5A Unit1教案

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洪泽县万集中心小学教学设计 年级:五年级 学科:英语 设计者:贝宗富 教学札记 Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 第 1课时 Story time 备课时间:_______ 上课时间:________课型: 总课时: 教学内容: Story time 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of ; 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is … There are…What a beautiful…! This … is too… 并理解句型的意思; 3. 能够朗读并理解故事,并在此基础上表演故事。 教学重,难点: 1. 掌握并理解故事中出现的词汇,如Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid等。 2. 掌握并运用句型There is/are... 3. 能够从整体上阅读故事并理解故事。 4. 能够语音语调正确地朗读故事、复述故事。 5. 理解并创造性表演故事. 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Free talk (师生问候,复习以前句型) T: Boys and girls, tell me, what do you like doing at home? S1: I like… (学生个别回答,老师及时回应like doing) T: Children, do you like reading stories? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Today our class will read a story together. Are you happy? Ss: Yes! … Step 2 Listen and guess 1. T: Great! First, Let?s go to a place. Try to guess: what place is it? I?ll give you some clues. Now look, it?s very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers. There are some streams. Many wild animals live here. What place is it? S1: A forest. 提示学生可以用中文回答。 T: Good. Let me show you a picture of forest. (Teach: forest)Have you ever been to a forest? Ss: No. T: Well, don?t be sad. Here I got a video about forest. Do you want to take a look? Ss: Yes! T: OK. Let?s watch it. After watching, tell me, what can you see in the forest? 全班看视频。 2. Try to say T: What can you see in the forest? S: I can see ... T: Yes, there are many trees in the forest. Let?s read the sentence. Now, look, there are ... in the forest. Who can try? 鼓励学生用there are 句型造句 3. 出现a girl , Who is the girl? Teach:goldilocks How about this house? Teach: What a nice house! Whose house is it? Step 3 Presentation 1. Watch and answer : Whose house is it? 揭题:Goldilocks and the three bears 2. Read and answer: What?s in the house? 学生自己阅读,并尝试用there is/are回答问题。 Teach: soup 提醒some soup 不可数 - 1 -

洪泽县万集中心小学教学设计 年级:五年级 学科:英语 设计者:贝宗富 3. Look and guess T: It?s 12 o?clock. Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty . She can see some soup on the table. Which soup does she like? (PPT显示三碗汤) S: 学生逐一回答。 T: She doesn?t look happy in these two pictures, right? What?s wrong with this soup? Let?s listen to her. (音频:This soup is too cold.) 指导学生模仿跟读2遍,重点重复too cold. T: And what?s wrong with this soup? (同法读too hot). And how about this soup? (Teach: just right) (指导学生3句话连在一起读1遍。指导有感情朗读并表演这一场景。) 4. T: After eating the soup, Goldilocks is very tired.(板书) What?s in the room now? S1: There are three beds in the room. 指导读2遍。 T: Look at the three beds. Are they the same? Ss: No, they aren?t. T: How is this bed? Listen. (教师敲击讲台)Oh, it?s very hard. (Teach: hard) What about the second bed? Listen. 播放音频音效。Oh, it is soft. (Teach: soft) 教师拿出熊掌道具 Look, I have a toy bear claw. How is it? 让学生捏一捏试一试并形容:It?s soft. T: OK. Look at the picture, if you were Goldilocks, What would you say? S1: This bed is too… 学生个别说完,全班跟读三句话。 5. T: Oh, this bed is just right, so Goldilocks will have a sweat dream in this bed, I think. 出音效“Help! Help!”How is she now? Is she happy? (教师肢体语言提示) Ss: No. T: She is afraid now. (Teach: afraid) Why is she afraid? 6. Read the story, then, tell me. 学生自读故事并思考问题。 T: Because there are three bears in front of her. (Teach: in front of) 7. T: What did the bears say? Ss: Who are you? T: Goldilocks shouted: Ss: Help! Help! 解释意思。让男生和女生分角色读一读最后一幅图,教师指导afraid情绪。 8. Look and order 学生完成书上第8页的排序, 教师检查并核对答案 学生尝试描述图片内容 9. Reading time 跟录音朗读,注意语音语调 10. Read in four 四人一组,尝试根据PPT提示复述故事 11. Act it out 表演故事,鼓励学生给故事编个结尾 教学札记 Step 4 Homework. 1. Copy the new words. 2. Read and recite the story. 3. Read more books, watch the cartoons, then, think and write. 板书设计 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears happy hungry and thirsty tired afraid a house some soup three beds threebears 教学反思: - 2 -

洪泽县万集中心小学教学设计 年级:五年级 学科:英语 设计者:贝宗富 教学札记 Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 第 2课时 Grammar time & Fun time 备课时间:_______ 上课时间:________课型: 总课时: 教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time 教学目标: 1.学生能够准确运用故事中出现的新词汇; 2. 学生能够熟练掌握There be…句型描述某处存在某样东西; 法; 4. 学生能够完成Fun time中的任务。 教学重,难点: 1. 对词汇句型的运用。 2. 了解There is 和There are 的区别。 3. 根据所描述的对象正确运用There be…句型。教学过程: 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Free talk How are you? ... Who is the girl? What?s the name of the story? 揭题,读题 2. Listen and judge 根据故事内容,判断对错。 如:There are four bears in the house. Goldilocks likes the hot soup... Step 2 Brain storm Ss: No, they aren?t. T: They?re different. Can you try to describe these two bears? 学生试着描述两只玩具熊。 T:How does it feel? 复习hard和soft 2. T: I have some pictures for you. Try to tell me which is hard, and which is soft. S: _________ is hard. ________ is soft. T: Hard and soft, they?re antonym. What is the antonym word of hot? S: Cold. 学生练习学过的反义词,以此引出: T: What about ?behind?? Ss: In front of. (复习词组in front of) 利用图片,教学between T: Look, I am standing between XX and XXX. Do you understand me? Can you say something like this? 学生模仿老师说出自己在谁和谁的中间。 Step 3 Grammar time 3. 学生能够理解并掌握Grammar time中There be…句型的用法和规则以及单词too的用 1. T:There?re three bears. But in our classroom, there?re two bears. Are they look the same? - 3 -

洪泽县万集中心小学教学设计 年级:五年级 学科:英语 设计者:贝宗富 教学札记 1. T: Just now we reviewed the story. Now let?s move on to the Grammar time of this unit. Follow me. Grammar time. Look at the pictures about soup and beds, can you describe the pictures? 引出too T: too意思是太......,比如,The coat is too big. I can?t wear it. 2. Complete some sentences The baby is too young. He can?t go to school. The tree is too high. He can?t reach the apples. 3. Grammar 2. The usage of there is / are… 学生选择书上的喜欢的图片用There be…句型描述, 教师板书句型。 T: 适时提醒缩写There?s 的用法。 Who can tell me the difference between ?there is? and ?there are?? You can discuss in pairs first. 学生同桌间讨论区别。 师总结规律:When we?re talking about only one thing, we use ?there is?. When we are talking about the things, more than one thing, we use ?there are?. But, when we are talking about the uncountable words, we use ?there is?. 解释不可数名词,举例说明。 4. Look and write 学生看图完成P15的练习,核对答案并复述句型 Step 4 Fun time 1. Draw a new house 学生根据自己的需要,在房子里添画物品 2. Talk about your pictures 注意there be句型的用法 3. Show your pictures and introduce it in class Step 5 Homework . 1. 默写要求掌握的四会单词。 2. 继续背诵并表演story time. 3. 正确运用there be句型谈论自己家里的物品及其位置。 板书设计: 教学反思: Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears This soup is too hot / cold. This bed is too hard / soft. There is … There are … - 4 -

洪泽县万集中心小学教学设计 年级:五年级 学科:英语 设计者:贝宗富 教学札记 Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 第3课时 Cartoon time & Culture time 备课时间:_______ 上课时间:________课型: 总课时: 教学内容: Cartoon time & Culture time 教学目标: 1. 能够理解并掌握There are …句型的否定句式There aren?t any … 2. 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品。 3. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的 指导下表演故事。 4. 能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。 教学重,难点: 1. 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品。 2. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的 指导下表演故事。 3. 能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings and free talk. 2. Play a game:Yes or No 1)There are 55 students in your class. 2)There are a lot of books in your bag. 3)There is a beautiful teacher in front of you. 4)There is a TV in this classroom. 3. 1 minute – non – stop – talk Topic: What?s in the classroom? 要求学生正确运用there be 句型进行操练 Step 2 Cartoon time 1. Talk about the picture What can you see in this picture? Who are they? Is Bobby happy? Scan and find the answers. What can he do? 2. Listen and answer Can Bobby find the cake? Why? Teach: There aren?t any cakes here. 3. Read and answer Where are the cakes now? Open your books and try to find the answers. S: Tina and Bobby?s cousin eats the cakes. T: That?s right! The cakes are in their cousin?s mouth. Look at Picture 4. Tina is very surprised, so she says ?Here are the cakes!? Who can be Tina? 指导学生模仿Tina 说一说句子。 T: Look at Bobby and his cousin. How do they feel? Can you fill in the blanks? - 5 -

