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第六卷 WWWJK 06

1. When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be____. A. fined B. levied C. paid D. deducted

当船舶在港内造成油污染时,会()A.被罚款B.被征收(税等);C.被付款 D.被减免 A

2.our ship is slow in going astern, please __ . A., be careful B. be kind enough C. be nice D. be looked after

我船正慢速后退,请()A.,小心,注意安全B.耐心C.有教养的,体面的,正派的 D.被照看 A

3.All echo-sounders can measure the______. A. actual depth of water

B. actual depth of water below keel

C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom

所有的测深仪可以测量()。A.实际水深 B.龙骨下实际水深圳特区C.从水线到硬底的平均水深 D.到软底的平均水深 B

4. ______is a casing used for exhaust pipes from engines. A.The funnel B.The messroom C. The galley

D.The satellite antenna

下列哪一项是用来围住机舱各种排气管的外罩。()A.烟囱 B.船员餐厅C.船上的厨房 D.卫星天线 A

5. If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor’s holding power _____. A. decreases B. increases

C. remains the same

D. has no relation to the scope

如果缩短出链长度,则锚的抓力会()a.减少 b.增加 c.保持不变d.与出链长度无关 A

6. ___is where the crew eat their meals. A.the funnel B.the galley C.the messroom

D.the satellite antenna

船员吃饭的地方是(C)A.烟囱B.y厨房C.餐厅D.卫星天线 C

7. the ship should reduce speed in ____ . A.the poor visibility B. the good night C. the fast speed D. the good sight

在下列哪种情况下,船舶应减速()。A.能见度差 B.好的夜晚 C.高速D.

视力好 A

8. A(n)______ indicates that there is serious and immediate danger for vessel, crew and passenger. A. distress alert B. urgency message C. safety message D. routine message

下列哪一种信号表示船舶、船员和旅客存在严重且紧迫的危险()A.遇险警报B.紧急信息C.安全信息D.日常通信 A

9. The BEST holding ground for conventional anchors is____. A.Sand

B.Very soft mud C.Shale D.Rock

对于普通的锚来说,下列哪一种底质最好()A.沙B.软泥C.页岩;泥板岩D.石 B

10.Radar makes the most accurate determination of the_____. A.direction of a target

B.distance to a target C.size of a target D.shape of a target

用雷达测量()最精确()。A.物标方位B.物标距离C.物标大小D.物标外形 B

11.Who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels are operated at least weekly? A.Master

B. Chief Engineer C. Deck officer assigned D. Engineering officer assigned

谁应确保船上的应急照明及动力系统每周操作(测试)一次。()A.船长B.轮机长C.指定的驾驶员D.指定的轮机员 A

12.Take tug’s towing line to ___ . A. Captain B. Capstan C. Capital D. Carpenter

这些船都是开往上海的。A. 刚到达B. 前往C.正在装货D.正在卸货

13.____shall be deemed as vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. A.vessel engaged in transferring persons while alongside B.vessel engaged in replenishment of fuel while moored to buoys C.vessel engaged in transferring provisions while underway D.vessel in the area in which there are too many fishing boats 下列哪一种可认为是操限船( )。A.在码头上靠泊时从事转运人员 B.系浮筒时补充燃油C. 在航中从事补给D.在有很多从事捕鱼船的海区中 C

14.the vessel cleared the port means _____ . A. the vessel left the port properly B. the vessel was clear of the port shortly C. the vessel departed from the port slowly D. the vessel was clear out the port suddenly

船舶清爽地离开了港口表示()。a.船舶正常离开港口b.短时间地c.慢慢地d.突然 A

15. the ship is moored ___ buoys.

A. of B. on C. alongside D. to

船舶被系在浮筒上。 D

16. Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision? ______、

A. The first vessel to sight the other should give way B. The vessel making the slower speed should give way C. Both vessels should alter course to starboard D. Both vessels should alter course to port

当两船以接近相反的航向相互接近时,应采取何种行动以避免碰撞()。A.先看到他船的船舶应让路B. 速度较慢的船舶应让路C.两船应各自向右转向D.两船应各自向左转向 C

17. Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out ______. A. by sight B. by sight and hearing

C. by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to

the prevailing circumstances

D. by sight and hearing as well as by all available means except smelling 任何船舶在任何时候均应用()保持正规了望。

A.用视觉B.用视觉和听觉C.用视觉和听觉以及适合当时环境和情况的一切有效手段D.用视觉和听觉和除嗅觉外一切可用手段 C

18.The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon _________. A.the broken stowage listed B. the broken stowage calculated C. the broken stowage given D. the actual broken stowage

实际装货数量取决于()。A.所列的亏舱 B.计算出的亏舱C. 给定的亏舱 D.实际亏舱 D

19. A horizontal line 450mm long and 25mm wide cuts through the loadline disc. It is called the____. A.plimsoll disc B.plimsoll line C.the deck line D.summer load line

长度为450mm,宽度为25mm,穿过载重线圈中心的水平横线叫做()。A.载重线圈B.载重线C.甲板线D.夏季载重线 B

20. you are to join the convoy at 1745 hours.( ) A.leave B.sail for C.take part in D. Make

你将于1745时加入编队()A.离开b.开往c.参加 d. C

21.____is an indication that the weather is about to clear. A.thickening clouds B.rising clouds C.lowering clouds D.scattering clouds


22. in the logbook, s/c stands for_____. A.satellite fix B.starboard course C.set course D.stand by engine

在航海日志中,缩写“s/c”表示A.卫星船位B.向右的航向C.定向D.备好主机 C

23.If you had started loading earlier, you______ loading now. A. would finish B. will have finished C. would have finished D. will be finished

如果你早点装货,现在应该已经装货完毕。 C

24. ____is a high layer of cloud in the form of small flakes or cauliflower, white in colour with no dark shadows in between. A.Cirrostratus B.Cirrus C.Cirrocumulus


什么云是高层云,外形象小雪花或菜花状,颜色呈透明(中间没有阴影)白色。A.卷层云 B.卷云 C.卷积云 D.高层云 C

25. what may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?___ A.wea bottom

B. speed of current C.ship’s speed

D. water temperature and density

下列哪一项可能影响回声测深仪的精确度()A. 海底B.流速C.船速D. 海水温度和密度 D

26. Heave is motion along the ___ . A. longitudinal axis B. transverse axis C. vertical axis D. centerline axis

垂荡是沿()方向的运动。a.纵轴b. 横轴c.垂轴d.首尾线轴

27.chart correction information is not disseminated through the___. A. summary of corrections B. local notice to mariners C. daily memorandum D. chart correction card

海图改正资料不是从下列的哪一项中发布()a.改正摘要b.地方性航海通告c.每日摘要d.海图改正卡 D

28. Generally, you can best keep a vessel under steering constrol when the vessel has____. A.headway

B.no way on, with engines stopped C.sternway

D.no way on, with engines full ahead

一般情况下,当船舶()时,最容易控制船舶航向。A前进时B.不动且停车时C.后退时D.船舶不动,主机全速时 A

29. The EPIRB on a cargo vessel must be stowed ______. A. in an inside passageway

B. in an approved bracket

C. so that it is accessible from the bridge of the vessel D. so that it will float free if the vessel sinks

船上的应急无线电示位标应安装在()。A.走廊内部B.经认可的托架内C.能轻易地从驾驶台到达的地方D.如船舶下沉,可自由起浮处 D

30.As the tide makes the water ____twice a day, a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated. A.rising and falling B.Rose and fell C.the rise and fall D.rise and fall

由于潮汐使海水每天(升降)两次,从而造成了相应的海流或潮流。A. 现在进行时 B.过去时C. D.一般现在时 D

31.Never make comment, estimate or guess in your logbook, but________only A. the specifications B. the facts C. the descriptions D.the details

不要在航海日志中发表评论,做出预测或估计。只能填写()。A.规范B.事实C.描述D.详细情况 B

32.Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail ____. A. in dense fog

B. in boisterous weather C. in the open sea D. in rivers

雷达使船舶在()航行更安全。A.浓雾中B.在恶劣气候中C.在开阔海面D.在河道中 A

33. What should you do in case of steering failure?_____

A.Inform master and engine room, sound emergency alarm, and exhibit appropriate signals

B.Inform master and call all deck hands to stand by on forward station C.Inform master and then inform engine room to stop engines

D.Inform master and engine room, sound fire alarm and hoist NUC signal 当操舵设备故障时,你应()。


C.通知船长,并通知机舱停车 D.通知船长和机舱,鸣放消防警报信号,升挂NUC信号 C

34. You must ______ in this area unless you have messages about the casualty. A. keep radio silence B. keep radio silent C. keep radio be silent D. keep silent the radio

在本地区,除非有关伤亡方面的通信,否则应(保持无线静默)。 B

35. Spring tides are tides that ______.

A.have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal B.have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal C.are unpredictable

D.occur in the spring of the year 大潮是指()的潮汐。

A.与普通潮汐相比,低潮更低,高潮更高 B.与普通潮汐相比,低潮更高,高潮更低C.不可预测D.每年春天发生

36. The officer of the watch should _____ comply with the collision rules. A. some times B. often C. at all times D. seldom

值班驾驶员()应遵守国际避碰规则。 a.有时 b.经常c.在任何时候 d.偶尔 C

37. Broken stowage must be reduced to ____ . A. the minimum B. to little amount C. the maximum D. to great amount

应把亏舱减到()a.最小 b.少量 c.最大 d.大量 A

38. roll-on/roll-off ships are equipped with ___ . A. cargo elevators B. conveyor belts C. ramps

D. derricks and winches for cargo handling

滚装船配有()a.货物输送机b.输送带 c.跳板 d.用于装卸货的吊杆和绞车 C

39.You sight a vessel showing a white light under a green light. This would indicate which of the following ? ____。 A. a vessel fishing with nets

B. a vessel engaged in underwater operations C. a vessel surveying D. a vessel trawling

你看到一船显示上绿下白灯号,表示该船()。A.正在用网从事捕鱼 B.正在从事水下作业C.正在从事测量工作 D.正在从事拖网捕鱼 D

40.My captain is trying to ____ the pilot station before the ebb tide. A. Steam B. proceed C. approach D. reach

我船船长试着赶在退潮之前(抵达)引航站。A. 驶往B.驶往C. 抵达 D.]到达

41.according to the rules, the length of a prolonged blast is ____ . A. about ten seconds in duration B. from two to four seconds in duration C. not less eight seconds in duration D. from four to six seconds in duration

根据国际避碰规则要求,一长声的持续时间是()A.大约10秒钟 B.二到四秒钟 C.不少于八秒钟D.四到六秒钟 D

42. when visibility is restricted ___ we can say it is restricted visibility. A.by long distance

B. by the darkness at night C. by a vessel in front D. by fog or fallings now

当能见度受()影响而受到限制时,我们把它叫做能见度受限。A.因远距离B.在夜间因为黑暗C.被前方的船舶 D.被雾或雪 D

43. The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means _____. A. the ship is fully loaded

B. the ship loaded with water C. a ship with cargo D. a ship with no cargo

短语“压载航行”表示船舶()。A.船舶处于满载状态B.船舶装水C.船上有货 D.船上无货 D

* In ballast means that the ship is ___ . A. loading with cargo B. in danger C. not carrying cargo D. discharging cargo

压载航行表示船舶()。A.装有货物B. 处于危险中C.没有装货D.正在卸货 C

44. ____port anchor, one shackle in water. A.cast off B. heave up C.throw D. let go

抛出左锚,一节入水。A.B. 绞起 C. D.

45. A vessel engaged in ____shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway. A. mine clearance operation B. towing operation

C. dredging or surveying or underwater operation D. fishing

从事()的船舶不应妨碍任何其他在狭水道中航行的船舶的安全通行。A.清除水雷作业B.拖带作业C.疏浚或测量或水下作业D. 捕鱼 D

46.___are mainly caused by the gravitational pull of the moon? A.Tides B.Sea C.Swell D.Wind

主要是由月球引力引起的。a. 潮汐b. 海浪.c 涌浪.d 风 A

47. The common way to obtain your ship's position is ____. A. keeping a close watch and lookout

B. taking a radar range and bearing

C. observing a radar target and listening to signals D. keeping a well clear caution

获得船位的一般方法是()。A.认真值班保持了望B.获得雷达距离和方位C.观察雷达物标,并听雾号D.保持警觉 B

48. a relative bearing is always measure from _____. A. true north B. magnetic north C. the vessel’s beam D. the vessel’s head D

49.In a weather report GMT stands for____. A.general mean time B.greenwich mean time C.govement

D.general management treaty

气象报告中,GMT表示()A.一般平时B.格林尼治平时C.政府D.一般管理条例 B

50. give wide berth to the breakwater means __. A.keep clear of the breakwater

B. there is much berth space near the breakwater C. don’t drop anchor too close to the breakwater D. keep out the breakwater

远离、让清防波堤表示()A.让清防波堤B.防波堤附近有宽阔的水域 C. 不要太靠近防波堤抛锚D.保持在防波堤以外 A

51. When a ship is in tropical zone and in seawater of density 1.025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked_______. A.S B.T C.W D.F

当船舶在热带区域内,海水比重为1.025,则最大载重吃水线不应超过()的上边缘。a. 夏季载重线的b.热带载重线c.冬季载重线 d.夏季淡水载重线 B

52. Most minor spills of oil products are caused by ______. A. equipment failure B. human error

C. major casualtie

D. unforeseeable circumstances

大多数少量溢油是由()引起的。A.设备故障B. 人为错误C.主要事故D.不可预知的情况 B

53. Long hair should always be covered by______when working with or near moving machinery. A.an ear plug B.safety cap C.a helmet D.face mask

当在移动的机器附近工作时,应用()把长发包住。A.耳塞B.安全帽C.头盔D.面罩 B

54. A look-out should report objects sighted using ______. A.true bearings B. magnetic bearings C. gyro bearings D. relative bearings

了望人员应用()来报告所看到的目标()。A.真方位B.磁方位C.电罗经方位D.相对方位 D

55.Small scale charts cover large areas of ocean and are also called_________. A.reference charts B.coastal charts C.natural scale charts D.harbour charts

包含大片区域的小比例尺海图又叫()A. 参考图B.沿岸海图C.自然比例尺海图D.港图 A

56.visibility will not be reduced by ___ . A. fog B. Mist C. snow D. Cloud

能见不会因下列哪一项而受限()。a. 雾 b.薄雾,霭 c.雪 d.云

57 when a wind blows round clockwise, it is ___ . A. variable B. changing C. Backing D. veering

当风向顺时针方向吹时,叫做()a.不定b. c.逆时针变向 d.顺时针变向 D

58.____indicates the date when this chart was partly or completely revised and published. A.small corrections B.revised edition C.new edition D.source data

当一张海图上的资料部分或全部修订后,重新出版,则海图的出版日期表示的是()的日期。A.小改正B.修订版C.新版D.资料来源 B

59.Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that power supply on board is

A.high or low B. AC or DC C. strong or weak D. on or off

在打开电罗经电源开关之前,你应确认船上的电源供应是()。A.高压或低压B.变流或直流C. 强或弱D.开或关 B 60.A_____is




STATIONS/VESSELS-ALL STATIONS/VESSELS-ALL STATIONS/VESSELS; THIS IS MV?CALL SIGN?(3X)’. A. Distress messge B.Urgency message C.Safety message D.Routine message

连叫三次,表示()A.遇险信号B.紧急信号C.安全信号D.日常通信 C

61._____will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.#3-85

A. Cargo-handling expenses B. Tally money

C. Cargo-tallyiong dues D. Tally fees


A.货物装卸费B.C.应支付的;欠款的;欠的 D. 理货费 A

62._____are generally best for handling acids, alkalis, various types of oils, solvents and chemicals in general. A.rubber gloves B.heat-resistant gloves C.PVC gloves D.leather gloves

下列哪一种手套一般最适用于装卸酸、碱,各种油类,溶剂和化学品。()A.橡胶手套B.耐热手套C.聚氯乙烯手套D.皮手套 C

63. you see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does not significantly change.This would indicate that ____. A. you are the stand-on vessel B. risk of collision exists

C. a special circumstances situation exists D. the other vessel is dead in the water

你看到另一船接近你船,其罗经方位没有明显变化,表示()a.你是直航船b.存在碰撞危险c.存在特殊情况d.另一船不对水移动 B

64. VHF radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,____ —messages can be sent. A. by which B. through which C. by that D. through that

VHF是船上非常重要的航行设备之一,(通过它)可发送各种信息。 B

65. the term power-driven vessel means ____in these rules. A.any sailing vessel with propelling machinery B.any vessel propelled by machinery

C.any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propelling D.any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use


66.The satellite systems of GMDSS comprise ______.

A. NAVTEX, COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system B. Inmarsat, COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-system C. NAVTEX, Inmarsat, EPIRBs and SART

D. Inmarsat, Direct Printing Telegraphy, and DSC GMDSS的卫星系统包括()。 B

67.____is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. A. Sea protest B. Deck log C. Accident report D. Seaman’s book

有关航行过程中的完整记录,由值班驾驶员在每班结束时记录的是()A.海事声明 航海日志C.事故报告D. 海员证 B

68. the arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _____ . A. on a regional basis B. on a national basis

C. shown orderly D. appeared from A to

航海图书目录中,海图是按照什么顺序编排的() a.按区域 b.按国家 c.出现的顺序 d.W从A排到Z A

69. A spring line is ____. A. any wire rope used for mooring B. a fire-warp

C. a mooring line running diagonally to the keel D. a mooring line perpendicular to the keel

倒缆是a.用于系泊的任何钢丝绳b. 应急拖缆(防火用) c.跟船舶龙骨成一定角度相交的系缆d.跟船舶龙骨成直角相交的系缆 C

70.What type oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas?____ A.Crude oil B.Fuel oil C.Vegetable oil D.Lubricating oil

下列哪一种油用来减缓大浪的影响效果最好()。A. 原油B.燃油C.菜油D.润滑油

71.Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain ______ slowly south moderate or good. A. spreading B. Proceeding C. bounding for D. going to

大部分地区为东风3到4级,多云到阴天,偶尔有雨,雨区缓慢南移,能见度中等到良好。A.传开;蔓延B.前往C.开航往D.去到 A

72. Deviation changes with a change in ____. A. latitude B. longitude C. Heading d. sea condition

自差随()变化而变化。A.纬度 B.经度C.艏向d.海况 C

*. magnetic variation changes with a change in ____. A. the vessel’s heading

B. sea conditions C. seasons

D. the vessel’s position

磁差随()变化而变化。A.船舶艏向 B. 海况C.季节D.船位 D

73. Cirrocumulus belongs to ______. A.Low clouds B.High clouds C.Special low clouds D.Medium clouds

卷积云属于()。A.低层云B.高层云 C. 特低云 D.中层云 B

74. a vessel is _______ when she is not at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground. A. underway B. making way C. dead in the water D. a power driven vessel

当一船不在锚泊、系岸或搁浅时,该船是()A.在航B.对水运动 C. 不对水运动D. 机动船

75. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of radar over eyes? ____ A. greater visibility range B. detection of unlit objects C. no possibility of making errors D. accurate range information

与肉眼相比,雷达有许多优点,但下列哪一项不是()A.更大的能见距离B.探测到不点灯的物标C.不可能出现错误D.准确的距离资料 C

76. When making VHF radio calls to nearby stations, what level of transmitting power should you use? ____. A. Low power B. Medium power C. High power D. Extra high power

当使用VHF呼叫附近的台站时,下列哪一项是正确的()A.低功率B. 中功率C.大功率D.超高功率 A

77. The major use of water in fighting fires is to _____.

A.suffocate the fire

B.absorb the oxygen supporting the fire C.act as a cooling agent D.wash the fire away

灭火中,水的主要作用是()A.窒息 B.吸收支持燃烧的氧气C.作为降温材料D.冲走火苗 C

78.____is normally responsible for maintaining records of corrections to navigational charts and nautical publications. A.the second officer B.the third officer C.the chief officer D.the PSC officer

船上一般由()负责保管航海图书改正记录。 A

79. The helm command nothing to port means do not_____。 A.use left rudder

B.steer to right of the ordered course C.steer to left of the ordered course

D.leave any bouys on the port side

舵令“nothing to port”表示不要()A.使用左舵B.向指定的航向右侧转向C.向指定的航向左转向D.把所有浮筒放在左舷过 D

80.________water is the water in the tank to keep the ship’s stability. A.ballast B.slop C.bilge D.sanitary

水是指装在水舱中用于保持船舶稳性的水。A.压载 B.溢(或溅出)的液体,废油,洗舱油C.污水D.卫生污水 A

81.why is the NSM Code mandatory?_____ A.to save money for the company B.to improve safety C.to satisfy US Coasthuard D.to get lover insurance premiums


82.when steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?____ A.every day B.when time allows C.at least once a watch D.no checking is necessary

当使用自动舵时,应隔多久检查一次手动舵()。A.每天 B.当时间允许时C.每班至少一次D.不需要 C

83.The annual change in ____ is 0.2 degree. A. magnetic variation B. marine insurance C. maritime accident D. mean high water sprin

()的年度变化率是0.2度。A.磁差B.航海保险C.海上事故D.平均大潮高潮面 A

84.During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel ______heavy damages to the deck fittings.

A. maintained B. sustained C. pertained D. contained

在从大连开往新加坡的航程中,我船甲板设备()重大损失。A. 保持 B.遭受 C.适合,相配 D.包含 B

85.Which of the following equipment is for body protection?____ A.safety helmets B.goggles and spectacles C.breathing apparatus D.safety suits

下列哪种设备用于身体防护()A.安全头盔B.护目镜C.呼吸器具D.安全服 D

86. The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a _____ A.Small circle B.Great circle C.Rhumb line D.Hyperbola

地球上两点间距离最短的是()A.小圆B.大圆C.恒向线 D.双曲线


87. a(n)____indecates that there is imminent risk for navigation. A.urgency message B. safety message C.distress alert D. routine message

下列哪一种信号表示将有影响航行安全的紧急危险() B

88.From________the information concerning the tons per centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found. A.variation curve

B.dead weight scale C.table of azimuth D.freeboard assignment

有关船舶每浸水一公分所需的载重吨数的资料可从()中查找。A.磁差曲线图B.载重量表尺C.方位表D.干舷要求 B

89. a mercator chart is a ____.

A. cylindrical projection B. simple conic projection C. polyconic projection D. rectangular projection

墨卡托海图是()a.柱形投影海图 b.单圆锥投影海图c.多圆锥投影海图 d.直角投影海图 A

90.After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be _____. A.put back in service if some CO2 remains B. hydrostatically tested C. retagged D. recharged

手提式二氧化碳灭火器使用后,应()A.如瓶内仍有二氧化碳气体,把它放回原处 B.进行静水力测试 C. 重新贴上标签 D.重新充装 D

91. the lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited ___ . A.from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility B. at all times

C. from sunset to sunrise, and at no other time D. whenever a look-out is posted.


A.能见不良时从日出到日落 B.任何时候C.只能从日落到日出,其他时间均不应显示D.只要安排了了望人员,任何时候 A

92.Do you require any further assistance? My ship is safe now and no assistance is necessary.

This VHF communication generally takes place during _____. A. salvage operation B. cargo discharging C. bunkering D. towing operation

“你是否需要其他帮助?”“我船已安全,不需要帮助了。”这段对话一般发生在()。A.救助行动中B.卸货中C.加油中 D.拖带作业中 A

93. when is a stand-on vessel first allowed by the rules to take action in order to avoid collision? _____

A. when the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other B. when the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision

C. when collision is imminent

D. the stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action 规则允许直航船采取避磁行动的最早时机是()

a.当两船接近到距离小于半海里时b.当让路船明显没有采取适当的避让行动时c.当出现紧迫危险时d.任何时候不允许直航船采取行动 B

94.____ is used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. A.the chronometer B.the marine sextant C.the magnetic compass D.the gyrocompass

用来测量水平角度及垂直角度的仪器是()A.天文钟B.航海六分仪C.磁罗经D.电罗经 B

95.___ must be held, within 24 hours of leaving port if more than 25% of the crew have not taken part in drills on board the shp in the previous month.

A.an orientation activity B.an emergency meeting

C.an abandon ship drill and a fire drill D.onboard crew training

如有25%的船员没有参加上个月举行的船上演习,则应举行()A.定向B.紧急会议C.救生消防演习D.船上船员训练 C

96.In a crossing situation, a vessel fishing must keep out of the way a vessel which is ___ A. under sail B. towing

C. restricted in her ability to maneuver D. engaged in pilotage duty

交叉相遇局面中,从事捕鱼的船舶应给下列哪一种船舶让路()A.驶帆船舶B.正在从事拖带船舶 C.操限船D.从事引航任务 C

97.Prior to getting underway, the master or person in charge of a vessel must______.

A.conduct a boat drill B.conduct a fire drill

C.log the fore and aft draft marks D.test the emergency generator


98.There is plenty of room at the anchorage._____ A. a lot of area B. enough space C. many rooms D. plenty of berth

锚地中有很多位置()A.很大面积 B.足够多的空间 C. 很多房间 D.很多泊位 D

99. Charted depths ___ by 2 meters due to state of the winds. A. is decreased B. decreased C. decreases D. are decreased

由于风的影响,海图水深(减少)达2米。(被动+复数) D

100.______ is the draft of your ship at full load? A. How many B. How much

C. How high D. What

你船满载吃水是多少() D

