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Unit 1 第一篇

It was my first day at collage and I was hauling my suitcase up the stairs of my accommodation block with my parents close behind me. I was sharing a bedroom and sincerely hoped that my roommate would be like me, quiet, tidy and studious, someone with whom I could have lengthy philosophical conversations about the meaning of life. I was also rather hoping that I would be the first to arrive in the room so that I could grab the best bed!

I opened the door and peered in, muttering a little prayer that my roommate hadn’t arrived yet, then gasped in astonishment at the sight that met my eyes. Had the room be visited by a hurricane---or perhaps there had been a burglary? There had to be some explanation for the clothes that were strewn all over the floor and the beds---both beds! On both beds too were four of the most enormous suitcases I had ever seen, both of them overflowing with clothes (and not a book in sight, I noticed).

Sprawled on one of the beds—the best one, of course—was an attractive girl dressed as if for an extremely glamorous party. She was talking animatedly on her mobile and, on hearing us

enter, waved casually in our direction without so much as bothering to look up. Our mouths fell open in a collective gasp of astonishment, and we must have stood there for at least a minute waiting for her to acknowledge us. she did no such thing but instead turned to face the wall and continued her conversation.

“Well!” said my mother. “Well!”

My father cleared his throat nervously while I gulped. How on earth was I going to cope? Slowly the girl turned over and granted us a lazy smile. “Hi!” she said languidly. “My name’s Tracy. Look, I’m really hoping you don’t object, but I’ve decided to change rooms. Do you mind?”



躺在一个床上的最好的一个,课程是一个有吸引力的女孩身着极其迷人的聚会。她活生生地在她的移动和说话,听到我们进入,挥舞着随便在我们的方向不懒得抬头。嘴里倒在一个集体惊讶的喘息,我们必须站在那里至少一分钟等待她承认我们。她没有这样做,而是转过头来面对着墙,继续她的谈话。 “好吧!”我妈说。“好吧!”




When the passage begins, the writer is about to start college.



The writer wanted to arrive before her roommate in order to get the best bed.



The writer wondered if there had been a hurricane because the room was a mess.

。 作者怀疑有飓风,因为房间里一团乱。


There were no books in Tracy’s suitcases



At first, when the writer and her parents arrived, Tracy did not acknowledge them



Unlike the writer, her roommate Tracy is very messy



The writer did not think that she and Tracy would get on



When they saw Tracy and the state of the room, the writer and her parents were shocked



It can be inferred(推断) that when Tracy said she was going to change rooms the writer would feel relieved

可以推断,当特雷西说,她会改变房间作者会觉得松了一口气 第二篇:

At 11:43 am last Tuesday, college student Lenny Howard was standing at the open hatch of a small plane staring down at the ground 3500 ft below. “Ok, lad,” said the parachute instructor briskly. “Ready to jump in ten!”

“I’m insane!” thought Lenny. “I can’t stand heights and here I am about to jump into the sky with nothing but a bit of cloth on my back. And I’m doing it for Rag Week! Rag Week!”

Lenny jumped. When he hit the ground (safely!) 30 seconds later, not only had Lenny made his first parachute jump, he had also succeeded in raising $400 for Save the Children, one of the charities sponsored by his University Rag Society.

Skydiving is one of the many unusual activities that students do during Rag Week, when students all over the country raise money for charity. Other events include bungee jumping, 3-legged races, anything in fact that will attract attention and encourage people to sponsor them. “Hitches”, for example, involve raising sponsorship to hitchhike to an exciting destination without spending any money. There’s even’ “kidnapping”, where, as the name suggests, someone

is kidnapped and a ransom is demanded for their return. Traditionally , there’s also a colorful parade through the streets with students collecting money from the public.

The term “Rag” has its origins in the 19th century when students used to collect rags to make clothes for the poor. More recently, “Rag” has been given the meaning “Raise and Give”. Rag Week is one of the most enjoyable and successful events in the student year, with large sums of money raised for good causes. Fundraising doesn’t stop at Rag Week as Student Rag Societies organize charity events throughout the year. Recently, Loughborough University’s Student Rag Society raised almost $1000000, Long may the “Rag” tradition continue!




跳伞是许多不寻常的活动,学生们做抹布一周,当学生在全国各地为慈善事业筹集资金。其他活动包括蹦极、3 - leg种族,任何事实会吸引注意力和鼓励人们赞助他们。“故障”,例如,涉及提高赞助搭便车到一个令人兴奋的目的地不花一分钱。甚至还有“绑架”,顾名思义,有人绑架和赎金要求为他们的回报。传统上,还有一个丰富多彩的游行在街上与学生收集资金从公众。



1. We learn that ______

(a) Just before he jumped, Lenny regretted his decision to make a


1. A school shooting is said to have occurred when______ (a)a student kills other students at a school

(b)an individual kills more people at a school or college

(c)one or more students kill many people at their own school or college

(d)a person kills one or more people at a school or college

1。据说学校枪击事件发生时______ (一)学生杀死其他学生在学校 (b)一个人在学校或学院杀死更多的人

(c)一个或多个学生杀了很多人在自己的学校或学院的 (d)一个人杀死一个或更多的人在学校或大学

2. All the murderers referred to in the passage _______ (a)were shot during the attacks

(b)were students at the institution they attacked (c)killed themselves (d)were born in America

2。所有的杀人犯都提到了在这段中_________ (一)被枪杀在攻击

(b)是学生在他们攻击的机构 (c)自杀 (d)出生在美国

3. The Virginia Tech massacre(大屠杀) _____ (a)was the worst of the massacres described

(b)and the Columbine High School massacre were both equally


(d)surprised people because it took place in America

3。在弗吉尼亚理工大学惨案发生_____ (一)最糟糕的屠杀

(b)和哥伦拜恩高中屠杀都是同样可怕 (d)惊讶的人,因为它发生在美国

4. The perpetrators of school shootings _____ (a)are likely to have been rejected by certain groups (b) have shown themselves as violent before the shootings (c) frequently bully other students (d)are disliked by other students

4。学校枪击事件的肇事者_____ (一)可能会被某些群体拒绝 (b)表明自己是暴力枪击事件之前 (c)经常欺负其他同学 (d)是由其他学生不喜欢

5. The killers _____

(a)told people exactly what they planned to do (b)planned to hurt those who they felt had hurt them (c)were not doing well in their students (d)were very lonely people



(b)打算伤害那些他们觉得伤害了他们的人 (c)并不在他们的学生 (d)非常孤独的人


In We need to talk about Kevin (2003), American novelist Lionel Shriver tackles one of the biggest themes of all: Is a killer created by their upbringing or are they born that way? At the start of the novel, 17-year-old Kevin has been in prison for two years after locking his class in the high school gym and shooting nine classmates and two adults. The novel consists of a series of letters written by Eva, Kevin’s mother, to Franklin, her absent husband. In these letters, Eva explores her married life and the couple’s relationship with Kevin in an attempt to comprehend what led her son to commit this appalling crime.

At the start of her marriage, Eva is a bright successful career woman with liberal attitudes that are very different to her husband’s more traditional views. The couple decide to have a child because Frank wants one and when Kevin is born Eva fails to bond with her son. From the start Kevin is a bored, unhappy child who at an early age seems to become actively malicious. But while Eva sees this and worries about it, Franklin, wishing to see his family as a normal American family, is blind to his son’s nastiness. As Kevin grows older, he becomes increasingly malicious but cleverly massage to present his cruel actions as accidents.

The question that Eva asks herself with painful honesty is

whether it was her lack of love for Kevin and the fact that she did not want a child that created a mass murder. Undoubtedly her attitude towards her son was damaging but the terrible twist at the end of the novel reveals all too clearly that Franklins blindness to his son’s faults was equally harmful and that Kevin’s relationship with his mother is far more loving and honest. As to whether it was the family environment alone that created a killer---Shriver leaves that to the reader to decide.





[对]1.The novel explores the influence that family environment has on a child who becomes a mass murderer


[ ] 2. Eva writes letters to her husband because she want to explain to him why she acted in the way she did

[ ]3. Although she does not want a child, Eva feels love for Kevin when he is born

[对]4. Even as a young child, Kevin seems to be cruel

(对)4。甚至在很小的时候,凯文似乎是残酷的 (对)5。富兰克林看到他儿子的残酷但假装一切都好

[对]5. Franklin sees his son’s cruelty but pretends everything is all right

[对]6.Eva think that it may have been because of her that Kevin becomes a killer



[对]7. Something very surprising happens at the end of the novel which shoes that Kevin’s relationship with his mother is better than his relationship with his father

[ ]8. The writer tells us what the twist at the end of the novel is [ ]9.At the end of the novel Shriver answers the questions she has been asking

[]2。伊娃写信给她的丈夫,因为她想向他解释为什么她行动的方式 []3。尽管她不想要孩子,伊娃出生时,他感觉爱凯文 []8。作者告诉我们拧在这本小说的尾声


Unit 4: 第一篇:

This morning I watched appalled as starving African refugees fought for food at an aid centre and a small child was pulled to safety under people’s feet. It was 6.30 and I was in bed, with three pillows behind me, a cup of strong tea in my hand, and my laptop,

most appropriately, on my lap.

A short time ago I took the difficult decision to give up my daily newspaper, and to get my morning news online instead. I say “difficult decision” because by doing so I’ve let down the delightful owner of my local corner shop, who depends on sales of newspapers for his survival.

But the decision once taken, there are so many advantages of online news over the printed version. I choose the paper I want to begin with and there, online, are brief summaries of the main news items of the day, pictures in full colour, and two or three-minute videos that show me the news as it unfolds. Should I desire, I can stay with one paper and read its different sections, or flick from paper to paper, nothing with interest how different the news coverage of the same story can be. One thing that constantly fascinates me is that the front-page stories are often startlingly different.

What one paper considers front-page news is relegated to page three in another. This is particularly true of the more downmarket newspapers, which feature celebrity stories on page one that may not get even a mention in the more serious papers.

Despite the above, I have to admit to worrying that as more and more people get their news online, newspapers will find

themselves fighting for survival. I console myself with the thought that a weekend paper still lands on my doorstep each Sunday—I don’t think I could ever give that up!

今天早上我震惊看着饥饿的非洲难民争取食物援助中心和一个小孩被拉到安全在人们的脚下。那是6.30,我在床上,三个枕头在我身后,一杯浓茶在我的手,和我的笔记本电脑,最合适的,在我的大腿上。 不久前我把困难的决定放弃我的日报,并让我早上在线新闻。我说“艰难的决定”,因为这样我失望的所有者的当地的街角小店,他取决于销售报纸的生存。




问题: 1. At 6.30 _____

(a) The writer was watching television (b) The writer was at an aid centre in Africa (c) The writer was watching a news story online (d) The writer was marking a cup of tea 2. The writer recently decided to ____

(a) read the news online, although she was not very happy about doing this

(b) get news online as well as buy a daily newspaper (c) give up buying a newspaper from the corner shop (d) stop buying a daily newspaper but start getting a weekend newspaper

(e) stop buying a daily newspaper but start getting a weekend newspaper

3. the writer prefers getting news online because ____ (a) she prefers reading summaries of the news to reading long articles

(b) news and videos are in full colour (c) online newspapers have more sections (d) she can read different versions of the same story 4. the writer is fascinated by the fact that ____

(a) newspapers often have very different opinions of a news story’s importance

(b) serious newspapers rarely have stories about celebrities (c) downmarket newspapers have the same stories on the front page

(d) newspaper always have the same front-page stories 5. the writer thinks that ____

(a) newspapers should only publish news online (b) daily newspapers may not survive

(c) one day she will also stop getting a weekend newspaper (d) weekend papers will survive (e) 1。6.30 _____



(c)作者在线看新闻 (d)作者是一杯茶 2。作者最近决定____

(一)阅读在线新闻,虽然她不是很高兴这样做 (b)上网看新闻以及买报纸 (c)放弃从街角小店买一份报纸 (d)停止购买报纸,但开始一个周末报纸 (e)停止购买报纸,但开始一个周末报纸 3。作者更喜欢在线新闻因为_____ (一)她喜欢阅读新闻阅读长文章的总结 (b)全彩色的新闻和视频 (c)在线报纸有更多的部分 (d)她能读同一个故事的不同版本 4。作者是着迷于这样一个事实:____

(一)新闻的报纸经常有截然不同的观点的重要性 (b)严肃报纸很少有关于名人的故事 (c)低端报纸头版上有相同的故事 (d)报纸总是有相同的头版故事 5。作者认为____

(一)网上报纸应该只发布新闻 (b)日报可能无法生存

(c)有一天,她也会停止周末报纸 (d)周末报纸将生存


Founded over 152 years ago, The New York Times is one of America’s most respected newspapers, with a formidable reputation for objectivity of reporting and the quality of its editorial judgement. Imagine the furore therefore over the discovery that one of its reporters had on many occasions written highly inaccurate reports. And this had been going on for a period of four years!

Jayson Blair was a 27-year-old staff reporter for The New York Times, learning his craft and rising to become a reporter for national

news events. Although editors and fellow journalists had expressed concern about his standards of reporting, it was only in 2003 that his acts of journalistic fraud came to light and he was sacked.

The core principle of journalism, that you will report honestly what you see and heat yourself, was utterly ignored by Blair. A reporter who was “hungry” for stories, he filed over 600, and in his last 73 articles there were problems in at least 36 of them.

His dishonesty was discovered when he was transferred to the national desk. On investigation it was found that he had stated as facts things that simply weren’t true, made up quotes from people he hadn’t interviewed and even plagiarized other journalists’ work. He had also published information that he had promised not to reveal, and had claimed to visit places in order to interviews over the phone.

Blair’s deliberate misreporting made front-page news everywhere. What was perhaps most shocking was that although Blair’s editors has frequently expressed great concern about his work, he had been allowed to continue writing and had even been promoted. The New York Times described Blair’s wrongdoing as “a low point has bean reached in the 152-year history of the newspaper”.


