新标准大学英语 - 综合教程1 - 课后答案

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Unit 1

Active reading 1

4 Match the words and expressions in the boxwith their definitions. 1 to make a sincere statement that you are telling the truth (swear)

2 a piece of flesh that connects bones and moves a particular part of yourbody (muscle)

3 to make you admire or respect someone (impress) 4 to drink in small amounts (sip)

5 a period of time between two events (gap)

6 to arrive somewhere and give your personal details to the person workingat the reception desk (check in)

5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words and expressions in the box.

1 There was only just enough room for two people. (barely)

2 Be careful or you’ll accidentally pour your drink down your clothes. (spill) 3 He was completely unaware of what to do in the library. (ignorant) 4 She was very clever and got excellent grades. (intelligent) 5 You write your name on the list to join the club. (sign up) 6 She tells me that she’s definitely read the book. (assures) She assures me that she’s read the book.

7 I need to go and buy some tea, I have finished it all. (run out of) I need to go and buy some tea, I have run out of it. 6 Answer the questions about the words andexpressions.

1 Is a warden likely to be (a) a teacher at the college, or (b) someonewho looks after the hall of residence?

2 Is a tutor likely to be (a) a teacher, or (b) astudent?

3 If you go along somewhere, do you (a) go to aplace and join other people there, or (b) walk a long way to get to a place?

4 If you rent out a room, do you (a) paint and decorate it, or (b) allow itto be used by someone who pays you regularly to use it?

Active reading 2

Dealing with unfamiliar words

4 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box. 1 When he speaks, people notice that he sounds Irish. (detect)

2 Frank McCourt had read a lot of books which was deserving respect consideringhe had no high school education. (admirable)

3 You can tell the students on the underground trains by the number ofbooks they carry. (subways)

4 The woman in the admissions office suggests that his European educationis not good enough.


5 The professor was writing very quickly in his notebook. (scribbling)

6 Many immigrants came to America to escape extremely bad treatmentbecause of their race, religion or political beliefs in their own countries. (persecution) 5 Answer the questions about the expressions.

1 I’m in heaven Does this mean I’m (a) delighted, or (b)unhappy?

2 ideas don’t drop fully formed from the skies Does this mean thatideas (a) need to be developed with careful thinking, or (b) areimmediately created through good teaching?

3 in the long run Does this mean (a) at a timein the future, or (b) with a great deal of effort?

4 frighten the life out of someone Does this mean (a) to makesomeone very ill, or (b) to make someone extremely afraid andnervous? Language in use with / without

1 Match the sentences with the uses of with /without . 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (c) 6 (d)

2 Rewrite the sentences using with / without.

1 Her tutor moves his head from side to side. He spills his coffee intothe saucer. With his head moving from side to side, her tutor spills his coffee intothe saucer. 2 “Splendid,” he says. He doesn’t wait for an answer. “Splendid,” he says, without waiting for an answer. 3 Frank McCourt speaks in class. He has an Irish accent. Frank McCourt speaks in class with an Irish accent.

4 He plans to go on the subway. He has the books covered in purple andwhite NYU jackets.

He plans to go on the subway with the books covered in purple and whiteNYU jackets. 5 He’s only allowed to take two courses. He isn’t told why. He’s only allowed to take two courses without being told why.

6 He would like to ask a question. He doesn’t like to raise his hand. He would like to ask a question without raising his hand. collocations

3 Read the explanations of the words andexpressions. Answer the questions.

1 climb When you climb into / out of / throughsomething, you do it with difficulty. (a) So why does the writer’s father climb out of the room? Because the room is very small. (b) Why would you climb into bed?

You would climb into bed if you are so tired that it feels like a hugeeffort. (c) If you climb through a hole, what do you do with your body? You would probably need to bend over, and crawl through the hole. 2 spill This word usually suggests several ideas: liquid,accidentally, movement and out of control.

(a) What has happened if you’ve spilt coffee all over your desk?

You have accidentally knocked over a cup / mug and the coffee has gone(uncontrolled) all over the desk.

(b) What has happened if toys spilt out all over the carpet?

The toys are in a container, such as a box, and either the box is too fullso some toys are falling out

onto the carpet, or the box has been tipped over so most of the toys havefallen out of the box.

(c) What might be happening if crowds were spilling out of the bars andrestaurants? Many people would be leaving the bars and restaurants all at once,probably because they were closing for the night.

3 join When you join something, you become part of it. Thewriter joins a queue, and several clubs.

(a) When might someone join a band?

When they can play a musical instrument and want to play with others. (b) What has happened if you join the unemployed? You have lost your job and become unemployed. (c) What do you do when you join in?

You do the same activity that most other people are doing.

4 burst into This phrase suggests that something suddenly happens,or someone suddenly starts doing something.

(a) What does the writer suddenly start doing when she bursts intotears? The writer suddenly starts crying. (b) What bursts into bloom?

Flowers, when they emerge from buds.

(c) What do you do when something bursts into flames?

Put out the flames immediately if you can, or keep well clear and call theemergency services (the fire brigade).

5 clean This word usually suggests several ideas: not dirty, notillegal or wrong, without problems, inoffensive.

(a) If you’ve got a clean licence, what have or haven’t you done?

This refers to a driving licence. It means that you have been drivingsafely or at least you have no

penalty points on the licence – a person gets such points as a punishmentafter breaking the law on

the roads, eg speeding or causing an accident, and the licence then has anote on it (it’s not “clean”)

and the police have a record.

(b) If you use clean language, what do you avoid saying?

You avoid using swear words or other examples of bad language.

(c) If something has a clean bill of health, is it healthy orworking correctly?

Here this phrase is used metaphorically and means something is workingproperly, for example, a

car might have a clean bill of health, after a check or test thatit is working properly.

6 easy This word usually suggests that something is not difficultor doesn’t need much work. It can also suggest that a person is confident,happy and not worried about anything.

(a) If someone is easy-going, how do they behave with other people?

An easy-going person behaves in a relaxed, calm manner with othersand is happy to accept things

without getting worried or angry.

(b) If someone is easy on the eye, how do they look?

A person who is easy on the eye is pleasant to look at inappearance and in the way they dress.

(c) If something is easier said than done, is it more or lessdifficult to do? When something is easier said than done, it is easy to talk about,but difficult to achieve.

(d) If someone tells you to “Take it easy”, what are they tellingyou to do? When they tell you to “Take it easy” they can mean either of twothings: You should rest and not do

things that will make you tired, or you should keep calm, being less upsetor angry. 4 Complete the sentences using thecollocations in Activity 3.

1 If ever I spill out of my clothes, it’s because I have put on a lot of weight and my clothesdon’t fit me any more.

2 The last time someone made me burst into tears was when I was asmall child and someone hurt me.

3 I always use clean language when I talk to my teachers or parents.

4 It was easier said than done when someone suggested that we should put the flag on thetop of the mountain. 5 I’ll never forget the time when I had to climb through a window becauseI was locked out of the house.

6 Unfortunately I spilt water over myassignment, so I had to print another copy. 7 When my friends suggested that they wanted to play football on thebeach, I decided to join in.

8 When the cherry trees burst into bloom, I think of myvisit to Japan two years ago. 9 I would only lose my clean licence if ever I had acar accident in which I was driving under the

influence of alcohol.

10 The people I think are easy on the eye are attractiveand pleasant to look at. 5 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1 Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.


2 She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathethe same air as her.


3 I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman inthe admissions office says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevskyand Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education. 我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。

4 I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks,cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in thesubway will look at me admiringly. 我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。

5 Then the professor tells us ideas don’t drop fully formed from theskies, that the Pilgrims were, in the long run, children of the Reformationwith an accompanying world-view and their attitudes to children were soinformed.

接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的 产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动


6 Translate the sentences into English.

1 他们对业余剧社的介绍给苏菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。(Amateur Dramatics; sign up for)

Theirintroduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed upfor it.

2 网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。(work full time) Onlineeducation provides those who work full time with opportunities to receivefurther education in their spare time.

3 刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来。(be supposed to; scribble down)

When hefirst arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed toscribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4 没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望。(detect)

No onedetects his despair well hidden behind his smile.

5 有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。(be easy about)

Somestudents are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hardto do so.

Unit 2

Active reading one

Dealing with unfamiliar words

about an (1) utter change to our lifestyles. But the problem with mobile phones is that theycan (2) distract you from doing your job. The businessman gives his mobile phone number to(3) practically everyone he knows. Without his mobile, he isn’t necessarily able to do thingsimpulsively. He (4) speculates that he could give up his mobile, but life would be rather (5) tedious and dull withoutit. The schoolgirl has to make social arrangements on thelandline at home in order to avoid having a (6) solitary life for a few days. At firstthe working mother thinks it’s (7) risky not to have amobile phone, as her family might be in danger. Herfirst (8) impulse is to worry that they couldn’t contact her, although they think she’smaking a (9) fuss about not having a mobile. Finally she feels it is like (10) therapy when no one interruptsher.

Active reading 2

Dealing with unfamiliar words

4 Match the words in the box with theirdefinitions.

1 the distance from one side of an object to the other (breadth) 2 a hit or knock to a part of your body (bump)

3 slightly nervous, worried, or upset about something (uneasy) 4 strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you (weird) 5 thinking seriously about something (thoughtful)

6 a feeling that you do not understand something or cannot decide what todo (confusion)

7 the attitude of someone who is willing to accept someone else’s beliefs,way of life etc without

criticizing them even if they disagree with them (tolerance) 8 the ability to notice things (awareness)

9 to include something as a necessary part of an activity, event or situation(involve)

5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box. When you meet people from other cultures, there will be many (1) timeswhen someone behaves in a way which you (2) notice as being unusual, but whichis (3) acceptable in their culture. If it (4) attracts

your (5) attention, it’s all right to (6) ask about cultural differences,because people are (7) usually happy to (8) reply. But don’t worry if you areunsure about what to do or what to say. Just remember that finding out aboutcultural differences should give you pleasure and not (9) unhappiness anddiscomfort. Key: (1) occasions (2) perceive (3) conventional (4) arouses

(5) curiosity (6) inquire (7) generally (8) respond (9) misery

Language in use it + passive voice

1 Rewrite the sentences using it + passivevoice.

1 Russell Crowe couldn’t get a call out to Australia. Someone said this. It was said that Russell Crowe couldn’t get a call out to Australia.

2 Mobile phones have been the biggest factor of change in everyday behaviourin Britain over the past 15 years. Someone has claimed this.

It has been claimed that mobile phones have been the biggest factor of changein everyday behaviour in Britain over the past 15 years. 3 When told “Have a nice day!”, an Englishman replied “I’m sorry, I’vemade other arrangements.”

Someone reported this.

It was reported that when told “Have a nice day!”, an Englishman replied“I’m sorry, I’ve made other arrangements.” 4 You don’t need to say “Thank you” in Spanish as much as you do inEnglish. Someone has suggested this.

It has been suggested that you don’t need to say “Thank you” in Spanish asmuch as you do in English.

5 Disneyland is a typically American place. Someone thinks this. It is thought that Disneyland is a typically American place.

6 Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee. Someone hasbelieved this. It has been believed that good communication is as stimulating as blackcoffee. over

2 Complete the sentences about yourself usingover .

1 I’ve owned a mobile phone over the last three years or so. 2 Over the winter I’ve called my parents every week.

3 Over the summer my best friends and I wenttravelling to South China.

4 Over the last semester my social life has been very limited:I think I need a better study-life balance.

5 Over the last year the number of people from different culturesI’ve met is quite extraordinary, compared to the few I met in middle school. 6 Over the last two weeks my favourite expression in English has been “Go on, youcan do it!”

emphatic structures with what

3 Rewrite the sentences using the emphaticstructure with what . 1 Life can be solitary without a mobile phone. I rediscovered this.

What I rediscovered was that life can be solitary without a mobile phone. 2 My mobile phone is an essential, not a luxury. I think this.

What I think is that my mobile phone is an essential, not a luxury. 3 The people who needed to, got hold of me. I found this.

What I found was that the people who needed to, got hold of me. 4 People kiss each other four times. This happens in Paris.

What happens in Paris is that people kiss each other four times.

5 By not saying “Thank you” so often, he was perceived to be rude. Hedidn’t understand this.

What he didn’t understand was that by not saying “Thank you” so often, hewas perceived to be rude.

4 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 Mobile phones have been the biggest factor of change in everyday behaviourin Britain over the past 15 years. Today it is thought that there are more than55 million mobile phone subscribers, a rise from less than 10 million in 1997.


2 Now it has been announced that the signal range throughout London willbe extended, nowhere in London will be beyond the reach of a mobile phone, noteven the Underground. 现在有消息说,伦敦的手机信号覆盖范围将拓展延伸。以后,在伦敦的每一个角落都有手机信号,就连地铁也不例外。

3 This subject of research aroused my interest and took me the length andbreadth of France.

这个研究话题激起了我的兴趣,为此,我走遍了法国各地。 4 These episodes and incidents all involve a cultural bump, somethingwhich you notice usually with

curiosity, usually with pleasure, occasionally with shock orembarrassment. 这些插曲、事件都包含着文化碰撞,使你感到好奇、愉悦,但偶尔也会让你感到震惊或尴尬。 5 But it’s not a matter of knowing all the conventions and rituals indifferent cultures. It’s impossible

to collect all the information you might need to be relaxed in the manydifferent cultures around the world.

但是这不等于说我们需要悉数掌握不同文化的风俗习惯和礼仪。丰富的知识能使你自如地应对世界各国不同的文化,但是你不可能掌握全部必备的知识。 5 Translate the sentences into English.

1 据估计,目前中国4亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。(it is estimatedthat ?; privacy)

It is estimated that today, the privacy of half of the 0.4 billion mobilephone subscribers is in danger.

2 人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排的诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。(the less ? the more?)

The less people spend on daily necessities, the more arrangements they willmake for leisure activities, such as travelling. 3 对我来说,旅游最大的好处就是可以去不同的地方,了解不同文化背景下人们的生活方式以及传统习俗。(What Iespecially like about ? is ?) What I especially like about travelling is that I can go to differentplaces and learn about particular

lifestyles, conventions and customs in different cultures.

4 在大多数情况下,文化碰撞激起的是人们对不同文化的好奇心,只有在极少数情况下,文化碰撞会造成尴尬。(culture bump;on rare occasions)

In most cases, cultural bumps arouse people’s curiosity about different cultures.Only on rare occasions can they cause embarrassment. 5 你可以保留自主选择的权利,但作为一个成年人,你做事不要冲动。(reserve theright to; act on impulse)

You can reserve the right to make your own choices, but as an adult, youshould not act on impulse.

Key to Unit 5

Active reading 1

Dealing withunfamiliar words

5 Match thewords in the box with their definitions. 1 to say something very quietly (whisper)

2 to say something suddenly and loudly (exclaim) 3 to cry because you feel strong emotion (weep) 4 to cry noisily, taking short breaths (sob) 5 to promise to do something (pledge)

6 to say that you did not do something (deny)

7 to stop someone from doing something, likespeaking (interrupt) 8 to start something again, like speaking (resume)

9 to breathe out slowly, especially becauseyou are sad (sigh)

10 to say the opposite of what someone hassaid is true (contradict)

Now check (?) the reporting verbs which give mostinformation about emotions. exclaim, weep, sob, pledge, sigh,contradict

6 Replace the underlinedwords with the correct form of the words in the box. 1 He was resting with his knees on the groundbeside her when he asked her to marry him. (kneeling)

2 It was traditional to ask for the father’spermission to marry the daughter. (consent)

3 Her feelings towards him became differentas she got to know him better. (altered) 4 He continued with his argument, even thoughshe didn’t agree with him. (pursued) 5 Her refusal to admit what had happened madehim get angry. (denial)

6 He came home in a terrible mood and threwhis bag onto the floor. (temper; flung) Unit 5 All you need islove 132

7 Answer thequestions about the words and expressions.

1 When you rock a baby, do you move it backwards and forwards (a) gently, or (b) violently?

2 If you are having a doze, are you (a) asleep, or (b) working? 3 If someone’s behaviour is shameful, should they (a) be proud of what they havedone, or (b) feel very

sorry about what they have done?

4 If you aren’t worried about anything, save your own concerns, does this mean (a) youdon’t have to be

worried, or (b) you’reonly worried about your own business?

5 If you do something sulkily, will people notice that you are in (a) agood mood, or (b) a bad mood?

6 Is a look which turns off someone’s bad temper likely to be (a) gentle, or (b) angry?

7 If you come to thepoint, do you (a) come to the end of something, or(b) say what is important?

8 If something is no business ofyours, should you (a) be interested in it, or (b) not be interested in it?

9 If something degrades someone, does it make people respect them (a) less, or (b) more?

10 Does “What good is itdoing something?” mean (a) “Why doit?”, or (b) “Is it a good thing to do?” ActiveReading 2

Dealing withunfamiliar words

4 Match thewords in the box with their definitions. 1 a strong feeling of sadness (grief) 2 a round shape or curve (loop)

3 an image that you see when you look in amirror (reflection) 4 to let something fall off as part of anatural process (shed) 5 a smooth and beautiful way of moving (grace) 6 attractive (cute)

7 continuing to support someone or be theirfriend (faithful)

8 to cover something by putting somethingsuch as paper or cloth around it (wrap) 9 not bright (dim)

5 Complete thesentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. 1 I’ve been faithful to my husband all my life. 2 I’d like to give this as a present. Couldyou wrap it for me insilver paper, please? 3 The public expression of grief after the death of the princess lasted forseveral days.

4 She dances with such grace! I think she could become a professionaldancer. 5 I can’t see very well in here. The light’srather dim.

6 When I saw my reflection in the mirror this morning I got a shock. 6 Answer thequestions about the words.

1 Does a bill refer to (a) a bird’s mouth, or (b) arequest for money in the poem? 2 Is satin (a) a soft delicate material, or (b) a hard rough material?

3 If something is wobbling, is it (a) not moving, or (b) moving unsteadily? 4 Does platinum refer to (a) a colour like silver, or (b) a colour like gold? 5 Is something that is lethal (a) very friendly, or (b) extremely dangerous?

6 If a cloth has been embroidered, is it likely to be (a)multi-coloured, or (b) uncolored?

Language in use

Active reading 2

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 a line of bushes or small trees growing close together (hedge) 2 produced by living things (organic)

3 the process by which the surface of land is gradually damaged by water, wind etc (erosion)

4 new, interesting and different from anything else (original) 5 able to produce good crops or plants (fertile)

6 a very large hole dug in the ground in order to obtain a particular substance (pit) 7 to grow well and be healthy (flourish) 8 an organization to which you give money so that it can give money and help to people who are poor or

ill, or who need advice and support (charity) 9 real rather than pretended or false (genuine)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

1 They only had a small farm, but they cultivated a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

2 People expect the planet to be always there, but we should not take the environment for granted.

3 A miracle is an example of something amazing or even something you think could never happen.

4 Rainwater causes flooding when there is nowhere for the water to drain. 5 The Eden Project has been an economic success because it has helped local businesses.

6 I prefer going to an indoor swimming pool because it’s often too cold to swim outside.

7 When they have finished restoring the old garden, it will look really beautiful. 8 The success of the Eden Project reinforces a positive environmental message. 9 If you have the inspiration, you can achieve anything. 5 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.

1 If the hedges are buzzing with life, do you think there are (a) lots of animals, or (b) only a few in the hedges?

2 If an idea dawns on you, does it (a) begin to take shape, or (b) disappear? 3 If you feel out of your depth, do you feel (a) able to deal with the situation you are in, or (b) unable to deal with it?

4 Is a “can do” culture one in which people feel (a) confident and ready to try to do something, or (b) lacking in confidence and not willing to try to do things? 5 If the rest of the story is history, do people (a) know about it, or (b) not know about it?

6 If something is out of your league, is it (a) less than you need, or (b) too much for you to manage?

