主谓!

4. How + adj + a/an + 单名 + 主谓 ! 5. How + 主谓

从以上感叹句的结构中,我们可以看出,在What引导的感叹句中,去掉主谓之后,总是有名词,单数名词前则用不定冠词;复数名词或不可数名词,则不用不定冠词。在How引导的感叹句中,除4 之外,去掉主谓之后,没有名词,4是一种特殊句式。从而可得出以下顺口溜:

What/How选择快,特殊一种除在外。 去掉主谓往前看, 有无名词是关键。 无名How是首选,有名What要判断。 冠不冠,名词看,单名 a/an 用于前。

你看懂了吗?请试着做下面的练习题。 ( )1. useful book it is!

A. What B.What a C.What an D.How ( ) 2. -- bad weather ! --Yes.But I think it’s going to be fine soon.

A.How B.What a C.What an D.What ( ) 3. _______ news! We all feel excited.

A. What a good B. How good a C. What good D. How good ( ) 4. ______ weather! We have to stay at home.

A. What a bad B. What a good C. What bad D. How bad

巧学妙记(2):a few ,few, a little, little用法及区别巧记法

你能快速掌握a few, few, a little, little 这四个词或词组的用法吗?下面让我告诉你一个好方法。

a few 和few 是用来修饰可数名词复数形式或指代可数名词复数形式,不过a few表示肯定含义,相当于some; 而few表示否定含义,相当于no.

例如:1. There are a few books on the desk . 桌子上有几本书。

2. I am new here, so I have few friends. 我刚到这儿,因


A little和little 是用来修饰不可数名词,不过a little表示肯定含义,也相当于some, 而little也表示否定含义,相当于no.

例如:1. There is a little food in the fridge, you needn’t buy any.冰箱里有一些吃的,你不必买了。

2. I am thirsty, but there is little water in the glass. 我渴了,但杯子里没水了。

但是a little还可作副词,常可以修饰动词、形容词副词原级和形容词副词比较级,表示各种程度。

例如:1. I like English a little. 我有一点喜欢英语。 2. He feels a little cold today. 今天他感到有点冷。

3. He listens a little more carefully than I.他比我认真听一点。


带a肯定去a否,不可数名词用little。 few用于复名前,a little用法没说完。 修饰谓动原比较,表示程度要记好。


1. 首先判断一下指代何意或横线后面是何名词。若是可数名词复

数,则选择a little或little; 若是不可数名词,则选择a few或few , 再根据句意,肯定含义,用带a; 否定含义,用不带a 的形式。

2. 当修饰形容词、副词或动词时,常a little表示某种程



( ) 1. She feels lonely because she has _______ friends here.

A. a few B. a little C. few D. little

( )2. The problem was too difficult for the children , so ____of them worked it out .

A. a little B. few C. little D. a lot

( )3. He has money , so he can’t offerd to buy a new house .

A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( ) 4.Give me more minutes, and I can work it out . A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 利用上面顺口溜,你会做上面的习题吗?


巧学妙记(3):方位介词in on to用法巧记

当你在用英语说到“某地在哪个方位时”,你能正确使用方位介词in on to吗?下面我教你一个绝妙的方法。

in the + 方位词 + of ... 用于在某一范围内的地区。 例如:Taiwan is in the east of China.台湾在中国的东部。 on the + 方位词 + of ... 用于相互接壤(相连)且互不管辖的两个地区。

例如:Shanghai lies on the east of Jiangsu. 上海位于江苏的东部。 To the + 方位词 + of ... 用于互不接壤且互不管辖的两个地区。 例如:Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国东部。 再看下面图示:


图1 图2 图3 图1. A is/lies in the + 方位词 + of + B. 表示:A在B内部的某个方位。

图2. A is/lies on the + 方位词 + of + B. 表示:A在B接壤的且互不管辖的某个方位。

图3. A is/lies to the + 方位词 + of + B. 表示:A在B不接壤的且互不管辖的某个方位。


内in外连on , to外不接壤 。

现在你会使用方位介词了吗?请做下面试题。 1. Shanghai is the east of Anhui. 2. Hainan Island lies the south of China. 3.Russia is the north of China.

4.Taiwan lies the east of Fujian, and the east of China.




在初中阶段,谓语动词常使用就近原则的主要有下面四种句型: 1. either...or...“ 要么...要么...;或者...或者...”表示两者选取其中一个的含义。

例如:Either he or I am wrong. 不是他错了就是我错了。 2. neither...nor... “既不...也不...”表示两者都不的含义。 例如:Neither you nor he is able to ski, but I am. 你不会滑雪,他也不会滑雪,但我会。

3.Not only...but also...“不但...而且...”表示两者都的含义。 例如:Not only you but also he likes English .不但你喜欢英语,他也喜欢英语。

4.There be... and... sp. 某处有...和... 表示某处有两种或两个以上人物。

例如:There is a pen and some books on the desk. 桌子上有一杆钢笔和一些书。


either... or ... 两其一,

neither... nor... 两不提。 not only ... but also..., 表 示 两 者 一 样 都。 某 处 某 时 有 什 么, 连 接 两 主 近 原 则。


( )1. I’ve no time to talk with you .You may stay here go with me .

A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also

( ) 2. The weather in Britain is ____too cold in winter___too hot in summer. and

A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. or;

( ) 3. ____ my mother ______ my sister watches football games these days.

A. Either; nor B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. Neither; or

( ) 4. I may live _______ in a hotel _______ in a friend’s house.

A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. between; and

( )5. Both you and he can’t go to see a film. at home. A. Both you and he are B. Neither you nor he is C. Either you or he is D. Not only you but also he is 你掌握这些句式的含义和用法了吗?

巧学妙记(5):used to do sth , be used to do sth , be used to doing sth 用法巧记


我们知道used to + 动词原形,如:used to do sth 表示“过去常常干某事”;used to be 表示“过去常常/曾经是...”

例如:1. Tom used to get up late, but now he gets up very early.汤姆过去常常起床晚,但现在他起床很早。

2. His grandfather used to be a Chinese teacher.他的爷爷曾经是一位语文老师。

而be used to do sth 表示“...被用于干... ”。

例如:Knives are used to cut things. 刀子是用来切割东西的。 be used to doing sth 表示“习惯于干某事”

例如:The students in Renhe Middle School are used to getting up. 通过以上例句,我概括总结下面一则顺口溜:

习惯过去常被用, 结构含义要记清。 used to + 动原, 过去常常把事干。 其前若多动词be, 表示被用之含义。 be used to+动名 习惯之意表主动。

通过这则顺口溜,你觉得这三个短语好记吗?请做下面选择题。 ( )1. They used to up late, but now they are used to

up early.

A. getting ; getting B. getting ; get C. get ; get D. get ; getting ( ) 2. There some fiowers on the desk, but now there is nothing on it.

A. are B. are used to be C. used to be D.are used to ( ) 3. I used to ______ in the country for a long time. So I’m

not used to ______ in a big city now.

A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live ( ) 4.Tom _______ late last year, but now he _______up early.

A. used to sleep, is used to get B. is used to sleeping, used to get C. used to sleep, is used to getting D. got used to sleep, used to get



你会使用“so+助+主”,“nor/neither+助+主”和“so+主+助”,这三种句式吗? 以及它们的区别吗?下面我将用一个巧妙的方法,让你快速掌握。

1.“so+助+主” 表示前面所说的情况也适合于另外一个人/物 例如:a. You are a student, so is he. 你是学生,他也是。

b. You like English, so do I . 你喜欢英语,我也喜欢。 c. They will go on a spring field trip, so will we. 他们去


d. You have seen the film before, so has Tom. 你以前看


e. – I can swim. – So can I .—我会游泳。-- 我也会。

从以上例句我们可以看出,前后两句话的主语所做的事情及所处的状态是一样的,并且前后两句话的时态谓语动词形式常保持一致。 2.“nor/neither+助+主” 表示前面所说的否定情况也适合另外一个人/物。

例如: a. Tom can’t swim, nor can I . 汤姆不会游泳,我也不会。 b. Kangkang didn’t finished his homework yesterday, neither did Jane. 昨天康康没有完成家庭作业,简也没有。 c. I wasn’t at home yesterday, nor was my sister. 昨天我不在家,我的妹妹也不在家。


3. “so+主+助” 对前面所说的情况表示肯定或赞同。 例如: a. ---You are a student.你是学生。

--So I am.是的,我是学生。

b. -- Tom is the best student in his class.汤姆是他班级当中最优秀的学生

-- So he is.是的,他就是最优秀的学生。


注意: “so+助+主”与“nor/neither+助+主”的句式,常常以一人叙述或两人对话的形式;而“so+助+主”的句式,常常用两人对话的形式。


so助nor助与主连, so肯nor否没说完。 前后两主同样事, 时态形式要一致。 So+主助之形式, 赞同对方陈述事。 双方主语一人物, 同样时态要记住。



式要保持一致。“So+主+助”的形式,表示赞同对方所说的事,两句话的主语是同一个人物。明白了吗?请做下面习题: ( )1. --- Jack likes playing football, but he can’t play it well. --- .

A. So does his brother B. Nor does his brother C. So is his brother D. So his brother is ( )2. ---I can’t see the picture well from here . --- .

A. Neither can’t I B. Neither can I C. Neither I can D. I can’t neither

( )3. If you don’t go to see a film tomorrow, .

A. neither do I B.neither will I C. so do I D. so will I ( )4. --- John won first prize in the contest. --- .

A. So he did B. So did he C. So he did too D. So did he too ( )5. He has finished his homework , and so .

A. I have B. have I C. has he D. he has ( )6. He can hardly drive a car . .

A. So can I B. Can’t I either C. So can I D. Neither can I ( )7. It was very hot yesterday, and today.

A. so was it B. so it was C. so is it D. so it is ( )8. If you go on a spring field trip tomorrow, .

A. so do I B. so will I C. neither do I D. nor will I 这些习题你做对了吗?见下面答案。

答案:1—4ABBA 5—8 BDCB



1. 作表语。

数词词组在句中作表语,表示某事物的度量。例如: 1) Tom is sixteen years this year. 汤姆今年16岁了。

2) The building is about 80 meters high. 这幢大楼大约80米高。 从以上例句可以看出数词词组作表语形式是:“数词 + 复数形式(单位)+ 形容词”。 2. 作定语。

1) Tom is a sixteen – year – old boy . 汤姆是一个16 岁的男孩。 2) Jane is an eight – year – old girl . 简是一个8岁的女孩。

