第四册 Unit 3 Fame and Success tp

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A Teaching Plan for Unit 3

(In Integrated English Course Book 4)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims:

Text A : Fame

1. Let students acquainted with some new words and expressions:accompany, audience, bored, chase, dull, fortune, launch, publicity, regard, sufficiently, target, acknowledge, cover, image, intrinsic, predict, rank ,temporarily, transform…

2. Teach students to learn to use verb+noun collocations Text B : Chasing Fame

1. Teach grammar : 不定式的句法功能

2. Grasp the key word and phrases and complete Word Detective

Ⅱ. Teaching Contents:

Text A : Fame 1. Lead-in

2. Pre-reading Activities 3. Structure of the Text 4. Language Points Text B : Chasing Fame 1. Grammar: 不定式的句法功能 2. Reading comprehension 3. Language points

Ⅲ. Teaching Time

Six class hours

Ⅳ: Teaching Focal Points

Text A : Fame

1. Analyze the structure of several compound sentences and comprehend them. 2. Learn to use verb+noun collocations Text B : Chasing Fame

1. Teach grammar : 不定式的句法功能

2. Enable students to grasp the main idea of the text.

Ⅴ. Teaching Difficult Points

Text A : Fame

1. The deep understanding of the text

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2. Learn to write the theme-related composition Text B : Chasing Fame 1. Ask students to retell the story 2. Grasp some CET-4 /6 words.

Ⅵ Teaching Methods


Ⅶ Teaching Aids

1. PowerPoint 2. Blackboard

Ⅷ Teaching Procedure Text A: Fame

1. Lead-in:

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Sit in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.

1 Who is the most successful person in the world in your opinion? Could you tell us something

about him or her?

2 What qualities do you think successful people have in common? 3 What do you think fame can bring to people? ▆ Answers for reference: 1 Open.

2 Some hints:

a) compassionate and concerned about the well-being of mankind

b) committed to the cause they are pursuing and refusing to give up in the face of


c) modest about what they have achieved d) having team spirit 3 Some hints:

The good side: publicity, honour, reputation, power, wealth, status and glamour The bad side: burden, deprivation of freedom, privacy and even one?s identity

Section B Watching and Discussion

Fame is a 2009 American musical drama film and a loose remake of the 1980 film of the same title. The movie follows NYC talents attending the New York City High School of Performing Arts, where students get specialized training that often leads to success as actors, singers, etc. ▇ Watch the following video clip “Success Is Not” and do the tasks that follow: 1 Fill in the missing information.

1) Success is not ________. It?s not ________or ________.

Answers: Success is not fame. It?s not money or power. 2) Success is waking up in the morning excited about ________. It?s getting to work with

________. Success is connecting with ________and making people feel. It?s finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but ________. It?s falling asleep at night knowing ________.

Answers: Success is waking up in the morning excited about what you have to do. It?s getting to work with people you love. Success is connecting with the world and making 第 2 页 共 16 页

people feel. It?s finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but a dream. It?s falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could. 3) Success is ________and ________and ________. And success is ________.

Answers: Success is joy and freedom and friendship. And success is love. 2 Discuss whether you accept the girl’s understanding of SUCCESS or not. ▇ Script:

There are some things success is not. It?s not fame. It?s not money or power. Success is waking up in the morning so excited about what you have to do that you literally fly out the door. It?s getting to work with people you love. Success is connecting with the world and making people feel. It?s finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but a dream. It?s falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could. Success is joy and freedom and friendship. And success is love.

Part II Listen and Respond

Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.

Successful people always have clear goals. Great musicians, great 1) ________, successful salespeople and 2) ________leaders know what they want in life, and they go after it. No one becomes successful by 3) ________!

Too often, people choose goals that are inconsistent with their 4) ________and daily behavior. Do you value health, or comfort? Is financial 5) ________a priority, or merely a wish?

Have the courage to put your 6) ________on paper and in your own words. Be 7) ________and describe your goals in detail.

A loving 8) ________or happy kids require your time, your attention and your love every day. Your daily actions need not be profound or 9) ________, but they must be consistent and 10) ________.

Just as an artist will make preliminary 11) ________and work out the details in his mind, so your success requires written goals, careful choices, clear 12) ________, and daily persistence. ▇ Script: Four Steps to Successful Goal-setting

Successful people always have clear goals. Great musicians, great athletes, successful salespeople and inspiring leaders know what they want in life, and they go after it. No one becomes successful by accident!

And yet, a lot of young people that I know just live their lives with no goals at all, or with only vague dreams, hopes and wishes. No wonder they have achieved so much less than they could!

For those who have not yet experienced the joy of setting and achieving magnificent goals, here is a powerful set of principles that have worked for thousands of my clients. They will work for you, too. I call them “Four Steps to Successful Goal-Setting”:

1. Decide what you want. Choose the life you prefer! You can?t have everything in life. But

you can have anything you choose if you will focus, pay the price, and pursue it with all your heart.

2. Make clear your values. Too often, people choose goals that are inconsistent with their

priorities and daily behavior. Do you value health, or comfort? Is financial independence a priority, or merely a wish? Make sure that your goals are consistent with your most important values.

3. Write them down. Have the courage to put your intentions on paper and in your own

words. Be specific and describe your goals in detail. When will you achieve them? What will success look like? Write down the details and read your goals every day.

4. Take action. To run a marathon, you must jog every day. A loving marriage or happy

kids require your time, your attention and your love, every day. Your daily actions need not be profound or extraordinary, but they must be consistent and persistent.

Success does not “just happen”. Just as an artist will make preliminary sketches and work out the details in his mind, so your success requires written goals, careful choices, clear commitments and daily persistence. You can do this. Make something great of your life!

Part III Read and Explore


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Section A Discovering the Main Ideas

Exercise 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1 2 3 4 5

What is the main idea of the essay? What is the author?s attitude towards fame?

What does an artist have to do to stay famous according to the author? What excuses do people give to defend failures? Why do people chase fame according to the author?

6 Can a person be famous and remain true to himself at the same time according to the author? ▇ Answers for reference:

1 In this essay, the author talks about the issue of fame. The main idea is that most people want

fame because fame can bring them celebrity, high regard, admiration, etc. However, the author emphasizes that there are few people who can really capture fame and that fame is usually short-lived. Fame can affect and sometimes even destroy one?s life.

2 The author takes an objective attitude towards fame with an emphasis on its negative side. He

believes that fame rewards one with money, power and popularity, but it may also enslave him and destroy his life.

3 According to the author, to stay famous, an artist has to perform in the style that the public

wants and enjoys, no matter how bored he is of performing in the same style year after year. Any attempt to change the style may result in the loss of his popularity among his fans.

4 To find excuses for the failures, people tend to claim that they are too sensitive, that they are

not interested in money, that they are not interested in the power that fame brings and that they are not interested in the loss of privacy it demands, etc.

5 According to the author, people chase fame because they want to demonstrate excellence in

some field; to gain the admiration and love of many others; to be the one everyone talks about; to show family and friends that they are more than their family and friends thought they were.

6 Probably not. According to the author, fame takes “the you out of you”, which means that

once a person becomes famous, he must be what the public thinks he is, not what he really is or could be. Fame enslaves him with what the public wants, instead of helping him maintain and develop his own identity or his true self.

Exercise 2 Text A can be divided into four parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part. ference: Part Paragraph(s) Main Ideas Fame enslaves the person who pursues it because when he becomes famous, he will not only attract the public?s attention, but also has to work and live in One 1-2line with the public?s expectations. He then becomes the slave of his own success. For those who look for fame, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, especially Two 3-4 for those who fail to perform well enough, because people tend to be more tolerant towards and sympathetic with them. Though fame brings disadvantages to those who achieve it, people still seek Three 5 fame for various reasons. Four 6 It is better to take a critical attitude towards fame. Key Words and Expressions for Text A chase vt.

follow rapidly in order to catch 追赶,追逐;追捕

e. g. 1. If strangers should venture into that field, the bull will chase them. 2. She was chasing (after) a man who had snatched her bag. 她当时正在追那个抢走了了她包的男子。 Phrasal verbs:

chase about / around 向某方向急奔

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chase sb. away / off / out 赶走; 驱逐

chase sb. up 向某人追讨或索要(尤指钱或信息) chase sth. up 追查或催促某事物

publicity n.

1. [U] public notice or attention 公众的注意,众人周知;张扬 e. g. 1. The film star?s third marriage got a lot of publicity.

2. Standards in education have received much publicity over the last few years.

2. (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising 宣传(业务);广告

e. g. The publicity for the book was poor and sales were low.


accompany vt.

1. exist or appear at the same time or same place as 带有,配有,伴随 e. g. 1. Earthquakes commonly accompany volcanic activity. 2. The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever. 这个疾病同时伴有打喷嚏和发烧。

2. walk or travel with (sb.) as a companion or helper; escort 伴随或跟随(某人);陪伴

e. g. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. 14岁以下儿童必须有成人陪同。

3. provide sth. in addition to sth. else; supplement sth. 兼带;附有

e. g. Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. 每份申请书均须附回邮信封、贴上邮票、写好地址。

style n.

[C; U] a general manner of doing sth. which is typical or representative of a person or group, a time in history, etc. 风格,作风

e. g. 1. Some people have criticized the Prime Minister?s style of leadership.

2. Picasso?s style of painting changed and developed over the years. 那些年里毕加索的绘画风格不断改变、发展。

popularity n.

[U] the quality of being well liked, approved of, or admired 普及,流行,受欢迎,声望 e. g. 1. Our new product enjoys popularity throughout the world. 2. His books have grown in popularity recently. 他的书近来大受欢迎。 Adjective: popular

bored a.

[(with)] tired and uninterested [常与with连用]厌烦的,不感兴趣的 e. g. 1. I was bored to death by their trivial conversation.

2. He was getting bored with / of doing the same thing every day. 每天都做同样的事他烦死了。


bored stiff / to tears / to death / out of one?s mind 非常厌烦

be tired of

have lost interest or patience in 对??厌烦,厌倦 e. g. 1. She is tired of her unchanging office chores.

2. If you are tired of life in the city, you can always come back home. 如果你厌烦了城里的生活,你永远都可以回家来。

audience n.

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