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- 译林牛津初中英语推荐度:
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错题交流汇编 (内部资料,存档保存,不得外泄)
1. We all know that Biology is__D___.
A. science of the life B. science of life C. the science of the life D. the science of life
2. Come on, children. Help yourselves to some ______A___ if you like. A. fish and chicken B. fishes and chicken C. fish and chickens D. fishes and chickens
3.Changjiang is the longest river in China, and it is longer than ____B____in Europe. A. the other rivers B. any river
C. any other river D. any other rivers
4.No! The rule says that anyone ___A_____ smoke in the library, or the person ______be warned to get out of here.
A. mustn’t; will B. can’t; will C. needn’t; can D. shouldn’t; 'will
5. Of all the birthday presents, Lucy liked the yellow postcard best, because it was ___A____by his father.
A. given away B. given off C. given out D. given in 6. —How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? C A. In three day's B. After three days
C. In three days' time D. After three day's time 7. —____C_____ she looks! —Yes, so she does.
A. What a beautiful girl B. How beautiful the girl C. How beautiful D. What a lovely 8. Mr. Chen, I don't know__C_____ with the problem. A what to deal B how to do C what to do D how to do it
9. My brother told me the new book written by Yu Qiuyu _____A_____.
A. sold well B. sold good C. was sold well D. was sold good
10. Ann's house is twenty miles away from the school and nobody else in her class lives___B______. A. far B. farther C. the farther D. the farthest 11. I went to Shanghai last year, and I __B______ there for two months.
A. have stayed B. stayed C. had stayed D. was staying 12. There are more books on my shelf than____A_______.
A. on his B. his C. that on his D. those of his 13 – Helen, Is this your shoe? - Yes,but where is __A______?
A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. another pair 14. Japan is ___B___ the east of China, and India is ________ the south-east of China. A. on; to B. to; on C. on; on D. to; to 15.He said he was _______A____ tired and he could go on running right now. A. not a bit B. not a little C. a bit D. a little

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