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Albert Einstein:

“Miracles are what happen when you get out of the way of yourself.


The oppressed ________ freedom.

A. requires B. demands C. requests Require: ask for firmly

Demand: the ruler sets a rule with the expectation that nobody would refute it. Request: ask for politely



Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.


Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect.

关于单词记忆法 1、拆分联想记忆法

in no cent a.无辜的天真无邪的 re ti cent a.沉默寡言 parallel


lel lul level 平 lullaby lull – baby

2、谐音记忆法 mortal a.致命的

ponderous adj.笨重的、沉重的,文章冗长的 labor v/n.劳动

ambulance n. 救护车 jeopardize v. 冒险 3、形近对比记忆法 adopt adapt adept adopt v.收养采纳

adapt v. 1. 适应 ~ oneself to

She adapted herself to the whole new environment 2. 改编 adaptable adept a.娴熟的

be adept at be adept at making up the excuses


4、串记法 同义串记:

believe – hold – maintain – advocate – set forth

significant – irreplaceable – vital – crucial—critical—unparalleled—striking 反义串记:

tiny – humble – trivial – replaceable – negligible 词性变换串记:

reserve v./n reservation n. reservoir n. 5、生活实景记忆法 rejoice v.使高兴

safeguard safe a. 安全的

guard n/v保卫,守侯 bodyguard glitter v. 发光(反射光) glare stare glow

Mars, a glowing red planet


词根(root) : to entitle the key meaning to a word The radio can _______signals. A transmit B emit

mit=send trans=across e=out transmit v. 投递式的发射 emit v. 发散,发出 词缀(affix):

前缀(prefix): to settle the emotion of a word e- = out, im- = in / not emigrant n.移居海外者

immigrant n.移民,移居者

后缀(suffix): to ascertain the word’s function -ate migrate to -ant migrant

migrant workers peasant worker grassroot modernizing forces


exclude拒绝,排斥 exclusion排除

exclusive排外的,专用的 exclusionism n.排外主义 include 包括,包含

inclusion inclusive inclusiveness Conclude下结论

conclusion conclusive

preclude防止,杜绝 pre- pro- pri-

preclusion排除,阻止 preclusive除外的,妨碍的

动词clude, 名词clusion, 形容词clusive


Closet n.壁橱,秘密会谈的、储藏物品的小房间 Water Closet = WC

vt.把?引进密室会谈 a.私下的,隐秘的 a closet discussion

lavatory, restroom, bathroom, toilet john (n.)

He’s a john.=He’s a pimp.(a man who is a prostitute's customer or patron) Can I whisper it?

I want to see my aunt!

disclose vt.揭露,泄露,透露

enclose vt.围住,包住;附入,把装入信封 envelop enclosure n.(四周有篱笆、围墙的)围场 附件 attachment attach to

attach importance to intellectuals


Progress=pro(forward)+gress(go)“进步” make progress 进步

Regress=re(back)+gress(go)“退步,退回” regression recession/depression give sb. easy access to

congress=con(together)+gress(go)“1、代表大会 2、Congress美国国会” egress=e(out)+gress(go)走出去,所以是“出口”的意思 ingress=in(in)+gress(go)走进来,所以是“入口”的意思 progressive a.进步的,先进的,前进的 aggress=ag(to)+gress(go)“进攻,侵略”



Duc duct duce=lead

pro`duce v.1、生产,制造2、显示,出示3、上演,制作 `produce n.农产品

`product n.1产品,产物;2、积,乘积 by-`product n.副产品 Side effect

repro`duce v.生殖;翻版;繁殖;复制,仿造

Reproductive fertile fertility infertility

pro`ductive a.1、生产(性)的,能产的,多产的,富饶的2、富有成效的 produc`tivity n.生产率,生产力

con`duct v.1、引导,带领;2、处理,管理;3、指挥(乐队);4传导,传(热,电等)5、(oneself)表现 `conduct n.举止,行为;管理(方式),实施(方式) con`ductor n.领队,指挥,列车长,售票员。导体 conduc`tivity n.传导性,传导率 semicon`ductor n.半导体 deduce v.(from)演绎,推断

what do you deduce from these facts? deduct vt. 扣除, 演绎

Don’t forget to deduct travel expenses

induce v.引诱,劝使;引起,导致;感应 induction n.感应,感应现象 inducement 诱因

reduce v.1、减少缩小2、使降级,使沦落3、迫使4、还原 reduction n.1、减少,缩小;2、下降,降低3、还原 seduce v.勾引 observe obsess seduction

Eg: It means not only the attraction but the seduction sedulous diligent

disturb打扰 perturb烦忧

turb=搅动 stir swirl irreasonable irrational

When you are singing over there, I just want to put my fingers into my eyes to my brain and swirl it around.

turbine /ai/ n.透平机,涡轮机

turbulent a.狂暴的,汹涌的;骚动的,动荡的,混乱的

we’ve encountered some turbulence, please keep your seatbelt fastened turbulent weather狂暴的天气 turbulent crowd骚动的人群 turbulent period动荡的时期

disturbance n.1、骚乱,扰乱 riot;2、扰乱,打扰;3、心神不安,烦恼 perturb vt.使心烦意乱,搅乱 per=fully,through 完完全全

perfect=per+fect(do),从头到尾做的很好,“完美的” Permeate v.

Penetrate v. penetrative


pose = put

Pose v.造成(困难等);提出(问题等),陈述(观点等);摆姿势;假装,冒充 Pose one’s perception to the cosmetics industry


Posture n.1、姿势,姿态;2、看法,态度 vi. 摆出姿势,装模作样 compose v.作曲,作图,写作,合成;组成,构成 be composed of 由组成 Be comprised of

composer 作曲家

composite a.混合成的,综合成的 n.合成物,复合材料

composition n.1、构成,组成,成分2、作文,作品,乐曲3、创作,作曲4、结构,布局 Integrate integration integrity loyalty

Decompose v.分解 dilute

Expose v.1、(to)使暴露;2、揭露; 3、使曝光;4、陈列 Our skin is exposed to the sunshine.

Be exposed to 暴露在?下;使处于?作用(影响)之下。 SH Expo. Exposition exhibition display Exposure n.1、暴露,2、揭露;3、暴光 exposure to 受到作用(或影响) Subject to yield to defer to

Eg: Aristotle has subjected his firm belief to the assumption of the fixed human nature. Depose v.罢免

Impose v.1、征(税),处以(罚款,监禁等); 2、(on)把...强加给 impose sth. on sb.

Dispose vt. 1. 布置, 安排; 2. 使倾向于,使有利于 vi.(of)除掉,去掉; 处置, 处理 get rid of Disposal n.处理, 处置; 布置, 安排

at sb.’s disposal 任某人处理,供某人使用 Disposition n.1. 意想, 倾向; 2. 性格,性情

Propose v.1、提议2、提名,推荐3、打算,计划4、求婚 Proposal n.1、提议,建议2、求婚

Proposition n.1、论点,主张;2、建议,提案3、命题 Man proposes, God disposes.

Depositv.1、存放;2、储蓄;3、使沉淀;4、付(保证金) n.沉积物,矿床,矿藏;押金,定金;存款 Deposition n.沉淀作用,沉淀物 Opposevt.反对,反抗

oppose to doing sth. 反对做某事

Opposite a.(to)对立面,对立的,相反的 n.对立面,对立物 prep./ad.在对面

Symposium sym- posi -um

n.讨论会,专题报告会,专题论文集 Preposition n.介词

Purpose n.目的,意图;用途,效果 For/ with the purpose of 为了 on purpose 故意,有意 by design

Deliberately, intentionally

liberate intend to do sth liberal deliberation

Suppose vt. 1、料想,猜想 2、(用于祈使句)假定

3、(被动语态)期望,认为,应该 Be supposed to = should


Component n.成分,部件,元件a.组成的,构成的 ingredient

Opponent op=against n.反对者,敌手,对手 Op- ob- of- anti- counter-

oppose to homosexual couples’ adopting children obstacle ob- stack

oblige be obliged to obligation be liable to liability offend offensive offense

anti-human anti-cancer anti-culture counterfeit currency

Postpone vt.推迟,延期 Post- = re- = with-

postgraduate 在读的研究生 post-90s post-doctor postpone doing = put off doing retreat ~ tyres

reclaim ~ field from sea

Withhold withdraw withdrawal

`Compound n.化合物,复合物a.化合的,复合的

Com`pound vt.1、使化合,使合成;2、使加重,恶化


fess=speak con=fully profess

Confess v.倾诉,坦白,忏悔 Confession n.倾诉,忏悔,坦白 Confide in fid 信,贞

Credit integrity fidelity (mistress) Integrate


Reputation n.名誉,声誉(好坏名声,强调人们心中的印象) Fame (好名声,强调较高的知名度) Dispute=dis(away)+put(think)+e

vi.争执,争吵 vt.对表示异议 n.争论,争端,争吵 in dispute 在争论中,处于争议中 Disputable indisputable

Deputy n.副职,副手;代理,代理人 a deputy for sb.某人的代理人

a deputy to(+组织机构等)的代表 Deputy mayor 副市长 Associate professor Vice president

subaltern lieutenant adj.(军衔)副官,中尉 Subtitle subway submarine Submit (vt.)递交 ~ sth. (Vt.)~ oneself to 服从于 Substitute (n./v.)


Divorce=di(away)+vorce(声音)两人吵架的声音越来越大,最后“离婚”了。 Dilemma n.进退两难的境地困难的抉择

如I am in a dilemma about whether to study abroad or pursue knowledge in domestic atmosphere. -Dom- 管辖

Domain dominate predominant


Pesticide=pest(害虫)+ I +cide(cut)杀死害虫的东西是什么呢?


Insecticide n.杀虫剂 Suicide n.自杀 Mercy kill

Physically-assisted suicide Commit v.犯(罪), 做(坏事)

make use of the slavery to commit many inhuman acts Be committed to n./doing sth. Commit oneself to Commitment


Concise /s/ a.简明的,扼要的 Make a concise presentation/narration Precise /s/a.精确的,精准的;严谨的 Precision n.精确(性),精确(度) Scissors /sizez/ n.剪刀


Comprise /z/ vt.组成,构成 Enterprise n. 进取心,事业心;(艰巨的)事业或计划;事业或企业,单位,公司

consist compose comprise constitute include

1、consist of/in = be composed of = be comprised of (整体)由(部分)组成

A year consists of/is composed of 365 days.

Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold. Rich Second Generation

Bureaucrat Second Generation Bureaucracy

2、comprise = constitute (部分)组成(整体) 365 days ~/~ a year.


Lecture n.学术讲座

`Dialect= dia(拼音嗲) n.方言 diagnose

你知道吗,我好喜欢你。 你槽吗,卧宣你。 lect= 2.choose Intellect

n.智力,才智,理解力,才智非凡的人 Intelligible lect=leg=lig=choose


Leg= 1. choose legible (字迹)清晰的 Legible handwriting illegible Leg= 2.law legal illegal Legitimate illegitimate

Legislate legislation legislator

lect=1.speak 2.choose

Intellectual n.知识分子 a.智力的,善于思维的(接受良好的教育并在感兴趣的方面长期钻研的人)

Intelligent a.聪明的,有才智的(才思敏捷,小孩子或小动物都可以用它形容)

Intelligence n.智力,智慧,理解力;信息,情报(CIA) CIA:

Central Intelligence Agency FBI:

Federal Bureau of Investigation lect=2.choose

Elect v.选举,推选,作出选择 Election n.选举

Elector n.选举者,有选举权的人 Candidate candid Election campaign

Select v.精挑细选 a.精选的第一流的 Selection n.精选

Selective a.选择的,选择性的 -se- 盯着看

Observe -- perceive perception perspective obsess preserve

Collectivism n.集体主义

Individual a.个体的,独特的 n.个体 Individualism n.个人主义,利己主义 Personality ----- individuality Egoism------altruism egoistic-----altruistic Recollect v.回忆,追想 Neglect neg=不,无,未 v./n.忽视;疏忽,漏做,忽略 Neglectful a.疏忽的 Be ~ of = be blind to

= be ignorant of negligible

a.可以忽略的,微不足道的 Negotiate negotiation delegate “代表” grassroot



Duc duct duce=lead disturb打扰 perturb烦忧

turb=搅动 stir swirl irreasonable irrational

When you are singing over there, I just want to put my fingers into my eyes to my brain and swirl it around.

turbine /ai/ n.透平机,涡轮机

turbulent a.狂暴的,汹涌的;骚动的,动荡的,混乱的

we’ve encountered some turbulence, please keep your seatbelt fastened turbulent weather狂暴的天气 turbulent crowd骚动的人群 turbulent period动荡的时期

disturbance n.1、骚乱,扰乱 riot;2、扰乱,打扰;3、心神不安,烦恼 perturb vt.使心烦意乱,搅乱 per=fully,through 完完全全

perfect=per+fect(do),从头到尾做的很好,“完美的” Permeate v.

Penetrate v. penetrative

consist compose comprise constitute include 2、comprise = constitute (部分)组成(整体) 365 days ~/~ a year.


Novel n.(长篇)小说 a.新奇的,新颖的 Novelty n.新奇,新颖

Innovation= in+nov n.革新,创新 Revolution revolutionary `innovate v.革新

`innovative adj.创新的 创业

set/build up one’s own business Innovative undertaking

Renovate =re(again)+ nov + ate v.翻新,修复

auto 1、自己

Autobiography n.自传

Auto- criticism criticize v.批评 n.自我批评 Autonomy n.自治,自治权,人身自由

Autonomous municipality n.自治区 a.自治的,独立自主的


Biology n.生物学

Biochemistry n.生物化学 Biochemical weaponery

auto 2、自动

Automatic n.自动机械 a.自动的,无意识的,机械的 Automation n.自动化 Automobile n.汽车 Auto-reverse

vers vert = turn

Anniversary n.周年(纪念日)

Annual a.每年的,年度的 n.年刊,年鉴 ~ bonus year-ends lottery

Conversation n.会话,谈话 Converse a./v./n.相反的 Conversely ad.相反地

On the contrary / by contrast

con`version SWORD n.变换,转化 n. 论争, 辩论, 论战 Diverse a.多种多样的,(from)不同的

Inverse adj. 倒转的, 反转的n. 反面v. 倒转

Reverse n.反转;背面a.相反的,倒转的v.颠倒,倒转,180 (使)倒退 Reversal polarity reversal pole dance

Versatile a.通用的,万用的;多才多艺的,多方面的 Verse n.韵文,诗;诗节,诗句

Version n.型,版本;译本,译文;说法,看法

Versus/vs. prep.与...相对,与...相比;以...为对手,对

Avert a=away to turn away v.防止,避免;转移(目光,注意力等) distract Aversion aversive distraction

Convert con=fully v.变换,转化

An overwhelming number of people, with money bulging out of their pockets, have converted their realty investment into purchasing limousines, which are defined as typical marks of success. Universe n.宇宙 cosmology cosmos

Uniform制服,reform,unite v.统一联合,unique唯一的) Universal a.普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的

It is universally acknowledged that drastic rules are supposed to be taken immediately to regulate cosmetic market.

Divert /ai/ di=away v. 转移, 转向, 使高兴 Diversion n.转向,转移 diverse

Adverse adj. 不利的, 敌对的, 相反的 grow up under the adversity


Eject v.喷射,排出;驱逐 Ejection n.逐出,喷出

Project v.投射,放映;(使)凸出,(使)伸出;设计规划 `Project n. 计划,项目课题,工程 Projector n.放映机,幻灯机,投影仪 In`ject v.注射(狭义); 注入,投入(广义)

Inject ? into ; inject sb. with 把?注入某人体内 Injection n.注射,射入

ob`ject= ob(=against,如obstruct 阻隔,阻塞) + ject v.反对(to) They objected to the adoption of the children from abroad. Objection n.反对,异议 (to)

She voiced her objection to traveling by bus.

`Object n.物体,目标,宾语,对象

Ob`jective a.客观的,真实的n.目标,目的(target, goal, destination, aim, purpose) Subject 1. n.主语,主题,题目,学科,科目

submarine海洋下面行驶的舰船,潜艇subway道路以下,地铁 2. a. (to)易遭...的,受...支配的 Subject A to B 从属于,易受到?影响 be subjected to be subject to reject

1.Decline= de+ cline (lean缓坡)


2.Refuse =re(back)+ fus(pour流淌)+e “拒绝” 3.reject

fuse flu = 流 swine flu Confuse v.迷惑 Transfuse v.输血

Diffuse v.扩散;传播,散布 a.(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的;四散的,弥漫的 fantasy Effuse v.涌出,流出,泻出 Infuse v.灌输,注入

Interfuse v.使混入,使混合 Reject

`refuse n.废物,垃圾 `reject n.落选者,次品


para=旁边,部分;不可分割的部分 Paragraph = para + graph 段落

`parasite= para + site(场所,地点)寄生虫 Parameter n.参数

thermometer barometer Parallel level n.水平


fantastic n.平行线,平行面;类比,纬线 unparalleled

Telegraph= tele(远程)+graph 电报 tele=远程的

Telescope= tele + scope(范围)望远镜 Scope n.范围

beyond the scope of people‘s imagination(超越了人们的想象) Television =tele + vision(图象)“电视” Vision:视力, 洞察力

a statesman with great vision一个非常有洞察力的政治家


Visual a.视觉的

Visual image(视觉图象) Visual effect(视觉效果)

Vision n.视觉,视力;眼力,想象力 Visit v.参观

Visible a.看得见的 Invisible a.看不见的

Revise v.修订,校订;修正,修改 Envisage v. 正视

Visa n. 签证vt. 签准(维萨信用卡)Supervise= super(从上到下) + vis + e “监督”,supervisor总监

Telephone= tele + phone(phon=sound)“电话” Microphone “麦克风” Stereophone 立体音响

Symphony= sym(same)+ phon(sound)+ y “交响乐”。 philharmonic Symposium 讨论会, 专题报告会, 专题论文集

Sympathy= sym + path(感情)+ y “同情心” patriot compatriot compatible incompatible

Muse v.(艺术家创作时的)沉思,冥想 n.灵感 His muse has deserted him .他已经不再有任何灵感 Desert n.沙漠 v.抛弃 desolute a deserted island 孤岛 sole isolated de`ssert n.饭后甜点 appetizer Mu`seum 缪斯主管的地方,“博物馆” ~um表示地点名词的尾缀 Stadium “露天体育场”

Forum (for+ um)(for ,“论坛”)

Vacuum vac=vacu,empty空,n.吸尘器 v.用吸尘器清扫 Vacant “空着的(未被占用的)” vacant post / hotel room / parking place Hollow “中空的” a hollow tree, solid(实心的),a solid sphere Blank “空白的,没有标记的”,a blank page Vacation on vacation“正在度假”

Vocation 职业 occupation Evacuate “清空”,通常搭配某个场地 例:因为洪水,整个村子里都撤光了。 The village was evacuated because of the floods. Auditorium= auditor + i +um “礼堂” Audio: listen

Ballot n./v.选举,投票

Blackball n.反对票v.投反对票,阻止 Audit 审计

Auditor n.审计员,旁听者 Amuse: 1“使娱乐消遣” 看老电影使他们非常愉快。

They amused themselves by watching the old film. 2“逗乐”


Everyone was amused by the story about dog.

Amusing adj.有趣的,使人发笑的

例句:这个肥皂剧《欲望城市》实在逗人发笑。 The soap opera of is very amusing / funny. Amusement n.娱乐,娱乐活动

Entertain(enter + tain, tain表示keep)v.1“使娱乐,使快乐” 2.“招待, 款待” Bob昨天晚上设宴款待了我们。

Bob entertained us to a dinner last night. Entertainment Recreation

Musician= music + ian(人)“音乐家” Civil - civilian 平民

Politics - (statesman) politician 政客 Library - librarian 图书馆管理员 Comedy - comedian 喜剧演员 Electricity - electrician 电工 History - historian 史学家

Magic – magician /me’gisen/ n.魔法家 `physical – physician 内科医生

`technical a.技术的,工艺的 - tech`nician n.技术员,技师,技工 vege`tation n.植物,草木– vege`tarian n.素食主义者



Trail trailer blaze a trail of

Trace contract contraction

inflation inflate contradiction

Track Tracking

set: 1.摆放2.开始3.背景4. 下降 1.摆放

`asset= as(to)+set(摆放)

n. 1、财产(常用复数)2、优点,长处 Belongings n.财产所有物。 Property n.合法的全部财产 Possession n.“占有的财产” realty real estate broker 2. 开始

set out to do=set about doing=开始做某事 例:他们刚吃完饭就开始抱怨了。 They set out to complain after dinner. 或They set about complaining after dinner. Outset n.开始,开端。 Outcome

Expense/expenditure----income 例:一开始就产生了很多问题。 Problems arose from the outset. 3.“设置(背景)”

set the stage for pave the way for

setting n.故事背景”

the setting of the story: 故事的背景

background“教育、出身、家庭、历史背景” qualification qualify 4. “下降”


The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Upset v.使忐忑不安 n.翻倒,不安,(肠胃)不适; a.忐忑不安的 Settle(1)定居(落叶归根)settle down (2)解决,使平息 settle an issue

Solve: solve the problem / mystery (3)结算,支付 (4)鸟的飞落,停留

Settlement n.解决,平息;栖息地 preserve

