人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

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人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Unit 12

What did you do last weekend?Self check

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

What did you do?What did you do? I walked to school.

What did you do? I went to the zoo.What did you do? I ate the donuts, too.

What did you do? I saw Santa and he said,“Ho-Ho! ”

What did you do? I hurt my tail and brokemy shoe.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Make a song like this. (编歌曲“两只老虎’’)What did you do? What did you do? Played soccer. Played soccer. Watched TV. Watched TV. Did some reading. Did some reading. What did you do? What did you do? Did homework. Did homework. Had dinner. Had dinner. Cleaned the room. Cleaned the room. What did you do? What did you do? Went shopping. Went shopping. Took a walk. Took a walk. Had a party. Had a party.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Let’s chant !How was (Jim’s) weekend? How was (Jim’s) weekend? It was great! It was great! What did he do? What did he do? He played soccer. He played soccer. How was (Sally’s) weekend? How was (Sally’s) weekend? It was good! It was good! What did she do? What did she do? She cleaned her room. She cleaned her room.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

1. Complete the phrases.________ out with friends go________ go for a walk ________ eat apples

fly a ________ kitecow milk a ________

camp ________ the table by

________ take photos

study ________ for a test

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

2. Complete the conversation.A: I had a school trip last week. Where did you go B: Really. ________________________ (go)? A: I visited the fire station. B: ________________________ Who did you go with (go with)? A: I went with my classmates. What did you do B: ________________________ (do)? A: We watched how firemen worked. What an interesting job they have! B: ________________________ Did you learn anything (learn anything)? A: Sure. We learn how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Read the story and find out what you don’t understand.Do you think that everyone enjoys their weekend? Old Henry does not. Last month, he went for a walk with Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and Old Henry was happy. He sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat. Then it was time to go home. Old Henry looked for his dog. But Wang Wang wasn’t there… Now Old Henry is very sad. He has no dog and no friend. He doesn’t want to do anything.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Discussion: Imagine you work for the Heart-warming Project. Discuss with your classmates what will do to help Old Henry to be happy again.

Everyone will get old.

To love the old is tolove yourself.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend. Last weekend, I went to visit Old Henry… _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Suggestions: play chess clean the house watch a movie

play the guitar

cook dinner

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

do interesting things help others feel happy


人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Language Points1. He sat on a beach and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat. 他坐在长凳上, 看着“汪汪”和一只友善的 黑猫玩耍。 1) watch sb. do st

h. 观看某人做某事 I like watching the students play soccer 我喜欢看孩子们踢足球。 They watched the fish swim in the water. 他们看着鱼在水里游。

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

2) play with “玩 , 和 一起玩” Don’t play with your pen in class. 上课时不要玩钢笔。 Gina likes to play with her cat Mimi. 吉娜喜欢和她的小猫咪咪玩。

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

2. It was time to go home.该回家了。It is time to do sth. 是一个非常重要的句型

结构, 意为“该做某事, 或是做某事的时候了”。e.g. It is time to read English 该读英语了。

It was time to go to the movie.去看电影的时间到了。

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

3. He doesn’t want to do anything.他不想做任何事。

anything “任何事, 什么事”, 常用于否定句和一般疑问句中。例如:

We don’t need anything now.我们现在什么都不需要。

Did you eat anything? 你吃了一些什么?

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

4. 与dog相关的习语lucky dog 幸运的人

big dogclever dog

大亨聪明的小孩, 伶俐的小孩子

Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. --How did you ______ spend /spend/ your weekend? went (去) to the movies. --I _____ 2. --Did you do some reading? read /red/ some English stories. --Yes, I _____ their (他们) rooms. 3. Nine kids cleaned ______ geography 4. We study Chinese, English and ___________ (地理) at school.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Most (大多数的) students like that 5. _______ interesting talk show. beach (海滩). We can play 6. Let’s go to the ______ games there. test (测验) 7. I studied for the English ______ last Sunday. cooked (烹煮) nice food for me 8. My aunt _______ last year. She was a good cook.

人教七年级英语下12单元Self check

Ⅱ. 动词填空1. Last summer my family and I ______ went (go) to the beach. rained (rain), I stayed at home and 2.When it _______ watched TV. were (be) in Dalian last year. 3.We ______ was (be) always late for class last term. 4. Tom _____ was (be) it yesterday? 5. What day _____

