
更新时间:2023-09-18 06:15:01 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载


Unit 2 A telephone call

第一课时 一.教学内容

1. Look, read and learn的大部分

2. Work in pairs 二.教学目标

1、 学单词a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache。 2、 学句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a/an…。

3、 能听懂、会说、会读 I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon。 三.教学重点

1、词汇:a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache。 2、日常交际用语:What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a/an…。 四.教学难点

1、 句子I’ve got a/an… 的理解。


1、 教具准备:单词卡片、课本及练习册磁带、录音机、课文P14的挂图 2、 教学准备:学生准备好《练习册》 3、 板书准备:写好Unit 2 A telephone call 六。教学过程

(一)Free talk

用What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the morning? What subject do you like ? How are you? What’s the matter with you ? 等日常交际用语进行交谈。


1、由谈话引出“I’ve got a stomch ache.”。教师边做动作边板书:I’ve got a stomch ache. 学生理解、跟读、做动作。

T: (询问一位做的好的学生) What’s the matter with you ? S: I’ve got a stomach ache.

T:(问另一学生)What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a stomach ache.

T:(板书What’s wrong with you ?)范读,讲解句子的意思, 比较What’s the matter with you?

Drill in pairs: What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a stomach ache. 2、依次出示牙痛图、耳痛图、背痛图、头痛图

T :Look, there are some patients in the hospital. What’s wrong with them? T:(Point to the stomach)This is a stomach. I’ve got a stomach ache. T:(Point to the head)What’s this? S: That’s a head.

T: What’s wrong with him? S:(经提示说)A headache.

T: Great!(板书A headache ) 学生跟读单词,并复习句型。

(同法学习A toothache, an earache, a backache,)


a. 听口令做动作。b.看动作说句子。

c.练习册A题:听、选图;随意抽掉一张图,问What’s missing? 4、 学教学目标3 出示课本p14挂图

T: Look, what did Su Yang talk to Helen? S: What’s wrong with you ?

T: What did Helen say? S: I’ve got a headache.

T: 那么,Su Yang 接下去会说什么呢?(放课文磁带)

T:(示范)I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.告诉学生中文意思 Ss: 跟读,理解,运用。

(三)Consolidation 1、教师先和一学生表演D部分的对话。(注:在I’m sorry to hear that.后面添上I hope you get better soon.)

2、 Work in pairs.

3、 Check it up.

4、 Ask four students to write it on the blackboard. 5、 Check it up. (四)Homework 1、 workbook C

2、Listen to the tape and repeat. 3、Make a dialogue with friends.

