英文辩论 死刑应不应该被废除 反方论点总结

更新时间:2024-01-30 03:53:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Def. Now in China Policy Motion

1. Deterrent to those who dare to violate the law, maintain the peace of the society Extreme prisoners will jailbreak and revenge 2. Comfort to the family of the victim 3. Expense to support the prisoners

4. people's traditional views, most people don't support to abolish death penalty according to surveys

5. encourage surrender crime and discourage continuous crime

6. emotional appeals: Case of Taiwan girl

7. considered humanitarian: juvenile delinquent, pregnant, people over 75 years old when trial will not sentence to death 8. the Jury System For Rebuttal PRO 3.Labour in the prison Human rights Miscarriage of justice OPPO No motivation, no efficiency, some people like condition in prison The basis is they have killed people, they violate the rules first prudent to sentence death penalty Developed country abolish The US, Japan, India don't abolish because of murder

