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第一章 科技英语阅读 第一节科技英语主要特点 I.
1. The first three sentences in Passage One are all constructed with passive voice
while the first three sentences in Passage Two are constructed with active voice. Therefore, the language in Passage One sounds more formal and objective than that of Passage Two. 2. The words spoken by Sheila in Passage Two are informal. Examples: \Ravi at the home of that American doctor.\guy.\(Incomplete sentence); \looks sweet, doesn 't he?\(Question tag). 3. In the second paragraph of Passage One, \refers to %use insecticide regularly, on a very large scale.\
4. In the second paragraph of Passage Two, \\
5. Passage One is written for academic purpose and Passage Two mainly for Entertainment. Passage One
A blast of hot air is sent into the bottom of the furnace to make the coke burn
fiercely. It is blown into the furnace through pipes. These pipes are installed around
the circumference of the blast furnace eight feet above the bottom.
While the coke is burning and iron is melting, gas is formed at the top of the
chamber. This is led off from the top of the furnace to be used. It contains carbon
monoxide, which is combustible. Part of this gas is used for making the air blast hot.
It is led off into stoves. Passage Two
All elements are composed of discrete units called atoms, which are the smallest
particles that exhibit the characteristics of the element. Atoms are tiny units of matter
composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and electrically
neutral neutrons. Protons and neutrons, which have approximately the same mass, are
clustered in the nucleus in the center of the atom. Electrons, which are tiny
comparison to the other units, orbit the nucleus at high speed. Atoms that have an
equal number of electrons and protons are electrically neutral. Those that have gained
or lost electrons, and therefore are positively or negatively charged, are called ions.
第二节 科技、半科技英语专业术语
I.1. D (自动驾驶仪) 2. F (生物钟) 3. I (热核的)4. G (地热的) 5. B (微波) 6. J (放射疗法) 7. E (光周期) 8. A (超导体) 9. H (远距离操纵器) 10. C (超显微/滤过性病毒) II.
1. 一位从事航空医学研究的医生 2. 防止计算机犯罪的措施 3. 一种新型除霜器 4. 一个用光电池驱动的玩具 5. 一辆装有自动报警器的汽车 6. 隔音材料
7. 一种广泛使用的杀虫剂(农药) 8. 用放射性碳做的试验 9. 电信业的发展 10. 一台通用机床 III.
1. in-(Inorganic) 2. radio- (radioactive)
3. hydro- (Hydrotherapy) 4. -free (caffeine-free)
5. infra- (infrared) / ultra- (ultrared) 6. mono- (monorail) 7. aero- (Aerodynamics) 8. -fold (33-fold) 9. geo- (geocentric) 10. -proof (weatherproof) 11. bio- (biotechnology) 12. anti- (antibiotic)
IV. 发电站 2. 矿物燃料 3. 太阳黑子 4. 航天探测器 5. 滚珠轴承 6. 涡轮 7. 航天飞机 8. 树木的年轮 9. 离心调速器 10. 心肌功能 V.
1. flow 2. laws 3. law 4. conserved
5. transferred 6. transformed 7. bond 8. thermodynamics 9. work 10. law 11. degraded 12. work 13. law 14. state 15. disorder 16. energy
17. law 18. biological 19. metabolically 20. Cell VI.
1. 很明显,许多家用电器的加热和照明作用都依靠电阻。
2. 气体如果不封闭在刚性的容器内就会膨胀,受热的气球便可说明这一现象。 3. 在化学变化中,粒子结构发生变化,生成新的物质。
4. 19世纪,电力设备以及由此兴起的工业得到迅速发展,而当时人们对电的性 质还不完全了解。
5. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。
6. 可以有把握地说,除了琥珀之外,许多其他物质通过摩擦也能带电。 第三节 科技英语中的复合词与专有名词
1. H (耐热的,抗热的,不传热的) 2. E (带宽) 3. J (流线型的) 4. B (基岩)
5. G (耗电量大的) 6. A (太空行走) 7. I (用水制冷的) 8. D (液态的)
9. F (用防火材料保护的,阻燃的) 10. C (网络) II.
1. stress shock, stress-related diseases 2. solid-state semiconductor devices 3. energy-efficient appliances 4. topsoil
5. steam engine 6. soil organisms 7. windborne dust 8. the chain reaction 9. Fuelwood shortages
10. heat- and scratch-resistant surfaces III.
1. nylon 2. volt 3. pasteurization 4. Morse code
5. Bunsen burner 6. mackintosh 7. Doppler effect 8. Xerox 9. newton 10. ampere
第四节 科技英语中的复数形式与缩略语 I.
1. bacteria 2. spectra / spectrums 3. radius 4. Fungi 5. nucleus
6. formula 7. phenomenon 8. Algae/Algas 9. larvae /larvas 10. stratum II.
1. F (computer disc read-only memory) 2. J (ear, nose, and throat) 3. A (ribonucleic acid)
4. H (unidentified flying object) 5. C (microwave landing system) 6. B (video-display terminal) 7. I (personal computer) 8. E (ultraviolet)
9. G (computer-aided manufacturing) 10. D (artificial intelligence) III.
1. 上述定理和定律不但对直流电路而言是正确的,对交流电路而言也同样是正 确的。
2. 美国通常的家用电压是110-220伏,因为人们发现更高的电压会造成致命的事 故。
3. 4500型平版印刷机(人们给该机器取的名字)能过生产1英寸厚的18英寸彩色
4. 该发生器每小时产生蒸汽20万磅。
5. 电离层的结构是变化的,这就意味着,高频无线电通信的频率极限也是变化 的。
第五节 科技英语的主要句型 I.
1. The first program would require a minimum of 108 weeks, while the second 72 weeks.
2. Heated to 100°C, water will start boiling.
3. The nutrient solution will support growth even if highly dilute.
4. Two or three hundred of these wires, each about 0.19 inches in diameter, are
clamped together to form a single strand.
5. The three groups of tranquilizers are marketed in the United States, but not
commonly used in Britain. II.
1. Common salt is soluble in water.
2. Benzene has a boiling point of 80.4°C under normal pressure. 3. This plastics material has greater rigidity. 4. The beam has an I-shaped cross-section. 5. This specimen has a length of 3-26 cm.
6. The storage vessel has a capacity of 10,000 liters.
7. A brief description is given of the use and development trends of telecommunication.
8. Some scientists have suggested an immediate ban on the use of fluorocarbons. III.
1. In planning a road, extensive preliminary surveys must be carried out to determine
the precise line of the road.
2. In such cases, precautions have to be taken to avoid damage to the mechanism.
3. First, the tents must be spaced at 25-foot intervals to prevent flame spread.
4. The solution is weakened by the addition of more water. 5. Electricity can be transmitted by means of wires. 6. The microscope enables small objects to be observed.
7. These methods of joining metal are normally adopted for strong permanent joints.
8. The existence of the biological clock was first recognized in the early 18th century.
9. The way this danger has been assessed and the action taken reflects a growing
awareness of the problem.
10. After the soil has been excavated to the appropriate depth and filled, it is
compacted by a roller until it is firm. 第六节科技英语篇章阅读方法 第二章 科技英语翻译 I 词的翻译
1 根据词的搭配选择词义
Solid:h), b), g), d), i), f), j), a), c), k), m), l), e) 2 根据专业确定词义 System:
(1) human ocular system 视觉系统 (医学) (2) rocket system 多级火箭(航天) (3) pilling system 打桩工程(土木工程) (4) wiring system 电路图(电路)
(5) transmission system 发送站 (无线电) (6) trunk system 长途电话网 (邮电) (7) stress system 应力状态 (力学)
(8) phone-vision system 电视电话 (通讯) (9) system of government 政体(政治) 10) strip system 带伐作业( 林业) (11) optical system 光具组 (光学)
(12) parallel system 平行式布置(设计) 3 根据词类或语境确定词义 (1) round
粒子每运转一周都从振荡电场获取新的能量。 (2) condition
数学操作或逻辑操作必须符合某种条件。 交互编程环境现在能用于一些商用编程语言。 (3) find
科学家们总是力求找到快速而简便的方法获得定量数据。(4) work
这些手表的零件都是国内制造的,性能良好。 II 句子的翻译
1. 假说是科学家从观察中得出的一种特定的论断。
2. 大部分钱是靠出售他培育出的一种马铃薯新品种的秘诀而挣得的。 3. 如果开关接通,电流就流过线路。
4. 由于分子运动而引起的力能使分子分离。 5. 很显然,数控是指机床采用数字来操纵。 6. 电流的变化与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。
7. 无线电波与光波相似,只不过无线电波的波长要长一些。
8. 自动化机器虽然有很多优点,但他们只能做人们吩咐它们要做的事情。 9. 这些新技术的采用为我们提供了可靠性高、性能良好、成本低廉、耗电量小 等优点。
10. 即便在同一施工场地,由于地基的性质有很大差异,土地的承载力也不相同。 11. 不是每次碰撞都能发生化学反应,因为许多分子不具有反应所需要的能量。 12. 绝缘体接上电源后,电不会像通过导体那样通过绝缘体。 III 长句的翻译
1 正是由于集成电路的研制成功,才有可能把电子器件做得越来越小。
2 在发达国家的工厂和车间里,用机器人来充当助手越来越普及,它是经设计 并制造出来的机器手,可以独立从事各种工业活动。
3 试图利用计算机来复制人脑活动方式的数学家们发现,即使运用最先进的电 子设备,他们也要建造一台重1万公斤的计算机才行。
4 结果表明,在相当长的时间内,全球平均气温都是相当稳定的,可极小的温 度变化却意味着环境的巨大改变。
5 但是,最近发表在《科学》杂志的一些研究报告并没有验证生物燃料的这种 作用。并且,事实上,相对于要被取而代之的化石燃料来说,生物燃料对气 候产生的危害是有过之而无不及。
6 尽管备受关注的是研发金属,陶瓷,聚合物与复合材料材质的改善, 但有能 力生产,制造可以满足特定需求的材料现在也在渐渐变成现实。 Information super-highway
7 信息高速公路是一种电子通讯网络,这一网络把所有的人互相联系起来,并 可提供任意一种人们想像得到的电子通讯方式。
8 如果把管子装成这个样子,使最热的水上升,而最冷的水流下来后返回锅炉 里去,那么,锅炉中的热水系统不用水泵就能循环,道理就在于此。
9 多种因素促使人们更加关注(垃圾的处理)/这种兴趣的产生有很多因素,包括 对垃圾越来越多,垃圾填埋场地越来越少,焚烧垃圾造成的空气污染越来越 严重的担心;及对环境保护的必要性已形成的共识等。
10 无论是用作轿车和公汽的能源,还是发电作其他的什么用途,燃料电池都是 无需燃烧就可将氢转化成电能。
11. 每个化学元素在周期表中都有一定的原子数和位置,可以据此来推测其特 性:如何同别的元素相互作用,能形成什么样的化合物,以及它的物理属性。 12. 固体加热到足够温度时,它所含的电子就会有一部分离开固体表面而飞到周 围的空间中去;这种现象称为热电子放射;通常,电子管就利用这种现象产生自 由电子。
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