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假如你是某国际学校的学生李华,你校学生会拟在报告厅一楼组织一次书法展(a calligraphy exhibition),请你按照以下提示写一则通知鼓励同学们踊跃提交作品。

1. 举办目的及举办地点; 2. 参赛作品要求; 3. 参赛奖励。


In order to enrich our after-class activities and raise our awareness of handwriting, the Student Union is to organize a calligraphy exhibition on the first floor of the Lecture Hall.

It is suggested that the calligraphy works are a poem or a motto written on Xuan paper. Or they can be written by yourself, which demonstrates your aspiration and interest as well as talent. All entries will be accepted from June 1 through July 1.

Whoever stands out in the participants will be rewarded with a certain amount of money. Besides, the winners and their works will be featured on our school website. All are welcome! (106词)

The Student Union May 7, 2017



1. 活动时间、地点; 2. 该地草莓的特点; 3. 表达你的期望。


Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m writing in the hope of inviting you to go to a strawberry base in our city to pick strawberries next Sunday. It’s a 30-minute ride. Tasty and nutritious, the cute strawberries are one of the specialties of our city.


Selling well all over the country, the strawberry is a must-eat fruit. Most importantly, the air there is refreshing to breathe and it is an excellent chance to get close to nature. We all expect you to go with us. I believe that the tour will be enjoyable and leave a lasting impression on you. Looking forward to your reply. (102词)

Yours, Li Hua


每年的2月2日是地球湿地日(World Wetlands Day)。假如你是李华, 你的美国网友Mike是一位保护湿地的志愿者,他来信向你询问你们国家保护湿地的方法,请你根据以下提示给他回信:

1. 简要介绍世界湿地日;

2. 阐述保护湿地的方法(如建立湿地保护区、保护生物多性 等)。

注意:1. 词数120-150左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:偷猎 poach;生物多样性 biodiversity


Dear Mike,

I’m so glad to receive your letter asking about what we usually do to protect the wetlands in our country. As you know, World Wetlands Day falls on February 2 each year, which is to raise people’s awareness of protecting wetlands and the earth.

In our country many wetland reserves have been established to protect not only the present natural wetlands but the biodiversity there. All poaching is absolutely forbidden in the reserves. Water sources are vital to wetlands, so it is our duty to prevent water from being polluted. What’s more, the local people have been actively guided to participate in wetland management and protection.

I believe if everyone is devoted to protecting the wetlands, the wetlands can be well preserved and we can enjoy a more harmonious environment. (133词)



假如你是李华。某中学生英语报社准备增设一个Environmental Protection

的栏目,为此报社就报道内容与方式向读者征求建议。请你根据以下提示给编辑写封信,提出你的建议。 1. 报道内容广泛;

2. 报道应包括原因、危害,并重点突出应对方法; 3. 语言简单易懂,适合更多的读者。


Dear editor,

I’m glad to know from your paper that you’re asking readers for suggestions on your new section, Environmental Protection. Mine are as follows.

The section should cover a wide range of environmental concerns and meanwhile, each report should include causes, effects and more importantly, effective measures, thus making the public aware that everyone should and can do something to deal with urgent environmental issues. Besides, reports are expected to be written in simple English in order to attract as many readers as possible.

I’d appreciate it if you could take my tips into account and I do hope your paper will make a difference to environmental protection. (110词)


假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 非常关心你的高考备考情况及你的高考后的安排,因此,他来信向你询问相关情况。请你据此给Peter写封回信。


Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking about my preparation for the coming National College Entrance Examination and my arrangement after the exam.

Now, my revision for the exam has entered the last stage where my most significant task is to check what has been learned and what remains to be improved so that I can focus mainly on what’s most important and difficult to me. Only in this way, I think, can I pass the


vital exam with flying colors, thus being admitted to a key university. As for my after-exam plan, I have a burning desire to travel alone. I feel like adapting to new environments so as to make adequate preparations for my college life. After all, tomorrow is another day. (126词)

Yours, Li Hua


