短文填空 介词及练习 含答案

更新时间:2023-07-28 17:31:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1.Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills.When you work coaches and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you’re learning how to be successful. with

2.I spent hours throwing sticks into the water for him to get back—I was close to the shore and threw them farther out to see if I could make him interested


3.People drink milk because it gives the body calcium(钙). So why not try foods

a lot of calcium? You can also try bean products like tofu,nuts and shrimp(虾).with

4.I am thankful that I can see with my left eye again. Twenty years ago, while cutting the grass safety glasses, a piece of metal shot my left eye.without

5.When I called for the donations the next day,almost everyone had forgotten Frank. He came up to my desk.except

6.On the first day of a new term,128 students of Morton High School were sent home because wearing the wrong clothes.of

7.There are many differences Japan and American. I felt it was very strange but interesting.between

8.We arrived at Winter Park with a coupon(优惠券) in hand. But my surprise,the clerk pushed it back saying that it couldn’t be used on this particular day.t o

9.When you’re out skating around for fun,skate the same direction as other people.in

10.Afternoon tea is a dainty(精致的)meal. So,when you drink your tea,take small sips(一小口) instead drinking it up.of

11.One day Gina’s mother suddenly noticed that her daughter didn’t share anything with her friends,such a book, a toy or something to eat.as

12.When you have this kind of relationship a teacher,he or she can be someone to turn to with problem,such as problems with learning or school issues(问题)...

a kid in middle school,you’re at a wonderful stage in your life.with;As


13.All the other birds flew south for the warmer weather... Winter came and it became very cold,so the little bird thought that he had better take off and fly south his friends.like

14.She looked it for a long time. Unluckily,she couldn’t find it, so she asked a police officer for directions.for

15.The stork(鹳) replied(回答), “It’s very kind you to invite me for dinner. Tomorrow evening,please join me for eating at my home.”of

16.It’s not easy them to get some kinds of diseases, like cancer(癌症).for

17.How can you get happiness? You may say that happiness requires(需要) nice comforts a house, a car, much money and a well-paid job.like

18.Kids usually do not need to diet this way.Unlike adults(成人),kids are still growing and developing.in

19.“No. You carry yours,and I carry mine. It is not my problem that you are not as big and strong me,”answered the horse,feeling very proud that he was stronger.as

20.Bill was18. But he didn’t want to live himself because he wanted to enjoy the comfortable life in his parents’home...But Bill didn’t agree his father. He wanted to stay with his parents.by;with

21.There wasn’t a roof(屋顶),and all kinds old things were here and there.of

22.The Ministry of Education(教育部)decided that all students should dance during breaks: the group dance primary and middle school students and the waltz(华尔兹舞)for high school students.for

23.When the king saw the girl playing the harp(竖琴), he was filled joy.with

24.Emily and Grant were inside Macy’s on 34th Street. The store was full flowers. Macy’s was having its yearly flower show.of

25. some people.cooking is their job;but to others,it’s a way of enjoying free time.to

26.For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped,like many housewives,to be the lucky customer. Many housewives lost hope as time went on. them,Mrs. Edwards never gave up hope.Unlike

27.She gave me a watch as a gift, so every second would remind me her


love for me.of

28.What do these things have common? They’re just a few examples that your parents chose for you when you were a kid.in

29. In Hollywood there is a company that publishes children’s books the help of computers.with

30.When you get angry,you can talk it with other people. It’s helpful to talk about your anger with an adult,such as a parent,or a teacher.about

31. All the passengers were angry him. But they said nothing.with

32.As a small child,he loved sports and dreamed playing lacrosse(长曲棍球) as a career,and had no interest in music...The doctors told him he could return the field.of;to

33.When Timmy saw it,he was very jealous(嫉妒的) of Sammy. He took it away permission(允许). With the teacher’s help, the missing pen was soon found in Timmy’s bag.without


1.Health,wealth and happiness are the three important things people often talk about. these three topics,different people may have different ideas.to

2.I think there’s no harm(危害) in telling this to a child who’s naturally outgoing,but for

a child who is already shy me, I think this is bad.like

3.Spend time together. Hoe much time do you spend just enjoying each other’s company(陪伴)?of playing a computer game or watching TV,maybe ask your dad to play with you...It’s also nice when a kid helps fold the laundry(叠衣服) or clean the room being asked.instead;without

4.On the island of Yap,people use the heaviest money in the world—Yap stones. These are round,white stones a hole in the middle.with

5.I am looking forward to a holiday homework so that I can relax and have some time for my hobbies.without

6.We all maximize(最大化) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it of many words such as “new”or “surprising”... “cool”,some people have no words to show the same meaning.instead;without

7.But enough sunshine and good soil,the tree soon died.without


8.Most of the time we think that cleaning the school yard is her duty. But her help,we may not have the clean environment.without

10.Energy drinks are not healthy,either. They are full of caffeine. And you should never drink energy drinks eating anything because it’s bad for your stomach.without

11.The 42-year-old man lost his arms at a young age. The young boy learned to use his legs his “hands” for everything,from working in the garden fixing(修理) small things.as;to


