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Unit 1

Text A assure biased dread grin hover scrawl visible Text B await crease engage frail glisten hint sole Don’t sit for too long or you’ll crease(折痕) your new dress. 别坐得太久,否则会弄皱你的衣服。

There’s a hint(少许)of summer in the air, although it’s only April. 虽然才四月,空气中已经有一丝夏天的味道。

He assured(保证) me that the well-known doctor would cure my headache. 他向我保证,那个著名的医生会治好我的头痛。

I handed in my application for the job last week; I am eagerly awaiting(等待) their reply.


I wish you’d stop hovering(盘旋) round and let me get on with some work. 我希望你能停止在周围转动,好让我做一些工作。

Hilary was out, so I scrawled(潦草) a note to her and put it under the door. 希拉里不在家,所以我草草写了一张给她的字条,放在门下。

The little girl kept on dancing, her face and black hair glistening(闪亮的) with sweat. 这个小女孩不停地跳舞,她的脸和黑色的头发因为汗水闪闪发亮。

A frail(瘦弱的) old woman with a walking stick came slowly down to the gate to meet us.

一个瘦弱的老妇人,拄着拐杖,慢慢地走下大门来接我们。 Judy is the sole(唯

一) survivor of the car accidentthe driver and all the other passengers died. 朱迪是那个汽车事故中的唯一幸存者,驾驶员和其他乘客都死了。

In the room where the young man was killed, detectives found no visible(明显的) signs of a struggle.

一个年轻人被杀死在房间里面,侦探没有发现明显的争斗迹象。 While one of the robbers engaged(吸

引) the guard in conversation, the others crept into the factory. 当其中一个盗贼拖住了保安聊天,其他几个盗贼偷偷潜进了工厂。 One member of the jury was biased(有偏

见) in favour of the suspect, because they shared the same educational background 陪审团中的一个成员偏袒那个嫌疑人,因为他们有着相同的教育背景。 This was the moment he had been dreading(担心) for weeks-his mother found out theat he had told a lie.

这是几周来他一直担心的时刻——他的母亲发现他之前撒谎了。 When she heard they were going to get married, the old woman couldn’t stop grinning(露出笑容) all day.


The young couple spoke in whispers for fear of(避免) waking the baby. 那对年轻夫妇说话轻声细语,以免吵醒婴儿。

We pulled up(停放) in front of a shop, bought some drinks and drove on. 我们在一家商店门口停车,买了些饮料,又继续上路

了。 I can answer all the questions except for(除了) the last-it puzzles me too. 我可以回到所有的问题,除了最后那个,它也把我难倒了。 We couldn’t get by(过日子) on my salary alone, so my wife did some odd jobs.

仅仅依靠我的工资,我们没有办法勉强过日子,所以我的妻子做了一些零工。 He left his well-paid office job to try to make a living(维持生活) on a farm. 他辞掉了他薪资丰厚的办公室工作,努力想依靠农场生活。 I no longer go to see John regularly, but every so often(偶尔) he drops in at my office.


我。 7.Though she has a lot of power in that big company, Sandy tends to remain in the background(在幕后).

虽然桑迪在那个大公司有很大的权利,她还是倾向于躲在幕后工作。 Shut off(关掉) the power after you use the multi-media devices in the conference room. 使用完会议室的多媒体设备后,请关掉电源。

Although he’s been here just a few days, he knows the name of each and every(每个) colleague.


了。 We hope to finish the work today, but as it is(实际上) we probably won’t finish until tomorrow.


Judy is quite obedient while her younger sister always wraps her father around her little finger(随心所欲支配某人). 朱迪很听话,而她的妹妹则是任意摆布她父亲。 The shower caugtht us completely unawares(令某人出其不意)-all the clothes we hung up outside got wet.


Unit 2

Text A acquire affection curldefy given haste Interact preserve restraint Text B clip fascinate grief manipulate minimum presence yield I don’t like my straight hair so I’m going to have it curled. 我不喜欢我的直头发,所以我要把它卷曲。

This price is her minimum ;she refuses to lower it any further. 这个价格是她的最低限度,她拒绝进一步降低

I often clip recipes out of newspapers and magazines but never use them when I cook.


She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate even though she was going on a diet.


Given the fact that she loves children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.


They try to preserve their interesting old customs against the impacts of the modern world


Philip was fascinated to see how the old woman wove cloth with such simple tools. 菲利普看到老妇人用这种简单的工具布着迷

Among all his relatives,he has an especially deep affection for his aunt who cares for him most.


Teahing is not a one-way activity; teachers and students should interact with each other in class.


After his wife died, he remarried with much haste, which caused a lot of gossip among his acquaintances.


Without your love and support he would have been weighed down with grief after his daughter died of a car crash.


I have never seen a house like that—its untidiness defies description; I think she ought to learn how to keep a house.

我从来没有见过那样邋遢其难以形容的房子;我想她应该学会如何保持房子。 there day more and more pregnant women want the presence of their husbands at the birth of their childen.


It is quite possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.

一个学生的确可能在没有老师的帮助下,掌握英语语法并获得大量的英语词汇。 She watched him manipulate all the handles and gears in his automobile until she thought she could run it herself.

她看着他操纵所有的手柄和齿轮在他的汽车,直到她认为她可以自己运行。 Lack of money and lack of machinery are the two major restraints on the growth of this factory; that’s why it remains the same as it was ten years ago. 缺乏资金和缺乏机械是经济增长的两大制约因素,为什么它仍然与十年前相同。 Text A state of affairs build … on give and take hold on in short let … loose on Text B fit into in the course of in vain reach for

1) Don’t let the little boy loose on the garden; he’ll pull up all the flowers. 2) The refrigerator I bought last week is too large to fit into our new kitchen. 3) When the flood broke out, the little girl clung to a tree and managed to hold on . 4) Her parents are divorced and her brother is in prison — it is a sad state of affairs , indeed.

5) It is said that in no country other than Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

6) The moment my father came in I could see from his worried face that his effort to find a job had been in vain once again.

7) Do you think it wise for a person to build his hopes on the economic strength of his country? Or should he base them on his own efforts?

8) He’s disorganized; he’s inefficient; he’s never been there when you want him. In short , he is hopeless.

9) Seeing his neighbour’s house on fire, he quickly reached for the phone and dialled 110.

10) You can’t always insist on your own way — there has to be some give and take .

Unit 3

Text Abind commitment ground possess regulate surpass virtue Text B appoint correspond gaze grasp keen sensible unfold

They bound(捆住)his hands and legs with a rope so he couldn’t escape. 他们捆住他的手和腿和一根绳子使他无法逃跑。

He unfolded(打开) the map and tried to find out which way to go


He’s been charged with possessing(持有) guns and attempting to attack the police 他被控持有枪支,并意图袭警

The product’s success has surpassed(超过) all our expectations-we’ve never though that it could sell so well

这个产品的成功超出我们所有人的意料,我们从来不敢想象它可以卖得这么好 Ten minutes before the appointed(约定) time ,he sat nervously outside her office 离约定时间还有十分钟,他就紧张地坐在她办公室外了

We like to make friends with shelly because she has such virture(美德) as loyalty courage and truthfulness

我们都愿意和莎莉交朋友,因为她是一个,充满美德,勇气并且值得信任的人珍妮 Janet and Bob had correspond(通

信) with each other for many years before they finally met in Paris 妮和鲍勃通信多年后,最终在巴黎见面了 Tina gazed(注

视) steadily at the famous singer unable to believe she was so close to him 蒂娜目不转睛地注视着那位著名的歌手,不敢相信自己离他这么近

My grandfather still has keen(敏锐) eyesight - he is able to read road signs in the distance

我祖父的视力还是很好-----他能看清远处的路牌 The old man grasped(握

住) my hand warmly and shook it saying Congratulations .You’ve won 老人热情地握住我的手,说道,‘祝贺你,你获胜了。’ The lawyer’s arguments are well grounded(充足的理

由) because he has collected enough proof concerning the case 律师的论证充分,因为关于这起案件他已搜集了足够的证据

It is very sensible(合乎情理) of you to bring your umbrella to Kunming at this time of the year -it rains so frequently here


The president failed in his attempts to win the second term because he Hadn’t fulfilled his commitments(承诺) made in the previous election 总统没有履行选举时的承诺,所以竞选连任时败选了

Even though there are strict rules regulating(调节) the use of chemicals in food some food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits 虽然有严格的条例限制食物中化学剂的使用,但还是有一些食品制造商为了谋取更多的利润,有意对其视而不见

2.Text A as to break up describe … as distinguish between in so far as take pleasure in

Text B all of a sudden be under arrest cast an eye over check up on lose track of make a fortune pass on tear down turn up

People who cannot distinguish between(辨别)colours are said to be colour-blind. 不能辨别颜色的人可说成是色盲。

Thoroughly, the vet checked up on(检查) our horses and pronounced them fit to race.


My fence was torn down(折毁) in the storm, so I need to put up a new one. 我的篱笆在暴风雨中被拆除了,所以我需要把另一个新的。

You can make a fortune(发财) out of these useless vases if you call them \古董)\


There was silence for a few seconds; then all of a sudden(出乎意料的) , the child let out a loud scream.


I lost track of(失去与什么的联系) what he was saying after the first couple of sentences — it was too complicated.


Casting an eye over(铸造一只眼睛)the audience, he noticed that about one third of the seats were still vacant.


Their relationship broke up(破裂) when the girl learned that the boy was not to be trusted.


I don't understand why Susan, a kind-hearted girl, should take pleasure in(乐于喜欢) my sufferings.


The treatment has been described as(被认为) a painless way of curing cancer, which is untrue.


The organizers had expected about 500 people to come, but over 1000 turned up(出现) in the end.


She is a Swiss in so far as(在什么范围) she was born in Switzerland but she became an American citizen in 1978.

她是一位瑞士,只要是她出生在瑞士,但她成为了一名美国公民在1978年。 The 16-year-old boy, who stabbed another boy in a cyber lounge (网吧), is under arrest(被拘留,被逮捕) and awaiting trial.

这位16岁的男孩,他刺伤另一个男孩在一个网络酒廊,被逮捕和等待审讯。 \传递) to the next item on the agenda,\

“现在我们达成协议关于第一个项目,让我们转到下一项议程,说:”主席。 She gets lost easily while driving; so now whenever she is uncertain as to(至于) which road to take, she will telephone her husband.


Unit 4

A truck went by too fast and narrowly(勉强) missed hitting our car. 一辆卡车速度很快,勉强错开没有撞上我们的汽车。

The professor paused to consult his notes,and then proceeded(继续) to ask us some more questions.


It is an American company whose logo(标志)features(起重要作用) a red kangaroo. 美国的一家公司把红色的袋鼠作为商标

He heard footsteps behind him ,and spun(转过去) around to see who he was. 他听到身后的脚步声,回头看是谁。

It is a natural tendency that one learns to crawl(爬行) before he learns to walk. 先学会爬,再学会走是自然的趋势。

Mother flashed(露出) a smile at her child when he saw him trying to put on his shoes by himself.


Their team failed to qualify(取得资格) for the world cup even though they had trained like crazy.


Despite(尽管) the manufacturer`s repeated claims that the product is safe ,many people have stopped buying it.

尽管生产厂家一再回应生成这种产品是安全的,然而许多人还是停止了购买 It is great to won yesterday`s volleyball match.What about eating outto congratulate(庆祝) ourselves on the success?


If your computer goes wrong frequently,i suggest you go and see a computer consultant(顾问).


In the race he will compete(比赛) against world-class runners,which is a real challenge to him.

这次比赛他将和世界级的选手赛跑,对他来说真是一个挑战。 In order to win in the school track and field meet,he disciplined(训练的) himself to practice running every day.


After being questioned for several hours,the suspect finally confessed(承认,坦白) that he had stolen the diamond.


Unfortunately he tripped(摔倒) and fell over ,tearing a hole in his trousers and

grazing his knee.


I am kind of(有点儿) hungry.may i go and see something to eat. 我有点饿,我能找点东西吃吗

I am afraid we are in for(遭遇) a storm.how about postponing our trip to another day.


样。 He let most of the way in the race but lost his strength toward the end and came in(进来) last.

在大部分时间他都遥遥领先,但是最后他没有力气,得了最后一名。 At the end of the game ,the whole crowd rose to their feet(站起来) and cheered wildly for us.


The boy`s good manners showed obviously that he had been brought up(生活在) in the respectable family.


My boss always keeps our designs under wraps(不公开) until he sees our competitors publicize theirs.


At the party last night nina drank quite a lot and made such a fool of herself(让自己出丑).


Idon’t understand why some people tend to get hot under the collar(发怒,怒气冲天) about things of no importance.


There was a young man walking up and down our street for hours last night,and if he wasn`t actually a thief he certainly looked the part(看上去像这类人). 有一个年轻人跟着我们在昨晚,就算他不是一个小偷,看上去也像这类人. Ring the bell only in an emergency(在紧急情况) .if you do it at other times you may get into trouble.


My wife has had her eyes on(看中) that house for a long time,but we don`t have enough money to bye it.

我的妻子看中了一栋房子很长时间了,但是我们没有足够的钱去买 After two years of hard work,the new book is gradually taking shape(成型) and will be published soon.


In a sense,a crisis isn`t something bad since difficulties can bring out(显示出,发挥出) the best qualities in people.


If i can put in(抽出

squeezein) some extra hours this week,i can finish my task ahead of schedule and will have one or two days off next week.


Though tennis is my favorite sport,i am not good at it.you will surelywin me hands down(轻而易举) 。


Unit 5

You should familiarize(熟悉) yourself with the rules brfore you start to paly the game


A judge must be free from prejudice(损害) - his opinions must be fair and reasonable


The police are appealing(呼吁) to the public for detailed information about the murderer


The car that had been following ours suddenly accelerated(加快速度) overtook us 那辆跟在我们后面的车突然加速超过我们

I won’t take his threats(威胁) seriously he often says he will punish me, but he never does

我不会太重视他的威胁,他经常说要责罚我,但是都没有这么做 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor(监控) their heartbeat ,temperature and blood pressure. 服用新药的病人需要监视他们的心跳、体温和血压。

It is the hospital’s policy to isolate(隔离) any patient who is suffering from an infectious disease


Clear skies are no guarantee(保证) of continued fine weather it may rain in the eveing


If one child gets sick with chicken-pox the rest of the children in the same kindergarten will be exposed to the danger of being infected(被传染) 如果有一个小孩长水痘,那么同个幼儿园的孩子都有可能被感染的危险

His total ignorance(无知愚昧) of the subject is truly surprising,how comehe knows nothing about it?


Having anticipated the problems I might encounter I was well equipped(具有能力) to deal with the situation


I often buy processed(加工) foods they may not be so fresh but it’s really time-saving


We need to find some companies to sponsor(赞助者) the contest we’re going to hold because we won’t be able to cover all the expenses


In the past two years,she’s stayed at home looking after her baby,she is hoping to resume(继续) her career soon

在过去的两年,她一直留在家里照顾他的小孩,她现在能尽快继续她的事业 The department of public health has issued(发布) strict instructions that no one should enter the epidemic area without permission

公共卫生健康部发布了一项严格的指令,如果不禁允许没人可以进去疫区 He contracted(感染) such bad habits as smoking and drinking when he was fifteen and now it is hard for him to get rid of them


It’s fine day you should take advantage of(利用) the good weather to paint the fence


He almost failed in the math exam but his twin brother by contrast(相比之下) did very well

他大部分的数学考试都不及格,但是对比他的双胞胎哥哥,他每次都考的很好 There are two more people coming-can you make room for(给什么让出空位) them to sit down


I’m tired of thier endless quarrels I wonder how I can bring their disagreement to an end(终止)


The gymnast has performed poorly for the past few days.I wonder when she will be at her best(最好)

体育运动员过去几年的表现都不好,我在怀疑她能否发挥她最好的状态 The doctors in that hospital have attributed the cause of his illness to(归因于) an unknown virus


The children were taken care of by their aunt because their father was violent and they were believed to be at risk(处于危险处境)


I repeatedly warned him not to do it but my warnings were never considered they were simply set aside(不被理睬)


Unit 6

Unit 7

I often associate(联系起来) summer with holidays how i wish i could be on vacation next summer。


In college his major was biology but now he specializes(专门从事) in the sale of computers


Prejudice combined(结合,链接) with ignorance destroys the hopes of many AIDS sufferers


I think we should put as much emphasis(重点) on preventing diseases as we do on curing them


The budget of the company scarcely suffices(满足足够) to pay the employees let alone buy any new equipment


The new heating system is in the trial phase(阶段) of its operation it’s due to be put into full operation next winter

Having presided over the company for 30 years he has witnessed all its ups and downs

He has his own peculiar(独特) style of solving problems which you’ll soon get used to

Now that both julie and her husband have lost their jobs how will they rear(养育) their sons and daughters

The government says it will not negotiate(谈判商议) with terrorists on the contrary it will fight back

This guidebooks is indispensable(不可缺

少) for travelers in this remote area of the country they can’t go without it He finally realized that his idea of learning to read and write in english well in three months was just an illusion(幻觉) The committee’

s suggestions sound reasonable yet whether they can be implemented(实施) remains a problem

Workers usually demand high wages while the boss always seeks high profits it’s almost impossible to reconcile(调解) these two aims

This is just our family matter you’d better stay out of (置身事外)it We should try out(试

验) all the tools before we can decide which best serves our purpose

What does the future hold in store(贮藏)for kids who quit school at an early age Some novels quite readily lend themselves to(借给他们自己) adaptation as plays others do not

Instead of comforting her what you said in essence(本质上) made her feel even worse

He did not act in accordancewith(按照) the orders that were given him that’s why he was fired

The authorities are crying out for(迫切需要) a thorough investigation into the coal-mine that blasted See to it that(记

得) everyone in your class knows that the party has been put off until next week

This is the storehouse of our company and customers have no business(无权,没有理由) entering it

He’s the kind of person who often wonders what he can get out of (逃避) ofters instead of what he can give to others

He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts and to this end(为了这个目的) he offered literature classes at home on Sunday afternoons Absent-mindedness is not at all allowed while you’re working,it’s the sort of work that calls for(需要) a high level of concentration Science especially computer science has brought about(带来

的) changes in many aspects of our lives such as the way we work study and communicate


The expenses for the summer camp averaged out(平均

数) to 194 dollars per day much more expensive than we had planned 夏令营的费用平均每天194美元比我们原来计划的昂贵得多

Unit 8

Do you have any proof that it was Jeremy who stole the bike? 你有证据证明是杰瑞米偷了自行车吗?

Could you slice a piece of cake for me? Iwant to taste it. 你能给我切一块蛋糕吗?我想尝一尝。

A large number of trains were delayed because of bad weather conditions. 由于恶劣的天气条件,大量的火车被推迟了。

