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I. Multiple choices

B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius

A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower

A. novel B. drama

D. Essay

A. Langland B. Gower

D. Chaucer

B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon

D. John Dryden

b. William Shakespeare c. Phillip Sidney d. Thomas Campion

7. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English Drama. It was _______ b. Thomas Loge

c. Edmund Spenser d. Thomas More

8. At the beginning the 16th century the outstanding humanist_____ wrote his Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.

a. Christopher Marlowe

c. Phillip Sidney d. Edmund Spencer

a. prose and novel

c. essays and journals d. ballads and songs

10. ______.

b. the tragedy King Lear

Venus and Adonis

d. the comedy As You Like It

11. Among the following, ______ is not written by Francis Bacon.

a. The Advancement of Learning b. The New Instrument c. Of Studies 12. b. Thomas Kyd

c. Earl of Surry d. Thomas More

b. Every One in His Humor

s Dream d. Much Ado about Nothing

14. The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus is one of ______

a. Shakespeare b. Thomas Kyd c. Ben Jonson 15. The name “the father of English poetry” was given to the greatest poet born in London about

1340 and the one who did much in making the dialect of London (Midland dialect the language a. Shakespeare

b. Spenserc. C. Philip Sidney 16.

b. the fusion of irony with sarcasm

d. the fusion of humor with irony

17. _____was the first burie

a. Southy b. Francis Bacon c. Shakespeare 18. Macbeth by Shakespeare is a ______.


b. comedy c. tragicomedy d. historical play

19. is the question:

Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of trouble,

And by opposing end them...” are the famous lines in Hamlet which expresses the Hamlet s ______ character.

a.. resolute b. resolute and hesitant c. stubbon

20. Protestants refers to all the religious sects except ________.

a.Church of England b. Puritanism c.Calvinism

21. Though

a.belief c. idea

d. God

b. Julius Caesar c. Alfred the Great d. Claudius

23. Of many contemporaries and successors of Shakespeare, the most important and well known

a. John Dryden b. Samuel Johnson

d. Robert Southy

b. Bunyan c. the Metaphysical poets d. the Cavalier poets

a. Sir John Suckling b. Richard Lovelace c. Thomas Carew


a. Death Be Not Proud b.

Venus and Adonis c. Romeo and Juliet 27. belongs to Shakespearian plays of_______.

b. sequence of sonnets c. tragedy d. historical play

a. French b. Latin

d. Celt

b. Chaucerc. C.John Milton

d. Ben Jonson

30. a.Thomas More b. Spenser d. Wyatt

31. The most important prose writer of Elizabethan Age was _______, who was also the founder of the English materialistic philosophy.

a. Thomas More

b. Spenser

c. John Donne ________.

b. New Instrument c. Of Study d. The Reason of Church Government

33. Donne s poetry is full of metaphors, original images, wit and______, except ingenuity, dexterous use of colloquial speech, considerable flexibility of rhythm and meter, complex themes b. Petrarchen images c.rhetorics d. brevity

34. light-heartedness lies some foreboding

of _____ to enjoy the present day. This is typical of pessimism and cynicism.

a. philosophical thought c. intellectual idea d. expecting happiness.

35. and Samson Agonistes were the poems written by _______.

b. William Shakespeare c. Ben Jonson d. Marlowe


36. In Paradise Lost the author eulogizes the spirit of _____ that is though lost, but the ____cannot

a. pessimism, knowledge b. optimism, ideal d. cynicism, concept


a. the Earl of Surry c. Samuel Johnson d. Shakespeare

38.The theme of the sonnet

b. death is the most dreadful thing

d. death is gentle towards me

A. Christopher Marlow

B. Francis Bacon D. Ben Johnson

A. romanticism

C. naturalism D. classicism


B. song C. sonnet D. couplet

B. Edmund Spenser

C. Thomas More D. Walter Raleigh

A. Ben Johnson B. William Shakespeare C. Thomas More 44.The most gifted of the “university wits” was ____.

A. Lyly

B. Peele C. Greene

A. John Dryden

B. Richard Steele C. Joseph Addison

A. Christopher Marlow

C. W. Shakespeare D. Ben Johnson

48. ____has six knights representing 6 virtues: holiness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice b. The Pilgrim’s Progress c. Paradise Lost D. Essays


