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1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

7. 8.


高三一轮复习 /获得很多/一无所获

10. sound (look/ smell/ taste/ feel) like …听M1U1 (看/闻/尝/摸)起来像…

live on the campus 居住在校园 11. on (an/ the)average 平均而言 campus life 校园生活 above/ below (the) average 在平均 be/ fell at ease 感到轻松,自在 stand 水平之上/之下 at ease 稍息 ill at ease 拘谨 12. It is difficult for sb to do sth 对某人来说experience 【U】经验;【C】经历 做某事很难 experienced (adj) 13. as heavy as …和…一样重 in one’s experience 依某人的经验看 as tall as his father 和他父亲一样高 have experience in sth 在…方面有经验 as proud as a peacock 像孔雀一样骄傲 experience difficulties/ problems 经历困14. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 难/面临难题 be used to do sth 被用来做某事 be happy with/ about/ over 对…感到满be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 意 15. a bit = a little = a little bit有点,后接

adj,adv be happy to do sth 高兴地做某事

be happy in doing sth 幸运地做某事 a bit of 后接名词,一点 than usual/ as usual 比往常/像往常一样 a bit of bread 一点面包 attend assembly 出席会议注意assemblynot a bit = not at all一点也不 前不加冠词 not a little = very很,非常 at/ during assembly 在会议上 16. a bit challenging 有点挑战性 go to assembly 去参加会议 a challenging job/ task 具有挑战性的工in the assembly hall在会议厅 作/任务 attend a meeting/ a party issue/ accept a challenge 发出/接受挑战 出席会议/参加聚会 challenge sb/ one’s authority 挑战某人/attend school/ church 上学/做礼拜 某人的权威

17. improve – improvement 辨析attend/ join/ join in/ take part in

improve one’s English attend强调以观众或听众的身份出席;


improve on/ upon sth 成为其中的一员;join in表示参加某种

活动,通常以join sb in sth 的结构出现 对…加以提高,改进 Take part in强调参加某种活动并起到一18. for free = free of charge 免费

free the bird from the cage 定的作用

the best way to do sth/ of doing sth 做某将小鸟从笼子中释放

free from 事的最佳方法

earn respect from 赢得…的尊重 19. spend some time (in) doing sth 花时间做earn one’s living 谋生(make a living) 某事

show/ have respect for sb 尊敬某人 20. What fun it is to do sth ! 做某事真是太gain/ win / earn respect 受到尊敬 开心了! respect sb for sth 因…而尊敬某人 It’s great fun to do sth 做某事是很大的achieve high grades 获得高分 乐事 achieve one’s goal/ ambition 实现目标/play a fun game 玩有趣的游戏 实现抱负 make fun of sb 取笑某人 achieve success/ a lot/ nothing 获得成功Have fun! 玩得开心!



21. learn how to do sth 学习如何做某事 22. prepare sth 准备…/prepare for sth 为…


prepare lunch 做饭

prepare for lunch 为中饭做准备,即做饭之前的准备

prepare to do sth 准备做某事

prepare sb to do sth 使某人准备做某事 make preparations for…为…做准备 in preparation for …做…的准备

be/ get (well) prepared for… 为…做好了准备

23. at the end of…在…末,在…结束时

in the end 最后

by the end of 到…末为止 from beginning to end 从头到尾 come to an end 结束

bring sth to an end 使…结束,中止 24. hold a class party 举行班级聚会

25. drop history/ the idea/ the habit 不学历


drop out of school 辍学,中途退学 drop from the tree 从树上掉下来

drop the box on one’s foot 将盒子掉在某人的脚上

drop to the ground 摔到地上 (temperature)drop quickly 快速下降,降低

drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人 drop in at sp 顺便走访某地 rain drops 雨滴

a drop of water/ wine 一滴水/酒 26. miss sb/ sth 想念;错过

miss doing sth 想念以前做过的事情;错过做某事的机会

27. on the school field 在学校操场上

28. introduce sb to …向…介绍某人

introduce oneself to …向…作自我介绍 be introduced into 被引进到… introduce – introduction 29. surf the Internet 上网

30. e-mail address 电子邮箱地址 address a letter to sb 在信封上写地址给某人


a letter addressed to sb

一封被写了某人地址的信函 address a meeting/ conference 在会议上发表演说

address sb as sth 称呼某人为… address a problem 处理,解决问题 address oneself to sth 处理,致力于…

31. make/ fix an appointment with sb 与某


keep/ break an appointment 守约/失约 appoint sb sth 任命,委派某人为… 32. be available to sb/ for sth 某物对某人来


sb be available 某人有空的,可与之交谈的

33. all year round 一年到头

34. the only access to 到…的唯一通道

have access to

有得到某物或接近某人的机会或权利 accessible (adj)

35. serve the people heart and soul 全心全意


serve sb sth 用…招待某人

at one’s service 听侯某人的吩咐 36. the former president 前总统

the former/ the latter 前者/后者

37. graduate from 毕业于… graduation (n) 38. On/ Upon (doing) sth 一…就…

On/ Upon my arrival in Beijing, …;On/ Upon arriving in Beijing, …;As soon as I arrived in...

39. develop an interest in 培养出对…的兴

40. donate sth to…捐赠某物给… donation


41. display sth 展览某物 42. be on display 在展览

display one’s anger 显露某人的愤怒 43. thank sb for sth/ doing sth 因…感谢某

give/ express one’s thanks to sb for sb 因为…向某人表达感谢 thanks to 多亏了


44. make a speech 发表演讲

45. miss the chance to do sth 错过做某事的


46. on the first floor 在底楼 47. instead of 代替,而不是

48. pay attention to sth/ doing sth 注意

49. regret to do(say/ tell/ inform…)很遗憾地


regret doing sth/ having done sth 后悔做某事

to one’s regret令某人遗憾的是 regret – regretted –regretted

50. inform sb of sth 通知某人某事

inform sb that-clause通知某人…

keep sb (well) informed of 使某人很好的了解… 拓展:inform/ warn/ remind/ cure/ accuse/ convince 后都接sb of sth 的形式

51. run a factory/ restaurant 经营一家工厂/


run a machine 操作机器

be well/ badly run 管理精良/管理不善 拓展:run out of sth/ sth run out 用光,耗尽;run into撞上,撞见;run across跑过,巧遇;run after 追赶,追求;run away from 逃避,逃掉 52. start a club 开设俱乐部

start the car/ get the car started 发动汽车/把汽车发动起来

53. allow doing sth/ allow sb to do sth 允许


54. during break time 在休息时间 55. approve – approval

approve the idea 批准,通过 approve of sth 赞成某事 56. much more than 不仅仅

more … than…与其说…不如说… 57. be broadcast live 现场直播

58. go on an outing 进行短途旅行 59. an outing to the seaside 到海边的游玩 60. generation gap 代沟

61. read …out aloud 大声读出来

read between the lines 通过字里行间来揣摩 62. require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

require sth of sb 要求某人…

require that-clause (虚拟语气should +v) 要求…

require/ need/ want doing / to be done 需要做某事,如花需要浇水,桌子需要修理

63. go against nature 违背自然

the beauty of nature 自然之美

break the balance of nature 破坏自然的平衡


1. turn up 调高;出现 turn down 调低,


2. waste …on sth / in doing sth 浪费…在…


a waste of time/ money 浪费时间/金钱 3. force sb to do sth / force sb into doing sth


4. the summer vacation/ holidays 暑假 on

vacation/ on holiday 在假期中

5. than expected/ as expected 比期望的…/


6. enter the room 进入 knock the door

before you enter 进入

(discussion) enter the third week进入 enter the data into the computer 键入 enter (sb) for the competition 报名参加比赛

7. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事 8. …followed by three students 被三个学


…following three students 跟着三个学生

9. be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 10. bend – bent – bent

bend down 俯身,屈身 bend over 弯腰,弯在…上方

be bent on sth/ doing sth 专心做某事,投入地做某事

bend to/ before sb 向某人屈服

11. be gone 丢了,不见了;用完了;离开


Gone are the days when……的日子一去




12. do with (与what连用) 处理,对付

deal with (与how连用)处理,对付

13. (in)a mess乱七八糟 What a mess!


14. leave + 宾语 +宾补(adj/ adv/ 介词短语

/ v-ing/ done)让…处于…状态中 leave the door open 让门开着 leave him alone 让某人单独留下

leave him at home/ leave sb in charge 让他在家/让某人负责

leave the water running/ leave sb waiting 让水一直流淌/让某人一直等待

leave the work unfinished 工作未完成 leave sth behind 遗忘… leave out 遗漏

leave aside 搁置,不考虑 15. sb in charge of sth 负责… sth in the charge of sb 由某人负责

in/ under the charge of sb = in/ under sb’s charge 由某人负责 take charge of 负责

类似用法的动词还有control/ possession 16. the reason why/ for which后接定语从


the reason that/ which 后接定语从句,且先行词在定语从句中作主语,表语或宾语

the reason for sth …理由 the cause of…

for some/ no reason 因为某种原因/ 毫无理由,无缘无故

17. go unpunished/ unchecked/ unnoticed 未


go bad/ hungry/ wrong/ mad 变坏/挨饿/出差错/变疯

18. find fault with …挑某人的错 at fault

有错 It’s my fault. 是我的错 19. go out 灯熄灭;出去;过时

20. have one’s arms crossed 手臂交叉

have sth done 1) 使某事被做 2) 经历或遭遇…

have your hair cut/ have the radio repaired



have his legs broken/ have my wallet stolen 腿断了/ 钱包被偷了 have sb do sth 让某人做某事 have sb doing 让某人一直做 have sth to do 有某事要做

21. go mad 发疯 drive sb mad 驱使某人

疯狂 be mad at sth/ with sb对…发疯的 22. deserve sth/ deserve to do sth 应受到…


deserve praise/ deserve to be praised 应受到表扬

23. be hard on sb 对某人苛刻的 be cruel/

rude to sb 对某人残忍的/粗鲁的

be good/ kind/ polite to sb 对某人好的/善良的/有礼貌的

be patient/ strict/ angry with sb 对某人有耐心的/严格的/生气的

be particular about 对…挑剔的

24. Now that 放于句首,引导原因状语从


25. punish sb for sth/ doing sth 因为…而惩


thank/ praise/ encourage/ forgive sb for sth 因…而感谢/表扬/鼓励/原谅某人 26. should not have done/ should have done

本不应该做的却做了/ 本该做的却没做 27. run out of sth / sth run out 用光,耗尽 28. act like a guide 行为举止像… act as


29. treat sb as/ like …把…当作…,看作…

treat sb to ice cream 请某人吃冰激凌 treat sb for 治疗某人的…病

30. make good decisions 作出良好的决定 31. make a mistake 犯错误

32. pay in cash 以现金支付 pay by

cheque 以支票支付

33. be proud of = take pride in 对…感到骄

傲的 pride oneself on 以…为自豪 34. stay up (deep/ late) into the night 熬夜,


35. be/ feel nervous about 对…感到紧张的

be worried/ anxious about 对…担心的,焦虑的


36. fail (in) the exam 考试不过合格 44. get sth done = have sth done 使某事被做

fail to do sth / fail in doing sth 做某事没get sb to do sth = have sb do sth 让某人成功,失败了 做某事 Words failed sb. 无法用语言表达 get sb/ sth doing …使…动起来 be beyond sb. 45. make a/ no difference to…对…有影响/没(his name) escape sb. 有影响

46. argue – argument argue with sb 37. be/ feel upset with sb 对某人感到不开心

的 about/ over sth 与某人就…而争论

47. think of/ consider/ regard/ treat sb as…make sb upset 使某人不高兴

be/ feel upset over/ about sth 对…感到不把…认为是…,看作是… 高兴的 upset sb with sth 用…使某人不48. fix a problem 解决 高兴 fix the watch 修理 38. for nothing 白费的,徒劳的;免费地=for fix the picture on the wall 安装,固定

free;无缘无故地 fix the time for the meeting 确定 39. after all (置于句首)毕竟;(置于句末)fix one’s eyes/ attention on …集中

终究;above all尤为重要的是;first of all49. a 16-year-old boy 一个16岁的小男孩 首先; in all总共; all over the world50. at the moment 目前,此刻;那时;in a 全世界; all the time一直,始终; all the moment 马上,很快;after a moment 过best 万事如意;at all (否定句)根本,全了一会儿 部;all but差不多,几乎;all the way一for a moment 片刻,一会儿;for the 路上; all the same仍然 moment 目前,暂时;at any moment 在40. mix up 弄乱 mix A with B 把A和B任何时候,随时The moment… 一…

弄混淆了 就…引导时间状语从句 41. ask sb for advice 向某人征求意见 51. as though/ if 似乎,好像

follow/ take/ act on one’s advice 听从某It looks as though/if it is going to rain. 与人的建议 事实相符,用陈述语气

He acted as though/ if nothing had advise sb to do sth / advise doing sth 建

议某人做某事/建议做某事 happened.与事实相反,用虚拟语气 advise that-clause (shoud) 建议… 从句是―主语+be动词‖结构,可省略主语42. stop to do sth / stop doing sth 停下来去和be动词,直接跟名词短语,不定式,或现

做某事/ 停止做某事 在分词,过去分词

He acts as though/ if (he were) a fool. go on to do sth/ go on doing sth 继续做

The man stopped as though/ if (he were) 另一件事/继续做同一件事

to see whether he was followed. mean to do sth/ mean doing sth 打算做某

He sat in the room as though/ if (he were) 事/意味着…

can’t help (to) do sth/ can’t help doing sth reading.

He fell down from the horse as though/ if 不能帮忙做某事/情不自禁做某事

(he were) shot. try to do sth/ try doing sth 努力做某事/

尝试做某事 52. insist on doing sth 坚持做某事 43. keep doing sth 一直做某事 insist that-clause 1) insist表示坚持认为,

keep on doing sth 强调动作的反复性,不用虚拟语气 中间有间隔 2)insist表示坚持主张,keep sb from doing sth = stop/ prevent sb 坚持要求,则用虚拟语气,should+V (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事 53. at present 目前



54. prevent sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做3. work out 锻炼;计算出,解决(问题);

某事 拟定(计划,方案等);结果 55. allow sb to do sth/ allow doing sth 允许figure out 计算出;弄清楚,弄明白

某人做某事/允许做某事 work on …从事于… allow sb sth (allow him his freedom) 允4. stay slim/young/warm/awake/single 保持许给予某人某物 allow for 体谅,考苗条/年轻/温暖/醒着/单身 虑到 5. have/ keep a good figure 身材 56. suggest sth to sb 向某人建议… 6. especially 尤其地,特别地 specially

suggest doing sth 建议做某事 专门地 suggest that-clause 1) 表示暗示,表明,7. lose weight/ put on weight减肥/增加体重 不用虚拟语气 take weight-loss pills服用减肥药

weigh vt weigh the desk/ weigh 60 2)表示建议,则用虚

拟语气,should+V kilograms 称;称…得重量

measure 57. fight with sb 与某人打架,斗争 fight

for/ against …为争取…而斗争/为反8. be ashamed of 对…感到羞愧的 对…而斗争 9. be popular with/ among 受…欢迎 58. like crazy 发疯似地 10. in hospital/ in the hospital住院/在医院里 59. in one’s spare time 在空余时间里 11. recover the lost wallet 找回丢失的钱包

a spare ticket 一张多余的票 recover one’s sight/ hearing 恢复视力/ a spare tyre 备用轮胎 听力 spare sb some time 为某人匀出世间 recover from … 从…中恢复 60. Every time/ Each time/ Next time/ The recovery n

first time/ Last time…引导时间状语从12. regret to do sth (tell/ inform/ say) 遗憾地句,每次/每次/下一次/第一次/上次… 做某事 The moment/ minute/ second… 一…就… regret doing/ having done 后悔做某事 61. forbid-- forbade—forbidden to one’s regret/ joy/ delight/

forbid doing sth 禁止做某事 forbid sb to disappointment/surprise令某人遗憾/高兴do sth/ forbid sb from doing sth 禁止某/高兴/失望/惊讶的是 人做某事 13. cause sth 导致某事 ban/ prohibit/ discourage/ prevent/ keep/ cause sb sth导致某人某事 block sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 cause sb to do sth导致某人做某事 62. 辨析scene/ view/ sight/ scenery result in/ lead to/ contribute to 导致

Scene指局部的,单个的自然风景;还the cause of …的原因 可指场景,布景,或者指现场 14. receive/ have/ undergo an operation 接受View强调从高处或远处俯视或领略到手术 的景色 do/ perform an operation on +sb/人体的Sight指一些名胜古迹,尤指人工制成的部位 动手术 景色 come into operation 开始实施 put into Scenery主要指一个国家或一个地区的operation 付诸实施 整体的自然风景 operate vt operator 操作员

M1U3 15. an exact match for…和…搭配的很好

1. be dying for/to do sth渴望…/渴望做某事 辨析match/fit/suit 2. hear from 收到某人的信 hear of/ match指品质或设计等方面匹配,侧重

about 听说 于匹配,搭配,是及物动词 = go with



fit 表示大小、尺码合适,合身 23. build up one’s strength(s)/ body 强身健suit 强调颜色、款式、发型、时间、地体 点合适 24. on one’s own独自,单独 of one’s own 14. follow/ take/ act on one’s advice 接受某某人自己的 人的建议 25. consider sth/ doing sth考虑… 15. damage one’s health 损坏某人的健康 consider sb (to be/ as) 认为…

consideration n do/ cause damage to 对…造成损坏

辨析damage/ destroy/ruin under consideration在考虑中 damage指部分性的损坏,还可以修复。take sth into consideration考虑… 也可表示损坏抽象的东西。还可用于借喻 considerate adj 体贴的,考虑周到的 中。 be considerate towards sb对某人体贴的

destroy指程度非常严重的毁坏,不可considerable adj 相当多的,相当大的 以修复再用。可表示毁坏具体的物体,也可 Considering…考虑到…置于句首作状语 表示毁坏抽象的东西。 26. side effect(s)副作用

have a good/ bad effect on/upon… ruin指毁灭以至成为废墟,多用于借喻

中。 对…有好的/不好的影响 16.辨析 worth/worthy/worthwhile take effect 生效,开始发生作用 be worth +$/ sth/ doing sth come/ go into effect 生效 be worthy of +$/ sth/ of being done/ to be in effect 有效 done affect vt many worth young people 有价值的,值得 have a great influence/ impact on…对…尊敬的,应受到赏识的 有影响 It’s worthwhile doing/ to do sth 做…是值27. fall out (头发等)脱落 得的 fall behind 落在后面 a worthwhile career 值得的,值得做的,fall for 喜欢上;上当 有意义的 fall in love with 爱上… 17. amazed—amazing touched—touching fall into the habit of…养成…的习惯 embarrassed—embarrassing fall over滑到,摔倒 18. be embarrassed about 对…感到尴尬的 28. die young/ happy 早逝/死的安详 19. blood pressure 血压 die of死于内因 die from死于外因 die put pressure on sb to do sth施加压力给某for为…而死 die in 在…中死去 人做某事 die away逐渐减弱 die out灭绝 under pressure 在压力之下 the 29. take the risk承担风险 risk sth/ doing sthpressure of sth/ to do sth…的压力 冒险做某事 20. the same … as/ that…(定语从句,区分含 at risk冒着危险 at the risk of one’s life义)as 指一样;that指是同一个物体 冒着某人生命的危险 the same to/ as/ with 30. recognize one’s voice/ handwriting/ sb. 认 The same to you. 你也一样 出某人的声音/笔迹/某人 This book is the same as that one.这本书 recognize sb as… 把某人看作… 和那本书是一样的 31. call sb names 骂人,嘲弄 call one’s It is the same with him. / So it is with him.name 点名,喊某人名字 他也是如此 have a name for以…著称 21. go on a diet/ diets 节食 in the name of以…名字,名义 22. priceless—valuable name … after以…命名



call on sb. 号召;打电话;拜访某人 call at sp. 拜访某地 call for 需要

call in 请进具有专业知识的人员 call up 使某人回忆起… 32. along with 连接两个主语,谓语动词与前一个一致

together with, with, as well as, rather than, a large number of +【C】 a good many +【C】 43. the day to come第二天

44. as a matter of fact/ in fact事实上 45. in no time 立刻,马上 at no time 在任何时候都不 at times 有时

at a time 一次,每次 like, but, except, including, in addition to, besides

33. in the long/ short term/run从长期/短期来看

34. skip meals 跳过

35. in control of sth控制某物

in the control of sb/ in one’s control 某物在某人的控制之下

take/ keep/ lose control of 取得控制/保持控制/失去控制

be/ get out of control 失控 beyond control 无法控制

bring/ get sth under control 控制住… 36. take in 吸收;理解;欺骗;留宿 37. count vt. vi

count sb as…认为某人…

count in/out 把…算在内/排除在外 count down 倒数计时

count on/ upon = depend on 依靠,依赖 count for 有价值,有重要性

38. so/ neither/ nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 倒装,…也一样

so/ neither/ nor+ 主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词 不是倒装,…的确如此 So it is with … …也是这样

39. give up on sb/ sth 对…绝望 give up doing sth放弃做某事

give up one’s seat to sb给某人让座 give in ( to sb)向某人屈服,投降 40. concentrate on 集中在…上

concentrate one’s attention/ efforts on将注意力/精力集中在…上

41. a good/ large/ small amount of 大量的/少量的 +【U】/【C】

plenty of+【U】/【C】 a great deal of + 【U】


at one time 曾经 from time to time 时常



1. full of mysteries 充满神奇的

unexplained mysteries无法解释的神奇 mystery—mysterious

2. advanced science and technology先进的

advanced English高级英语 3. a sunken ship沉没的船

sink—sank--- sunk 4. run into sb 巧遇

run into a car/ a tree 撞到 5. for what reason由于什么原因

for this/ that reason

for some/ a certain reason由于某种原因 for no reason 毫无原因的,无缘无故的 6. puzzle sb 使某人困惑


be puzzled about 对…困惑的

puzzled look on one’s face 困惑的表情 puzzle sth out 设法想出,仔细考虑解决 puzzle over 苦苦思索 do a puzzle 字谜

7. step up (one’s search for …)加紧,加强 8. in search of 寻找,搜查

in one’s search for寻找,搜查 make a search for 搜索,寻求 search sb/ sp搜身/搜查某地 search for…寻找…

search … for…搜查…以寻找… search out 找出,找到 search through 查遍 9. go missing 不见了

10. show/ take /have/ lose interest in

develop an interest in培养...方面的兴趣 interest sb (vt) 使某人感兴趣 interesting—interested

an interested look on one’s face

11. due to/ because of/ owing to/ thanks to 12. stay out late呆在外面 13. show up 出现,露面

14. walk towards sb/ sp朝…走去

15. put on music/ weight/ 10 kg/ one’s coat/

TV/ a play播放音乐/增加体重/增重10公斤/穿衣服/打开电视/上演,表演戏剧 16. according to根据


17. full moon 满月

18. pull back the curtains拉开窗帘

19. do research on/ into 对…进行研究/调查

carry out/ conduct a research on/ into进行 research on/ into

20. frighten—frightening—frightened

21. rule out (the possibility that…) 排除…的


rule over 统治

as a general rule 通常,一般来说

make it a rule to do sth/of doing sth 习惯做…规定必须做…

obey/ follow a rule遵守规定 break a rule 违规

22. look into the room 向…里面看

look into the case 调查 look out 向外看;小心 look up 向上看;查阅

look down on/ upon 轻视,看不起 look up to 尊敬

look on… as 把…看作

look sb up and down 上下打量某人 look around/ about 环顾四周 look for 寻找

look forward to sth/ doing sth 期待 look on 旁观

look through 浏览

look back 回头看;回顾

look over 越过…看;仔细检查 look at 看;检查;研究;看待 look one’s age 容貌与年龄相称

(not) look oneself 看起来(不)跟往常一样

23. make up编造;化妆;弥补;讲和;组成

be made up of / consist of

be made of/ from/ in/ into/ with make out 辨认出;弄明白 make one’s way to sp 朝…前进 make it 及时到达;成功

24. take charge (of…) 负责,掌管

in charge of sth 某人负责某物

in the charge of sb = in one’s charge某物由某人负责

类似用法control/ possession


charge sb some money for (doing) sth 要价,索价,收费

charge sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 charge into the room 猛冲,向前冲 charge the car battery 充电 charge sb with sth 控告,谴责 accuse sb of doing sth 控告

25. convincing evidence 令人信服的证据

convince sb of sth 使某人信服某事 convince sb that… 使某人确信… sb be convinced of/ that… convincing—convinced 26. outer space外层空间

27. make much/ great/ rapid/ steady progress

in… 在…方面取得…进步

in progress 在进行中,在进展中

28. disappoint—disappointing—disappointed

be disappointed with sb be disappointed at sth

29. dream of doing sth 梦想做某事

realize/ live one’s dream one’s dream come true

30. report doing sth报告做某事 31. call sb sth称某人为…

call the boy Jack

the boy calling himself Jack自称为Jack的小男孩

the boy called Jack被称为Jack的小男孩 32. be similar to...与…类似

be similar in…在…方面类似 be different from…/ in… be the same as… 33. It’s said that sb…

sb be said to do/ to be doing/ to have done(注意不定式上时态的变化) 34. run after追赶,追求

35. with amazing speed and strength以惊人


at full speed以全速

at a speed of 以…的速度 36. on average平均而言

37. could have done 可能做过/本来可以做

can (not) have done 不可能做过 may/ might have done 也许做过…


should (not) have done 本来需要做的却没做,本不需要做的却做的 needn’t have done 本不需要做 must have done 一定做过 38. play a joke 开玩笑

39. some/ about 3000 years ago大约3000年

40. make/ feel/ struggle/ push/ find one’s way 41. live on 继续生活或存在;以…为食;靠


42. solve the problem/ mystery解决 the solution to sth …的解决方法 43. exist—existence

44. see… with one’s own eyes亲眼看见

hear…with one’s own ears亲耳听见 45. including sb/ sb included


1. adventure – adventurous (adj) 2. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

be busy with sth

3. go to university/ college上大学 4. astonish-astonishing-astonished

astonishment (n)

5. travel on camels/ by camel 骑骆驼 6. on clear nights 在晴朗的夜晚 7. see… in the dark 在黑暗中看见…

It’s getting dark. 天色晚了 8. travel down/ up the River Nile

沿着尼罗河顺流而下/逆流而上 9. go white-water rafting 白浪漂流 10. 辨析clothing/ clothes/ cloth


clothes是复数名词,无单数形式,不能与数词连用,作主语时,谓语动词用复数 cloth指布料,料子

clothing, food, shelter, transportation 衣食住行

an article of clothing/ a piece of clothing 一件衣服

put on clothes穿衣服 a piece of cloth 一块布 11. a life jacket 救生衣

12. in case 可置于句末,以防万一


sensible (adj) 合理的,可感觉到的 13. the rest 可单独使用

the rest of + 【U】 +单数谓语动词 + 【C】 +复数谓语动词 the rest of the students/ money 14. glance at 匆匆扫视,快速一瞥

stare at 凝视,盯着看 glare at 怒目而视

glance off 擦过,掠过 glance around 四周环视

glance through/ over 快速浏览

15. nowhere to be seen/ found 踪迹全无 16. a deserted temple空无一人的,被遗弃的

desert sb/ a place 遗弃,抛弃 the Sahara Desert 沙漠

17. at first sight/ glance 乍一看;第一眼就

at sight of…一看见…

catch sight of 看到…,发现… lose sight of…看不见…

in sight/ out of sight 在视线之内/之外 the sense of sight 视觉

know sb by sight 跟某人只是面熟,并不相识

18. set off 出发,动身

set out to do sth开始着手做某事 set about doing sth 开始着手做某事 19. beat – beat – beaten

heart beat 心脏跳动 beat a drum 击鼓 (rain)beat against the window敲打窗户 beat sb in the high jump 击败某人 辨析beat/hit/strike

Beat强调连续并且有节奏的拍打,敲打 Hit侧重对某一点的击中,表示有目的地打,如hit the boy on the head,也可表示自然灾害的袭击

Strike侧重表示突然的,猛烈的一击,还可表示钟表报时,自然灾害的袭击 20. fear – fearful

for fear of sth/ doing sth 生怕…,唯恐… for fear that-clause

fear to do sth 害怕做某事 fear that-clause 害怕… 21. wish for sb to do sth 希望,想要某人做...


22. come along 跟着来;进行,进展;出现

come about 发生,产生

come across 偶然遇到;理解 come at sb 袭击某人 come at sth 弄清某事 come by 偶然得到,获得 come into effect生效

come into power/ office 执政,掌权 come out 出版;开花;出来 come to 共计;苏醒;谈到 When it comes to…当谈到… come to an end 结束

come up with 找到,提出(答案,办法) (one’s dream)come true 实现 come into being 形成,产生 23. hold sb still 使某人一动不动

hold + O +OC (adj/ adv)

hold the door open 使门开着 hold your head up 使头抬着

stand/ sit still站着/坐着一动不动 24. find oneself + OC(doing/ 介词短语)

find himself under the bed

find himself talking to a stranger 25. with his hand resting on her arm

with + O + OC (n/ adj/ adv/ 介短/doing/ done/ to do)

with her son a student with the door open with his head down

with his hand in his pocket

with his mother working in the city with his homework finished with a lot of homework to do 26. watch out for 当心,小心 27. rare – rarely – rareness 稀有的 28. pay back偿还

29. follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议

follow sb 跟着;理解, …, following three students …, followed by three students

30. be frozen with fear 由于恐惧而呆住了

freeze – froze – frozen

freezing (adj) 寒冷的,严寒的

31. confidently – confident – confidence


with confidence 有信心地

have/ place confidence in sb 信任某人 be confident of …对…有信心,有把握 32. invite sb to sp 邀请某人到…

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invite – invitation

33. regret to do(say/ tell/ inform…)遗憾

regret doing sth/ having doing sth后悔 to one’s regret令某人遗憾的是 regret – regretted –regretted

34. express one’s thanks to sb 向某人表达谢

express one’s feelings 表达感情

express oneself/ one’s ideas 表达想法 35. contact sb through …通过…联系某人

in contact with sb 与…有联系 make contact with sb 与…联系

keep in contact with sb 与…保持联系 lose contact with sb 与…失去联系 36. volunteer – voluntary 37. the sense of smell 嗅觉

What a smell!真难闻的气味! have/ take a smell of/ at…闻一闻

(flowers) smell sweet 闻起来,连系动词 38. reduce – reduction

reduce cost/ quantity/ voice/ pressure减少 reduce one’s weight from 50 to 40 kg reduce one’s weight by 10 kg reduce sb to sth 降职

be reduced to doing sth 使…陷入某种状态中

be reduced to begging 陷入乞讨的境地 reduce sb to silence / despair使某人陷入沉默/绝望

39. do/make/conduct/carry out an experiment


experiment on/ upon animals在…上做实验

experiment in physics 做…方面的实验 experiment with new methods用…做实验

40. take the pain 忍受痛苦 41. be related to和…有联系 42. be linked to 和…有联系


43. add – addition – additional

add A to B把…加到…上去 add 4 to 3/ 4 added to 3 is 7. add to 增加,增添 add up 把…加起来 add up to 共计达到

44. recognize sb by sight 面熟

45. have something/ nothing/ anything to d

with 与…有关

46. make (good/ full) use of 好好/充分利用

make the most/ best of 充分利用 take advantage of 利用 47. blood pressure 血压 48. everyday life 日常生活

49. ignore – ignorance – ignorant

50. make/ find/ feel/ struggle/ push one’s way 51. can’t help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做… doing sth 情不自禁做… but do sth 不得不做… 52. destination 目的地

53. warm up 使暖和起来;热身 54. get close to (doing) sth…靠近 55. lose/ catch sight of…看见/看不见 56. all of sudden = suddenly

57. ring out (钟声,枪声)突然响起 58. in the distance 在远处 59. set sail for…起航去…

set sail from… to…起航从…到… 60. go missing 失踪,不见了

61. be through (worse storms) 经历… 62. make comments on…对…对评论

63. make good/much/rapid/steady progress in.

in progress 在进行中,在进展中 64. temporarily – temporary 暂时地 65. hopefully – hopeful – hope

66. in the near future 在不久的将来 67. find a chair to sit on

find a pen to write with find a room to live in

68. tap/ hit sb in/on the +(身体部位) 69. in a whisper/ whispers 低声细语

whisper to sb 和某人私语 70. bang into 撞在某人身上 71. accept/ receive 区别


accept a gift/ an apology 接受

accept the theory/ decision 同意,认可 accept sth (as sth) 相信某事,认为…属实 receive a good education受到良好的教育

receive punishment 受到惩罚 receive sb 招待,欢迎某人 be well received 受到热烈欢迎 72. different types of…不同种类的… 73. mainly because 主要因为 74. chances of doing sth/ to do sth

have a good/ low chance可能性大/小 There is a chance that-clause

Chances are that-clause …有可能 get the chance to do sth 获得做…的机会 miss the chance to do sth错过做…的机会

take a chance 碰运气 by chance 碰巧

75. compare (回忆其用法)

compare notes 交流思想,想法 beyond compare 无可比拟

76. drowning/drowned快淹死的/已经淹死的 77. feed on 以…为食

78. wait for sb to do sth 等待某人做某事 79. be fit to do sth 适合做某事 80. the former/ the latter 前者/后者 81. sb/ sth be likely to do sth

It’s likely that…

(比较likely/ probably/ possibly区别) 82. deadly 致命的

83. have a fresh wound 新的伤口


the wounded 伤病员 84. in the distance 在远方

at a distance 在稍远处

keep one’s distance from…与..保持一定距离

85. be attracted to sth被…所吸引 86. jewellery 珠宝总称,不可数

a piece of jewellery一件珠宝 87. avoid sth/ doing sth 避免 88. stick – stuck – stuck


stick… in the eye 戳入,刺入 stick the poster on the wall粘贴 stick to my plan 坚持 stick out 伸出,突出 89. 倍数 比较级+than

百分数 as ...as

分数 the size/height/depth of


1. stand for 代表

2. share sth with sb 分享

share (in) happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦

3. recognize one’s voice/handwriting辨认出

recognize…as/ to be…认为 4. in circles 绕圈

5. throughout history贯穿整个历史

throughout the world/ country全国上下 throughout the year/month整年/整个月 6. confusing – confused – confuse

confuse sb 使某人困惑 in confusion 在混乱中 7. be made up of = consist of

a group made up of 12 students a group consisting of 12 students (回忆be made …其他的用法) 8. bring sth with sb 随身携带…

bring… to 把…带到…

bring about 引起,致使,造成 bring back带回来;回想起 bring up 养育,抚养;提出

bring down 降低,减少;使落下 bring in 引进,推广

9. invade – invasion – invader 10. consist of…包括,由…组成

consist in 在于

consist with 与…一致,相符

11. mix … with…把..和…混和在起,混淆

mix up 弄乱

12. create – creation – creative – creativity

辨析create/ invent/ discover



discover指发现自然界中本来就存在的事物,尤指首次发现 13. be different from…in…

14. It is certain that……是肯定的 15. official language 官方语言

public officials 公务员

16. pick up ①捡起,拾起 ②用汽车搭载某

人 ③学会(外语,技能等)④(无意中)获悉 ⑤(借助仪器)收听到 ⑥(身体,健康等)好转 ⑦跌倒后爬起来 ⑧偶然结识 ⑨(警方)逮捕某人⑩(运气好)买到某物 17. lift up 拿起,举起

18. contribute to 是…的成因;促成,导致;


contribute sth to …投稿 make contributions to… 19. with the development of … 20. take control of 控制…

be/ get out of control失控

keep/ lose control of… 保持/失去控制 get/ bring sth under control 控制住… beyond control 失控 (sb) in control of sth

(sth) in the control of sb = in one’s control 21. the same…as与the same…that

比较:This is the same pen that I lost. This is the same pen as I lost. 22. replace sb/ sth with/ by…用…取代,代


replace the books on the shelf 放回原处 take the place of sb = take one’s place 代替,取代某人

in place of 代替,取代 23. despite = in spite of (介词)

24. have an impact on = have an effect on 25. result in/ from 注意区别 26. work as …做…工作,当… 27. raise one’s hand 举起,升起

raise one’s voice 提高 raise a family抚养,饲养 raise money for 筹集,筹措

raise doubts in people’s mind引起,使…出现 raise a question 提出

辨析raise/ rise/ arise/ arouse

raise是及物动词,可表示升起,提高,抚养,筹集;rise是不及物动词,可表示升起,起身,起义或者增长;arise是不及物动词,表示出现,发生或起源于;arouse是及物动词,表示唤醒,唤起,引起或者鼓励 rise – rose – risen arise – arose – arisen

arise from/ out of…起因于…

28. a way of doing sth/to do sth 做…的方法 29. adopt – adopted – adoption

an adopted son 养子 adopt a son 收养,领养

adopt an idea/ a suggestion/ new methods 采用,采纳

adopt a resolution 通过一项议案 辨析adopt/ adapt

adopt表示收养,领养;采用,采纳;adapt表示使适应,或者改编的含义 。 adapt oneself to sth/ be adapted to sth:适应… 30. occasion – occasional 机会,场合

on this/that occasion

on rare occasions 很少,不常 on occasion 有时,偶尔

take occasion to do sth 利用机会做…乘机做..

31. pronounce – pronunciation (拼写) 32. undergo – underwent – undergone

undergo huge changes 经历巨大变化 33. continue doing sth/ to do sth 继续做某事

continue with sth继续… 34. in the future 在将来

in future 从今往后

35. find it difficult to…类似结构的运用 36. process n & v过程,进程,(工艺)程序;


in process在进行中

in the process of doing sth在做…的过程中

37. depend on/ upon依靠,依赖

depend on sb to do sth 依靠某人做某事 That/ It all depends.看情况而定



depending on …置于句末做状语 depend – dependent – dependence 38. sometimes有时候

some times 几次

sometime在某个时候 some time一段时间

39. mother tongue/ native language 母语 40. 辨析can/ be able to

can 表示主观能力,不表示意愿;be able to强调主观意愿,强调要克服困难做某事 41. promise (sb) to do sth 许诺做某事

promise sb sth 向某人许诺… promise that-clause 许诺,允诺 make a promise 许诺

keep/ break one’s promise信守诺言/食言 A heavy snow promises a good harvest. The girl promises to be a good dancer. 有希望…

42. dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 43. (one’s dream) come true

realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想 44. look up sth in the dictionary 45. a waste of time

It’s a waste of time to do sth/ doing sth waste time/ money (in) doing sth 46. What if…?要是…怎么办? 47. set down 写下,记下

set about doing sth 开始着手做某事 set out to do sth开始着手做某事 set off出发,动身

set aside 留出,拨出(时间,金钱) set sail for 起航去… set back 推迟,阻碍

48. set a standard for 为…设定标准

the living standard/ the standard of living生活水平

raise standards提高标准 up to the standard 达到标准 below the standard 低于标准

49. care about 关心,注意;在乎在意

care for 想要;喜欢;照顾 50. ban – banned – banned

ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 put a ban on eating wild animals 禁令


51. spread – spread – spread

spread a map on the table 铺开 spread rumors 传播,散播谣言 the spread of flu 蔓延 52. due to 由于,因为

be due to do sth 预定,预期

53. have access to sth有接近..的权利或机会

the access to…通道

54. from across the world 从全世界

from under the bed 从床底下 from behind the door 从门背后 复合介词

55. 强调句结构 (重要)

It is/ was +…+ that… 56. differ from

be different from be similar to the same as (注意何时用in)

57. in that 在于,由于,that引导宾从 58. stand alone as words 独立成词

59. represent – representation代表,象征,陈

60. combine – combination – combined

combine A with/ and B把..和..结合,联合 61. over time 随着时光的流逝

62. simplify – simplified – simple – simply

simplify the instructions 简化 a simplified book 简写本

63. complex 复杂的;难以理解的 64. as a whole 作为整体,整个来看 65. originally – original – origin 66. eventually 67. turn into变成

turn … into…把…变成… turn away 把…打发走,解雇 turn down 调低;拒绝 turn up调高;出现,露面 turn in 上交,交还 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开

turn out 证明是,结果是 turn to 转向;向…求助 68. reflect – reflection


reflect light 反射(光,热等)

the face reflected in the mirror 映出某人映像

reflect its values and tastes 表现,反映 69. not all/ every/ both…不完全否定 70. symbol – symbolic (adj) 71. a sense of direction 方向感

in all directions 朝四面八方 in a easterly direction 朝东 in the direction of…朝…的方向 from the direction of 来自…方向

under the direction of sb 在某人的指导下

72. the opposite of… (n) 反义词

the man/ house opposite (adj)对面的 in the opposite direction (adj)另一侧的,相反的

the man sitting opposite (adv)在对面 opposite to sb/ sth (prep) 73. indicate – indication – indicator


1. ancient civilization 古文明

the civilizations of ancient Rome 2. cultural heritage文化遗产 3. be known for/ as/ to

4. go to a lecture/ attend a lecture听演讲

deliver/ give a lecture 发表演讲 5. found – founded – founded

find – found- found 6. take over 掌管,接管 7. unfortunately – unluckily 8. Near the city was…(完全倒装) 9. be buried alive 被活埋

bury one’s head in the sand 逃避现实 bury oneself in sth 埋头于,专心致志于 10. So was the city.(倒装)

So/ neither/ nor何时倒装?何时不倒装?

11. with + O + OC

12. be made director of…

elect sb president of… be made chairman of… 13. turn to Page20翻到


14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26.

turn to sb for help 向某人求助 turn to green 变成 turn to the left 向左转 turn to the dictionary 查询 be covered with/ by覆盖 注意cover的众多含义 through a pair of binoculars imagine sth/ doing sth 想象 imagine that-clause be off to 出发去某地

house a lot of books 存放,贮藏

house the homeless people给…提供住处 too heavy for me to carry 太…而不能 It’s not/ never too late to mend.表示肯定含义

too + adj (willing/ eager/ glad/ kind..) to do sth 非常…做某事

can not/ never too…/ … enough 再…也不为过

commercial – commerce(n) wealthy – wealth

stopping point 歇脚点

It is said/ reported/ believed/ thought that sb/ sth = sb/ sth is said/ reported/ believed/ thought to do sth(注意动词时态的变化)

destroy – destruction – destructive gradual – gradually

remain ①vi 剩下,遗留;停留,逗留 If you take 3 from 8, 5 remains.

After the big fire, nothing remained in the house.

She left, but I remained.


remain calm 保持镇静

remain a poor farmer 仍是农民 remain in poverty 仍处贫困中

remain waiting for an hour等一个小时 remain unsolved 保持未解决的状态 remain to be solved 仍需被解决

It remains to be seen ……仍需拭目以待 remains (n)遗迹,遗址;剩余物,残余


27. 28. 29. 30. 31.


33. 34.

35. 36.

37. 38. 39.

remaining (adj) 剩下的,遗留的 the remaining tickets (前置定语) the tickets left (后置定语)

together with – along with, as well as enormous 巨大的 numerous 大量的

prevent… from doing sth 阻止 protect … from…保护

be involved in 涉及,卷入;参与,参加 agree with sb/ what sb said/ one’s idea/ opinion/ decision 同意

agree to one’s plan/proposal/ arrangement / suggestion同意

agree on 表示就…达成一致 agree with 同意;符合 agree to do sth 同意做某事 a huge success

achieve success【U】 获得成功 a success【C】一个成功的人或一件成功的事

success – successful – succeed drive sb crazy/ mad 驱使某人疯狂 like crazy 发疯般地

in good/poor/ bad condition状况良好/不好

out of condition 状况不佳

working/ living conditions (复数) 环境 on this/ that condition 在这种/那种条件下

on no condition 决不 on condition that 条件是 uncover the lid揭开(盖子) uncover the secret 揭露,暴露 feed – fed – fed feed on 以…为食

feed …on +食物 用…喂养… feed … to+喂养的对象 喂…给… feed … with+食物或工具 the solution to sth …解决方法 yours faithfully/ truly/ sincerely concerned (adj)

a concerned citizen 关心的,担心的市民 be concerned for/ about 担心,操心 be concerned with 与…有关


be concerned in 牵连,牵涉 concerning (prep) = about 关于

as far as sb/ sth is concerned 就…而言 40. be located in 坐落于 41. 辨析major/ chief/ main

Major更加强调重要性;chief指地位上的高低,如chief editor;main主要是主次之分,如main idea 42. carry out 实施,执行

43. lead to the US coming into the Second

World War 导致

lead to the thief being caught 44. explode – explosion

45. on board 在飞机上/船上…

on board (the plane/ ship)登机/登船 board the plane 登机 boarding cards 登机牌 46. declare the war 宣战

declare that-clause

declare sb (to be) innocent 宣布,宣判 declare for/ against 赞成/反对 declaration – declare 辨析declare/ announce


47. in memory of 为了纪念…

48. a national memorial to…国家纪念馆 49. a sunken ship 一艘沉船 50. not only… but also 51. influence sb/ sth 影响…

have a good/ bad/ harmful influence on /over…对…有好的/坏的/有害的影响 influence sb to do sth 影响某人做某事 influence – influential (adj) 52. unite – united – union

unite our country 统一我们的国家 unite (in) doing sth 团结一致做某事 a united family 团结的家庭

53. overthrow – overthrew – overthrown


54. similarity – similar – similarly 55. likewise (adv) = similarly


56. trade with…与…做生意

trade in …做…方面的生意 trade sth for sth 以…交换… trademark 商标

57. as early as 200BC早在公元前200年 58. in use 在使用中

out of use 不使用 of use = useful 有用的 make use of 使用,利用

It’s no use doing sth 做…没有用。 59. during the Han Dynasty 汉朝期间 60. manage to do sth 成功做到某事

try to do sth 努力做某事

61. in return ( for…) 作为回报,作为回赠

in turn 依次,轮流;反过来 62. have a difficult/ hard/ happy time

经历困难的/幸福的时光 63. no more 不复存在;不再(侧重于程度,

数量上的不再,多余瞬间动词连用) no longer 不再(侧重指时间上的不再,多余持续性动词连用)

64. of one’s own 属于某人自己的

on one’s own 独立地,独自地 65. only to do sth 结果却…

never to do sth 再也没有…

66. It’s a different story. 那就是另一种情况



1. advertise (为…)做广告;展示 advertisement = ad 广告

advertiser 广告商,广告客户 advertising 广告业 2. be similar to

similarly (adv) similarity (n)

3. think about/ of 思考,考虑

think of 还可表示―想起,想出‖ think over 仔细考虑

4. 辨析because/ since/ as/ for

because表直接原因,回答why的提问 since相当于now that,―既然‖,表示显然的或者已知的理由


for作连词时,不放于句首,表推断原因 5. be used to doing sth/ be used to do sth/

used to do sth

6. do research on/ into… 7. share sth with sb 8. provide sb with sth

provide sth for sb

Providing/ Provided that 假如 9. persuasive – persuade – persuasion

persuade sb to do sth

persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做… persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做…

10. commercial advertisements商业广告

public service advertisements 公益广告 11. promote – promotion

promote one’s products 推销,促销 promote friendship/ understanding 促进,增进

get/ be promoted 被提拔,提升 be promoted from… to… 12. place… for free免费摆放 13. intend – intention

intend to do sth intend doing sth 打算做某事 intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做… intend that-clause


be intended for 为…准备,设计的

be intended to do sth = be meant/ designed to do sth 目的在于做… 14. political/ social issues 问题,议题

the latest issue of the magazine刊物,发行物

issue the stamps 发行 15. protect … from … 16. aware – awareness

be aware of 意识到… be aware that-clause make sb aware of/ that… 17. lie 躺,平卧;(物品)平放;位于,坐


lie – lay – lain – lying

lie – lied – lied – lying 说谎 lay—laid – laid

18. be proud of = take pride in

19. cure him of his headache治愈某人的疾

cure the children of their bad habits 纠正,改正某人的不良行为 a cure for cancer 治疗方法 treat sb as …看作…

treat sb/ oneself to ice cream 请客 treat sb for… 治疗…

20. make comments on/ about sth 对…评论

comment on sth

21. connect… to/ with ….连接,结合

connect … with …联想

22. fall for 上当,受…的骗;倾心于,爱上 23. play tricks on

trick sb into doing sth 欺骗,哄骗某人做…

trick sb out of sth 骗走某人的… make fun of play jokes on

make jokes about/ of 24. serve the public 为…服务

be of service to sb 对…有用

at one’s service 为某人效劳,听候某人吩咐

25. lead/ live a happy life 过幸福的生活

play a leading role/ part in…在…中起主



lead to 导致

lead sb to sp 带某人到某处

lead sb in doing sth 领导某人做… under sb’s leadership 在某人的领导下 take the lead 带头 26. deal with sb 应付

deal with the company 与…做生意 deal with letters 处理,解决 deal with issues 涉及,论述 a fair deal 公平的交易

27. commit – committed – committed

commit suicide 自杀

commit a crime/ an error/ a murder 犯罪/犯错误/谋杀 28. be smart about 29. live a healthy life

live by begging 以乞讨为生

live on 以…为生;继续生存下来 live through 经历…(而不死) live with 在一起;忍受 30. be satisfied with … 31. at a low price

32. be tired of doing sth 厌烦...

be tired with/ from …因...而疲惫

33. available (to(sth)可用的,可得到的;

(sb)有空的,可会见的 34. on sale 常指贱卖

35. of high quality 高质量 36. sales department 销售部

37. over and over again 一次又一次 38. recommend – recommendation 推荐

recommend sth to sb recommend sb sth

recommend that-clause (should) recommend sb to do sth recommend doing sth

39. senior high students 高中生

40. catch one’s eye/ attention 吸引某人 41. attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

42. There is an increase/ decrease in… 43. rise/ go up by…

decrease/ fall/ drop by/ to…


44. be attractive to sb 45. old-fashioned

out of fashion – in fashion fashionable (adj) follow the fashion

46. up to now/ then 直到现在/那时

up to $500 达到 It’s up to you.取决于 be up to the task 胜任

What’s he up to? 忙于做… What’s up? 怎么回事? 47. convenient – convenience 48. be bored with 对…感到厌倦 49. prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事

prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth prefer to do A rather than do B prefer sb to do sth

preferable(adj)更可取的,更适宜的 preference (n)喜爱,偏爱 have a preference for 50. according to 根据

51. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事;是某人想起…

remind sb that-clause keep sb reminded of…

52. benefit sb/sth 对…有利,有益

benefit from…受益于,从…中获益 for the benefit of…为了…得利益 53. an organized programme 54. reach sp 到达

reach sb at home by 0513-…取得联系 (the letter) reach me 信件抵达 reach to the sky 延伸到… reach out for 伸手够…

within one’s reach/ within the reach of sb out of one’s reach/ out of the reach of sb reach an agreement 达成一致 55. various (adj) vary (v) variety (n)

56. particular专指的,特定的,某一的,格外的

in particular 尤其,特别

be particular about 对…挑剔的

on a particular day 在某一特定的一天 57. set a goal 制定目标


achieve/ reach a goal 实现,达成目标 58. set a target 制定目标

meet/ achieve a target

hit/ miss the target 击中靶子/脱靶 sales target 销售目标

59. determine – determination

determined (adj)果敢的,果断的 a determined young man determine to do sth be determined to do sth 60. extremely 非常,及其 61. 辨析gather/collect


collect指有计划,有选择的收集 gather one’s strenrth积攒力气 gather flowers for the festival collect stamps

62. appeal to 呼吁,上诉

appeal to sb 对…有吸引力,使…感兴趣 appealing adj 有吸引力的 63. get sth across 传达,使明白 64. put together 组织,汇集,组装 65. approach

n 方式,方法;接近,靠近,作名词时常和to连用

vt (时间、空间上的)靠近,接近


1. play a role in = play a part in 在…中起


2. be delighted to do sth

to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是 with/ in delight 高兴地 take delight in doing sth be delighted at/ with/ by sth 3. significant (adj) - significance (n)

be of significance

4. save time for 为…节省时间 5. every four years 每四年

every forth year 每四年

every other three years 每隔三年 every other year 每隔一年 every few years 每几年

6. compete – competition – competitive –



compete with/ against …与某人竞争 compete in…在…方面竞争 compete for…为…竞争

sb/ sth can’t compete with …比不上… 7. allow doing sth

allow sb to do sth

8. separate (adj) 单独的,分开的

separate … from … 将…和…分开,分离 9. in honour of…为了纪念…;出于对…的


honour the aged 尊敬 show honour to 敬意

I feel it an honour to do sth 荣幸 I feel honoured to do sth 荣幸的 It is a great honour to do sth 10. make it possible to do sth

think/ believe/ find/ feel + it +adj +to do... 11. side by side 肩并肩

shoulder to shoulder肩并肩 arm in arm 手挽手 hand in hand 手牵手

12. Among them are many well-known

athletes. (倒装句)

13. come to public attention引起公众的注意

come to one’s attention 引起某人的注意 come to one’s mind/ sb 出现在某人脑海里,被某人想起 come to life 变活跃

come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉 come to $200达到

come to sb (遗产)遗留给某人

come to a stop/ conclusion/ an agreement 结束/得出结论/达成协议 When it comes to …当谈到… 14. under the name of…以…的名义 15. light the Olympic flame 点燃

light a candle

a lighted candle 点着的蜡烛,lighted通常作定语

The candle is lit.

The match lights easily.

(her face) light up (人的脸)放光彩,容光焕发 16. at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上 17. be widely recognized as 被广泛认为是... 18. break/ beat the world record 打破记录

hold/ keep the world record 保持纪录 set up the world record 创纪录 make/ play a record 制作/播放唱片 19. make contributions to … 20. absence – absent

be absent from the meeting

比较be absent from Beijing/ be absent in Beijing

21. make an/no attempt to do sth/ at doing sth

in/ with an attempt to do sth It’s my third attempt to do sth

attempt to do sth 尝试,企图做某事 attempt sth

an attempted escape 未遂的,企图的 22. limit – limited

push the limits of… 挑战极限 limit sb to (doing) sth 限定,限制 the speed limit 限速

set a limit to sth 给…设定限制 within limits 有限的 without limit 无限的 23. retire – retirement

a retired worker 24. distance – distant

at a distance 在稍远处 in the distance 在远方

keep one’s distance from 与…保持一定距离

25. all the time 一直,总是

at a time 一次,每次 at one time 曾经,一度 at all times 随时,总是 at no time 在任何时候都不 at this time 现在,此时 at times 有时,间或 in no time 立刻,马上

26. host the 29th Olympic Games 主办

host a TV show 主持 hostess 主人,东道主

27. facility 【C】/ equipment 【U】设备 28. tourist attraction 旅游景点



29. plenty of + 【C】/【U】 30. a pretty girl (adj)漂亮的

pretty cold (adv) 相当地,非常地 31. otherwise (adv) 否则,要不然 32. was/ were able to 经过克服困难,一番努

力之后做到某事 33. 情态动词的用法

shall/ must/ dare/ need/ should

34. stretch 拉长,撑大;铺开,舒展;延伸 35. original- originally – origin 36. outdoor activities 户外活动

outdoors (adv)

37. in the 1980s/ in the 1980’s

in one’s eighties

38. opponent 对手,竞争者,反对者 39. set a standard for 为…设定标准

the living standard/ the standard of living生活水平

raise/improve standards提高标准

meet/ achieve standards 符合,达到标准 up to the standard 达到标准 below the standard 低于标准 by one’s standard 按照…的标准 40. require – requirement

① 需要(不用于进行时) require sth

sb to do sth

that-clause (should +V) doing/ to be done

② (法律,规则,合同等)要求,规

require sth of sb

require sb to do sth / be required to do sth

41. enter the room 进入

enter through the back door 进入 enter a school 考上 enter politics 从政

enter the competition 报名参加

enter the data into the computer键入,输入

enter into details 开始讨论,着手处理 enter sb for …帮某人报名参加比赛

42. meet one’s demands/ needs/ requirements



make (both) ends meet 使收支平衡 43. practice (doing) sth 练习做某事

practiced 内行的,熟练的

practice (n)实践,惯例,常规,做法 practical – practically 可行的,实际的 in practice 勤于练习 out of practice 疏于练习

put … into practice 将…付诸实施 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧

44. remove the cloth from the table拿走,移走

remove your wet coat 脱掉 remove the doubts 消除,除去 remove him from his position 撤职 45. make way for …给…让路;让位于

make one’s way to…向…前进 make room for 为…腾出空间 46. keep… under control 控制住… 47. the previous day 前一天

the previous chapter 前一章 be previous to 在…先前 previously (adv)

48. branch 树枝;分支,分部;(研究或知


49. approve sth 批准,同意

approve of sth 同意,赞成 approval (n)

approved (adj) 批准的,核准的,同意的 50. maintain a balance 保持平衡

lose one’s balance 失去平衡

keep the balance of nature维持自然平衡 balance of trade 贸易差额

51. involved – involve – involvement

be involved in 参与,参加;涉及;卷入 52. hope for sth

hope to do sth

hope for sb to do sth hope that-clause

53. wh-ever与no matter wh- 何时可以替


54. It is/ was/ will be + 一段时间 + before

从句 ―过…才…‖ before的几个考点


He had walked for a whole day before he found water. 才

Write down the telephone number before you forget it. 趁…未,以免

I had not waited long before he came back. 就

He had learned some Japanese before he went to Japan. 在…之前


1. tourist – tourism

2. happen 指偶然地或意外地发生;碰巧,


It happened that sb… = sb happened to do sth

It (just) so happened that…碰巧,恰好… As it so happened 非限制性定语从句中 happen to sb/ sth

anything can/ might happen 什么事都可能发生

3. with the development of… 4. propose – proposal 5. be set in 以…为背景

set the alarm for 6:00把闹钟调到6点钟 set a date for the wedding 确定,决定 set high standards for …制定,设定 set a good example 树立好的榜样 set about doing sth 开始着手做某事 set out to do sth 开始着手做某事 set off 出发,启程

6. in reality 事实上,实际上

turn … into reality 将…变成现实

bring sb back to reality 使某人面对现实 escape from the reality 逃避现实

7. extraordinary 非凡的,卓越的,特别的 8. develop 发展;开发,研制;患病;培


development (n) 9. character 个性,品格,性格(常用复数);

特色,特征,特点;人物,角色;字,字体(可数名词) 10. upon/ on +?

as soon as +?


immediately/ directly/ instantly

the moment/ the minute/ the second

no sooner… than…/ hardly … when…/ scarcely… when… 11. a feeling of happiness

12. a sense of achievement 成就感

13. enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事 14. monitor v 监测,监控,监督

n (计算机) 显示屏,显示器;监控器;班长;监督员,核查员 15. via (prep) 经由,经过;通过,借助于(某


fly from New York to Hong Kong via London

(pick up a programme) via satellites (know about sth) via sb 16. pass on 传递

pass the message/ the book on to sb 传递 pass away 逝世 pass down 流传

17. give out sth 分发,散发,公布

sb give out 某人筋疲力尽 sth give out 某物用光耗尽 18. deliver – delivery

deliver letters/ newspapers to…递送,投递 deliver milk 配送

deliver a speech/ lecture 发表演讲,做讲座

19. provide/ supply 20. final – finally

21. sign one’s name 签名

sign a letter/ a cheque/ a painting 在…上签名

sign to sb 向某人做手势

sign sb to do sth 示意某人做某事 show no sign of (doing) sth 没有显示…的迹象

22. put forward a plan/ a suggestion 提出

put the clock forward 调快

put forward the meeting to Monday 提前 put sb forward as… 提名,推荐 23. thrilled (adj)

24. risk one’s life to do sth

risk doing sth


at the risk of (doing) sth take the risk of doing sth risk (doing) sth risky (adj)

25. burn – burning – burned – burnt 26. fantastic

27. opportunity 机会,良机

chance 常指侥幸或偶然的机会,还可指可能性

28. industry 工业,制造业;行业 29. impress – impression – impressive

be impressed at/ by/ with 对…印象深刻的

impress sb with 以…给予某人深刻印象 make/ leave a …impression on sb 给某人留下…印象

What impressed me most was …给我印象最深的是…

30. score a goal 进一个球

31. get changed/ injured/ lost/ drunk/ dressed/


get paid/ killed/ caught/ married

32. announce – announcement 宣布,通报

announce that-clause announce sth

announce to sb sth

33. responsible – responsibility

be responsible for sth 为…负责任 be responsible to sb 向某人负责

take/ bear/ accept the responsibility ( for…) 承担责任

34. last but not least 最后的但同样重要的 35. on display 展示,展览 36. be bored with 厌倦于…

37. be disappointed with sb/ at sth 对…失望 38. be situated in/ at … 位于,坐落于… 39. close down 关闭

40. criticize sb for sth因为…而批评某人 41. accuse sb of … – be accused of…指控,


charge sb with ... – be charged with… 42. question (n) (v)

out of question 没问题的 out of the question 不可能的


43. exhibit – exhibition 展览,展品 44. popular – popularity 45. therefore (adv)因此

46. voice one’s opinion吐露,表达

voice (n) 说话声,嗓音;看法,观点 47. professor 教授

48. come across(偶然)遇到;被理解,被传

49. central (adj) 中心的,中部的,中央的

central government 中央政府 centre (n) 中心,中央

centre on/ upon …集中在…上,将…当作中心,重点

50. surface 表面;水面,地面;(人或物的)


51. science fiction 科幻小说

52. 辨析journey/ trip/ travel/ tour/ voyage



tour指为考察,观光等巡回各地的旅行;voyage常指海上或空中的旅行 53. force the door open 强行打开门

force sb to do sth/ into doing sth 强迫某人做某事

by force 通过武力

come into force 生效,开始执行 a forced smile 强作笑脸

辨析force/ energy/ strength/ power 54. inexperienced – experienced

55. be trapped/ caught/ stuck in the rain


56. recue sb from drowning 援救某人使之免遭溺水

rescue sb from the burning house 将某人从着火的屋子中救出 rescue teams/ workers 援救队伍/援救人员

give up hope of rescue 放弃援救的希望


57. guide n 指南,手册;导游,向导

v 带领;指导;操纵 58. at a speed of…以…速度 59. southern (adj)


1. feel betrayed by

betray sb to sb else 把…出卖给… betray sth to sb 泄露消息给某人 betray one’s country 叛国 betrayal n

2. primary school

secondary school 3. have fun 玩的开心

for fun 开玩笑地,并非认真地 make fun of… 嘲弄,取笑

What fun it is to do sth! 做…真是太开心了

play a fun game 4. academic—academy 5. be worried about

6. be proud of/ take pride in 对…感到骄傲

7. score the lowest/ highest mark 获得最高


8. feel/ be ashamed of 对…感到羞愧的,羞


9. feel like doing sth 想要做…

feel lile that-clause 觉得… 10. overlook 俯瞰;忽视

11. be determined to do sth 决定做某事

be determined that 决定…

a determined man 果敢的,有决心的 determine to do sth 决定做某事 determine on/ upon sth 决定…

determine sb to do sth 使某人决定做… 12. admit admitted admitted

admit sb to/ into sp 允许某人进入… be admitted to 被…录取

admit about 2000 people 容纳

admit sth/ doing sth/ that-clause 承认 admission n

13. stare at 睁大眼睛盯着看,目不转睛地看


glance at 随意扫视,匆忙看一眼

glare at 对…怒目而视

gaze at 含有兴趣,惊奇,欢欣等心情的凝视,有被…吸引住的意思 14. deliberately/ on purpose 故意地 15. How +陈述句!

How time flies!时间过得真快啊

16. behind one’s back 背着某人,私底下 17. keep one’s word/ promise 遵守诺言

have a word with sb 与…谈话 have words with sb 与…吵架 in a word 总之

in other words 换句话说

beyond words/expression 无法用语言表达

18. swear-swore-sworn

swear at sb/ sth 咒骂 swear to do sth 发誓做…

swear (to sb) that-clause 向某人发誓… 19. forgive-forgave-forgiven

forgive sb 原谅某人

forgive sb for doing 为某事而原谅某人 forgive sb sth 宽恕某人某事

thank/ blame /excuse sb for doing sth 因…而感谢/责备/宽恕某人 forgiveness n

20. tease = laugh at 嘲笑 21. in trouble 处于麻烦中

get into/ out of trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境/ 走出困境

have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦/有困难

22. be in a dilemma 处于两难的境地

place sb in a dilemma 置某人于两难的境地

23. focus on/ upon sth

focus one’s attention/ mind/ energy/ efforts on sth 把…集中在..

the focus of attention 注意力的焦点

concentrate (one’s attention/ efforts)on sth fix (one’s attention) on sth 24. as a result 因此,所以

as a result of由于…的结果 result from 由…导致


result in 导致…

25. yell at/ shout at 大喊大叫

26. give a great performance 出色的表演 27. turn into 变成

turn to 转向;向…求助

turn up 出现;调高…的声音 turn down 调低…的声音;拒绝 turn out 结果证明

28. keep on doing sth 持续不断地做某事 29. be mean to sb 对某人吝啬的

be mean with sth ( money) 对某物吝啬的

mean doing sth 意味着 mean to do sth 打算

be meant to do sth 目的在于,旨在 be meant for 为…准备的,设计的 means 方法,手段,单复数同形 by means of 通过…的方法 by no means 绝不

30. feel guilty of/ about sth 对…有负罪感的 31. stand doing sth 常与can/ could/ can’t/

couldn’t 连用 容忍,忍受

bear/ tolerate/ put up with doing sth

32. apologize to sb for sth/ doing sth 因为…

向某人道歉 apology n

make an apology to sb for sth accept an apology 接受道歉 offer an apology 主动道歉 demand an apology 要求道歉

33. cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做…

cannot help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做… cannot help but do sth 别无选择不得不做…

34. have the right to do sth 有做…的权利 35. blame sb for sth/ doing sth 因为...责备某

sb be to blame for sth 某人应受到责备注意:不能用被动结构

36. in doubt 不确定的,不肯定的

no doubt 无疑的

beyond/ without doubt 确信,毫无疑问 I doubt whether/ if…

have the doubt whether/ if…


have no doubt that…

There is no doubt about/ that-clause 37. feel jealous of 对…嫉妒的

38. embarrass—embarrassed—embarrassing

embarrassment n

39. in public 当众,在公众场合 40. avoid doing sth 避免

41. a gifted girl 有天赋的,有才能的 be gifted at 在…方面有天赋 have a/ no gift for 有/没有…天赋 42. to one’s strengthen(s) 全力以赴 43. ruin one’s friendship/ future 辨析damage/ destroy/ruin

damage指部分性的损坏,还可以修复。也可表示损坏抽象的东西。还可用于借喻中。 destroy指程度非常严重的毁坏,不可以修复再用。可表示毁坏具体的物体,也可表示毁坏抽象的东西。

ruin指毁灭以至成为废墟,多用于借喻中。 44. delay sth/ doing sth 推迟,拖延做…

without delay 毫不延迟地,立刻

put off / postpone doing sth推迟,拖延做…

辨析delay/ postpone/ put off



put off较通俗口语化,语义与postpone大致相同。 45. first of all 首先

above all 首先,最重要的是 at all 根本,究竟

not at all 根本不,一点也不,别客气 in all 总共,共计 after all 毕竟,终究

46. get along well with sb 与某人相处的很

47. stay up 不睡觉

48. help sb with sth 帮某人…忙

help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 with one’s help 在某人的帮助之下 49. succeed in doing sth 成功做到某事


be successful in doing sth manage to do sth

50. make it 成功做到;赶上 51. make friends with sb

52. be strict with sb 对…严格的

53. would rather do A than do B / prefer to do

A rather than do B宁愿做A而不愿做B 54. persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into

doing sth 说服某人做某事

try to persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事,未能成功

55. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事 56. It is no good/ use doing sth 做某事是没


57. discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人


prevent/ stop/ keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

58. suffer pain/ defeat 经历,忍受

suffer from headaches/ the disease/ loss of memory 遭受来自...的折磨

59. get through 40 cigarettes a day 用完,消

get through a lot of work 完成,设法完成 get through the test (考试,测验等)合格

get through (to sb) 打通电话 60. puzzle sb


be puzzled about 对…迷惑的

puzzled look on one’s face 迷惑的表情 puzzle sth out 设法想出,仔细考虑解决 puzzle over 苦苦思索 do a puzzle 字谜

61. be absorbed in sth/ doing sth 全神贯注


Absorbed in …置于句首,作状语 absorb ink/ water 吸收

absorb knowledge 理解,领会

absorb the attention of the audience 吸引 62. in the world= on earth 究竟,到底

63. have/ show a positive attitude to/ towards


64. be consistent with sth与…一致的,相符


65. hesitate about/over/at sth 对…犹豫的

hesitate to do sth 不情愿做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫 66. respond to sth 对…作出回应

respond with a smile 用…作出回应 in response to sth 对…作出反应

67. be based on/ upon 建立在…基础之上 68. one another 彼此,相互(三者以上)

each other 彼此,相互(两者) another one 另一个(三者以上) one after another 一个接一个

69. on (the) one hand; on the other hand 70. the first/ second/ last/ only to do sth 71. regardless of sth 不管,不顾…


1. a heated debate 激烈的辩论

debate with sb about/ on sth 就…与某人进行辩论

debate sth/ wh-clause 对…进行辩论 2. follow the schedule for 按照…的程序,安排

3. open the floor 自由发言

get/ gain/ have/ be given the floor 取得发言权

hold the floor 长篇大论地发言

4. voice one’s opinions/ anger/ complaints


recognize one’s voice raise/ lower one’s voice in a loud/ low voice

have a/ little/ no voice in the matter 在…上有/没多少/没有发言权 5. the way that in which

省略 引导定语从句

6. a large amount of +【U】+单数谓语动词

large amounts of +【U】+复数谓语动词 a large quantity of +【U】+单数谓语动词 large quantities of +【U】+复数谓语动词 a great deal of +【U】 a large number of +【C】 a good many +【C】


plenty of + 【U】/【C】 7. waste land 荒地

waste paper 废纸

a waste of time/ money/ energy浪费时间/金钱/精力

waste one’s money/ time (in) doing sth 浪费时间做某事

8. in a friendly atmosphere在友好的氛围之

9. in addition 另外

in addition to sth 除…之外 10. wipe out 扫除,消灭 11. lay an egg 下蛋,产卵

lay the table 摆放桌子

lay a book on the table 把书轻放在桌上 lay down 放下;声明 lay aside 放在一边

lay out 设计(建筑等) lay off 解雇(工人) lay up 储蓄,存储

lie – lied –lied –lying 撒谎

lie – lay – lain –lying 躺,卧;位于 lay – laid – laid –laying 下蛋;放置 12. have a lasting effect on/ upon 对…有长


13. 表示数量之比的几种表达方法

分数/百分比/倍数 + as …as… ………………….. + 比较级 +than

………………….. + the + n ( size/ length/ depth/ weight/ width…) + of

…………………... + what 从句

Eg. The population in China is more than three times what it was before liberation. 14. My suggestion/ advice/ requirement/ order/ proposal is that… should+ 动词原形 15. approach v & n

The College Entrance Examination is approaching. 时间上的靠近,接近 approach the school 空间的接近,靠近 approach a problem 处理,研究 take a new approach to sth 方法 辨析approach/ means/ method/ way

approach指问题的切入点,途径the approach to sth


means指具体的方法手段 by means of method指具有一定科学性的方法 with the method

way 指做事的方式 in the way 16. cut back on 削减,缩减,减少

cut down 砍到;减少…的量 cut in 插嘴;插队 cut up 切碎

cut away 切下;砍掉

cut off 砍掉;切断(电力,水,煤气的供应);使…孤立,隔绝 17. be beneficial to 对…有益

beneficial = of benefit

get much benefit from… 从…获益

for one’s benefit = for the benefit of … 为了…的利益

benefit sb 有利于某人

benefit from/ by .. 得益于,受益于 18. expand – expansion

19. It is obvious that… …是显而易见的 20. be concerned for/ about sth 担心,忧虑

be concerned with sth 关心,与…有关 be concerned in 牵涉

of concern = of importance 有意义,有重要性

as far as sb/ sth be concerned 就…而言 concerning = about 介词,关于

21. see/ treat/ think of/regard/consider… as… 22. be responsible for 为…负责

be responsible to sb 对…负责,向…负责 responsibility n

have/show a sense of responsibility责任感

take/ assume/ accept/ bear responsibility for… 承担责任

23. side by side = shoulder to shoulder 肩并

24. do/ does/ did +动词原形 对谓语动词加


25. the key/ answer to sth/ doing sth …的关


the solution to sth …的解决方法 26. 部分否定

not always/ often


not every/ each/ all/ both

27. a problem with… 带有…的问题 28. What if…?如果…将会怎样呢? 29. run out of sth 用光,耗尽

sth run out use up sth sth give out

run into 撞上;偶然遇见 run after 追赶,追求

run across 跑着穿过;偶然碰见 30. be delighted to do sth 高兴地做某事 31. pick up ①捡起,拾起 ②用汽车搭载某

人 ③学会(外语,技能等)④(无意中)获悉 ⑤(借助仪器)收听到 ⑥(身体,健康等)好转 ⑦跌倒后爬起来 ⑧偶然结识 ⑨(警方)逮捕某人⑩(运气好)买到某物

32. customs officer 海关官员

33. from under her coat从外套底下

from under the bed 从床底下 from behind the door 从门背后

34. get sb to do sth/have sb do sth让某人


get sth done/ have sth done 把某事做了 get sb/ sth doing 让…动起来

35. establish a company/ a theory 建立,创立

establish a close relationship with sb 建立亲密的关系

establish one’s innocence/ guilt 确立,证实

establish oneself in… 定居在,落户在… establish sb as… 任命,派某人担任… 36. take measures/ steps to do sth 采取措施


37. in the form of 以…形式

fill in/ out a form 填写表格

be in/ out of form 处于良好的/不良的状态,表现正常/不正常

take the form of… 采取…的形式,表现为…的形式

form… into… 将…组成… 38. set up 建立

39. be stocked with 装备有,储备有…

be in/ out of stock 有现货的/没有现货的


take stock of 盘点存货;检查评估,鉴定

40. sports equipment 体育设备

be equipped for 对…有准备,准备好… be equipped with 装备有…,配备有… 41. pick out good apples 挑选

pick out sb in a crowd 分辨出来,辨认出来

42. the third longest river 第三长河 43. raise- raised- raised vt 及物动词

rise- rose- risen vi 不及物动词 raise one’s hand 举手 raise on’s voice 提高嗓音 raise a family 养家

raise a question 提出问题

raise money for 为…筹集,筹措资金 44. Not only…, but also…

不但….而且…连接两个并列单句,且not only置于句首时,not only后面的单句要采用部分倒装(助动词,be动词,情态动词放于主语之前)

45. be deposited into sth 被沉积,被积淀… 46. rely on/ upon = depend on = be dependent

on 依靠,依赖

rely on sb to do sth 依靠某人做某事 47. result in / lead to导致

result from 由…导致

48. have harmful effects on/ upon 49. recognize the importance of… 意识到…的重要性 50. advise sb (not) to do sth

advise doing sth

advise sb that-clause (虚拟语气 should + 动词原形)

follow/ take one’s advice采纳建议 51. under way在进行中

under repair/ consideration/ discussion/ control/ construction在修理/考虑/讨论/控制/建设中 52. focus on

focus one’s attention/ eyes/ efforts on concentrate on

concentrate one’s attention/eyes/efforts on fix one’s attention/ eyes on


53. the solution to …的解决方法 54. replace A with B 用B代替A

take the place of sb = take one’s place代替

55. be home to 是…的家园,栖息地,所在

56. diverse occupations 各种各样的职业 57. a range of tools 成套的,一系列的

in/ within/ out of/ beyond range of… 在announce sth to sb 向某人通知某事 It is announced that… 据通知… 辨析announce/ declare


declare强调官方的郑重的庄严的宣告 4. on (the) one hand… on the other hand…

一方面,另一方面 5. point out 指出

射程以内/ 以外

range from A to B/ between A and B 在A和B之间变化,变动

6.range the books by size 排列 58. a nature reserve 自然保护区

with/ without reserve毫无保留/有所保留 7.reserve a room/ a table 预定,预约 reserve the seats 保留

59. the remaining tickets 剩余的票

the tickets left剩余的票

remain a farmer/ calm/ sitting/ seated/ It remains to be seen that…仍需拭目以待 60. prohibit… from doing sth 禁止做某事

forbid sb from doing sth/ to do sth 禁止 61. have a long way to go 还有很长的路要


62. appreciate doing sth 感激/欣赏做某事

appreciate/ hate/ like/ dislike/ resent it + 9.从句 it做形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句

appreciation n


1. beyond one’s imagination 超乎某人的想象

beyond one’s ability 超出某人的能力 beyond repair 不能修

beyond recognition 认不出来 beyond belief 难以置信 beyond praise 夸不胜夸

2. advanced science and technology 先进的

advanced English 高级英语 in advance 提前

make advances in…在…方面取得进步 with the advance of … 随着…的增加 3. make/ issue an announcement 发表通知


point at 指向,瞄准 point to 指着

interfere with 阻碍,妨碍,干扰

interfere in 干涉,介入,干预 interference n

on the/ one’s way to sth/ doing sth 在去


by the way 顺便问一下,说一下 in a way 在某种程度上 in the way 挡道 in no way 绝不

find/make/struggle/push/feel one’s way找到出路/ 前进/ 挣扎前进/ 推着前进/ 摸索前进

the first mammal to be cloned


the first/ second/ last/ next/ only to do sth than normal 比正常…

the normal body temperature 正常的体温

normal state 正常状态

above/ below normal 标准以上/以下 return to normal 恢复正常

辨析normal/ regular/ ordinary/ usual/ common/ general







might + do general意为―普通的‖―一般的‖

10. in general = generally speaking 一般说条件句倒装:把should/ were/ had 提到

来 句首,if去掉 11. praise sb for sth/ doing sth 因为某事而20. while: ①引导时间状语从句,表示―当…

表扬某人 时‖ ②表示对比 ③表示―虽然‖―尽管‖ be praised for 因为某事而被表扬 when: ①引导时间状语从句,表示―当…in praise of 颂扬,赞美,介词短语 时‖ ②表示―这时‖ be about to do … 12. breakthrough n 突破 when…③表示―既然‖④相当于if

make/ achieve a breakthrough 取得突破 21. push ahead with 义无反顾地进行,努力break through 动词短语,突破;克服;推进 强行插入,穿过 22. so as to do sth 目的是为了做某事 13. with the intention of … 为了,以…为目23. deliver a baby 接生婴儿

的,意图 deliver sb of a baby 替某人接生孩子 have no intention of … 无意做某事 deliver a message/ letter 投递,递送 without intention 无意 deliver a speech/ lecture 发表演讲,做讲intend to do sth/ doing sth 打算做某事 座 intend sb to do sth 打算,意欲让某人做deliver sth to sb 把…交付给,托付给某某事 人 be intended for …为…准备的,设计的 deliver sb from … 把某人从…中释放,had intended to do sth = intended to have 解放出来

delivery n done 本来打算做某事

14. concentrate on…= focus on… 24. focus one’s efforts on把努力集中在…

25. succeed in doing sth /be successful in 15. show respect for/ to sb 尊敬某人

16. be desperate for sth/ to do sth 非常需doing sth 成功做到某事

要…/非常渴望做… 26. benefit sb/sth 有利于… 17. an adopted son 养子 be beneficial to 对…有益

beneficial = of benefit adopt a son 收养,领养

adopt an idea/ a suggestion/ new methods get much benefit from… 从…获益

for one’s benefit = for the benefit of … 采用,采纳

adopt a resolution 通过一项议案 为了…的利益 辨析adopt/ adapt benefit from/ by .. 得益于,受益于

27. end up + v-ing e.g. end up replacing adopt表示收养,领养;采用,采纳

adapt表示使适应,或者改编的含义 human beings 以代替人类而告终 adapt oneself to sth/ be adapted to sth: ………+ p.p. e.g. end up injured 以适应… 受伤而结束 18. relate to…/ be related to… 与…有关系 ………+ adj e.g. end up ill 以生病而19. if引导的虚拟条件句 告终

………+ with与过去相反:if从句:had done, … e.g . end up with a song

主句:would/ should/ could/ might + have 以一首歌结束 done ………+ in….. e.g. end up in prison/ 与现在相反:if从句: did/ were , 主句:failure 以坐牢/失败告终 would/ should/ could/ might + do 28. for sale 待售,供出售 与将来相反:if从句:did/ should do/ on sale 出售,上市;廉价出售 were to do,主句 would/ should/ could/ 29. use up sth 用光,耗尽



run out of sth

sth run out sth give out

30. be delighted to so sth 高兴地做某事

to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是 31. comment on…就…发表意见,评论

make comments on…

32. in complete agreement with …完全同


33. on a personal note 根据某人个人的观点 34. die young/ happy 英年早逝/ 死的安详 die of 死于内因,如疾病,情感,饥饿等

die from 死于外因,如车祸等 die for one’s country 为…而死 die in the war 在…中死去

die away 逐渐减弱至看不见或听不见,淡化

die out 灭绝, 绝迹

35. fight against… 为反对…而斗争

fight for…为争取…而斗争

36. figure out 计算出,演算出;想出,理


work out 锻炼;计算出,解决出 37. the other day 几天前,不久前一天 38. behave well/ badly 表现良好/表现不好

behave oneself 表现良好,行为良好 behavior n

39. be cautious of/ about …对…小心的,谨


be cautious not to do sth 小心翼翼地不做某事

caution n with caution 小心地,谨慎地 40. judgement – judge 41. alternative adj & n

an alternative suggestion 可供选择的建议

the alternative of going or staying 去留的选择

42. be involved in 参与,参加;涉及,与…


be involved in doing sth专心致志做某事 be involved with 和…有密切联系

43. reduce the production cost 降低生产成

本 the cost of living 生活成本,生活费用 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of… 以…为代价

cost sb sth ( cost him his life)使某人失去…

44. on one’s part = on the part of sb


45. follow in one’s footsteps 模仿某人,步某


46. conduct a survey/ an experiment/ an

interview 实施,进行

47. the majority of …大多数,大部分的

a majority of … 大量的 反义词:minority

48. advocate sth/ doing sth 提倡,倡导 49. to conclude = in conclusion 最后,总之

make/ draw/ come to a conclusion 得出结论

50. urge sth敦促,催促

urge sb to do sth/ sb into doing sth 催促某人做某事

urge that + 虚拟语气 ( should +do) 主张,力劝…

It is/ was urged that … 有人主张… urge against 极力反对

urge sth on/ upon sb 向某人极力陈述某事

have an urge to do sth 渴望做某事 urgent adj 紧急的,催促的 in urgent need 急需 urgency n 紧急的事 51. seek – sought – sought

seek a solution to the problem 寻求问题的解决方法

seek help/ advice from sb 向某人征求帮助/征求建议

seek for/ after 寻找,追寻 seek out 找出,找到

seek one’s fortune 寻找致富及成功之道 52. be resistant to sth/ doing sth对…抵制的,


resist—resistance – resistant 53. limit sb/ sth to sth/ doing sth




54. in favor of 支持,赞成

do sb a favor/do a favor for sb帮某人一个忙

ask/ beg a favor of sb 请求某人帮忙 in sb’s favor 对某人有利

favorable adj 有利的,令人满意的

55. from the point of view of sb = from sb’s

point of view 依据某人的观点来看

56. meet/ satisfy one’s need(s)/ demand(s)/

requirement(s) 满足某人的需要/ 要求/需求

57. argue with sb about/ on/ over sth 与某人


argue that-clause

argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 argue sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事,打消某种念头

argue for 赞成…,为…而据理力争 argue against 反对,反驳 argument n

58. spell disaster 招致灾难 59. the birth rate 出生率

at the rate of 100km per hour

at a high rate 以高速度;高价格 at this rate 照此情形

at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何,至少 60. turn out + (to be) n/ adj/ adv

结果是…证明是… It turns out that…

turn away 把…打发走,把…拒之门外,不准…入内

turn up 调高音量;出现,露面 turn down 调低音量;拒绝 turn in 上交

turn round/ around 转过来

turn back 停止向前;往回走;翻回到 turn over 翻滚,翻转;思考 turn to sb for help 向某人求助 by turns 轮流,交替

in turn 依次,轮流;反过来

take turns to do sth 依次,轮流做某事 It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事



1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 2. make fun of 捉弄

3. in response to 回答,响应,作出反应

make response to 对…作出反应 respond to 对…作出反应 4. reaction—react

react to… 对…作出反应 5. make jokes about

play tricks/ jokes on 开玩笑 6. queue up in lines 排队

stand in a queue 排队等候 pump the queue 插队 7. lose weight 减肥

put on weight 发胖,增加体重 8. trip over/ up 被…绊倒 9. later on 后来

10. award V给予,授予 N奖励,奖金

award sb sth/ award sth to sb 奖励某人某物

win/ receive an award 得奖 辨析award/ reward/ prize


reward既可作动词又可作名词,指对某人的工作或服务等的报答,也可指得到的酬金,奖赏。reward sb for sth/ doing sth 因为…而给某人报酬 reward sb with sth 用…给某人报酬 receive a reward 获得报酬


11. broadcast the programme live 现场直播


be broadcast live 被现场直播的

a live report/ TV programme 现场的报道/ 电视节目

辨析live/ alive/ living/lively

live指动物活的,有生命的,通常作前置定语 a live fish

alive指活着的,通常作后置定语,表语以及宾语补足语 a tiger alive/ find a tiger alive/ The tiger is alive.

living指活着的,有生命的,用作前置定语living things,用于定冠词the之后,


表示一类人 the living 活着的人

lively指活泼的,有生气的,生动的,可用作表语或定语,指人或物 a lively story/ Young children are usually lively. 12. make up 组成…;编造,捏造;化妆;


be made up of 由…组成 13. silent films 无声电影

remain/ stay/ keep silent 保持沉默 be silent on sth 对..保持缄默

14. be appropriate for/ to sth 对…合适的恰

当的 (inappropriate不合适的,不恰当的)

It is appropriate that… …是恰当的

15. follow in the footsteps of sb = follow in

one’s footsteps 效仿某人,步某人的后尘 16. be popular with/ among 受…欢迎 17. stay healthy 保持健康

18. whatever the reason = whatever the

reason may/ might be 不管是什么原因 19. after all 毕竟,到底 20. in the end 最后

21. praise sb for sth/ doing sth 因为…而表


22. in the 1970s 在二十世纪七十年代 23. be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 24. 辨析somehow/ anyhow/ somewhat



somewhat相当于in a way,意为从某种意义上讲,有几分

25. be vital to/ for 对…重要的 26. sb in charge of sth 某人掌管…

sth in the charge of sb = in one’s charge 某物在某人的掌管之下 take charge of 掌管…

类似用法:control/ possession 27. be divided into 被分成 28. make a list 列出清单

29. be dressed in 穿着…表示状态

30. laugh one’s head off 狂笑不已,笑掉大

牙 31. smile on sb 对某人加以赞许,加以青

睐,运气等向某人开颜 32. in progress 在进展中

make progress in sth 在…方面取得进步 33. a worthwhile cause/ job 值得为之奋斗的


make sth worthwhile 使…有价值

It’s worthwhile doing sth/ to do sth 值得做某事的

辨析worthwhile/ worth/ worthy


worth只能作表语,表示值…得/值得… 常用结构: be worth +$/ sth/ doing sth worthy既可作定语也可作表语,作定语时意为―有价值的,值得尊敬的,应受到赏识的‖;作表语时意为值得…的,常用结构be worthy of sth/ be worthy of being done/ be worthy to be done 34. take on 呈现(新面貌等);承担;招收,


take part in 参与,参加 take place 发生

take pride in = be proud of

take the place of = take one’s place 代替 take turns 轮流,依次

take in 吸收;领会,理解;欺骗;留宿 take off 飞机起飞;脱掉衣服等 take back 拿回,收回 take for 认为,以为 take it easy 别紧张 take over 接管,接任

take up 占据(时间、空间等);开始从事;拿起(武器等)

take sth for granted 认为…理所当然 35. have an interest in 在…方面有兴趣 36. move on to doing sth 继续做某事 37. in pairs 结对,两人一组

38. as if/ though 意为似乎好像,后接从句

时,如果从句中所表示的情况有可能发生,则用陈述句语气,如果从句所表示的情况完全不可能发生,则用虚拟语气 It looks as if it is going to rain.



He acted as if he hadn’t made any mistake.

除了接从句之外,as if/ though 还可以接to do/ doing/ done/ adj 39. for a while 一会儿

40. What is going on? = What’s up? 发生什


41. mind doing sth 介意做某事

glance at 粗略地看一下,一瞥,匆匆地扫视

53. hold out 伸出,拿出 54. a roll of 一卷 55. bump into 撞到…


1. search sb 搜某人的身

Mind if/ whether… 介意是否… keep…in mind 把…记在心上

make up one’s mind to do sth 下定决心做某事

2.change one’s mind 改变主意 Never mind. 没关系,不要紧,不要担心 42. the entire group 全组 an entire day 一整天

43. raise one’s eyebrow 抬眉毛 44. a stack of 一堆,一叠 45. dash out 猛冲出去 46. tear- tore- torn

tear down扯下

tear … in two 把…撕成两半 tear … into pieces 把…撕成碎片 tear apart 拆散

3.burst into tears 突然哭了起来 4.in tears 含着泪

5.47. It is your duty to do sth 做…是你的职责 48. burst in 突然闯进来;插嘴

burst into laughter 突然笑起来 burst out laughing 突然笑起来 burst on/ onto sth 突然显现

a burst of laughter 突然发出笑声 49. point to 指向 6.50. present N 礼物

Adj the present situation 目前的,现在的,前置定语

People present at the meeting 在场7.的,出席的,后置定语

V 赠送;介绍,引荐;叙述,陈述 8. present sth to sb

51. offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb 强调主动提供 52. glare at 怒目而视 9.stare at 凝视,盯着看


search sp 搜查某地 search for 寻找,搜寻

in search of = in one’s search for 寻找 mean doing sth 意味着做某事

mean to do sth 打算做某事

mean sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 为…准备,设计,打造的 be meant to do sth 得做,必须做,目的在于…

be mean with/ about/ over …对…吝啬的 be mean to sb 对某人不客气的,小气的 means 单复数同形词,方法,手段 by means of 通过…方法 by all means 当然可以 by no means 绝不

achieve success 获得成功

meet/ achieve/ reach a goal 达到目标 the injured 受伤的人

辨析injure/ hurt/ wound




struggle with/ against 与…斗争,奋斗,


struggle for …为得到…而斗争 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 struggle one’s way 挣扎着前进

keep + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 (adj/ v-ing/

v-ed/ n/ adv/ 介词短语)

thank sb for sth/ doing sth 因为某事而感


thanks to… 多亏了

in difficult times 在困难时期

in ancient times 在古代时期

