
更新时间:2024-02-16 10:56:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载



President Barack Obama is making preparations for a week-long trip to Asia and Australia. The president arrives in Beijing on Monday. During his visit, Mr. Obama plans to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He also will attend the yearly meetings of APEC -- the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.


? On Wednesday, Mr. Obama goes to Myanmar美 [mi??n'mɑ?r] 缅甸[东南亚国家](即

Burma)for the East Asia Summit and a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The trip ends at the "Group of 20" talks in Brisbane, Australia.


North Korea is not a member of either APEC or ASEAN, but its nuclear activities are sure to be discussed at these meetings. Kim Han-kwon is with the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul. 朝鲜不是亚太经济合作组织或东盟的一员。但其核活动肯定会在这些会议上被讨论。Kim Han-kwon就职于首尔的峨山政策研究院。

He says the issue of North Korea is not just a subject for the Korean peninsula and East Asia, but one that can bring a big change in the security system of Asia and the Pacific. So, he says, related countries will hold discussions -- either officially or unofficially -- at the meetings.


This week, South Korean media reported that North Korea has opened a new uranium eichment center at its main nuclear area. Some observers believe North Korea has made progress in its effort to build an atomic bomb. But the North is still believed to be working on a way to make a nuclear weapon smaller.


In recent years, observers thought the North Korean nuclear issue would be one in which the United States and China could cooperate to reduce tensions.


China reportedly became angry with North Korea after the North carried out a nuclear test in 2013. The test was a violation of United Nations resolutions. But China has shown little interest in supporting strong sanctions against North Korea. Chinese officials fear such measures could threaten security in the country.



President Obama is to meet with South Korean President Park Geun-hye in Myanmar, also known as Burma. They will likely discuss recent signals coming from Pyongyang. The North Korean government has at times shown an interest in restarting international talks on its nuclear program. But the North continues to send hostile signals toward both South Korea and the United States. 奥巴马总统将在缅甸会见韩国总统朴槿惠。他们可能会就平壤最近释放出来的一些信号进行讨论。朝鲜政府曾经多次表明有意就其核计划重启国际会谈。但朝鲜仍在对韩国和美国释放恶意信号。

The leaders of China, Russia and India are also expected in Myanmar's capital for the ASEAN meetings. But observers have limited expectations for the talks.


The ASEAN way of compromise and non-intervention has helped keep Southeast Asia at peace for years. And that is the only effective way for the group to operate. So says Rodolfo Severino of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. He spoke to VOA on Skype.

东盟的互让和不干预政策已经帮助东南亚维持了多年的和平,而这是该组织运作的唯一有效途径。新加坡东南亚研究院的Rodolfo Severino如此表示。他通过Skype接受了美国之音的采访。

"No, ASEAN is not about breakthroughs. ASEAN is, works on an incremental basis."


The talks are to lead the launch of the ASEAN Economic Community next year. The AEC is supposed to help increase cross-border trade and travel.


But a document released to VOA before the meeting deals with another issue: the South China Sea.

A government representative from an ASEAN country provided the information. The document is a proposal for a statement that would normally be released at the end of the conference. It notes progress on a Code of Conduct -- some would call them "rules" -- for the South China Sea. And it urges ASEAN members to settle their territorial disputes with China.


The document also criticizes North Korea for testing missiles and condemns Islamic State militants in the Middle East.



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Unit 1


A second day of anti—war protest is planned in Washington

在华盛顿和世界上其它 城市的反战游行已经进 入了第二天。

and other cities around the world. Tens of thousands of people gathered in

星期六,成千上万的人 们

freezing weather In the American capital Saturday to hear

在寒冷的天气中聚集 在美国首都,

speeches opposing the possible American-led war against Iraq.

参加反对由美国领导的 针对伊拉克的可能战争 的演说。

Protestors plan to demonstrate outside the White House Sunday.

示威群众计划星期天到 白宫门外游行。

American ambassador to South Korea says the United States would consider

美国驻韩国大使说,美 国将考虑

economic cooperation if North Korea agrees to hold its nuclear program.

与朝鲜的经济合作。如 果朝鲜同意停止其核计 划.

North Korean media reports

朝鲜媒体在星期天的报 道说

Sunday said the crisis could only be settled through direct talks with the

该危机只能通过与美国 之间的直接对话来解决

United States not through the United Nations Security Council.

而不能通过联合国安理 会。

North Korea wants the United States to sign a non-aggression treaty

朝鲜希望与美国签署一 项互不侵犯条约,

guaranteeing its security.President Bush has said repeatedly

来保证其安全。布什总 统一再说

that the United States would not attack North Korea.


American Secretary of state Collin Pow- ell has called on the world

美国国务卿鲍威尔号召 整个世界

to take part in action against Iraq if that nation fails to disarm.

参与反对伊拉克的行 动,如果伊拉克没有解 除武装的话,

He said the countries of the world can not be blocked

他说世界上的所有 国家不能够

by the difficult choices ahead.


被摆在面前的困难选择 所阻碍。

Mr.Powell made the comments to a United Nations Security Council meeting

鲍威尔先生是在纽约联 合国安理会的一次会议 上发表该观点的。

in New York. Monday said the Security Council express many different ideas

星期一,在安理会的会 议上,各个国家发表了 许多不同的观点

about what to do concerning Iraq.The United States and Britain

对于伊拉克问题。美国 和英国

warned that not much much time is left for Iraq to got rid of

警告伊拉克有很多时间 销毁

its weapons of mass destruction. Germany said it will refuse to support war

自己的大规模杀伤性武 器。德国说它将拒绝支 持针对伊拉克的战争。

against Iraq.And China said the UN inspectors need more time to do their work

而中国说联合国武器核 查人员需要更多的时间 去完成他们的工作。

Inspectors described the warheads as being in excellent condit- ion.

核查人员认为这些弹 头都处于非常良好的 状态。

Iraqi officials say what the inspectors found were rockets with empty warhead

伊拉克官员说核查人员 所发现的只是一枚带有 空弹头的

that can travel short distances.


Iraq says the rockets are not linked to any banned weapons program.

伊拉克说这些火箭与遭 禁武器计划没有任何联 系。

Emergency workers in Australia continue for a second day

澳大利亚的紧急救援人 员连续第二天

to fight fires throughout the Southeast part of the country.

与肆虐在该国东南部的 大火进行着搏斗。

Four people are dead. Thousands have been forced to leave their homes

大火已经造成了4人死 亡,成千上万的人被迫 撤离家园。

and hundreds of buildings have been destroyed.

成百上千的建筑物被烧 毁。

The worst fires are in the Capital Canb- erra.

最严重的大火发生在首 都堪培拉。

High winds and terrible heat have slowed efforts to put them off.

大风和高温减缓了扑灭 大火的速度。

Temperatures reached almost 40 degrees Celsius

澳大利亚东南部地区的 气温已经达到了将近摄 氏40度,

across southeastern Australia Sunday.


Prime Minister John Howard visited burned-out areas in Canberra Sunday.

总理约翰霍华德在星期 天视察了堪培拉附近的 被烧毁地区。

He said the damage was the worst he had ever seen.

他说大火所造成的损失 是他所见过最严重的。

Fires also are burning in the Australian Alps near Sydney.


在悉尼附近的澳大利亚 阿尔卑斯山地区,大火 也在燃烧。

Australia is suffer- ing one of the worst periods of dry weat- her in 100 years.

澳大利亚正在遭受着百 年不遇的最糟糕的干旱 天气。

A public opinion study published by Newsweek magazine this weekend

本周周末,《新闻周 刊》杂志进行的一项 民意调查

shows wide support for military action against Iraq.

表明对伊拉克采取军事 行动受到越来越广泛的 支持。

The study says eight out of ten Americans approve of war

该研究表明:80%的美 国人支持对伊拉克发动 战争,

if the United States is joined by its allies

如果美国得到其盟友的 参与,

and military action is fully supported by the United Nations Security Council.

而且军事行动也得到联 合国安理会的授权。

Unit 2


Former President Jimmy Carter has offered to lead peace talks


between the United States and North Korea.

美国和朝鲜之间举行和 平会谈的新建议。

Mr. Carter told the New York Times

在接受《纽约时报》的 采访时,

that he would lead negotiations if the Bush Administration invites him to do so

他说他将领导这次谈 判,因为布什政府邀 请他这样做。

Mr.Carter said a stronger agreement is needed than the 1994 agreement.

994年所签 定的更加强硬的新协议

Mr.Carter said that agreement was impor- tant at the time.

卡特先生说那项协议在 当时那个时期是重要的

But he said he failed to end North Korea's ability to develop nuclear weapons.

但是,他说该协议并没 有结束朝鲜发展核武器 的能力。

Mr.Carder's talks with North Korean officials eight years ago

八年前卡特先生与朝鲜 官员的谈话

opened the way to negotiations between North Korea

and the Clinton Administration.

为克林顿政府和朝鲜达 成协议做好了铺垫。

And four North Afri- can men arrested in London last week

上个星期在伦敦被逮捕 的四名北非人

in connection with the discovery of the deadly poison recently

与最近发现的致命毒物 有关,

are to appear in a British court Friday.


(他们)将于星期五 在一家英国法庭受审。

British officials have charged the suspects with terrorism

英国官员指控这些嫌疑 犯犯有恐怖主义罪行

and possession of chemical weapons.


Four other arrests have been made as a part of a search for


international terro- rists throughout Britain.

在英国全境搜寻国际恐 怖主义的过程中。

Officials say an Algerian man surren- dered to police late Wednesday.

官员说一名阿尔及利亚 人在星期三晚些时候向 警方投降。

They say he was not directly linked to the discovery.

他说他与最近的发现并 没有直接的关系。

Time magazine reports that Saudi Arabia is supporting an attack

《时代》杂志报道说沙 特阿拉伯正在支持一项 旨在

to oust Iraqi Presi- dent Saddam Hussein.

驱逐伊拉克总统萨达 姆·侯赛因的攻击。

Time says the plan is made to bring forth the Iraqi generals

《时代》说该计划主要 是号召伊拉克的将军们

to overthrow Presid- ent Saddam and his top advisors.

推翻萨达姆和他的高级 顾问。

Officials of several countries say the Saudi plan

数个国家的官员说沙特 的计划

requires a United Nations Security Council resolution.

需要一项联合国安理会 的决议。

Partnering Iraqi officials who bring a change in power.

并且与那些能够导致政 权更替的伊拉克官员们 合作。

Its report comes as Mideast officials attempt to avoid war against Iraq

该报道是为了避免针对 伊拉克战争的最新官方 方案,

led by the United States.

由美国所领导的(战 争)。

Turkey has invited leaders from Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Iran, Syria and Jordan

土耳其邀请了沙特阿拉 伯、埃及、伊朗、叙利 亚和约旦的领导人

to a meeting to dis- cuss solutions to the Iraqi crisis.

参加一个会议来讨论解 决伊拉克危机问题。

Russia's top Asian diplomat says that he believes North Korea will

俄罗斯高级亚洲外交特 使说他相信朝鲜将

resolve its nuclear disputes with the United States.

解决它与美国之间的 核冲突。

Deputy Foreign Mini- ster Alexander Last- ukof is going to No- rth Korea for talks.

俄罗斯外交部副部长亚 历山大将到朝鲜参加会 谈。

He said Thursday the situation requires great care.


他在星期四说该地区局 势需要小心对待。

He said no demand should be made.

他说(朝鲜)不要提任何 要求。

South Korea's Defense Minister Yi Jun told parliament

韩国国防部部长告诉国 会

that he fears that a nuclear war would take place

他担心(朝鲜半岛)将要 爆发核战争,

if the United States were to attack North Korea.


On Wednesday North Korea rejected a United States' offer for talks.

星期三,朝鲜拒绝了美 国有关和谈的提议。

The Bush Administra- tion says that offer is still open.

布什政府说该提议仍然 有效。

United States offic- ials have increased the time some male foreign visitors

美国官员延长了一些外 国男性

have to give required information to the government.

向政府提供所需信息的 时间。

The foreign visitors may give the infor- mation between Jan. 27 and Feb.7.

外国旅游者可以在1月 27日到2月7日之间提供 这些信息。

Males,sixteen years and older,from 18 mostly middle eastern countries

(美国政府)要求那些来 自18个大多数是中东地 区国家的16岁以上的男 性游客 are required to con- tact the immigration and naturalization service.


Those who give infor- mation during the new time period

那些在新的时限内提供 信息的人

will not be punished for missing an earl- ier time limit.

并不会因为错过了上一 个时限而受到惩罚。

The measure is made to help the govern- ment observe

该举措旨在帮助政府监 控

the movement of visitors from count- ries where terrorist activities may exist.

那些来自恐怖主义可能 存在的国家的男性旅游 者。

The head of the United Nations Nuclear Control Agency says


weapons inspectors in Iraq


have seized 3000 pages to ueported information.

发现了3000多页没有向 联合国汇报的信息。

He says the informa- tion is linked to nuclear weapons technology.

他说该信息与核武技术 有关。

Nuclear Control Chief Mohammed EI Baradei said the documents apparently describe

联合国核控机构主席巴 拉迪说这些文件非常明 显地描述了

Iraqi research on the eichment of Uranium.


篇三:字幕LRC文件 的使用方法

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