外研版高一必修四module-3教案、语言点、练习 - 图文

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Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication

学考目标导航 重点单词

识记理解:communication n.交流;沟通 formal adj .正式的 weapon n.武:武器

threatening adj .恐吓的;具有威胁的 slightly adv.轻微地;稍微 forehead n.前额Muslim n.(常作复数)穆斯林 Hindu n.印度人 informal adj .非正式的 youth n.年轻人 palm n.手掌 slap vt.掌击 ankle n.脚踝 eyebrow n.眉毛 lip n.嘴唇 wrist n.手腕 religion n.宗教 host n.主人 toast凡.祝酒;干杯 sip n.抿一口;小口喝 blank adj .空白的 invitation n,邀请 RSVP(请帖等用语)请答复 performer n.表演者applause n.掌声 handclap n.拍手 social adj .社会的 infectious adj .有感染性的 funeral n.葬礼 掌握运用: communicate vi.(用语言、信号)传递信息;交流 (un)conscious adj .(无意的)意识到的;(不知不觉的)自觉的 vary vi.变化 aggressive adj .攻击的,挑衅的 traditionally adv.传统地gesture n.姿势;姿态 involve vt.包括 bow vi .鞠躬spread vi.张开 bend vt.弯下腰 hug vt.紧抱;拥抱stare vi.凝视 wipe vt.擦;抹;揩 panic v.惊慌;恐慌rude adj .粗鲁的;无礼的 request n.请求;要求 favour n.恩惠;善意的行为live adj.现场的 performance n.表演 classical adj .古典的;古代的judgment n.判断;意见 prolong vt. 延长 equality n.平等 重点短语

识记理解: vary from与……不一样 mind reader(自称或被认为)能看透别人心思的人

say hello to向……问好 do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙 bend over弯下腰 stare at凝视 be involved in与……有关

掌握运用: on guard(保持持)警惕 make a deal达成协议;做成交易 hold up举起 give away暴露(自己的情况) lift up举起 up and down一上一下地 be accident偶然地 be rude to对……粗鲁 switch on打开(灯、无线电等) shake hands with与……握手 communicate with与……交流

重点句型 1.When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do(省略句;as引导方式状语从句)

2.Indeed, body positions are part of what we call ―body language‖.(what引导名词性从句, 3. Like other animals, we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax. (until引导时间状语从句;it+ be + adj . + to do句式)

4. One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread. (独立主格结构) 5. But some occasions on which people clap change from one country to another. (―介词+关系代词‖引导定语从句,

情景交际 Giving advice(提出忠告)

重点语法 1.条件状语从句2.让步状语从句 写作指导 请柬的写作与回复 第一部分 教学设计说明 本模块的中心话题是―Body Language and Non-verbal Communication‖,即姿势语和非言语交际。体姿势语,也称身体语言,是指人们在生活中用来传递信息、表达情感、表示态度的非语言特点的表情神态及身体姿势。体态语言一般包括手势语、神态语、姿势语。据心理学家实验证明,人在接受信息时,只用听觉能记忆15%,只用视觉则能记忆25%,同时兼用听觉和视觉能记忆65%。 Period 1 INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and listening 和READING AND VOCABULARYReading 合并为第一课时―阅读课。‖课文是说明文,介绍了人类后天―学得‖的某些―姿势阅读课 语‖,如―greeting‖, 即―打招呼‖。―打招呼‖是人们日常应酬中最常用的礼节之一。熟人见了面总要打个招呼,即使双方不太熟悉,仅有一面之交,再见面时也不


Period 2 Function 功能课 Period 3 Speaking 口语课 Period 4 Grammar 语法课 Period 5 Writing 写作课 Period 6 Cultural corner 文化课 应互不理睬,无所表示。漫不经心的习惯有时会给人以傲慢的印象,与别人见面时心不在焉,失去了打招呼问候的机会,无意间就形成了无礼的举止。因此善于交际的遇到面熟的人就打声招呼、点点头,或相视一笑。 打招呼看似简单,实际上也有一定的讲究。 要使学生能够―整体感知(把握)‖,―诵读‖是最基本的方法。它能够使学生―整体直觉‖地―体味‖。―诵读‖的要义,在于把―写在纸上的语言变成活的语气‖,在于把―原汁原味‖的气韵声调、思想情感传达出来,在于―得他滋味‖。也只有这样,才能在整体上把握文章的灵魂和意蕴。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序:Step 1: Warming up by defining Body Language/ Warming up by telling about your classmate‘s body language; Step 2: Before you read; Step 3: While you read (Type of writing and summaries of Saying It Without Words, A diagram of Saying It Without Words, Complete the article with one word in each blank, Answer the reading comprehension questions according to the text) Step 4: After you read (Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book, Closing down by making sentences) 课本13页为第二课时―功能课‖,学习how to give advice 。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列步骤:Step 1: Learning about Adverbial clause of condition; Step 2: Learning about Adverbial clause of concession; Step 3: Revision of Adverbial clause of condition and Adverbial clause of concession; Step 4: Absorb information concerning National College Entrance Examination; Step 5: Practices on Adverbial clause 课本27页是口语课―Speaking‖,我们将学习Talking about non-verbal communication。对日常生活题材的讨论是训练学生口语能力一个重要阶段。在这个阶段中,通过组织多种形式课堂和课外的讨论活动,适时以引导学生广泛地对日常生活中的各类题材相互间进行会话,既增强了学生学习兴趣、逐步提高了学生对语言的驾驭能力又活跃学生的思维、扩大了知识面。此类话题涉及邻里关系、购物、运动与健康、家庭生活、抽烟与疾病、教育与发展、少年犯罪等等。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列步骤:Step 1: Studying examples of body language; Step 2: Talking about body language 课本23、26和27合并为―Grammar‖,―语法课‖,学习英语中的Adverbial clause of condition and Adverbial clause of concession。我们发现语法教学的问题是―…what is taught and how it (grammar) is taught.(教的内容与教的方法)。建议教师深刻理解新课标、新课本语法教学的要求、方法,重视语法教学,搞好语法教学。 课本28页是写作课,学习Writing invitations and replies to invitations。写英文日用文是一个提高写作能力的有效途径之一。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列步骤:Step 1: Learning to write invitations; Step 2: Learning to reply invitations 拍手!开心就拍手!快乐也拍手!兴奋就用力拍手!遇到大事会大声拍手!挑战来了会更摩拳擦掌的拍手!紧张时.运气拍手!拍手……!无时无刻的事!不在意他人的一个奇特动作, 一件很奇妙的契合。―拍手‖就是课本29页CULTURE CORNER ―文化阅读课‖的主题。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列步骤:Step 1: Before you read; Step 2: While you read; Step 3: After you read; Step 4: Talking about clapping 第二部分 教学资源说明 2

Section 1 为Discourse study篇章学习,提供了阅读课课文体裁和段落大意、中心思想小结和课文图解。 Section 2 为Background readings背景阅读,提供了与模块主题一致的若干背景阅读材料。 Section 3 为Words and expressions词汇与短语,按照模块词汇表顺序提供了详尽的词语与短语学习材料。 A selected English passage for recitation 英语精选背诵短文 所选短文与本模块属于同一主题,其语言形式规范、内容富有教育意义。其中有很多地道语句,学生若能读、背、写,能极大地提高他们的英语语感水平和语用能力。


l. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _______ his courage.(2012.湖北高考) A. hold up B. keep up C. set up D. take up

2. If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _______ during the day.(2008 .江西高考)

A away B. up C. in D. back 3. —Shall we have our picnic tomorrow? —It doesn‘t rain.(2009.山东高考)

A. Until B. While C. Once D. If

4. It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties _______ it gets more financial support from the European Union. (2012.福建高考) A. if B. unless C. because D. since

5. The professor could tell by the _______ look in Maria‘s eyes that she didn‘t understand a single word of his lecture. (2011.浙江高考) c

A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh

6. ―Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire! ‖the mother shouted, with _______ clearly in her voice.(2011.湖北高考)

A. anger B. rudeness C. regret D. panic

7.When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _______ younger men.(2011.湖北高考)

A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of NEW WORD STUDY

1. communicate vi.交流,联系,联络;相通;传递,传达;传播;沟通

communicate with sb.和某人交流/沟通 communicate sth. to sb.把……传达给某人

lt ‘s irnportant for a child to learn how to communicate with others. Our monitor communicated his idea to us clearly. The police communicate with each other by radio. I don‘t think you communicate your thoughts clearly.

Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children* Air is a main way to communicate a disease.

The novel is about a family who can‘t communicate with each other. 【单词积累】

communication n.交流;表达 communicative adj .爱说话,话的,健谈的;交际能力的

Language is a major means of communication, but communication between people who speak different language is difficult.


【典例剖析】(2011,山东聊城期中)We can communicate _______ people in every part of the world _______ the Internet.

A. with; with B. With; through C. Through; through D. Through; with 2. unconscious adj .无意识的,不省人事的;未意识到的

搭配:be conscious/unconscious of sth.意识到/未意识到某物/某事 I was unconscious of her presence..我不知道她在场。

After she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.她碰到头以后昏迷了几分钟。 【单词积累】conscious adj .有意识的,自觉的 consciousness n .[U]意识 【辨析】conscious与aware

conscious表示内心所意识到的感觉 I was conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression.我明白我必须给人留下好的印象。

aware指感官上的知觉 Most smokers are perfectly aware of the danger of smoking.大多数吸烟者完全明白吸烟的危害。

【一言辨异】One may be conscious of fear, but not altogether aware of the danger which is going on about him.人们可能会心感恐惧,但并不能全然觉察到周围将发生什么危险。 [典例剖析]

1. (2011.湖北八校联考)Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he was still _______ and could think clearly.

A. awake B. aware C. conscious D. confused 2. The boy was unconscious _______ his rude behaviour.

A. of B. with C. at D. for 3. vary v.变化;不同

vary with. . .随……而变化 vary from. . .不同于……

搭配 vary in.在……方面有差异

vary between.. .and. .由……到……情况不等 vary from. . .to. . .由……到……情况不等

Prices vary with the season.物价随季节而变化。

The weather varied from very cold to quite warm.天气从非常寒冷变得相当暖和。 Class numbers vary between 25 and 30.班级学生的数目从25到30不等。 The climate always varies from area to area.地区与地区之间气候总是不同。 These flowers vary in color and size.这些花朵色彩和大小各异。

【单词积累】varied adj.各种各样的 variety n..变化;多样性various adj.不同的;各种各样的 【拓展】a variety of = varieties of各种各样的 [典例剖析]

(2012.山西运城模拟)It is obvious that hopes, goals, fear and desires _______ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

A. shift B. alter C. vary D. transfer 4. on guard (保持)警惕;值班

搭配: be on (one‘s) guard against. ..提防…

Who was on guard when the fire broke out:火灾发生时是谁在执勤? Two men are on guard at the door.两个人在门口站岗。

Let‘s be on our guard against thieves.我们大家都要提防小偷。 学法点拨:―on+n.‖表示某种状态:

on holiday在度假 on fire着火 on business因公 on show在展出 on duty值班 on sale出售 on strike在罢工 on leave休假


[典例剖析]The soldiers there were warned to be _______ against a sudden night attack. A. on duty B. on watch C. On guard D. off guard 5. formal adj.正式的

The dinner was a formal affair.这是正式宴会。

Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.在这么正式的场合她穿的衣服有点太花哨了。

知识拓展informal adj.非正式的

Though this is an informal call, he wears a format dress. The president will pay an informal visit to that country. 6. gesture n. [C,U]姿势,手势,姿态vi.做手势 They communicated entirely by gestures. She made an angry gesture.

He stood up and gestured to the waitress for some more tea.他站起来向女服务员做手势,要她再 送些茶来。 即学即用

That _______ means that he wants us to come to him.

A.structure B.feature C.activity D.gesture 7. threatening adj .恐吓的,威胁的 threaten to do sth.威胁要做某事

He wrote me a threatening letter, which made me very worried. He received a threatening letter.

His threatening words frightened the little boy.

【单词积累】threaten v.威胁,恐吓;危及 threat n.[C,U]威胁,恐吓;前兆,征兆 Tom‘s father threatened to beat him if he stole again. He threatened to make the photo public.

There is a real threat of war.确有战争的征兆。 误区警示:threaten后常接动词不定式结构。


shorten(使缩短) darken(使变黑,变黑) deepen(加深)

broaden(加宽) sharpen(削尖) sweeten(使变甜) richen(使富裕) thicken(使变厚) quicken(加快)

soften(使软化) blacken(使变黑) harden(变硬,硬化) weaken(变弱) widen(加宽) strengthen(加强) 【典例剖析】(2009,上海高考)David threatened _______ his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.

A. to be reported B.reporting C.to report D. having reported 8. make/do a deal (with)…(和……)达成协议,(与……)做交易 We made a deal with the manager on overtime. Did you make a deal with that company last week?

The two teams made d deal and Robson was traded.两队达成了罗伯森转会的协议。 He was trying to make a deal with them.他正设法和他们达成一项协议。 【链接】

have a deal with. .与……做一笔交易 a great/good deal of很多 It‘s/That‘s a deal. 成交,就这么办/一言为定 deal with处理(与how连用);解决,对付,与……打交道;涉及 do with处理(与what连用) deal in从事;经营,做……买卖 a great deal大量,


