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第二章 英语专业八级考试人文知识解题技巧

第一部分、人文知识 — 英美文学

第一节 英美文学知识考点分析 一、对知名的英美文学家及其作品的重点考查 1. The novel Emma is written by________.(2005年真题第35题) A. Mary Shelley. B. Charlotte Bronte?. C. Elizabeth C. Gaskell. D. Jane Austen. 该题是关于英国文学知识,考查的是英国著名小说家的作品,考查作家作品是专业八级人文知识文

学部分的重要考试内容。问题问小说Emma为何人所作?该书为浪漫主义时期女作家Jane Austen所作,因此答案是D。

2. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte? (2007年真题第35题) A. Oliver Twist B. Middlemarch C. Jane Eyre D. Wuthering Heights

该题考查的也是关于英国小说家的作品。问题Emily Bronte写了哪部小说?Emily Bronte是英国维

多利亚时期的女作家、诗人,小说Wuthering Heights是她的代表作品,因此答案为D。 3. Death of a Salesman was written by________.(2007年真题第37题)

A. Arthur Miller B. Ernest Hemingway C. Ralph Ellison D. James Baldwin 该题是关于美国小说家的作品。Arthur Miller是美国著名的剧作家,他的作品有Man Who Had All the Luck,Death of A Salesman,All My sons等,因此答案为A。

4. The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by________. (2006年真题第36题)

A. Scott Fitzgerald B. William Faulkner C. Eugene O'Neil D. Ernest Hemingway 该题是关于美国小说家的作品。For Whom the Bell Tolls是美国20世纪著名作家Ernest Hemingway的作品,他的主要作品还有:In Our Time, The Sun Also Rises, Farewell to Arms等,因此答案为D。

二、对英美文学流派及文学术语的重点考查 1. Which of following is NOT a romantic poet? (2005年真题第36题) A. William Wordsworth. B. George Elliot. C. George G. Byron. D. Percy B. Shelley.

该问题问哪一位不是浪漫派诗人?在学习中不仅要弄清作家的作品,同时还要知道他是属于哪一流派的诗人以及诗人所处的时代。George Elliot是维多利亚时期的一位小说家,不是诗人,其他几位都是著名的浪漫派诗人。因此答案为B.

2. _____ is defined as an expression of human emotion which is condensed into fourteen

lines (2006年真题第37题) A. Free verse B. Sonnet

C. Ode D. Epigram

该题是关于文学术语的问题。十四行诗(Sonnet )是欧洲的一种抒情诗体,诗句共有十四行,音

译为\商籁体\,语源于普罗旺斯语Sonnet。原系中世纪民间流行并用于歌唱的一种短小诗歌。 自欧洲进入文艺复兴时代之后,这种诗体获得广泛的运用。十六世纪初,十四行诗体传到英国,风行一时,到十六世纪末,十四行诗已成了英国最流行的诗歌体裁。产生了锡德尼、斯宾塞等著名的十四行诗人。莎士比亚进一步发展并丰富了这一诗体,一生写下一百五十四首十四行诗。莎士比亚的诗作,改变了彼得拉克的格式,由三段四行和一副对句组成,即按四、四、四、二编排,其押韵格式为ABAB,CDCD,EFEF,GG。每行诗句有十个抑扬格音节,常常在最后一副对句中点明题意。后来,弥尔顿、华兹华斯、雪莱、济慈等人也曾写过一些优秀的十四行诗。因此答案为B。

三、重点考查对主要文学家的概况及作品特点的了解 1. William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry, is most famous for________.(2005年真题第37题) A. his poems. B. his plays. C. his short stories. D. his novels

O-Henry是短篇小说家William Sidney Porter,笔名,该问题问他在哪方面最闻名于世?当然是其


2. William Butler Yeats was a(n) ______ poet and playwright. (2007年真题第36题) A. American B. Canadian

C. Irish D. Australian

该问题是关于著名作家概况的。William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)是爱尔兰诗人,1923年获诺贝


3. Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20th century? (2006年真题第35题)

A. T.S. Eliot B. D.H. Lawrence C. Theodore Dreiser D. James Joyce

该题属于美国文学类问题。T.S. Eliot 是20世纪著名的诗人、评论家、戏剧家,长诗“The Waste Lan


根据以上分析,要掌握英美文学,着重应掌握英美各时期的重要作家及其重要作品,以及基本文学概念。 第二节 英国文学知识简介 (English Literature)

一、中古时期英语文学(Old and Medieval English Literature) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求: 1) 英国中古时期主要的文学作品(《贝奥武甫》,《高文爵士与绿色骑士》) 2) 主要的作家、作家概况及其代表作品 2. 英国中古时期的主要作家

杰弗里·乔叟 Geoffrey Chaucer(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。 约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。)

二、英国文艺复兴时期文学(The Renaissance Period) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求: 1) 主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色、代表作品及其语言风格 2) 名词解释:十四行诗,文艺复兴,无韵诗 2. 英国文艺复兴时期主要作家: 埃德蒙·斯宾塞 Edmund Spenser (后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。) 托马斯·莫尔 Thomas More (欧洲早期空想社会主义的创始人,以其名著《乌托邦》而著名) 克里斯托夫·马洛 Christopher Marlowe (代表作《浮士德博士的悲剧》根据德国民间故事书写成;


威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare (英国著名剧作家、诗人,著有“四大悲剧”) 弗朗西斯·培根 Francis Bacon (哲学家、散文家;在论述探究知识的著作中提出了知识就是力


约翰·邓恩 John Donne (“玄学派”诗人) 约翰·弥尔顿 John Milton(诗人、政论家;失明后写 《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》) 三、英国新古典主义时期文学(The Neoclassical Period) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求:

1) 主要作家及其主要作品、作品的艺术特色及其文学流派。 2) 启蒙运动产生的背景。 2. 英国新古典主义时期文学主要作家: 约翰·德莱顿 John Dryden(批评家和戏剧家;在英国被封为第一位“桂冠诗人”; 最先提出“玄


亚历山大·蒲柏 Alexander Pope (18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,其诗多用“英雄双韵体”。词句工整、


丹尼尔·笛福 Daniel Defoe(小说家,新闻记者,小册子作者;十八世纪英国现实主义小


塞缪尔·理查森 Samuel Richardson (小说开始审视“发生于内心的东西”,代表作《帕米拉》《克拉


亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding (英国小说家,戏剧家,被誉为“英国小说之父“) 乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家。高尔基称他为世界“伟


约翰·班扬 John Bunyan (代表作《天路历程》,被誉为“具有永恒意义的百科全书”,


理查德·布林斯利·谢里丹 Richard Brinsley Sheridan (英国剧作家,政治家。18世纪唯一一位剧


塞缪尔·约翰逊 Samuel Johnson(英国作家,批评家;英国文学史上重要的诗人、散文家、传记家


四、英国浪漫主义文学(The Romantic Period) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求:

1)主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色、代表作品及其语言风格 2)名词解释:浪漫主义,“湖畔派诗人” 2. 英国浪漫主义时期的主要作家:

威廉·布莱克 William Blake(十九世纪英国浪漫派诗人、画家、雕刻家; 代表作《素描诗


罗伯特·彭斯 Robert Burns (苏格兰著名农民诗人) 威廉·华兹华斯 William Wordsworth(与柯尔律治、骚塞同被称为“湖畔派”诗人) 塞缪尔·泰勒·科勒律治 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (“湖畔派诗人”之一) 乔治·戈登·拜伦 George Gordon Byron (拜伦式英雄Byronic heroes孤傲、狂热、浪漫,却充满


波西·比希·雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley (英国浪漫主义诗人) 约翰·济慈 John Keats (“美即是真,真即是美”是他的著名诗句。) 简·奥斯汀 Jane Austen (以女性作家特有的敏锐和细腻刻画英国乡村中产阶级的生活


沃尔特·司各特 Walter Scott (浪漫主义历史小说为他赢得“西欧历史小说之父”的声誉。) 五、维多利亚时期(The Victorian Period)

查尔斯·狄更斯 Charles Dickens(批判现实主义小说家) 夏洛蒂/爱米丽/安妮·勃郎特Charlote/Emily/Anne Bronte 托马斯·哈代 Thomas Hardy (小说多以农村生活为背景) 阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生Afred Tennyson (维多利亚时代最具代表性的伟大诗人) 六.现代时期(The Modern Period) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求:

1)主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色、代表作品及其语言风格 2)名词解释:意象主义,象征主义,意识流 2. 美国现代主义时期的主要作家:

乔治·萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw (英国杰出的批判现实主义剧作家) 威廉·巴特勒叶芝 William Butler Yeats (爱尔兰诗人,剧作家) 大卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯David Herbert Lawrence(英国诗人,小说家,散文家) 约翰·高尔斯华绥 John Galsworthy (小说家,剧作家) 詹姆斯·乔伊斯 James Joyce (爱尔兰小说家,诗人) 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 Virginia Woolf(意识流小说的代表人物)

第三节 美国文学知识简介 (American Literature)

一、独立革命前后的文学(The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求: 1) 殖民地时期文学的特点 2) 主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品 2. 独立革命前后时期的主要作家 本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin(散文家、科学家、曾参与起草“独立宣言”)

托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine (散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人) 菲利普·弗伦诺Philip Freneau (著名的“革命诗人”) 二、美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求: 1) 美国浪漫主义文学产生的社会历史及文化背景 2) 主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色、代表作品及其语言风格 3) 清教主义、超验主义、象征主义、自由诗等名词的解释 2. 美国浪漫主义时期的主要作家: 华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving (小说家,被称为“美国文学之父”)

詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀James Fenimore Cooper(开创了以 《皮裹腿故事集》


拉尔夫·华尔多·爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson(哲学家、文学家、散文家、超


纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Nathaniel Hawthorne (霍桑深受清教主义思想及加尔文教条


华尔特·惠特曼 Walt Whitman(美国现代文学开创者之一,是自由现代自由


赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 Herman Melville (美国浪漫主义时期成就最高的小说家,


埃德加·伦·坡 Edgar Allan Poe(擅长写怪诞恐怖小说和侦探小说,被西方人认为是侦探小


艾米莉·迪金森 Emily Dickinson



(1)“永恒”主题的诗Her poems concerning death and immortality

(2)狄金森的爱情诗Her love poems (3)狄金森的自然诗)Her nature poems 三、美国现实主义文学(American Realism) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求: 1). 主要作家的主要作品、作品的艺术特色及其文学流派。 2). 现实主义、自然主义等名词的解释。 2. 美国现实主义时期的主要作家:

马克·吐温 Mark Twain (马克·吐温、亨利·詹姆斯、豪威尔斯是美国现

实主义时期三位杰出代表。马克·吐温的作品富有地方色彩、语 言幽默)

亨利·詹姆斯 Henry James (小说家、文学批评家,美国现实主义文学代表人物之一 。使詹


西奥多·德莱塞 Theodore Dreiser (美国著名自然主义作家) 四、美国现代主义文学(American Modernism) 1. 考核知识点和考核要求:


2)名词解释:\迷惘的一代\,意象派诗歌,象征主义,表现主义,意识流 2. 美国现代主义时期的主要作家: 埃兹拉·庞德 Ezra Pound (美国意象派诗歌的创始人) 罗伯特·弗洛斯特 Robert Lee Frost (美国20世纪最伟大的诗人之一。在他的诗中,充满了新英


尤金·奥尼尔 Eugene O'Neill (剧作家,曾四次荣获普利策奖,也是迄今为止唯一的一位


司各特·菲兹杰拉德F Scott Fitzgerald(被视为早期\爵士时代\的文学代言人) 欧内斯特·海明威 Ernest Hemingway (“迷惘的一代”的代表人物。海明威小

说的艺术特色:\硬汉\形象、\重压下的风 度\、\冰山\原则等)

威廉·福克纳 William Faulkner(20年代美国“南方文艺复兴”杰出、最有影响的代表。1949


第二部分 人文知识 — 语言学

第一节 语言学知识考点分析


一、对知名的语言学家及其基本理论的重点考查 1. The speech act theory was first put forward by________.(2005年真题第40题) A. John Searle B. John Austin C. Noam Chomsky D. M.A.K. Halliday

此题考点是对于言语行为理论的创立者的了解。John Austin在1969年首先提出了“言语行为理论”,其他人如 John Searle等都是在Austin之后才提出或者进一步阐述该理论的。Noam Chomsky 创立的是转换生成语法,即TG Grammar,而M.A.K. Halliday创立的是系统功能语法,即Systemic-functional Grammar。因此可知此题应选答案B。

2. The distinction between parole and langue was made by ______.(2006年真题第40题) A. Halliday B. Chomsky C. Bloomfield D. Saussure

此题考点是哪位语言学家指出了parole(言语) 和langue(语言)的区别。Saussure是现代语言学的奠基人之一,他的学说源于langue和parole活动的异质性。Halliday则是系统功能语法的创始人。Chomsky是转换生成语法的创始人,而Bloomfield是结构主义的创始人。所以答案应选D。


1. The word “ kid, child, offspring” are examples of _______.(2006年真题第39题) A. dialectal synonyms B. stylistic synonyms C. emotive synonyms D. collocational synonyms


2. The word tail once referred to “ the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal”.

This is an example of __________.(2007年真题第40题) A. widening of meaning B. narrowing of meaning C. meaning shift D. loss of meaning

此题的考查重点是如何通过实例更好理解各种词义变化。此题里面the tail of a horse (马的尾巴)转变成the tail of any animal(任何动物的尾巴)是词义扩大的一个例子。

三、重点考查对主要语言学理论概念的掌握和理解 1. Syntax is the study of ____________________.(2005年真题第38题) A. language functions. B. sentence structures C. textual organization. D. word formation


2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? (2005年真题第39题) A. Arbitrariness. B. Productivity. C. Cultural transmission. D. Finiteness.

此题重点考查语言学中作为人类语言的主要特征。选项中除了finiteness局限性外,其他几项:Arbitrariness任意性,Productivity多产性,和Cultural transmission文化传输性在语言学概论部分都提到了,都是属于人类语言的主要特征。因此答案选D。

3. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of __________.(2006年真题第


A. reference B. meaning C. antonymy D. context


4. _________refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation. (2007

年真题第38题) A. Phonology B. Morphology C. Semantics D. Sociolinguistics


5. The distinctive features of a speech variety may be the following EXCEPT __________.(2007年真题第

39题) A. lexical B. syntactic C. phonological D. psycholinguistic

此题考查的是对于任意一种言语的特点的了解。一种言语的特点可以是词汇方面、句法方面和音系方面,但不能是心理方面的。因此答案选D。 根据以上对于近3年来八级真题中对语言学知识方面考试的内容归纳可以看出,考生必须了解和掌握的都是非常基本的一些语言学概念及其应用。 一般来说,对语言学方面的知识考查大体上包含这几部分:语言和语言学(Language and Linguistics ),语音学(Phonetics),音位学(Phonology), 形态学(Morphology),句法学(Syntax),语义学(Semantics),语用学(Pragmatics),词义演变(Semantic Change),语言与社会(Language and Society)。下面是将根据语言学知识考查的主要几个章节,简明扼要地概括考生需要了解和掌握的基本语言学知识点。

第二节 语言学知识简介

一、语言和语言学(Language and Linguistics ) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. design features(普遍特征): arbitrariness(任意性), duality(二重性), creativity(多产性),

displacement(移位性),interchangibility(可交替性),cultural transmission(文化传输性)。

2. prescriptive and descriptive(规定性和描述性研究);synchronic and dichronic(共时与历时研究) 3. competence and perfomance(语言能力与应用) 4. langue and parole (语言与言语) 二、语音学(Phonetics) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. speech organ (发音器官); 2. consonant(辅音): place of articulation and manners of articualtion(发音部位和发音方式),清浊


3. 元音(vowel) 三、音位学(Phonology)

考核知识点和考核要求: 1. 音位(phoneme);音位变体(allophone); 2. minimal pair(最小语音对); 3. 互补性分配(complementary distribution); 4. free variation(自由变体); 5. 超音段特征(suprasegmental features)。 四、形态学(Morphology) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. morpheme (词素):free and bound morpheme(自由与黏着词素);allomorph(词素变体); 2. word-formation(构词法):compound(合成法),affixation(词缀法),conversion(转类法),blending


五、句法学(Syntax) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. Grammatical categories(语法范畴); 2. IC analysis(直接成分分析法); 3. agreement and government(一致关系和支配关系); 4. TG grammar(转换生成语法); 5. systemic- functional grammar(系统功能语法)。 六、语义学(Semantics) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. Leech’s seven types of meaning(利奇的七种意义); 2. semantic triangle(语义三角); 3. synonymy(同义关系); 4. antonymy(反义关系); 5. hyponymy(上下义关系); 6. polysemy(一词多义); 7. homonymy(同形/同音异义关系)。 七、语用学(Pragmatics) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. Context(语境); 2. Speech Act Theory(言语行为理论):

a) John Austin: Locutionary act(言内行为), Illocutionary act(言外行为) and Perlocutionary act

(言后行为); indrect speech act

b) John Searle: representatives(阐述类); directives(指令类); commissives (承诺类);

expressives(表达类); declarations(宣告类)

3. Cooperative Principle(合作原则):Quality(质量), Quantity(数量), Relation (关系)and Manner

(方式)Maxim准则; conversational implicature(言外之意); conversational implicature

八、词义演变(Semantic Change) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. widening of meaning/generalization(词义扩大); 2. narrowing of meaning/specializaiton(词义缩小); 3. meaning shift(词义转移):degradation(词义降格)and elevation(词义升格)。 九、语言与社会(Language and Society) 考核知识点和考核要求: 1. Speech conmunity(语言团体); 2. speech variety(语言变体); 3. dialect(方言); 4. sociolect(社会方言); 5. idiolect(个人语言); 6. register(语域); 7. pidgin(洋泾浜语); 8. creole(混合语); 9. bilingualism(双语现象); 10. diglossia(双言制)


第三部分 人文知识 — 英语国家概况

第一节 英语国家概况知识考点分析

我们对英语专业八级考试大纲以及近三年真题进行过认真地研究,并对人文知识的十个题目的知识考点分布做过仔细分析,结果发现对英语国家概况知识的考查一般占了其中的4小题(40%)。通过分析把对主要英语国家概况知识的考查重点归纳为以下几类: 一、对主要英语国家的地理分布的了解 1. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.? (2005年真题第33题)

A. Huston B. Boston C. Baltimore D. Philadelphia


二、对主要英语国家的行政区划的了解 1. ________ is the capital city of Canada. (2005年真题第31题) A. Vancouver B. Ottawa C. Montreal D. York


2. The capital of New Zealand is ________. (2006年真题第32题)

A. Christchurch B. Auckland C. Wellington D. Hamilton


三、对主要英语国家的祖先或人民的了解 1. The original inhabitants of Australia were ________.(2005年真题第34题) A. the Red Indians B. the Eskimos C. the Aborigines D. the Maoris


2. Who were the natives of Austrilia before the arrival of the British settlers? (2006年真 题第33


A. The Aborigines B. The Maoris C. The Indians D. The Eskimos

此题考点是对于澳大利亚原始居民的了解。见上,因此可知此题应选答案A。 3. The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectively

EXCEPT ________.(2007年真题第31题) A. the Anglos B. the Celts C. the Jutes D. the Saxons

此题考点是对于英伦三岛民族的祖先的了解。注:The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons, the Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts. 因此可知此题应选答案C。

四、对主要英语国家的主要历史事件的了解 1. The President during the American Civil War was ________. (2006年真题第31题)

A. Andrew Jackson B. Abraham Lincoln C. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington


2. The Declaration of Independence was written by ________.(2007年真题第33题)

A. Thomas Jefferson B. George Washington C. Alexander Hamilton D. James Madison

此题考点是对于《独立宣言》的了解。杰斐逊(1743-1826), 美国政治家, 第三任总统, 独立宣言的起草人。因此可知此题应选答案A。

五、对主要英语国家的政治体制及政府的了解 1. U.S. presidents normally serves a (an) _________ term. (2005年真题第32题)

A. two-year B. four-year C. six-year D. eight-year


2. The Prime Minister in Britain is head of _________. (2006年真题第34题)

A. the Shadow Cabinet B. the Parliament C. the Opposition D. the Cabinet


3. The Head of State of Canada is represented by ________.(2007年真题第32题)

A. the Monarch B. the President C. the Prime Minister D. the Governor-general


六、对主要英语国家的宗教信仰及其发展的了解 1. ________ is the state church in England. (2005年真题第34题)

A. The Roman Catholic Church. B. The Baptist Church C. The Protestant Church D. The Church of England

此题考点是对于英国宗教的了解。注:The Church of England is the officially established Christian church in England and acts as the mother and senior branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion as well as a founding member of the Porvoo Communion.因此可知此题应选答案D。

第二节 英语国家概况知识简介


八级考试针对的主要英语国家为: 英国

英国是世界上最早的工业化国家。在19世纪70年代,英国致力于海外殖民扩张,政治经济一度达到顶峰,曾有“The Sun Never Set Empire(日不落帝国)”的称号。今天,英国仍旧是世界最具实力的经济和政治大国之一。它对世界的历史、经济和文化产生了深远的影响。


The United States of America(美利坚合众国),简称U.S.A(美国),首都Washington(华盛顿)。它是North America(北美洲)最大的国家,国土面积约930万平方公里,是仅次于俄罗斯、加拿大及中国的第四大国。


加拿大位于北美洲北部,首都是Ottawa(渥太华),国土总面积为9 970 610 平方公里,位居世界第二。加拿大资源丰富、社会安定、法律健全,是世界上经济最发达的国家之一。




New Zealand(新西兰)是南太平洋上一个景色如画的岛国,其形状似一叶长长的扁舟。它同Patagoni(巴塔哥尼亚)和Chile(智利)南部一样,是世界上最南端的陆地,它的南海岸距离South Pole(南极)只有2 400余公里,因此新西兰被称为“the Country on the Edge of the World(世界边缘的国家)”,被当地毛利人称为“Aotearoa(长长的白云之乡)”。

第三章 英语专业八级考试人文知识模拟题 英国文学知识简介 (English Literature) 450-1066 1066-1500 1500-1660 1660-1785 1785-1830 1832-1901 1901-1914 1910-1936 1914 – 1945

Exercise 1 Old and Medieval English Literature

Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) Period古英语(或盎格鲁—撒克逊)时期 Middle English Period中古英语时期 The Renaissance文艺复兴 The Neoclassical Period新古典主义时期 The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期 The Victorian Period维多利亚时期 The Edwardian Period爱德华时期 The Georgian Period乔治五世时期 The Modern Period现代时期 Postmodernism后现代主义


There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. Although ________ was essentially a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a

new era of literature to come. A. William Langland B. John Gower C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Edmund Spenser 2. Which of the following does not belong to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer? A. The Canterbury Tales B. The Vision of Piers Plowman

C. “Troilus and Criseyde” D. “The Romaunt of the Rose”

3. “________” brings the reader into a world that belongs to the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his knights of

the Round Table.

A. The Vision of Piers Plowman B. The House of Fame

C. The Ronaumt of the Rose D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 4. In Anglo-Saxon period, “Beowulf” represented the ________ poetry. A. pagan B. religious C. romantic D. sentimental

5. When we speak of the old English prose, we might think of ________, who is the first scholar in English

literature and has been regarded as father of English learning. A. William Shakespeare B. Beowulf C. Julius Caesar D. Venerable Bede 6. ________ is not only a prose writer but also a king of Wessex. A. Alfred the Great B. Venerabel Bede C. Adam Bede D. King Arthur 7. ________ is the culmination of the Arthurian romance. A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. The story of Beowulf C. Piers the Plowman D. The Canterbury Tales 8. In which century were Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales written? A. Fourteenth B. Fifteenth C. Sixteenth D. Seventeenth 9. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight focused on ________. A. immediate social issues

B. the real life as well as people’s feelings and desires

C. a remote world belongs to the Celtic Legend of King Arthur and his knights D. the imagination of the future world

10. King Alfred’s Anglos Saxon Chronicle was written in ________ form. A. poetic B. dramatic

C. prose D. none of the above

11. Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ________ adventures or other heroic deeds,

is a popular literary form in the medieval period. A. Christian B. knightly

C. Greek D. primitive

12 The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the

medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely _______.

A. William Langland’s Piers Plowman B. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales C. John Gower’s Confessio Amantis D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

13. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ________. A. Piers Plowman B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

C. Confessio Amantis D. The Canterbury Tales

14. ________, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic of the


A. Beowulf B. The Wife’s Complaint C. The Dream of the Rood D. The Seafarer 15. All of the following are the trio of English poetry giants except ________. A. Chaucer B. Shakespeare

C. Milton D. Byron

16. Which of the following is the translation work of Geoffrey Chaucer? A. The Canterbury Tales B. The House of Fame

C. Troilus and Criseyde D. The Romaunt of the Rose

17. William Langland’s “________” is written in the form of a dream vision and he wrote for ________. A. Kublai Khan / the royal family B. Piers the Plowman / the common people C. The Dream of John Bull / the monks D. Morte d’ Arthur / the court

18. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ________. It was a long composition, sometimes in

verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. A. the farce B. the melodrama

C. the romance D. the science

19. Geoffrey Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the

rhymed stanzas of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter(to be called the “________”) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon allirative verse. A. exotic B. esoteric

C. heroic D. sarcastic

20. ________ , a legendary popular hero living with his merry men in the greenwood, is ready to help the poor

and weak, fighting against the nobles and archbishops, and take from the rich and give to the poor. A. King Arthur B. Robin Hood C. Beowulf D. King Alfred

Exercise 2 The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. The publication of Philip Sidney’s ________ made sonnet sequence a popular literary form in


A. Arcadia B. Astrophet and Stella C. Defense of Poetry D. Utopia

2. The statement that a man gained the whole world but lost his own soul makes a good summary of the main

plot of ________.

A. Paradise Lost B. The Merchant of Venice

C. Hamlet D. The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus

3. A stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter,

rhyming ababbcbcc called ________, originated from ________. A. Spenserian stanza / Edmund Spenser B. Blank Verse / Philip Sidney C. Petrarchan Sonnet / Thomas More D. Shakespearean Sonnet / William Shakespeare

4. “Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted” is one of the epigrams found in


A. Bacon’s Of Studies B. Bunyans’s The Pilgrim’s Progress C. Fielding’s Tom Jones D. Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language

5. “In a dream vision, Arthur witnessed the loveliness of Gloriana, and upon awakening resolves to seek her.”

The two above figures “Arthur” and “Gloriana” are from ________. A. Paradise Lost B. Romeo and Juliet

C. The Faerie Queene D. Paradise Regained

6. The tragedy of Dr. Faustus, the protagonist in Christopher Marlow’s the The Tragic History of Dr. Faustus, is

the very fact that ________. A. man is confined to time B. he tried to join Africa to Spain

C. he became a man without soul after he sold it

D. he conjured up Helen, the lady who was the very cause of the Trojan War 7. Paradise Lost by Milton took its material from ________. A. Greek mythology B. The Bible

C. Roman mythology D. French romance

8. In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed from Shylock,


A. his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industry B. his enterprise went bankrupt

C. Bassanio was able to pay his own debt D. His ships had all been lost

9. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “ To be or not to be — that is the question” by

________, and in his soliloquy, the hero gives the reasons why he wants to commit suicide. Apart from his personal revenge, that he ________ is another reason.

A. Iago in Othello / is unable to restore his earlier idealized image of his wife B. Lear in King Lear / thinks the next world is far better than the harsh reality

C. Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice / is mentally tormented by Shylock D. Hamlet in Hamlet / cannot bear the social injustice and grievances

10. All of the following are the most eminent dramatists in the Renaissance England EXCEPT ________.

A. William Shakespeare B. Ben Johnson C. Christopher Marlowe D. Francis Bacon 11. Which of the following is not among Shakespeare’s four Great tragedies? A. Hamlet B. Romeo and Juliet

C. Macbeth D. King Lear

12. ________ is the first important English essayist and the founder of modern science in England.

A. Francis Bacon B. Edmund Spenser C. William Carxton D. Sidney 13. Thomas More wrote Utopia in ________ in 1516. A. French B. English

C. Latin D. Italian

14. ________ exposes the corruption of vicious ambition. A. Othello B. King Lear

C. Hamlet D. Macbeth

15. Which of the following is NOT the work of Sir Philip Sidney? A. Astrophel and Stella B. Defense of Poetry

C. Arcadia D. Samson Agonists 16. “The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” is an example of ________. A. simile B. irony

C. allegory D. metaphor

17. In the following writings, ________ has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of

English prose.

A. Of Studies by Francis Bacon B. The Advancement of Learning

C. Francis Bacon’s Essays D. Novum Organum

18. The sentence “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning of one of Shakespeare’s ________. A. comedies B. tragedies

C. sonnets D. histories

19. “Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew,/ Thou mak’st thy knife keen.” In the above quotation taken from

The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare employs a(n) ________. A. oxymoron B. pun

C. simile D. synecdoche

20. Which of the following does NOT describe metaphysical poetry best represented by John Donne’s works? A. elegant language B. conceit

C. argument D. common speech

21. Which of the following historical events does NOT directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance


A. The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture

B. The new discoveries in geography and astrology C. The Glorious Revolution

D. The religious reformation and the economic expansion

22. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18? A. The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.

B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.

C. The speaker meditates on man’s salvation.

D. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation. 23. “ And we will sit upon the rocks,

Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.”

The above lines are probably taken from ________. A. Spenser’s The Faerie Queene B. Marlowe’s The passionate Shepherd to His Love C. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 D. John Donne’s The Sun Rising

24. ________ cares more about axioms under the guidance of which man thinks and acts than human nature or


A. Francis Bacon B. John Bunyan C. Henry Fielding D. Samuel Johnson 25. ________ is NOT written by Francis Bacon. A. Of Studies B. Novum Organum

C. The Advancement of Learning D. The History oftheReign of Henry VI

26. The English Renaissance began during the reign of ________and refers to the period between ________ and

________ centuries.

A. 16/mid-19 / Charles II B. 14/min-17 / Henry VIII


C. 14 / mid-18 / Elizabeth I D. 16 /mid-17 / James I 27. Which of the following is NOT composed by John Milton? A. Gulliver’s Tavels B. Paradise Lost

C. Paradise Regained D. Areopagitica

28. “Man shall find grace.” But he must lay hold of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the

keystone of ________’s creed.

A. Jonathan Swift B. John Milton

C. Henry Fielding D. Samuel Johnson

29. “All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or

yield: And what is else not to be overcome?” The above lines come from ________.

A. Dr. Faustus B. Paradise Regained

C. Paradise Lost D. Tamburlaine

30. ________ and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism. A. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe B. John Milton, Thomas More C. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe D. John Donne, Edmund Spenser

31. ________ used wisdom in saving Antonio from being cut a pound of flesh by Shylock in The Merchant of


A. Judge B. Portia

C. Bassanio D. Duke 32. Which of the following is NOT among the literary giants of English Renaissance? A. Edmund Spenser B. John Donne

C. Samuel Johnson D. Francis Bacon

33. Shakespeare’s plays are written in a beautiful English language. He created ________ to express his


A. free verse B. short verse

C. blank verse D. regular verse 34. ________ is known as “the poets’ poet”.

A. Edmund Spenser B. John Milton C. Christopher Marlowe D. Robert Frost

35. ________ shows how mankind, in the person of Christ, withstands the tempter and is established once more

in the divine favor.

A. Paradise Regained B. Paradise Lost

C. Samson Agonistes D. Beowulf

36. Which of the following writings is the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in

English? A. Beowulf B. Samson Agonistes

C. Paradise Regained D. Paradise Lost 37. Which of the following is NOT true about Renaissance? A. humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.

B. It was Chaucer who initiated the Reformation.


C. Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristic of th 14 and 15 centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation.

D. The Elizabethan drama, in its totality, is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. 38. Christopher Marlowe gave new vigor to ________ with his “mighty lines”. A. the Petrarchan sonnet B. sestina

C. blank verse D. terzarima

39. The central figure of Tamburlaine represents the Renaissance desire for infinite ________. A. knowledge and happiness B. power and authority

C. success and adventure D. ambition and conquest

40. The lines “Death, be not proud, though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”

are found in ________.

A. John Keats’ writings B. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings C. William Wordsworth’s writings D. John Donne’s writings

41. “To fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle disciplin”, best describes ________ principal


A. Edmund Spenser’s B. John Milton’s C. Daniel Defoe’s D. William Shakespeare’s

42. ________ states that literary works which have truly reflected nature and reality can reach immorality. A. William Shakespeare B. John Milton C. Francis Bacon D. John Donne 43. The literary form of Spenser’s The Faerie Queene is ________.

th ththth

A. narrative poem B. allegorical poem

C. lyric poem D. ironic poem 44. The Advancement of Learning is a great tract on ________. A. education B. literature C. history D. policy

45. Among the works by John Milton, which is indeed the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature

since Beowulf?

A. Paradise Regained B. Paradise Lost C. Areopagitica D. Samson Agonistes

46. Which writing is a typical example of Shakespeare’s pessimistic view towards human life and society in his

late years?

A. The Tempest B. King Lear

C. Hamlet D. Othello 47. Twelfth Night by Shakespeare is ________. A. history play B. comedy

C. tragedy D. a poem

48. ________ is a product of characteristically renaissance imagination, fascinated by the earthly magnificence

available to men of imagination power who have the energy of their convictions. A. Tambrulaine B. Dr. Faustus C. Hamlet D. King Lear

49. ________’s dominant moral is human rather than religious, it celebrates the human passion for knowledge,

power and happiness: it also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspirations in a hostile moral order.

A. Paradise Lost B. Dr. Faustus

C. the Jedw of Malta D. Tambrulaine 50. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from ________. A. The Renaissance B. The Old Testament

C. Greek Mythology D. The New Testament

Exercise 3 The Neoclassical Period新古典主义时期

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. ________ is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A. Genesis A B. Exodus C. The Pilgrim’s Progress D. The Holy War

2. Alexander Pope worked painstakingly on his poems and finally brought to its last perfection ________

Dryden had successfully used in his plays. A. the heroic couplet B. the free verse C. the bland verse D. the Spenserian stanza

3. ________ has been regarded by some as “Father of the English novel” for his contribution to the

establishment of the form of the modern novel. A. John Bunyan B. Henry Fielding C. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift 4. In the following descriptions of the Neoclassical Period, which is wrong? A. The Neocalssical Period is prior to the Romantic Period.

B. Henry Fielding is one of the representatives of the Neoclassical Period. C. The modern English novel came into being in the Neoclassical Period. D. Neoclassical Period is also known as the Age of Enlightenment.

5. By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of Vanity Fair, John Bunyan intends to

show the prevalent political and religious ________ of his time. A. persecution B. improvement C. prosperity D disillusionment

6. An honest, kind-hearted young man, who is full of animal spirit and lacks prudence, is expelled from the

paradise and has to go through hard experience to gain knowledge of himself and finally to have been accepted both by a virtuous lady and a rich relative. The above sentence may well sum up the theme of Fielding’s work ________.

A. Janathan Wild the Great B. Tom Jones C. The Coffe-House Politician D. Amelia 7. Which of the following works was not written by Jonathan Swift? A. A Modest Proposal B. Gulliver’s Travels C. A Tale of a Tub D. The Rivals

8. ________ was the greatest dramatist during the Neoclassical Period in England. A. Oliver Goldsmith B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. William Shakespeare D. Henry Fielding

9. ________ is one of Swift’s masterpiece. It is a satire on corruption in religion and learning.

A. The Way of the World B. Love for Love C. The Beggar’s Opera D. A Tale of a Tub 10. ________’s work signaled the beginning of the age of Restoration Drama. A. William Wycherley B .William Congreve C. John Dryden D. John Gay

11. Which of the following books was Samuel Johnson’s monumental success? A. The Dictionary of the English Language B. Oliver Twist

C. The Old Curiosity Shop D. Barnaby Rudge

12. John Dryden was all of the following EXCEPT________ in the literary world of Restoration England. A. a poet B. a dramatist

C. a literary critic D. a short story writer

13. “Essays on Criticism” was written by________, which first established his reputation as a ________. A. Francis Bacon, critic B. Francis Bacon, essayist C. Alexander Pope, playwright D. Alexander Pope, essayist

14. Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel ________ which is often considered to be the first novel in English


A. Gulliver’s Travles B. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe C. The Pilgrim’s Progress D. Oliver Twist

15. “Yahoos” from the novel ________ written by Jonathan Swift are described to be very much similar to

human beings in outward appearance and their unworthy actions as well. A. Gulliver’s Travels B. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

C. The Wuthering Heights D. Sons and Lovers

16. John Bunyan’s style was modeled after that of the English ________, with concrete and living language and

carefully observed and vividly presented details and the chief force that motivated him to write The Pilgirm’s Progrss was his ________.

A. romance / political commitment B. folklore / long suffering in person

C. drama / artistic pursuit D. Bible / religious fervency


17. Of all the 18 century novelists ________ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write

specifically a “comic epic in prose”. A. Henry Fielding B. John Bunyan

C. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift 18. ________ brings Henry Fielding the name of the “prose Homer”. A. The Pilgrim’s Progress B. Tom Jones C. Robinson Crusoe D. Colonel Jack

19. The Rivals and ________ are generally regarded as important links between the masterpieces of

Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw. A. The School for Scandal B. The Duenna

C. Widower’s Houses D. The Doctor’s Dilemma

20. ________ is mainly a story about two brothers, the hypocritical Joseph Surface and the good-natured,

imprudent and spendthrift Charles Surface.

A. The Rivals B. The School for Scandal C. The Duenna D. Pizarro

21. ________ was very much concerned with the theme of the vanity of human wishes and tried to awaken men

to this folly and hoped to cure them of it through his writing. A. Samuel Johnson B. Jonathan Swift C. Richard Brinsley Sheridan D. Thomas Gray


22. ________ is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy of the aristocratic-bourgeois society in the 18 century


A. The Rivals B. The School for Scandal C. Tom Jones D. Gulliver’s Travels

23. Elegy Written in a Country Churchayanrd is regarded as the most representative work of ________. In this

poem, Thomas Gray compared the common folk with the great ones, wondering what the commons could have achieved if they had had the ________. A. the Metaphysical School / money B. the Graveyard School / chance C.the Gothic School / love D. the Romantic school / material sources 24. In his novel Robinson Crusoe, Defoe eulogizes the hero of the ________. A. aristocratic class B. enterprising landlords C. rising bourgeoisie D. hard-working people

25. The enlightenment believed that if the masses were well educated, there would be greater chance for a

________ human society. A. reasonable B. progressive

C. democratic D. enlightened 26. The Enlightenment Movement did not advocate ________. A. rationality, reason, order and rules B. inner feelings of individuals

C. return to the ancient classical works D. universal education

27. ________ by Pope is a comprehensive study of the theories of literary criticism, exerting great influence

upon his contemporary writers in advocating the classical rules and popularizing the neoclassicist tradition in England.

A. An Essay on Man B. The Dunciad C. The Essays D. An Essay on Criticism 28. The tone of Jonathan Swift’s novel Gulliver’s Travels is ________.

A. sad B. sarcastic C. praising D. detached

29. Samuel Johnson wrote his letter To the Right Homorable the Earl of Chesterfield in order to ________. A. make reconciliation with the Earl

B. address the newly compiled dictionary to the Earl C. persuade the Earl to give up his hypocrisy

D. show his indignation and resolution not to be reconciled


30. In the 18 century English literature, the representative writer of Neoclassicism is________. A. Alexander Pope B. Jonathan Swift C. Daniel Defoe D. John Milton

31. During the reign of reason the Enlightenment meant education of people to free them from all the

unreasonable fetters which include ________. A. theology B. conventional ideology

C. feudal government D. all the above

32. Which of the following plays is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare? A. The School for Scandal B. She Stoops to Conquer

C. The Rivals D. the Conscious Lover

33. “Is not a patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man stuggling for life in the water, and when

he has reached ground, encumbers him with help?” The above passage is take from________. A. Francis Bacon’s Of Studies

B. William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venic

C. Samuel Johnson’s To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield D. Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal

34. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John bunyan describes “ The Vanity Fair” in a ________ tone. A. delightful B. satirical

C. sentimental D. solemn


35. The 18 century witnesses a new literary form— the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval

romance, gives a ________ presentation of life of the common English people. A. romantic B. idealistic

C. prophetic D. realistic

36. In the following statements, which is NOT true?

A. Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes

after the Restoration in 1660.

B. Thomas Gray, though he was a famous poet, did not write much.

C. Walt Whitman created “free verse” in his Leaves of Grass, which won him the name of a great American


D. Pope made his name as a great poet with the publication of the Rape of the Lock.

37. When he writes, in An Essay on Criticism, “A vile conceit in pompous words expressed,/ Is like a clown in

regal purple dresses”, Alexander Pope means that ________. A. pompous words are always destructive to good taste

B. the purple color is for the royal only and it is ridiculous to dress a clown in purple C. conceits are always misleading D. true wit is best set in a plain style

38. “The shepherd in Virgin grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of rocks.”(Samuel

Johnson’s To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield) the speaker here is ________. A. cheerful B. ironic C. mysterious D. nonchalant

39. “He has a servant called Friday.” “He” in the quoted sentence is a character in ________. A. Henry Fielding’ Tom Jones

B. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress

C. Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The School for Scandal D. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

40. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is a(n)________.

A. allegory B. romance C. comedy of manners D. realistic novel

41. In the lines “With gold and jewels cover every part,/ And hide with ornaments their want of art” (An Essay

on Criticism), Pope rejects ________. A. the “Follow Nature” fallacy B. artificiality

C. good taste D. aesthetic order

42. Deniel Defoe describes ________ as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very

prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist. A. Tom Jones B. Gulliver C. Robinson Crusoe D. Moll Flanders 43. ________ is a typical feature of Swift’s writings. A. Bitter satire B. Elegant style

C. Casual narration D. Complicated sentence structure

44. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for ________. A. material wealth B. spiritual salvation

C. universal truth D. self-fulfillment

45. Here are four lines from a literary work: “Others for language all their care express, and value books as

women men, for dress.” The work is ________.

A. Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

B. John Miltons’ Paradise Lost

C. Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism D. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream

46. The phrase “to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles

with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils” may well sum up the implied meaning of ________. A. Gulliver’s Travels B. The Rape of the Lock

C. Robinson Crusoe D. The Pilgrim’s Progress

47. Henry Fielding adopted “the third-person narration,” which enables the author to present as the ________

not only the characters’ external behavior but also the internal workings of their minds. A. “all-knowing God” B. intimate participant

C. invisible man D. ignorant narrator 48. The following comments on John Bunyan are wrong EXCEPT ________. A. “he was a stout Puritan.”

B. “Bunyan’s works belong to Gothic novels.”

C. “Bunyan’s style is different form that of the English Bible.” D. “A Modest Proposal is his representative work.”

49. ________ is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A. The Rivals B. The Pilgrim’s Progress

C. The Life and Death Mr. Badman D. Paradise Lost

50. Among the representatives of the Enlightenment, ________ was the first to introduce rationalism to


A. John Bunyan B. Daniel Defoe

C. Jonathan Swift D. Alexander Pope

Exercise 4 The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. The poetic view of ________ can be best understood from his remark about poetry, that is , “all good poetry

is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, with originates in emotion recollected in ________.” A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge / memory B. John Keats / observation C. William Wordsworth / tranquility D. Percy Bysshe Shelley / nature 2. It is said that the poem________ written by S.T. Coleridge was composed in a dream after the poet took the opium. But when he was writing the lines down, a stranger interrupted him and only 54 lines survived. A. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner B. Frost at Midnight C. Kubla Khan D. The Prelude

3. In the Romantic Age, ________ is a great critic on Shakespeare, Elizabethan drama, and English poetry. A. Walter Scott B. Jane Austen

C. William Hazlitt D. John Milton

4. In his poem, “Ode to the West Wind,” Shelley intends to present his wind as a central ________around

which the poem weaves various cycles of death and rebirth. A. metonymy B. simile C. symbol D. concept 5. As a ________ writer, Jane Austen considers it her duty to express in her works a

discriminated and serious criticism of life, and to expose the follies and illusions of mankind.

A. romantic B. sentimentalist C. realistic D. naturalistic

6. The first line of William Blake’s well-known poem The Tyger reads, “Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright.” The

repeated word “tyger”(tiger) with an exclamation mark suggests ________. A. joy B. fear C. pain D. fondness 7. What does Wordsworth’s poem the Solitary Reaper tell us about Romanticist?

A. To romanticists, poetry is an expression of an individual’s feelings and experiences no matter how

fragmentary and monentary these feelings and experiences are.

B. Romanticists take delight only in sound effect; the theme of a work is not their concern. C. Romanticists are not patient people; they would leave before the revelation of the theme. D. Poetry should present the apparent and tangible.

8. The lines “It was a miracle of rare device, / A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice” are found in ________. A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Kubla Khan

B. William Wordsworth’s Lines Written in Early Spring C. John Keats’s Ode to Autumn

D. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind

9. Prometheus Unbound is Shelley’s greatest achievement. Prometheus, according to the Greek mythology,

was chained by Zeus on Mount Caucasus and suffered the vulture’s feeding on his liver for ________. A. planning a revolt to dethrone God

B. misinterpreting God’s decree to reconcile man and nature C. prophesying the arrival of spring in a winter season D. stealing the fire from heaven and giving it to man

10. The Romantic Period in Englishh literature began with the publication of ________. A. William Blake’s Song of Innocence B. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

C. Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads D. Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe

11. Which of the following is taken from John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn? A. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”

B. “For Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love.”

C. “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard/ Are sweeter.” D. “The Child is father of the Man.”

12. The novel starts with “It is universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must

be in want of a wife.” This novel is Jane Austen’s ________. A. Emma B. Persuasion

C. Sense and Sensibility D. Pride and Prejudice 13. “And where are they? And where art thou,

My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now—

The heroic bosom beats no more!” (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan) In the above stanza, “art thou” literally means ________. A. are you B. art though C. are though D. art you

14. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ________. A. ode B. elegy C. epic D. sonnet

15. In William Blake’s poetry, the father ( and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God,

priest, and king ) was usually a figure of ________. A. benevolence B. admiration C. love D. tyranny

16. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley’s poem Ode to the West Wind with all the following terms

EXCEPT ________.

A. tamed B. swift

C. proud D. wild

17. William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from ________. A. form B. thoughts C. artistic devices D. emotion

18. In Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the mariner suffers the horror of death, because ________. A. he experiences a shipwreck B. he is tortured with starvation

C. he undergoes much suffering D. he kills an albatross

19. The four great odes of John Keats are the following EXCEPT ________. A. Ode on Melancholy B. Ode on a Grecian Urn

C. Ode to a Nightingale D. Ode to the West Wind

20. In William Blake’s later period, he wrote quite a few prophetic books including the following writing EXCEPT


A. The Book of Urizen B. The Book of Los C. Milton D. Marriage of Heaven and Hell

21. The literary form which is fully-developed and the most flourishing during the Romantic Period is ________.

A. prose B. drama C. poetry D. novel 22. ________ is the author of the writing Ode to a Nightingale. A. William Blake B. John Keats

C. Ezra Pound D. Eugene O’’Neil

23. Which of the following writings is NOT completed by William Blake? A. Songs of Experience B. Songs of Innocence

C. Marriage of Heave and Hell D. Emma

24. In the history of literature, Romanticism is generally regarded as ________.

A. the thought that designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the

very center of all life and experience

B. the thought that designates man as a social animal

C. the orientation that emphasizes those features which men have in common D. the modes of thinking

25. ________ is the central concern to Blake’s concern in Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. A. Womanhood B. Adulthood

C. Happiness D. Childhood

26. In Shelley’s To a Skylark, the bird, suspended between reality and poetic image, pours forth an exultant song

which suggests to the poet________.

A. both celestial rapture and human limitation

B. both image creation and profound meaning C. both music and words

D. both inspiration and skill of writing

27. Which of the following writings is NOT created by William Wordsworth? A. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.

B. Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 C. The Solitary Reaper. D. The Chimney Sweeper

28. “Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O Thou, Who chariots to their dark wintry bed”

The above three lines are taken from ________. A. Ode on A Grecian Urn B. Ode to the West Wind

C. A song: Men of England D. Song for the Luddites

29. With so many poems such as The Sparrow’s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo and To a Butterfly, William

Wordsworth is regarded as “ ________”. A. poet of genius B. royal poet

C. worshipper of nature D. conservative poet 30. Which of the following can NOT describe “Byronic hero”? A. proud B. mysterious

C. noble origin D. progressive 31. The tone of literature in Songs of Experience by William Blake is ________. A. utter B. lively

C. plain D. doleful 32. ________ is the author of the writing Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage? A. Byron B. Blake

C. Keats D. Wordsworth 33. ________ wrote the poem Men of England. A. Shelley B. Thomas Gray

C. Walt Whitman D. T.S. Eliot

34. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels. B. Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”. C. Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.

D. Pride and Prejudice is about marriage and love.

35. Of the following writers, which is NOT the representative of the Romantic Period? A. William Blake B. John Keats

C. William Wordsworth D. John Bunyan

36. By contrasting the freedom of the ancient Greece and the enslavement of the present Greece in the Isles of

Greece, Byron appealed to the Greek people to fight for ________. A. love B. liberty

C. happiness D. peace

37. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” is an epigrammtic line by ________. A. J. Keats B. W. Blake

C. W. Wordsworth D. P.B. Shelley

38. Ode on a Grecian Urn shows the contrast between the ________ of art and the ________ of human passion. A. glory / ugliness B. permanence / transience

C. transience / sordidness D. glory / permanence 39. Of the following poets, which is NOT regarded as “Lake Poets”? A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge B. Robert Southey C. William Wordsworth D. Alfred Tennyson 40. Generally speaking, English Romanticism refers to the period of ________. A.1798-1832 B.1660-1798

C. 1836-1901 D.1789-1832

41. In his lyrics such as Ode to Liberty, Ode to Naples, Percy Bysshe Shelley expressed his love for ________ and

his hatred toward tyranny.

A. the middle class B. freedom

C. the poor D. the working class

42. Among all his poems, the ________ are regarded as Keats’ most important and mature works. A. Ode to Psyche B. Odes

C. Ode to a Grecian Urn D. Ode to a Nightingale 43. ________ is a Romantic novelist but is impressed with neoclassic stains. A. Walter Scott B. Mary Shelley

C. Jane Austen D. Ann Radcliff

44. Wordsworth thinks that ________ is the only subject of literary interest. A. the life of rising bourgeoisie B. aristocratic life

C. the life of the royal family D. common life 45. ________ is not a novel written by Jane Austen. A. Jane Eyre B. Sense and Sensibility

C. Pride and Prejudice D. Emma

46. For the Romantics, ________ is not only the major source of poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant

subject matter. A. love B. man C. nature D. death 47. Literarily ________ was the first important Romantic poet in English history. A. William Wordsworth B. William Blake

C. Robert Burns D. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

48. ________ is the leading figure of the English Romantic poetry, the focal poetic voice of the period.

A. William Blake B. William Wordsworth C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. George Gordon Byron 49. ________ is an elegy written by Shelley for John Keats. A. Adonais B. Men of England C. Ode to the West Wind D. Hellas

50. ________ expressed the contrast between the happy world of natural loveliness and human world of agony. A. Ode on Melancholy B. Ode to a Grecian Urn C. Ode to a Nightingale D. To Autumn

Exercise 5 The Victorian Period 维多利亚时期

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. Although writing from different points of view and with different techniques, writers in the Victorian Period

shared one thing in common, that is they were all concerned about ________. A. the love story between the rich and the poor B. the techniques in writing

C. the fate of the common people D. the future of their own country

2. The author of the work Hard Times is ________.

A. Charles Dickens B. Henry James C. Robert Browning D. Thackaray

3. In the following figures, who is Dickens’ first child hero? A. Fagin B. Mr. Brownlow C. Oliver Twist D. Bill Sikes

4. As a love story, Wuthering Heights is one of the most moving: the passion between ________ proves the

most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible. A. Hareton and Cathy B. Heathcliff and Catherine C. Hareton and Catherine D. Heathcliff and Cathy 5. Which of the following about Emily Bronte is Not true? A. She was famous for her Wuthering Heights. B. She wrote the novel Shriley. C. She lived a very short life.

D. Her masterpiece is not noted for its optimistic tone.

6. The most important character in “Ulysses” by Alfred Tennyson is ________. A. mastering the language B. excellent choice of words C. use of the dramatic monologue D. excellent metaphor 7. In Robert Browning’s works, which established his position as one of the great

English poets?

A. Men and Women B. The Ring and the Book C. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics D. Paracelsus 8. Which of the following poems is Not by Victorian Period? A. “Break, Break, Break” B. “The Isles of Grace” B. “In Memoriam” D. “Tears, Idle Tears”

9. Tess of the D’urbervilles, one of the Thomas Hardy’s best-known novels, portrays man as ________. A. being hereditarily good or bad B. being self-sufficient

C. having no control over his own fate

D. still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion

10. Most of Thomas Hardy's novels are set in Wessex ________.

A. a crude region in England B. a fictional primitive region C. a remote rural area D. Hardy's hometown

11. Among the four pillars of English literature, who was NOT born and raised in


A. Jonathan Swift. B. William Buffer Yeats. C. James Joyce. D. Robert Browning. 12. In Oliver Twist, Charles criticizes . A. money worshipping tendency B. dehumanizing of workhouse system C. hypocrisy of the upper society D. distortion of human heart

13. “Self-conceited”, “cruel” and “tyrannical” are most likely the words to describe the character in ________. A. Robert Browning’s My Last Duchess B. Sheridan’s The School for Scandal C. Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus D. Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor’s Lost 14. _______ was NOT written by Charles Dickens. A. David Copperfield B. Oliver Twist C. Sons and Lovers D. A Tale of Two Cities 15. Dickens’ works are characterized by a mingling of ________ and pathos. A. metaphor B. passion C. satire D. humor

16. A typical feature of the English Victorian literature is that writers became ________, exposing all kinds of

social evils.

A. didactic writers B. individual idealists C. moral critics D. religious advocators 17. ________ is the most distinguished feature of Charles Dickens’ works. A. Humor B. Languages C. Plot D. Character-portrayal 18. The Pickwick Paper is among ________’s early novels. A. Jane Austen B. Thomas Hardy C. D. H. Lawrence D. Charles Dickens 19. ________ is Not among the poets of the Victorian Period. A. Alfred Tennyson B. Dante Gabriel Rossetti C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge D. Robert Browning

20. Tennyson’s greatest work is ________, in which he laments a lot on the death of his friend Hallam. A. “In Memoriam” B. “Ulysses” C. “Idylls of the King” D. “The Princess”

21. ________ is acknowledged by many as the most original poet of the Victorian Period.

A. Alfred Tennyson B. Robert Browning C. John Keats D. George Eliot

22. The statement “It reveals the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life” may

well sum up the main theme of Dickens’s ________. A. David Copperfield B. Bleak House C. Great Expectations D. Oliver Twist

23.In the long poem The Ring and the Book, the “book” is compared to ________. A. love B. comprehensive knowledge

C. the hard truth D. the method of study

24. The success of Jane Eyre is not only because of its sharp criticism of the existing society, but also due to its

introduction to the English novel the first ________ heroin. A. worker B. peasant

C. governess D. teacher

25. Robert Browning’s My Last Duchess is composed in the form of a(n) ________. A. dramatic monologue B. extended metaphor C. syllogistic argument D. dialogue

26. Middlemarch is considered to be George Eliot’s greatest novel, owing to all the following reasons EXCEPT


A. it vividly depicts English country life

B. it probes into perpetual philosophical thoughts C. it provides a panoramic view of life D. it reveals women’s true feelings

27 The first two lines of Alfred Tennyson’s well-know poem “Break, Break, Break” read “Break, break, break,/On

they cold trey stones, O Sea!” The repeated word “break” suggests ________. A. grief B. fear C. fondness D. hatred 28. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from ________. A. The Pilgrim’s Progress B. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage C. Gulliver’s Travels D. The Canterbury Tales

29. ________, the pioneering woman, according to D.H. Lawrence, was the first novelist that “started putting all

the actions inside.”

A. Jane Austen B. George Eliot C. Charlotte Bronte D. Emily Bronte

30. ________ is an elaborate and powerful expression of Alfred Tennyson’s philosophical and religious thoughts. A. Idylls of the King B. Ulysses

C. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical D. In Memoriam 31. ________works are know as “novels of characters and environment”. A. Charles Dickens’s B. Thomas Hardy’s C. Jane Austen’s D. George Eliot’s

32. ________ believes that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both

inside and outside.

A. Charles Dickens B. Thomas Hardy C. Bernard Shaw D. T.S. Eliot

33. George Eliot holds that individual life is determined basically by two major forces: ________. A. the spiritual self and the physical self B. the good and the evil

C. the individual’s personality and the outer social circumstances D. the divided self and the integrated self

34. The author of ________ makes clear in the novel that it is wrong to discriminated on the basis of social

status and it is cruel and destructive to break genuine, natural human passions. A. Jane Eyre B. Wuthering Heights

C. Pride and Prejudice D. Tess of the D’Urbervilles 35. In Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, the heroine’s tragic ending is due to ________. A. her weak character B. her ambition

C. Angel Clare’s selfishness D. a hostile society 36. The character Rochester in Jane Eyre can be well termed as a ________. A. conventional hero B. Byronic hero C. chivalrous aristocrat D. Homeric hero

37. A contemporary of Alfred Tennyson, ________ is acknowledged by many as the most original and

experimental poet of the time.

A. Thomas Carlyle B. Thomas B. Macaulay C. T.S. Eliot D. Robert Browning

38. Which of the following best describes the nature of Hardy’s later novels?

A. sentimentalism B. surrealism C. comic sense D. tragic sense

39. In the description of sun-rise in Parting at Morning, Robert Browning unconsciously expressed his

helplessness in having to face up his duty as a ________. A. man B. lover

C. poet D. hero

40. English critical realism found this expression chiefly in the form of ________.

A. novel B. drama C. poetry D. verse

Exercise 6 The Modern Period现代时期

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.


1. Modernism was heralded by ________, which appeared in the late 19 century.

A. futurism B. surrealism C. imagism D. the French symbolism 2. The following comments on Galsworthy are true Except ________. A. He is most famous for The Forsyte Sage.

B. He is much concerned about the class contrast between the rich and the poor in his writing. C. Technically, he is a modern writer.

D. Satire and humor are successfully presented in his writing. 3. The following writers wrote novels and plays Except _______. A. George Bernard Shaw B. John Galsworthy C. D. H. Lawrence D. Virginia Woolf


4. Which of the following works is a landmark of the 20 century English poetry? A. The Waste Land B. Leaves of grass B. “Sailing to Byzantium” D. “The love Songs of J.Alfred Prufrock” 5. James Joyce is the author of all the following novels Except ________. A. Dubliners B. Jude the Obscure C. A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man D. Ulysses 6. Whose works are characterized by stream-of –consciousness? A. George Eliot. B. Jane Austen. C. Emily Bronte D. James Joyce 7. John Galsworthy won the 1932 Nobel Prize for his work ________. A. Ulysses B. The Forsyte Sage C. Jude the Obscure D. Dubliners 8. Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence? A. Women in Love. B. Sons and Lovers. C. The Rainbow. D. The French Lieutenant’s Woman 9. Which of the following poems is written by William Butler Yeats? A. Sailing to Byzantium. B. To an Athlete Dying Young. C. Muse des Beaux Arts. D. Church Going. 10. ________ is D. H. Lawrence’s semi-autographical novel. A. Sons and Lovers B. Women in Love C. The Rainbow D. The French Lieutenant’s Woman

11. ________ is John Galsworthy’s first important social novel, which gives a critical portrayal of bourgeois life. A. The Forsyte Sage B. The Man of Property C. A Modern Comedy D. The Island Pharisees 12. ________ marks the summit of critical realism in all John Galsworthy’s works. A. The Man of Property B. In Chancery C. The Indian Summer of a Forsyte D. Awakening

13. The Man of Property is represented by ________, the central figure in the novel. A. Soames Forsyte B. Irene C. Shylock D. Heathcliff 14. William Somerset Maugham’s best-known novel is ________. A. The Human Bondage B. The Good Companions C. The Stars Look Down D. Our Betters 15. Saint Joan is written by George Bernard Shaw. It is a ________. A. historical play B. novel C. poem D. ballad

16. ________ by George Bernard Shaw is later transformed into a highly popular New York Broadway musical My

fair Lady in 1956.

A. Pygmalion B. Mrs. Warren’s Profession C. The Apple Cart D. Widower’s Houses

17. Which of the following is Not written by Virginia Woolf? A. Mrs. Dalloway. B. Finnegans Wake. C. To the Lighthouse D. The Waves

18. The following works are written by T.S. Eliot Except ________. A. The Hollow Men B. Four Quartets C. Murder in the Cathedral D. “In a Station of Metro” 19. Both James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are ________ writers. A. imagist B. critical realist C. romantic D. stream-of-consciousness

20. Most of Shaw’s play is concerned with political, economic, moral, or religious problems and thus is termed as


A. comedy of manners B. tragic-comedy C. problem play D. historical play

21. Lawrence is one of the first novelists to introduce ________ into his works. A. humanism B. themes of psychology C. critical realism D. “art for art’s sake”

22. “The Lawrence trilogy” refers to the following three plays Except ________. A. The Daughter-in-law B. A collier’s Friday Night C. The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed D. Lady Chatterley’s Lover 23. Who is the first “ Angry Young Man”? A. T.S. Eliot. B. John Osborne. C. Bernard Shaw D. James Joyce

24. ________ is Shaw’s first play, which is a grotesquely realistic exposure of slum landlordism. A. Candida B. Widow’s Houses C. Mrs. Warren’s Profession D. The Apple Cart

25. Of the following writings by James Joyce, which is a prime example of modernism in literature? A. Ulysses. B. Finnegans Wake. C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. D. Dubliners.

26. Joyce’s Ulysses could be termed as a traditional novel, because ________. A. it is an account of daily life.

B. there is no story, no plot and no action inside C. it is divided into episodes

D. there are only three characters

27. In The Lake Isle of Innisfree, William Butler expresses his ________. A. hope to go abroad B. desire to escape into a “fairyland” C. love for common life D. hatred for war

28. ________ is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare. A. Oscar Wild B. John Galsworthy

C. W. B. Yeats D. George Bernard Shaw 29. E.M. Forster’s masterpiece is ________.

A. Mrs. Dalloway B. Pilgrimage C. A Passage to India D. Rainbow


30. The most celebrated dramatists in the last decade of the 19 century are Oscar Wilde and ________, who in

a sense pioneered the modern drama. A. J. M . Synge B. George Bernard Shaw C. Lady Gregory D. Sean O’casey

Exercise 7 The Literature Around the Revolution of


There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. What is the name of the woman poet who had her “The Tenth Muse” Lately Sprung up in America?

A. Anne Bradstreet B. Maria Edgeworth C. Jane Austen D. Emily Dickinson 2. Which statement about Benjamin Franklin is not true? A. He instructed his countrymen as a printer. B. He was a scientist. C. He was a master of diplomacy. D. He was a Puritan.

3. In American literature, the eighteen century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________ was the dominant


A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 4. ________ is Not written by Philip Freneau. A. “The Indian Burying Ground” B. “The Wild Honey Suckle” C. “The British Prison Ship” D. “The Raven”

5. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the


A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 6. ________ was considered as the “Poet of American Revolution” A. Philip Freneau B. Anne Bradstreet C. Edward Taylor D. Benjamin Franklin 7. “God help them that help themselves” is found in ________’s work. A. Benjamin Franklin B. Philip Freneau C. Thomas Paine D. Thomas Jefferson

8. The first writings that we call American were the narratives and _______ of the early settlements. A. journals B. poetry C. drama D. folklores 9. Which is not connected with Thomas Paine? A. Common Sense B. The American Crisis C. Pennsylvania Magazine D. The Autobiography 10. Which statement about Philip Freneau is not true?

A. He was a satirist. B. he was a pamphleteer. C. He was a singer. D. he was a bitter polemicist. 11. Which of the following does not belong to this literary period?

A. The American Crisis B. The Federalist C. Declaration of Independence D. The Waste Land

12. Philip Freneau represented to a certain extent the beginning of American ________. A. romanticism B. realism C. modernism D. imagism

13. What style did the seventeenth century American poets adapt to the subject matter confronted in a

strangely new environment? A. The style of their own.

B. The style missed with English and American elements.

C. The style missed with native-American and British tradition. D. The style of established European poets.

14. The Colonial Period of American literature stretched roughly from the settlement


of America in the early 17 century through the end of ________ century.


A. the 18 B. the 19


C. the 20 D. 21th

15. New-England’s Plantation was published in 1630 by ________

A. Francis Higginson B. William Bradford C. John Smith D. Michael Wigglesworth 16. Of all the books written by Michael Wigglesworth the best known is ________

A. The Flesh and the Spirit B. The True Travels C. The Day of Doom D. Christopher Columbus 17. Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the _________. A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar Act C. Chartist movement D. Romanticist

18. In the first section of Autobiography the writer addressed to ________

A. his son B. his friends C. his wife D. himself

19. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the

______ who appeared in America. A. Ninth Muse B. Tenth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse

20. Jonathan Edwards rekindled the original sense of religious commitment of the early settlers, especially their

belief in ________.

A. Pragmatism B. Utilitarianism C. Puritanism D. Buddhism

Exercise 8 American Romanticism 美国浪漫主义文学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. Ralph Waldo Emerson and ________ are two famous representatives of transcendentalism.

A. Henry David Thoreau B. Washington Irving C. Nathaniel Hawthorne D. Walt Whitman 2. ________ is regarded as the first American prose epic. A. Nature B. The Scarlet Letter

C. Walden D. Moby-Dick

3. The main issues involved in the debate of Transcendentalism are generally philosophical, concerning ______. A. the cold, rigid rationalism of Unitarianism B. the relationship between man and woman

C. the development of Romanticism in America D. nature, man and the universe

4. All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne except ________. A. The House of the Seven Gables B. White Jacket C. The Marble Faun D. Mosses of an Old Manse 5. The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except ________. A. religion B. love and marriage C. life and death D. war and peace

6. The Romantic Period of American literature started with the publication of Washington Irving’s ________

and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass A. The Sketch Book B. Tales of a Traveler C. A History of New York D. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

7. As a Philosophical and literary movement, ________ flourished in New England from 1830s to the Civil War. A. modernism B. rationalism

C. sentimentalism D. transcendentalism

8. ________’s stories are significant for his displaying a psychological insight into the inner world of the


A. Edgar Allan Poe B. Washington Irving C. James Cooper D. Nathaniel Hawthorne 9. Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale are most likely the characters in ________. A. The Scarlet Letter B. The House of the Seven Gables C. The Portrait of a Lady D. The Pioneers

10. As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional style which

is now called ______,that is ______. A. hymn…poetry with chanting refrains

B. blank verse…poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat C. free verse…poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme D. ode…poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings 11. The American Renaissance refers to the period of ________. A. 1750—1810 B. 1810—1840 C. 1830—1860 D. 1830—1870

12. The essay “ ________” has been called “ American Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. A. “Nature” B. “The American Scholar” C. “Self – Reliance” D. “The Oversoul” 13. ________ was regarded as “ Father of the American Literature”. A. James Cooper B. Washington Irving C. Nathaniel Hawthorne D. Ralph Waldo Emerson 14. Which of the following is Not true about transcendentalism?

A. It was not part of the romantic movement in American literature. B. It was influenced by ancient Chinese philosophy. C. It emphasized the significance of the individual. D. It stressed unity of humanity and nature.

15. Which of the following is a poem by Emily Dickinson ? A. “Song of Myself” B. “The Raven” C. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” D. “To Helen”

16. Walt Whitman’s ________ has been praised as “ Democratic Bible” and as American Epic. A. Leaves of Grass B. “Song of Myself” C. “In a Metro Station” D. “Annabel Lee” 17. In Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, \ A. Adultery B. Angel

C. Amiable D. All the above

18. ______ is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism in the history of American

literature. A. New England Transcendentalism B. England Transcendentalism C. the Harlem Renaissance D. New Transcendentalism 19. Which of the following is not one of the Leather Stocking Tales by James F. Cooper.

A. The Pioneers B. The Last of the Mohicans C. The Pathfinder D. The Crater 20. The Purloined Letter is a detective story, by ________,

A. Arthur Conan Doyle B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Washington Irving D. James F, Cooper 21. Emerson believed that man’s capacity is ________. A. infinite B. submissive to God’s will

C. limited D. dependent on every individual

22. In more than five hundred poems she had written about nature, Emily Dickinson expressed her ________

about the relationship between man and nature. A. hatred B. agreement C. skepticism D. love

23. Moby-Dick, a novel by Herman Melville, tells a story of ________. A. a captain who was crippled by a whale B. a woman who committed adultery

C. a wounded soldier coming back from the front D. a love story

24. “ It was many and many years ago,

In a Kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee;”

These lines of beauty come from ________. A. Emily Dickinson B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Walt Whitman D. Philip Freneau 25. The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all Except ________. A. mystery of the universe B. sin of the whale C. power of the great nature D. evil of the world

26. The convention of the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature in American Literature is

particularly evident in________.

A. Cooper’s Leather-stocking Tales B. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter C. Whitman’s Leaves of Grass D. Irving’s Rip Van Winkle 27. Transcendentalists recognized ________ as the “highest power of the soul”. A. intuition B. logic

C. thinking D. senses 28. ________ is the narrator in Moby-Dick. A. Ishmael B. Ahab

C. Queequeg D. Flask

29. The famous short story The Fall of the House of Usher was written by ________. A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. Edgar Allen Poe C. Philip Freneau D. Mark Twain 30. Which of the following is said of the American naturalism?

A. They preferred to have their own region and people at the forefront of

the stories.

B. Their characteristic setting is an isolated town. C. Their characters were conceived more or less complex combinations of

inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.

D. Humans should be united because they had to adapt themselves to changing environmental conditions.

Exercise 9 American Realism美国现实主义文学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. The Age of Realism is the literary history of the United States refers to the period from ________ to________. A. 1861 – 1914 B. 1863 – 1918 C. 1865 – 1914 D. 1865 – 1918

2. Who is described by Mark Twain as a boy with \ conscience?\

A. Tom Sawyer B. Huckleberry Finn C. Jim D. Tony

3. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his . A. international theme B. waste-land imagery C. local color D. symbolism

4. The impact of Darwin's evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the

nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American . A. modernism B. naturalism C. vernacularism D. local colorism

5. ________ is not the representative writer in the age of Realism in the literary history of the United States.

6. 7.

A. Henry James B. Nathaniel Hawthorne C. William Dean Howells D. Mark Twain Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ________. A. highly refined language B. ordinary American speech C. short, clear sentences D. abundance of local images

William Dean Howells, Henry James and Mark Twain are three great representatives of ________ in


American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19 century. A. sentimentalism B. romanticism C. realism D. naturalism

8. The book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to ________. A. The Great Gatsby B. The Sun Also Rises C. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn D. Moby Dick

9. One of the major contributions Mark Twain made to the development of American literature is that he

employed ________ language in his works. A. refined B. vernacular C. pompous D. telegraphic

10. Stephen Crane’s ________ is the first naturalist novel in American Literature. A. The Red Badge of Courage B. The Blue Hotel C. Maggie, a Girl of the Streets D. War is Kind 11. Which of the following is Not true about O. Henry? A. He is a great master of the art of fiction. B. He is popular mainly for his short stories.

C. His plot is full of coincidence with the surprising ending. D. Exaggeration cannot be found in his novels.

12. ________ is very good at portraying the conflicts between the Europeans and the Americans by way of

psychological exploration of the characters instead of the description of external action and environment. A. Mark Twain B. Henry James C. Jack London D. William Dean Howells

13. ________ is one of the American writers who have greater influence abroad than at home. A. Mark Twain B. Theodore Dreiser C. Henry James D. Jack London

14. Naturalism in American is a short-lived literature movement. Naturalisms see human beings ________. A. as they are

B. as the omnipresent God

C. no more than a physical object under the control of biological and environmental forces D. as independent individuals

15. What is the exact meaning of “international theme” of Henry James’ works?

A. His works are embedded with a universal meaning in the exploration of human nature? B. His works explored the cultural perspective in the Old Continent.

C. His works dealt with the conflicts between the Old and New Continent, and mostly between innocent

American and sophisticated European.

D. His works embraced the themes which enjoyed the world wide reputation. 16. Stephen Crane’s style has been called realistic, ______ and impressionistic.

A. romantic B. naturalistic C. classical D. imagining 17. ________ is Not works of Mark Twain. A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B. The Price and the Pauper C. The American D. Life on the Mississippi 18. ________ first won Mark Twain national fame. A. The Gilded Age

B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

C. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

D. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

19. ________ does not belong to Dreiser’s “ Trilogy of Desire”. A. The Financier B. The Genius C. The Titan D. The Stoic 20. ________ is Not the works by Stephen Crane.

A. Sister Carrie B. Maggie: A Girl of the Street C. The Red Badge of Courage D. The Open Boat

21. In the middle of 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which is called \ A. the English Renaissance B. the American Renaissance

C. the Second Renaissance D. the Salem Renaissance 22. Which of the following is Not written by Henry James?

A. The Portrait of A Lady and The Europeans B. The Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors C. The Marble Faun and The Gilded Age D. What Maisie Knows and The Bostonians

23. Mark Twain’s ______ tells a story of his boyhood ambitious to become a riverboat pilot, up and down the


A. Roughing It in the Bush B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C. Life on the Mississippi D. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 24. Which one of the following four books was written by Harriet Beecker Stowe? A. Roughing It in the Bush B. Walden, or Life in the Woods C. The Model Husband D. Uncle Tom's Cabin

25. Uncle Tom's Cabin and Roots are two novels which give a description of the miserable life of the ________. A. early setter B. Puritans C. native Indians D. black slaves

26. Which of the following is Not right about Mark Twain’s style of language? A. His sentence structures are long, ungrammatical and difficult to read. B. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect. C. His humor is remarkable and characterized by puns, straight-faced exaggeration, repetition and


D. His style of language had exerted rather deep influence on the contemporary writers. 27. ________ is Not written by Theodore Dreiser. A. An American Tragedy B. Sister Carrie C. The Titan D. The Portrait of a Lady 28. ________ is Not among the local colorists in American realistic literature. A. Earnest Hemingway B. mark Twain C. Joseph Kirkland D. Sarah Orne Jewett 29. ______ is the scene of Dreiser’s Sister Carrie.

A. New York B. Chicago C. California D. Washington

30. Norris’s novel _______ has been called “the first full-bodied naturalistic American novel” and “a consciously

naturalistic manifesto”.

A. Mcteague B. Moran of the Lady Letty C. Vandover and the Brute D. A Man’s Woman

Exercise 10 American Modernism美国现代主义文学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the

depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy? A. The Green Hills of Africa B. The Sun Also Rises C. To Have and Have Not D. Death in the Afternoon 2. Which of the following figures does not belong to \ A. Ezra Pound B. William Carlos Williams

C. Robert Frost D. Theodore Dreiser

3. Who is a dramatist that holds the central position in American drama the modernistic period? A. Sinclair Levis B. Eugene O'Neil

C. Arthur Miller D. Tennessee Williams 4. The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except . A. William Faulkner B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck D. Ernest Hemingway

5. In 1954, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for his \ A. T.S. Eliot B. Ernest Hemingway

C. John Steinbeck D. William Faulkner 6. Who is the author of the work: The Grapes of Wrath? A. John Steinbeck B. Eugene O'Neil

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald D. Theodore Dreiser

7. In 1920 Sinclair Lewis published his memorable denunciation of American small-town provincialism

in .

A. Main Street B. An American Tragedy

C. “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” D. Sister Carrie 8. ________ is acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. A. Ernest Hemingway B. F. Scott Fitzgerald C. Ezra Pound D. T.S. Eliot

9. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of ________.

A. the Jazz Age B. the Romantic Period C. the Renaissance Period D. the Neoclassical Period

10. In a tragic sense, ________ is a representative of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in which

only a partial victory is possible.

A. The Sun Also Rises B. A Farewell to Arms C. “The Old Man and the Sea” D. For Whom the Bell Tolls

11. In “A Rose For Emily”, William Faulkner makes best use of ________ devices in narration. A. romantic B. realistic

C. gothic D. modern

12. Who was the first American author that won the Noble Prize in 1930?

A. Toni Morrison. B. Ernest Hemingway. C. Sinclair Lewis. D. John Steinbeck. 13. “Richard Cory” and “Miniver Cheevy” are poems written by ________. A. Robert Frost B. Ezra Pound C. T.S. Eliot D. Edwin Arlington Robinson

14. ________ is Ernest Hemingway’s first true novel, which portrays “ The Lost Generation”. A. For Whom the Bell Tolls B. The Sun Also Rises C. “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” D. Across the River and Into the Trees 15. In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.

________ is the author of this short poem. A. Robert Frost B. E.E. Cummings C. Emily Dickinson D. Ezra Pound 16. Which of the following statements about Imagism is NOT true?


A. Imagism is a poetic movement that flourished in the early 20 century. B. Imagism is inspired by Chinese, Japanese and modern French poets. C. T. S. Eliot played an active role in the promotion of imagism.

D. Imagist poetry is characterized by precision, concentration, and the evocation of images in hard, clear


17. Which of the following poems is Not written by Robert Frost? A. “Mending Wall”

B. “The Road Not Taken”

C. “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” D. “In a Metro Station”

18. In writing “In a Station of the Metro”, Pound got this inspiration from ________. A. English sonnet B. Chinese classical poetry C. Japanese haiku D. French poetry

19. In William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called ________, in which the whole

story was told through the thoughts of one character. A. stream of consciousness B. imagism C. symbolism D. naturalism

20. Eugene O'Neill is remembered for his tragic view of life and most of his plays are about _________. A. the root, the truth of human desires and human frustrations B. the moral nature of the modern mankind

C. the relationship between man and nature as well as man and woman D. the inner contradiction of men before the real world 21. Arthur Miller is an American ________. A. novelist B. poet C. playwright D. essayist 22. ________ is Not a play written by Tennessee Williams. A. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof B. The Glass Menagerie C. Light in August D. A Streetcar Named Desire 23. The subject matter of Robert Frost’s poems focuses on ______. A. ordinary country people and scenes

B. battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends C. struggling masses and crowded urban quarters D. fantasies and mythical happening

24. As a spokesman of the \ A. the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself B. the psychological journey of the modern man and his helplessness in the modern world C. the primitive struggle of individuals in the context of irresistible natural forces D. the hollowness of the American worship of riches and the unending American dream of fulfillment

25. As one of the best-known American authors of this century, Ernest Hemingway wrote all the following novels


A. For Whom the Bell Tolls B. The Green Hills of Africa C. The Sound and the Fury D. “The Old Man and the Sea” 26. Which of the following is not written by Faulkner? A. The Sound and the Fury. B. “A Rose for Emily”. C. Light in August . D. Tender Is the Night. 27. Which of the following pair of themes did Fitzgerald usually deal with? A. War and peace . B. War and love. C. Love and money. D. Sense and sensibility. 28. Which one of the following novels is Not written by Saul Bellow? A. Herzog. B. Humboldt’s Gift. C. Henderson the Rain King. D. The Assistant.

29. One of the best of the novels that mirror the American life during the Great Depression is __________. A. The Gilded Age B. A Farewell to Arms C. The Grapes of Wrath D. This Side of Paradise

30. Which terms can best describe the modernists’ concern of the human situation in their fiction? A. fragmentation and alienation B. courage and honor C. tradition and faith D. poverty and desperation

Exercise 11 Language and Linguistics语言和语言学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. According to F. de Saussure, _______ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a

speech community. A. parole B. Performance C. langue D. Language

2. Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between _______ and meanings. A. sense B. sounds C. objects D. ideas

3. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. This

feature is called _______, A. displacement B. duality C. flexibility D. cultural transmission 4. The study of language as a whole is often called _______________. A. general linguistics B. Sociolinguistics C. psycholiguistics D. apllied linguistics 5. The descriptiong of a language at some point in time is a study___________ A. diachronic B. synchronic C. descrpitve D. prescriptive

6. Findings in linguistics studies can often be applied to the solutions of some practical problems, the study of

such applications is known as __________. A. anthropological linguistics B. computational linguistics C. applied linguistics D. mathematical linguistics 7. Which of the following isn’t a major branch of linguistics? A. Phonology B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Speech

8. As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down

rules for “correct” linguistic behaviour, it is said to be ____. A. prescriptive B. sociolinguistic C. descriptive D. Psycholinguistic

9. The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet” ‘A rose by any other name would smell as

sweet’ well illustrates ________.

A. the conventional nature of language B. the creative nature of language C. the universality of language

D. the big difference between human language and animal communication

10. Chomsky uses the term _________ to refer to the actual realization of a language user’s knowledge of the

rules of his language in linguistic communication. A. langue B. competence C. parole D. performance

11. According to Chomsky, which is the ideal user's internalized knowledge of his language?

A. competence B. parole C. performance D. langue 12. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?

A. Language is a system B. Language is symbolic C. Animals also have language D. Language is arbitrary 13. The function of the sentence \

A. informative B. phatic

C. directive D. performative 14. What is the most important function of language?

A. Interpersonal B. Phatic C. Informative D. Metalingual 15. The function of the sentence “What a beautiful day!” is ____________.

A. performative B. emotive C. informative D. phatic

16. Saussure took a(n) _______ view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a ________ point of


A. sociological…psychological B. psychological…sociological C. applied…pragmatic D. semantic…linguistic 17. The study of _________ does NOT form the core of linguistics.

A. semantics B. pragmatics C. computer- linguistics D. phonology

18. __________ is regarded as the “ father of modern linguistics”?

A. Chomsky B. Saussure C. Halliday D. Whorf 19. Which word is the absolute arbitrary one?

A. bang B. headache C. rose D. impolite 20. _________ are two sub-branches of linguistics that study the units at the grammatical level. A. Morphology and semantics B. Morphology and syntax C. Syntax and semantics D. Morphology and phonology

21. The term ________ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language

change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A. synchronic B. diachronic C. comparative D. historical comparative 22. Children can speak before they can read or write shows that ________. A. language is arbitrary B. language is used for communication C. language is basically vocal D. language is productive 23. Which of the following is one of the two core branches of linguistics. A. Morphology B. sociolinguictic C. psycholinguistics D. anthropology

24. The distinction between competence and performance is proposed by ______. A. Saussure B. Chomsky C. Halliday D. the Prague School 25. What are the dual structures of language? A. sounds and letters B. sounds and meanings C. letters and meaning D. sounds and symbols

Exercise 12 Phonetics语音学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds. A. voiceless B. voiced C. vowel D. consonant 2. __________ is a voiced alveolar stop. A. [z] B. [d] C. [k] D. [b] 3. The sound [f] is _________________. A. voiced palatal affricate B. voiced alveolar stop C. voiceless velar fricative D. voiceless labiodental fricative

4. A _______ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintaining the highest position. A. back B. central C. front D. middle 5. Liquids are classicified in the light of __________. A. manners of articulation B. place of articualtion C. place of tongue D. non of the above 6. In English , there is only one glottal, it is _________.

A. [l] B.[h] C. [k] D. [f] 7. The differnce between [u] abd [u:] us caused by _________. A. the openess of the mouth B. the shape of the lips C. the length of the vowels D. none of the above 8. Of all the speech organs, the ____ is/are the most flexible. A. mouth B. lips C. tongue D. vocal cords 9. All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded-lips, i.e. rounded, EXCEPT ________. A. [a:] B. [u:] C. [ ?] D. [u] 10. ____________ is the study of all the sounds that occur in the world’s language.

A. Morphology B. Phonetics C. Phonology D. Syntax 11. Which of the following sounds is a back vowel?

A. [i] B.[w] C.[e] D.[u] 12. [p] is different from [k] in ___________.

A. the manner of articulation B. the shape of lips C. the vibration of the vocal cord D. the place of articulation

13. In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of _______.

A. palatal B. alveolar C. bilabial D. dental 14. Voicing as a quality of speech sounds is caused by the vibration of_______.

A. the velum B. the vocal cords C. the glottis D. the uvula 15. [e] is different from [a] in _________. A. the shape of the lips B. the height of the tongue C. the part of the tongue that is raised D. the position of the soft place 16. Where are the vocal cords?

A. In the mouth B. In the nasal cavity

C. Above the tongue D. Inside the larynx

17. Which of the following does NOT belong to the three resonating cavities? A. the pharynx B. the nasal cavity C. the larynx D. the oral cavity 18. “The Adam’s Apple” is ____________. A. a kind of apple B. related to Adam C. the front part of larynx D. on the top of larynx 19. Which of the following is NOT true for vowels? A. Vowels are sonorants.

B. In the production of vowels, there is no obstruction of air. C. Tongue height is one criterion to distinguish vowels. D. Vowels are also called obstruents.

20. Which of the following English sounds is NOT bilabial? A. [b] B. [m] C. [n] D.[p]

Exercise 13 Phonology音位学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. Since /p/ and /b/ are phonetically similar, occur in the same environments and they can distinguish meaning,

they are said to be ___________. A. in phonemic contrast B. in complementary distribution C. the allophones D. minimal pair

2. Distinctive features can be found running over a sequence of two or more phonemic segments. The

phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments are called _______. A. phonetic components B. immediate constituents C. suprasegmental features D. semantic features

3. A(n) ___________ is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit, a collection of distinctive

phonetic features. A. phone B. sound C. allophone D. phoneme

4. The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the

____ of that phoneme. A. phones B. sounds C. phonemes D. allophones 5. Which of the following is a typical tone language? A. English B. Chinese C. French D. All of the above 6. Usually, suprasegmental features include________, length and pitch. A. phoneme B. speech sounds C. syllables D. stress 7. _________ studies the sound system in a certain language. A. Phonetics B. Semantics C. Pragmatics D. Phonology 8. __________ are used to find the phonemes of a language. A. Minimal pairs B. Free variation C. Constrastive distribution D. Complementary distribution

9. If the two similar sound segments never occur in the same phonetic enviornment, then they are ________. A. two separate phonemes B. two allophones of a phoneme C. two free variations of a phoneme D. a minimal pair 10. Which of the following is not a suprasegmental feature? A. Aspiration B. Intonation C. Stress D. Tone 11. Where is the primary stress of the word “phonology”?

A. pho B. no C. lo D. gy

12. Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in

English.( ) A. kibl B. bkil C. ilkb D. ilbk 13. Which of the following groups of words ia a minimal pair? A. but – pub B. wet – which C. pin-pen D. fail- find 14. _______ is an indispensible part of a syllable. A. Coda B. Onset C. Stem D. Peak

15. Among the following, the parts of speech that is normally unstressed in an English sentence are __________. A. Nouns B. Verbs C. Adverbs D. Prepositions 16. Which of the following is NOT a minimal pair? A. cat / bat B. put / but C. jig / pig D. sit / bit 17. If two sounds are in complenetray distribution, they are _______ of the same phoneme. A. symbols B. allophones C. phones D. signs 18. In the production of a consonants at least ________ articualtiors are involved. A. two B. one C. three D. four 19. _________ involve more than one manners of articulation. A. Stops B. Fricatives C. Affricates D. Laterals 20. Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal folds are __________. A. closed B. apart C. totally closed D. completely open

Exercise 14 Morphology形态学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. _________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which

words are formed. A. Syntax B. Grammar C. Morphology D. Morpheme 2. _________ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists. A. Words B. Morphemes C. Phonemes D. Sentences 3. “-s” in the word “books” is _______. A. a derivative affix B. a stem C. an inflectional affix D. a root

4. The word “simplifications” has ______ morphemes in it. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 5. The words that contain only one morpheme are called_________. A. bound morphemes B. affixes C. free morphemes D. roots

6. Which of the following is NOT a free morpheme? A. book B. boyish C. bet D. child 7. The word “sitcom” is a(n)______________. A. blended word B. abbreviated word C. compound word D. clipped word 8. Of all the following affixes, which is different from others? A. –ful B.-ly C.-ed D. -ity 9. Which of the following is NOT a compound word? A. gas station B. town-planning C. headache D. medicare 10. The word “fridge” is formed through_________. A. compounding B. blending C. clipping D. back formation 11. Which of the following is a typical example of back formation? A. edit B. write C. put D. cook 12. Which of the following is NOT invented by way of acronym? A. NATO B. APEC C. AIDS D. smog

13. Which of the following does NOT belong to the allomorphs of the English plural morpheme? A. [s] B.[z] C. [ei] D.[is]

14. Of all the following four words, which one is different from the other three in terms of word-formation? A. National B. E-mail C. Brunch D. Medicare 15. How many bound morphemes are there in the word “internationalism”? A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1 16. The two aspects to the meaning of a word are denotation and ___________.

A. indication B. connotation C. conversation D. implication 17. A ________ word is a combination of two or more words which functions as a single word.

A. compound B. blend C. shortened D. clipped 18. The word “ typhoon” originated in ________. A. Japanese B. French C. Chinese D. Spanish 19. In terms of lexicology, a word is a combination of sound and ________.

A. spelling B. writing C. meaning D. pronunciation 20. The different forms of a morpheme are called ________.

A. morphs B. free forms C. allomorphs D. roots

21. ___________ are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as words.

A. clipped words B. compounds C. blends D. acronyms 22. In the word “internationalism”, _________ is the root. A. inter B. nation C. al D. ism 23. Which of the following is NOT a compound word? A. pencil box B. friedliness C. deadline D. upstair 24. The basic unit in the study of morphology is ________. A. the internal strucutre B. word C. the rules by which words are formed D. morpheme

25. When the suffix ________ is added to a noun, it usually changes this noun into an adjective. A. less B. ness C. fully D. er

Exercise 15 Syntax句法学

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. ________mainly deals with how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the

formation of sentences. A. Pragmatics B. Syntax C. Semantics D. Phonetics

2. A sentence is considered ____ when it does not conform to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of

native speakers. A. right B. wrong C. grammatical D. ungrammatical 3. ________ put forward the idea that sentence can be defined as the maximum free form. A. Halliday B. Chomsky C. Bloomfield D. Saussure 4. What does LAD stand for?

A. Language associative district B. Language associative device

C. Language aquisicion device D. Language aquisicion district 5. The syntactic rules of any language are ______ in number. A. large B. small C. finite D. infinite 6. The two clauses in a _______ sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence. A. simple B. complex C. complete D. corordinate 7. Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by ____ in 1957. A. L. Bloomfield B. F. Saussure C. N. Chomsky D. M. A. K. Halliday 8. Transformational rules do not change the basic _______ of sentences. A. meaning B. form C. position D. structure

9. According to ICAnalysis, how many ultimate constituents are there in the sentence “John left yesterday”? A. 2 B.3 C.4 D. 1 10. TG Grammar studies the relationship between language and __________. A. society B. culture C. psychology D. acquisition 11. Which of the following does NOT belong to the key concepts of TG Grammar? A. Deep and surface structure B. Universal grammar C. Language acquisition device D. Psychological factors 12. __________ proposed the theory of Systemic-functional Grammar. A. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Saussure D. Bloomfield 13. Different from Chomsky, Halliday studies language from a ________ perspective. A. sociological B.psychological C. cultural D. conventional

14. Chomsky holds the view that language is a form of _______; while Halliday regards language as a form of


A. knowing, thinking B. knowing, doing

C. thinking, doing D. doing, knowing 15. A speaker’s actual utteranc e in Chomsky’s terminology is called ___. A. deep structure B. linguistic universals C. universal grammar D. surface structure 16. Chomsky argues that LAD probably consist of ____________elements. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 17. Halliday’s Systemic-functional Grammar takes _______ as the object of study. A. actual uses of language B. ideal speaker’s linguistic competence

C. children’s language D. adult’s language

18. If we use IC Analysis to analyze the sentence I bought the book at the price of 25 yuan yesterday,, where is

the first cut?

A. Between yuan and yesterday B. Between I and bought C. Between book and at D. Between bought and the 19. __________ is the defining properties of units like noun (number, gender, etc) and verb(tense, aspect, etc). A. Parts of speech B. Word class

28. The Great Depression took place ________.

A. from 1929 to 1933 B. from 1921 to 1925 C. from 1925 to 1929 D. from 1933 to 1937

29. During the Great Depression, the President who advanced the New Deal in America was ________.

A. Andrew Jackson B. Abraham Lincoln C. Thomas Jefferson D. Franklin Roosevelt

30. Who was the only president that was elected three times in succession in the American history?

A. Andrew Jackson B. Abraham Lincoln C. Thomas Jefferson D. Franklin Roosevelt

Exercise 23 The United States of America Politics, Economy,

Holidays etc.美国政治、经济、节日等

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.


1. America’s first political parties in late 18 century were ________.

A. the Democratic and the Federalist B. the Democratic and the Republican C. the Federalist and the Republican D. the Federalist and the Liberal 2. At present, two parties, ________, dominate the political scene.

A. the Democratic and the Federalist B. the Democratic and the Republican C. the Federalist and the Republican D. the Federalist and the Liberal 3. The central function of the US Congress is ________.

A. law-making B. tax collection C. finance control D. labor control

4. If the President refuses to sign the laws, his veto can be over-ridden by a ________ majority in both

Houses. A. one-third B. half C. three-fourths D. two-thirds 5. The whole House of Representatives is elected to serve for only ________ years.

A. two B. four C. six D. eight

6. Each state has ________ seat(s) in the House of Representatives for every 1/435 share it has of the Whole

US population.. A. one B. two C. three D. four

7. Senators are elected in rotation for ________ years with each state’s ________ senator(s) elected at

separate elections. A. two, one B. four, two C. six, two D. four, one

8. The first ten amendments — ________ — are very important to the US Federal Constitution

A. the Human Rights Bill B. the Bill of Rights C. the Articles of Confederation D. the Federalist Papers

9. In 1803, ________ established itself to be the interpreter of the Constitution, with the particular function of

reviewing laws to see whether they were in agreement with the Constitution. A. the President B. the House of Representatives C. the Supreme Court D. the Senate

10. If the President is found guilty of high crimes or other improper acts, ________ is the only way in which the

President can legally be removed from office. A. death penalty B. imprisonment C. exile D. impeachment 11. ________ is considered one of the three pillars of the American economy.

A. The Service Industry B. The iron and steel industry C. The Fishing Industry D. The Clothing Industry

12. In the United States corn is the largest crop in area and production and ________ is the “Corn Belt”.

A. New England B. The Great Plain C. The Middle West D. The Great Lakes

13. Santa Clars, a town in northern ________, is the chief technology center for semi-conductors, computers

and electronic parts. The place is known as “Silicon Valley.” A. Hawaii B. Texas C. Alaska D. California 14. Microsoft is the world famous computer company founded in ________ by Bill Gates.

A. 1975 B. 1980 C. 1965 D. 1970

15. New York Stock Exchange is located in the Wall Steet area of New York City and is the ________ largest

stock exchange of the US and the world. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 16. Easter Sunday is a most important religious holiday for commemorating ________. A. the birth of Jesus Christ B. the death of Jesus Christ C. the crucifixion of Jesus Christ D. the resurrection of Jesus Christ 17. ________ is held on Easter Monday morning every year on the White House Lawn. A. Egg rolling B. Easter dinner C. Bird singing D. Easter Parade 18. Which of the following is not associated with Halloween? A. pumpkin-lanterns B. “Spring Break” C. “Trick or Treat” D. bonfire

19. 20.

The first American Thanksgiving was hosted by ________. A. the Indians B. the Pilgrims C. the French settlers D. the Spanish settlers

Today the Americans usually hold a big family dinner to celebrate the holiday, Thanksgiving Day, which often lasts ________ days. A. three B. four C. five D. six

21. ________ provide free, high-quality care for preschool children of working mothers who need a place to

leave their children all day, five days a week. A. Day Care Centers B. Grammar Schools

C. Nursery Schools D. Kindergartens

22. ________ accept children from three to five years old for half-day sessions ranging from twice a week to

five days a week, which usually charge tuition.. A. Day Care Centers B. Grammar Schools

C. Nursery Schools D. Kindergartens

23. In most areas in America, free public education begins with ________ classes for five-year-olds. A. Day Care Center B. Grammar School C. Nursery Schools D. Kindergarten 24. Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?

A. Master’s degree B. Doctor’s degree C. Bachelor’s degree D. Associate’s degree

25. To earn a bachelor degree, the college student must complete ________ academic years with acceptable

grades in an approved course of study A. three B. four C. five D. six

26. College student must maintain at least a low ________ average in order to remain in school. A. D B. E C. F D. C 27. Which one of the following Ivy League Schools is situated in Connecticut?

A. Yale University B. Harvard University C. Princeton University D. Columbia University

28. The three most influential newspapers in America are: ________.

A. New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post B. New York Times, The Sun, Times

C. New York Times, The Evening Post, Times D. New York Times, Sunday Times, Times

29. Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?

A. ABC B. CNN C. CBS D. BBC 30. Which of the following is America’s largest news agency?

A. United Press International B. Associated Press C. Reuters D. News Association

31. After the abolition of slavery, wholesale discrimination was practiced against the ________ in America and

Segregation laws were passed in many states to keep the races apart. A. Indians B. Chicanos C. Blacks D. Chinese

32. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a black leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s and he was

awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in ________. A. 1964 B. 1965 C. 1966 D. 1967

33. The Civil Rights Act of ________ outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national

origin, not only in public accommodations but also in employment. A. 1963 B. 1964 C. 1965 D. 1966

34. In the 1960s a militant Indian social movement emerged in the United States. Indians founded intertribal

organizations and demanded ________. A. “Green Power” B. “Yellow Power” C. “Red Power” D. “Black Power”

35. Chinatown is an area in a city where many Chinese people live and where are Chinese shops, restaurants

and clubs; The two important Chinatowns in the United States are in ________. A. New York City and Washington B. New York City and San Francisco C. Washington and San Francisco D. New York City and Huston

Exercise 24 Australia 澳大利亚

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. ________ is the longest river in Australia, and ________ is Australia’s largest lake, which is known as a

part-time lake.

A. The Murray river, Lake Eyre B. The Thames River, Lake Lough Neagh C. The Mississippi River, Lake Michigan D. The Mackenzie River, Lake Superior 2. The capital of Australia is ____.

A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra D. Perth 3. _____ the capital of New South Wales, is the oldest and largest city in Australia.

A. Melbourne B. Sydney C. Darwin D. Canberra


It is generally agreed that Australia’s original inhabitants, ________, have lived on the continent for 40, 000 to 60,000 years. A. the Red Indians B. the Maoris C. the Aboriginal people D. the Eskimos

5. In 1787, Britain decided to colonize Australia because ________.

A. Captain Cook’s account of his discovery was not interesting. B. Australia was an attractive place to English people. C. Britain needed new places to transport its criminals. D. Britain wanted to control the gold mines in Australia.

6. Today, ________ the date of the first European settlement in 1788, is still celebrated as Australia’s National


A. February 26 B. January 26 C. August 26 D. July 26 7. The official language of Australia is ________.

A. English and French B. English and Irish C. English and Maori D. English and Dutch

8. The Mabo Judgment, passed by the High Court Australia in June________, recognizes that the land was

owned by the Aborigines at the time of European settlement. A. 1990 B. 1991 C. 1992 D. 1993 9. Schooling in Australia between the age of 6 and 15 is ________.

A. compulsory B. free C. optional D. expensive 10. ________ in Australia occurs in colleges of technical and further education (TAFEs). A. Primary education B. Post-secondary education

C. Secondary education D. Private education 11. ________ is Australia’s oldest political party.

A. The Australian Labor Party B. The Liberal Party of Australia C. The Republican Party D. The Democratic Party

12. ________ is an Australian liberal conservative political party.

A. The Australian Labor Party B. The Liberal Party of Australia C. The Republican Party D. The Democratic Party 13. ________ has a one-chamber parliament?

A. South Australia B. Victoria C. Western Australia D. Queensland

14. Australia is the first country to adopt ________ in parliamentary elections.

A. the public services B. secret ballots C. the three-tier government system D. the two-chamber parliament 15. The federal government and the state governments are formed by ________.

A. the party that has the majority of the House of Representatives B. the party that has the most votes

C. the party that has the majority of the Senate D. the party chosen by the Governor-General 16. ________ is the World’s largest producer of wool.

A. America B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Australia 17. ________ are the three most important field crops in Australia.

A. Cotton, barley and wheat B. Maize, sugar-cane and cotton C. Wheat, sugar-cane and cotton D. Triticale, barley and wheat

18. ________ is the largest segment of the Australian economy and has been growing in importance relative to

the other major sectors.

A. The tertiary or service sector B. The secondary sector C. The food-processing sector D. The primary sector 19. ________ serves people living in isolated places.

A. The Royal Flying Doctor Service

B. The National Health and Medical Research Council C. The Red Cross Society D. Medicare

20. ________ is the official auxiliary of the medical services of the Australian Defense Forces.

A. The Royal Flying Doctor Service

B. The National Health and Medical Research Council C. The Red Cross Society D. Medicare

Exercise 25 Canada 加拿大

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. ________ is the world’s second largest country after Russia.

A. America B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Australia


________ is Canada’s largest city and the provincial Capital of Ontario. A. Toronto B. Ottawa C. Vancouver D. Montreal

3. Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the country’s ________ largest city. It is located in the Ottawa Valley in

the eastern part of the province of Ontario. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 4. Today, most French-speaking Canadians live in the Province of ________.

A. Ontario B. Saskatchewan C. Manitoba D. Quebec

5. ________ is the longest river in Canada, flowing between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains.

A. The Murray river B. The Thames River C. The Mississippi River D. The Mackenzie River 6. The official language of Canada is ________.

A. English and French B. English and Irish C. English and Maori D. English and Dutch 7. The National Flag of ________ is popularly known as the Maple Leaf Flag.

A. America B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Australia 8. From ________, the seven Years’ War broke out between France and Britain in Canada.

A. 1756 to 1763 B. 1746 to 1753 C. 1753 to 1760 D. 1743 to 1750 9. Which of the following colonists first settled in Canada? A. British colonists B. Japanese colonists C. French colonists D. American colonists 10. Which of the following Acts created the self-governing Dominion of Canada.

A. The Constitutional Act of 1791 B. The Act of Union C. The British North America Acts 1867 D. The Quebec Act of 1774 11. The Head of State of Canada is ________, represented by a ________.

A. the British Monarch, President B. the Queen, Governor-General C. the President,Prime Minister D. the Governor-General, Prime Minister 12. Like UK, the most influential person in the Canadian government is _______.

A. the Governor General B. the Prime Minister C. the Queen D. the Cabinet Minister


13. Throughout most of the 20 century, federal political power has been held by either ________ or by


A. the Liberal Party, the Progressive Conservatives Party B. the Republican Party, the Liberal Party,

C. the Progressive Conservatives Party, the Republican Party D. The Democratic Party, the Liberal Party

14. Industry in Canada can be divided into three main groups: ________

A. food-processing; manufacturing; and service industries B. service; manufacturing; and light industries

C. natural resources; manufacturing; and service industries D. natural resources; manufacturing; and heavy industries

15. Canada’s early economic development was founded on ________.

A. light industries B. resource industries C. manufacturing industries D. heavy industries 16. ________ is the manufacturing heartland of Canada.

A. Ontario B. Saskatchewan C. Manitob D. Quebec 17. The term “multi ulturalism” was coined in ________ in the late 1960s.

A. America B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Australia

18. ________ are usually called “separate schools” which are run by the Roman Catholic church and for its

service in return. A. The public schools B. The private schools C. The foreign schools D. The religious schools 19. The largest University in Canada is ________

A. McGill University B. Laval University C. the University of Toronto D. Simon Fraser University 20. It was ________ that “invented” the concept of United Nations peacekeeping.

A. America B. Australia C. New Zealand D. Canada

Exercise 26 New Zealand新西兰

There are twenty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.


1. Located in the Southern Parcific Ocean, ________ is the 1 country in the world to get the new day.

A. Australia B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Britain

2. ________, in the North Island of New Zealand, is the largest urban aera in New Zealand.

A. Wellington B. Auckland

C. Hamilton D. Christchurch 3. Most of the Maori population is now living on the ________.

A. Steward Island B. North Island C. South Island D. Chatham Island


4. ________ were the 1 settlers of New Zealand.

A. Voyagers from East Polynesia B. Sealers and whales C. European navigators D. Christian missionaries 5. The official language of New Zealand is ________.

A. English and French B. English and Irish C. English and Maori D. English and Dutch

6. Since 1950, ________ has been the only one chamber of the New Zealand Parliament.

A. the Queen B. the House of Lords C. the House of Representatives D. the House of Commons 7. The followings are the main functions of Parliament EXCEPT ________.

A. Supervising the government’s administration. B. The redress of grievances by receiving petitions. C. Forming a government D. Enacting laws.

8. The Head of State of New Zealand is ________, represented by a ________.

A. the British Monarch, Governor-General B. the President, Governor-General C. the President, Prime Minister D. the Governor-General, Prime Minister

9. Education in New Zealand is compulsory between the ages of ________.

A. 6 and 13 B. 6 and 14 C. 6 and 15 D. 6 and 16

10. ________ is the world’s largest exporter of lamb, mutton and dairy products..

A. New Zealand B. Australia C. Canada D. America

