
更新时间:2024-04-20 11:37:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



quarter, race, rail, railway, sad, safety, sale, table, take, talk 1. quarter n. 四分之一,一刻钟(C)

【示例1】四分之三的好学生都是女生,只有四分之一的好学生是男生。Three quarters of the good students are girls and only a quarter of the good students are boys.

【示例2】他每天早上六点一刻才起床,而我九点三刻就起来了。He only gets up at a quarter past six every morning, but I’ve already got up at three quarters past nine.

2. race n. 比赛,赛跑,竞赛(C);人种(C);v. 参加比赛,和某人比赛速度

【示例1】我常常和一只乌龟赛跑,总是获胜。I often have a race with a tortoise and I always win.

【示例2】世界上有四个人种:白种人,黄种人,黑种人和棕色种人。There are four human races in the world: the white-skinned, the yellow-skinned, the black-skinned, and the brown-skinned.

【示例3】乌龟,我和你赛跑看谁先跑到月亮上去!Tortoise, I’ll race you to the moon!

3. rail n. 铁轨(C)

【示例】火车在两天铁轨上奔跑。Trains run on two rails. 4. railway n. 铁路(U)

【示例】火车站附近扒手很多。There are many pickpockets near the railway station.

5. sad adj. 悲哀的,悲伤的,难过的

【示例1】我感到很悲伤,因为我今天一天才赚了1万美金。I feel very sad for I only made ten thousand dollars today.

【词组与短语】sadder but wiser吃一堑长一智;a sadder and a wiser man吃过苦头学乖了的人

【示例2】过去我很容易被人愚弄,但我吃一堑长一智。In the past, I was very easily fooled, but now I am sadder but wiser.

【示例3】我可是个吃过苦头学乖了的人。I am a sadder and a wiser man. 6. safety n. 安全(U)

【示例】为了你的安全,请把你所有的钱都交给我。For your safety, please give all your money to me.

7. sale n. 出售,销售(U)

【示例1】我卖手表得了5000元。I got 5,000 yuan from the sale of my watch. 【注意事项】sale的复数sales意思是“销售额”,“销售总量” 【示例2】今年的销售额不错。Sales are not bad this year. 【词组与短语】for sale待售,出售;on sale降价出售,甩卖;

【示例3】These new houses are for sale now.现在这些新房子要出售了。 【示例4】这些袜子今天降价出售。These socks are sale today. 8. table n. 饭桌

【示例1】饭桌不是办公桌。A table is not a desk.

【词组与短语】at table在吃饭;at the table在桌旁;on the table在桌子上,摆到桌面上来;under the table私下交易

【示例2】全家人都在吃饭。The whole family are at table.

【示例3】我们的狗在桌旁看报纸。Our dog is reading newspaper at the table. 【示例4】菠萝在桌子上。The pineapples are on the table.

【示例5】我希望一切都能摆到桌面上讨论。I hope everything can be put on the table for discussion.

【示例6】那肯定是私下的交易,所以说就是桌子下面的交易。That must have been a deal under the table, so it was an under-the-table deal.

9. take vt. 拿去,拿走;花…时间


【示例1】走的时候把这个拿去。Take this with you when you leave. 【示例2】来的时候给我带包烟来。Bring me a pack of cigarettes when you come.

【示例3】刷牙花了我1小时。It took me one hour to brush my teeth. 【词组与短语】take a look (at) 看一眼;take away拿走;take back收回;take care of照顾;take down记下,拿下,取下;take notes记笔记;take a walk散步;

take a photo拍张照片;take part in参加;take place发生;take in欺骗;take off脱下,(飞机)起飞

【示例4】让我看一眼你的照片。Let me take a look at your photos. 【示例5】快把你的臭袜子拿开。Take your smelly socks away. 【示例6】我收回我说的话。I take back what I said.

【示例7】请照顾好你自己。Please take good care of yourself.

【示例8】我把他讲话的要点都记下来了。I took down the key points of his speech.

【示例9】我很懒惰,上课从来不记笔记。I’m very lazy. I never take notes at class.

【示例10】我每天晚饭后都要散散步。I take a walk every evening after dinner. 【示例11】我去非洲时拍了很多照片。I took many photos when I was in Africa. 【示例12】我没有参加昨晚的足球比赛。I didn’t take part in last night’s football game.

【示例13】故事发生在18世纪初。The story took place in early 1700s. 【示例14】你被欺骗了。You were taken in.

【示例15】脱下你的臭袜子。Take off your smelly socks. 【示例16】航班马上就要起飞了。The flight will soon take off. 10. talk n. 交谈,谈话,会谈(C);vi.交谈,谈话,谈论

【示例1】咱们找个时间谈谈心。Let’s find a time to have a heart-to-heart talk. 【示例2】这个问题应该通过会谈解决。This problem should be solved through talks.

【示例3】让我和他当面谈一次吧。Let me have a face-to-face talk with him. 【示例4】你们在谈论什么?What are you talking about? 【示例5】我不想和你谈话。I don’t like to talk to you.

