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Information Action Plan Summary Report
1) Information Action Plan Overview 2) The Future: The Case for Change 3) Strategic Application Projects 4) Technology Infrastructure & EDP Organization 5) Programme cost, resources, and manpower 6) Programme & Change Management 7) Next Steps
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Information Action Plan Overview
1. Information Action Plan Overview
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Information Action Plan Overview
The Information System Planning (ISP) project is complete. We have identified a 5 year application strategy (shown on next page) aligned with Bank X’s business strategy. We have also identified the data and technology infrastructures, projects, and schedule to carry out these strategies. - ISP Planning Project Workplan Stage 1Business & Competition Assessment Application, Data, and Technical Strategies
Stage 2Organization Plan
Projects and Schedules
Scope Definition & Classifications
Current Situation Assessment
IT Strategy
Data & Application Plan
Information Action Plan
IT Possibility Analysis
Technology Plan
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Information Action Plan Overview
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Service Delivery CustomerATM/CD Phone Banking - TR Service - Account IQ .etc Home/Firm - TR Service - Account IQ - Internet - Virtual Bank
Sales & MarketingSales Support - Cust. Seg. & Selection - D.M - Consulting Needs Analysis - Customer - Products - Market Campaign - Plan Planning Developmen t - Sales Promotion Plan Branch Opening - GIS
Relationship Management Customer Mgmt.Service Customer Management - Attribute - Exposure /Limits Relationshi p Regulatory infor. Maintenance Authority - Ratios Reporting Schedules Customer Third Party Reporting Profitability of Cust. Details - Customer - KBF, BOK - Checking Relationship real name
Credit ControlCredit - Scoring Management - Credit Ref. - Limit Setting & Monitorin g Debt Collection -Debtor list - Legal Notice - Recovery Tracking Fraud - Account Detection & Card usage Pattern - Identify Merchant Fraud
Meas : Measurement AC : Accounts NA : New Account AT : Account Transfer PB : Passbook BOK : Bank of Korea Recon : Reconciliation CAL : Calculating RL : Relationship CGF : Credit Guarantee Federal RM : Remittance DM : Direct Marketing Seg : Segment DP : Deposits & Payment Sum : Summarization DW : Deposits & Withdrawl TAA : Tax Administration Agency EX : Exchange TR : Transfer FI : Finance TX : Transaction IQ: Inquiry UP : Updating Passbook KBF : Korea Bank Federal WD : Withdrawl
- DW- UP - AC Transfer Credit Card - Cash Service
Navigator DriverTransaction Management - Financial - Nonfinancial
Customer Maintenance - Details - Relationship - Credit history
GIS- Geographic Demographic - Branch attribute
Products Information - Limits - Dividend price - Maturity
Credit Bureau History - External credit
Information Delivery Govt./ Regulatory DistributorBOK Reporting - B
/S,P/L - Status of EDP Business Tax / Loans Reporting - TAA - KBF
Deferred System - LOG Analysis
Central ProcessingOperations ProcessingAuthorization Handling - Employees' PB Mgmt. - Operator Mgmt. - On-line Journal Processing - Log all entries - Audit Trailer Intra-day - Cash Balance Mgmt. in/out - Teller Bal. - Branch Bal. Safety/Nigh t deposit Transaction Handling - Pending - Rejected
Closing & Settlement
Product Administration Product ManagementDeposits Loans
Product Factory
Consolidation - Customer Statement - Report
Teller/MaleFemale Processing - Open(AC,Cust) - DP(TR money other banks) - Foreign EX/RM - Others IQ - Loan, Mortgage - Card, Borrowing - Trade FI - Others IQ
Male Processing
Closing - Daily - Monthly Accounting - B/S - P/L Cut - Automatic Accounts TR - Credit card Payment - Clearing Center
Workflow Management
External ProcessingTransaction Processing Information Feeds - Clears from other banks - GIRO BOK Wire - Borrowing - National Treasury - EFT/POS - SWIFT
Work Measurement - Procedure Timing - Product Process - Activity
Foreign Exchange External Data Processing Suspense's Payable / Receivable * Treasury
Credit Card
Common - Interest Program CAL - Fees CAL - Check day - Dividend CAL ..etc
Retail CustomerReporting - List of credit card usage - Balance Statement
Message Warehousing Distribution Management - Route - Send - Manage & Record Interchange Management
Domestic Exchange
Associated InstitutionFirm Banking - File Transfer Corp. Data - Exchanges Exchange of joint cards information - Bad tran. Visa card Approval - Usage approval - Check accidents External Org. - KFTC - CGF Provisions
* Investment
Deferred System - LOG Analysis
External Infor. Management Risk / Return Maintenance
Journal Entry Sum & Recon Fixed Asset Summarization
Transfer Pricing
Sales Sum
Performance Market Research Target Maint. Sampling
Activity Credit Customer Product Treasury Meas. Sum. Performance Sum Usage Sum. Maintenance
Int'l Investment Maintenance
Management & Control FinancialFinancial & Financial Budgeting ALM Mgmt. Accounting & Forecasting - Transfer - Analysis Rate - Costs . Liquidity - Exchange - Revenues . Interest Rate - ProfitabiRate . FX Rate - B/S, P/L lity . Duration - Budget Risk/Return Business Unit Regulatory & Management Profitability Compliance - Credit - Ratio - Interest . BIS - Branch/ Rate . CD cost center - Fx Rate - Risk & - Liquidity Exposure
SalesProduct Customer Seg. Sales PerformanceMarket Research Profitability Profitability Reporting & Analysis - Develop- Segment - Product Competitiv ment - Relation- Business e - Analysis ship Unit - Demogra. Cost - Market - Customer phic . Pricing Sector Seg. - Product
AdministrativeHuman Inventory / Resources Mgmt. Fixed Asset Mgmt. - Recruit - Asset - Training - Insurance - Career Value Planning - Deprecia- Payment tion
InvestmentTreasury Int'l Investment Management Management - Bank Syndicated A/C Loan - Trust - Securit
ies A/C - Money Market
OperationProductivity Service Quality - Costs - Customer Reporting Management Image assignment - Error & - Standard Costing Complaint Profitabilit s y Assignmen Processing t Speed
Eletronic Office
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Information Action Plan Overview
The ISP project is making five major recommendations that will significantly change Bank X. The goal of today’s meeting is to confirm with you the recommendations shown below and to request your support as we move forward.
Recommendation 1: Focus systems development on new customer relationship, profitability management, and risk management applications. Recommendation 2: Divide applications into three phases: customer relationship first, management & control second, low priority third.
Recommendation 3: Select an advanced UNIX technical infrastructure for new applications; surround operational systems.Recommendation 4: Change the Bank X EDP and business organizations to encourage shared planning, design, and relationship building. Recommendation 5: Invest aggressively on information systems, technical hardware, and training; limit spending on operational systems; revisit service delivery.ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 19955
2. The Future: the case for change
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
The Future: the case for change
While the past five years have been successful, Bank X’s future looks to be even more challenging. Bank X must find ways to grow without impacting its high productivity.Assets37,854 37,839 37,165 37,098 Korea Exchange Hanil Korea First Korea Development
32,771 31,901 31,721 Bank of Seoul 31,446 Korea Commercial
Cho Hung Kookmin
Target Large SizeShinhan Korea Housing
24,460 22,848 20,590
Hana '95
10,771 10,725 9,051 8,532 8,184 Dongwha 7,896 6,638 5,017 Hana '93
Hana '94 Boram
High Performance5.0% 7.0% 9.0% 11.0% 13.0% 15.0% 17.0% 19.0% 21.0% 23.0% 25.0% 25.100%
Source: Institutional Investor, 8/95
Performance (Return*Productivity) (Return=ROE, Productivy=Asset/Employee)7
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
The Future: the case for change
Bank X current applications represent only 38%* of the applications it will need to lead in the future. Yet at the current pace of application building and IT expenditure, it may take 8-12 years to complete identified applications.
New Application DevelopmentPercent Com plete 39% 1994 1996 75% 100%
IT Spending0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% 0.00% Hana Bank '94 Korean Banks U.S. Bank Average Citibank
Year Complete
1998 5 apps/yr (current) 2000 2002 2004 2006 10 apps/yr (proposed) Other Korean Bank
* Based on applications identified in ISP project
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
IT Exp./Assets
The Future: the case for change
From a technology perspective, Bank X has no choice but to move forward or fall behind. New technologies such as p
arallel processing, data warehouse, decision support, and electronic banking are changing the competitive landscape.
Parallel Computing/ Remote Data Warehouse (1994) Computing (1991) Client/Server (1985) PC (1982) Traditional Computing (1960)ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 19959
Virtual Banking (1998)
The Future: the case for change
But even if the future looks challenging, Bank X must maintain its focus on growth, profitability, and risk management. Indeed with this focus, Bank X may do more than survive, it could flourish. “The time has come when you will have to compete with the world s leading banking institutions...take the lead to sharpen international competitiveness” Kim Young Sam, 2/9/96 “1) Know our customer needs 2) Use information strategically 3) New specialized organizational structures 4) Offer new products 5) Strengthen profit & risk management” - President “Expanding the volume of deposits and customers” “Restructuring the information systems” “Pursuing profit oriented business strategy” “Building up the customer management system” “Establishing the efficient loan business supporting systems” - Business Activity Report 1/96ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 199510
3. Strategic Application Projects
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Information Action Plan Overview
To support Bank X’s growth objectives, we recommend focusing IT resources on customer relationship, profitability management and risk management applications.
System StrategyRelationship Management Projects Customer management
Business Strategy400% 350% 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 1996 1994 1998 2000
Sales and marketing Credit control Service Delivery Project New channel strategy
Deposits Customers Branch
Management and Control Projects
ALM & risk management Financial management Sales & marketing management Profitability management Treasury management International investment management Others (EDP organization and electronic office)
Recommendation 1: Focus systems development on new customer relationship, profitability management, and risk management applications.ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 199512
Strategic Application Projects
We identified a number of key strategic responses to the external environment of the bank, covering Customers, Products, Channels and Operations. We have designed the strategic application projects to support these responses. Focus on mid-sized corporations Focus on middle-to-upper class individuals Satisfy buyer values, particularly competitive price Provide new products faster than competitors Deliver specialized products by customer segment & combined products
Customers Operations
Develop specialists, especially in Commercial and International banking Establish efficient risk/return management process Apply systems support and
process improvements to improve productivity
Expand branches, in good positions in major Korean cities Diversify delivery channels including home banking, firm banking, telephone banking Establish infrastructure for internationalization focused on Asia
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Relationship Management Projects
The Customer Management and Sales & Marketing projects will provide the key systems to build relationships with the target mid-corporate customers and middle-to-upper class individuals, improve sales performance and productivity, and understand customer profitability better.Major Business Applications.......................will provide:Customer managementCustomer service management Customer profitability analysis Customer information management
Individual customer profitability information, enabling Bank X to take sound credit risk and pricing decisions Computerized and integrated customer information available throughout the bank, resolving current data integrity problems Powerful customer needs analysis tool, enabling Bank X to identify requirements | for customers in new segments such as mid-sized corporate Effective sales tools which will enable Bank X to maintain sales levels even as as number of branches expands Sales tools that can quickly and easily be expanded to support new products as they are introduced following de-regulation An environment to structure and plan campaigns effectively More effective placing of branches through use of a geographic information system to plan locations
Sales and MarketingSales support Needs analysis Campaign planning Branch Opening
Example case: Barclays Bank, UK (1992) Description Combined customer information system provides customer information management and sales and marketing support for all products The cost of the 100,000 man day project was recovered within 2 years of operation Benefits Increase in sales to individuals through the branches: exceeded targets by 400% Sales through direct marketing campaigns (direct mail and telephone) increased by over 50% Improved morale and satisfaction of employees and better customer service
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Relationship Management Projects
The Credit Control projects will enable Bank X to expand the number of credit applications processed, and improve customer service, while maintaining control over credit risk.Major Business Applications.......................will provide: An efficient , largely automated, credit checking facility, which enables Bank X to process more credit applications, faster Faster customer service and lower costs through improvement of the lending process and use of Workflow technology Ability to provide lower prices to selected customers based on improved profitability information and credit information Efficient debt collection support, which enables Bank X to maintain the curr
ent low bad loan ratio Stored and shared credit information, reducing document retrieval time
Credit ControlCredit management Debt Collection Fraud Detection
Example case -Barclays Bank, UK - Automated Credit Application Scoring (1995) Description Customer s personal credit details are entered directly into the computer in the branch The details are first checked for credit rating and then scored by matching the customer s personal and financial behavior profile against other borrowers Benefits 90% of applications for unsecured credit are scored and approved in 5 minutes. Account is then set up and funds transferred over night Barclays claim the system provides better credit assessment than branch staff on their own (loan defaults reduced)
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Service Delivery Projects
The New Channel Strategy project will develop the strategic direction for use of new distribution channels at Bank X.Strategy project...................................................will provide:
New Channel Strategy
Customer preference survey Analysis of competitor activity Analysis of technology trends Economic analysis of current channels Recommended strategic direction for use of new distribution channels
Example case - UK Retail Bank Description Developed an analysis of potential distribution channels Selected multimedia self-service kiosks as the area to pilot Developed a prototype system for discussion with executives, branch staff and customers Benefits Multimedia prototype proved the potential of the new channel Working system developed and implemented in 7 branches last year, to provide self sales service for loans, deposits and insurance Extensive press coverage - free advertising - positioned bank as a technology leader Pilot system now being rolled out to other branches
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Management and Control Projects
The ALM & Risk Management project will provide the systems for Bank X to measure and control risk.Major Business Applications.......................will provide:
ALM and Risk ManagementALM Risk/Return Management
Precise interest rate risk information, which will help Bank X to cope with financial liberalization Advanced risk performance information, to enable Bank X to optimize risk/return balance
Example Case - Major US Investment Bank Description Bank-wide risk management reports on a daily and intra-daily basis Covered currency, interest rate, equity value risk Benefits Cut risk evaluation time from 1 week to 15 minutes Enabled use of sophisticated risk models to identify hedging opportunities and largest risks, and evaluate risk adjusted returns Enabled better allocation of limited capital resources
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Management and Control Projects
The Financial Management project will improve the timeliness, con
sistency and accuracy of financial reports, whilst the Sales & Marketing Management project will provide improved external information on the market and customers views of Bank X.Major Business Applications.......................will provide:Financial ManagementFinancial & Management Accounts Financial Budgeting and Forecasting Regulatory and Compliance
Consistent, accurate management reports and financial accounts, reducing time spent producing, adjusting and agreeing reports
Sales & Marketing ManagementSales performance reporting Market research and analysis Service quality management
Reporting of sales performance by market sector, enabling Bank X management to monitor the sales performance by business structure Wide range of market research information, to enable Bank X to select the most appropriate marketing strategy Understanding of customers view of the bank, errors and complaints, and processing speed, enabling Bank X to spot problem areas and take action
Example Case - Major UK Bank Description
Designed and installed an integrated suite of financial management systems, covering financial and management accounts, and regulatory and compliance reportingBenefits Reduced time for production of month-end reports from 10 days to 2 days Reduced man power required to produce reports by approximately 60% Removed the large number of inconsistencies which previously existed between the management reports and the financial accounts Improved the accuracy of final reports substantially
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
Management and Control Projects
The Profitability Management project will provide detailed, accurate profitability analysis to support management decision making.Major Business Applications.......................will provide:Profitability ManagementProductivity reporting Customer segment profitability reporting Product profitability
Fast, accurate profitability figures by product , making product development quicker and marketing more effective Customer segment profitability reporting, to support Bank X s penetration of mid-sized corporates Business unit productivity by the new business units implemented in November, enabling Bank X to identify low productivity areas and take corrective action
Example Case - Major Australian Retail Bank (1993) Description Customer segment profitability model Calculates customer s current and potential value to the bank based on financial behaviour and similarity to profiles of profitable customers Customers grouped into value-based segments Benefits Marketing: value data is used for more effective monetary value based segmentation for particular initiatives (e.g. direct marketing) Value data is used to set pricing strategies such as fee exemptions for valuable customers and segments, or different lending rates In the branch, value data is used for non-pricing decisions such as time spent d
ealing with problems, or options and features provided Overall, the system has helped to re-focus the organisation on its most valuable customers19
ISP Project Executive Summary - February 15, 1995
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