
更新时间:2023-03-31 15:41:01 阅读量: 英语作文 文档下载


篇一:英语小作文:Last weekend(5篇)

英语小作文:Last weekend(5篇)

英语小作文:Last weekend(5篇)

1.Last weekend

It was a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I read storybook. In the afternoon, I goes to the composition class. In the evening, I did homework. On Sunday morning, I did homework . In the afternoon, I played Chinese chess. In the evening, I played computer games. What a happy weekend!

2.Last weekend

It was a ok weekend. On Saturday morning, I read a book and watched TY. In the afternoon, I did my homework. In the evening, I cleaned room with my mather. On Sunday morning, I washed my hair.In the afternoon, I saw a film. In the evening, I read a book. What a busy weekend!

3.Last weekend

It was a busy weekend.On Saterday morning,I visited my grandparent,in the afternoon,I climbed the mountains.On Sunday morning,I went hiking. In the Sunday afternoon,I did my homework.

What a busy weekend!

4.Last weekend

Last weekend

It was a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, i studied composition. In he afternoon, Idid my homework.. In the evening, Iwatched TV. On Sunday morning, i learnt to danceIn.the afternoon, I sleeped. In the evening, Iread a book.What a happy weekend.

5.It was a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, i eated a big cake. In he afternoon, I climbed Mountain

. In the evening, I toed the hotel for dinner

. On Sunday morning, I sleeped. In the afternoon, I visied grandparents. In the

evening, I went hiking. What a happy weekend.


1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.” You can cite examples to illustrate your points. You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


二、 用事实论据来论证观点:1.微笑是治愈冷漠和隔阂的良药;2.希尔顿的故事。


Smile Bridges Gap among People

The saying "A smile is the shortest distance between two people" has been shared by people throughout the world. However, the high-pressure of modern society makes more and more people full of apartness and the interpersonal relationship among people becomes more and more distant. Just like a poet once said, "My favorite flower is the one that blossoms on the face." When you present this flower to others, you will earn friendship as well as fortune. This can be easily manifested by the following example. Hilton, an celebrated "hotel king" in America, requires the staff to keep smile on face no matter what happens to the hotel. The smile on Hilton staff's face is always the hotel's sunshine. Smile helped Hilton go through the difficulties; moreover, it brought huge profit to the hotel.

As far as I am concerned, smile is really a powerful antidote to today's worrying phenomenon, which can not only bridge the gap but also break down barriers among people. It is deeply-rooted in my mind that the world will be more harmonious if we always keep smile on our faces.

2.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on Should College Students Have Cosmetic Surgery?. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

1. 越来越多的人更加关注自己的容貌,很多大学生也加入了整容的行列

2. 对此有人支持,有人反对

3. 我的看法

Should College Students Have Cosmetic Surgery?

As celebrity culture has a greater influence on people's mind, and as the wealthy population is expanding in China, people are prone to focusing on enhancing their appearances. Recently, more and more college students stand in the line of cosmetic surgery, especially some seniors.

People hold different attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. Some people are of the view that the cosmetic surgery is the key to wealth and love for college students, because they could improve their appearances to find better opportunities at work and in marriage. Moreover, as the college students are approaching a highly competitive society, they regard appearance as a weapon and a means of power. However, others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that those who want to change their appearances fail to establish a system to evaluate themselves. Moreover, the surgery runs the high risk of failure and even causes death.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. The beauty looked at with eyes does not last forever. Instead of concentrating on the appearance, we should concentrate on inner beauty. Although certain jobs do require physical beauty, there are many and maybe tremendous number of jobs that need people who are specialized.

3. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured). You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:





The Day My Classmate Fell Ill

During the SARS period in this spring, the year of 2003, one of my classmates, Li Ming, was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.

The news spread quickly on campus. At first, we were terrified and wondered if we were infected too. provided daily necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Li Ming could not be left behind. With our care and concern, Li Ming recovered quickly. peaceful, in which people, from man to woman, from inpidual to inpidual, lend others a hand. Just like a famous song goes, “the world will turn into heaven only if everyone contributes a little.” And I do believe that it’s my great honor to live in this love-filled paradise!



As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. This sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in today's China. That is the mobile phone obsession. With the advent of information age, people are becoming increasingly fascinated on the electronic products, especially the cell phones. Not surprisingly, you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages, playing online games with their mobile phones. It cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people, and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally, in view of the overuse of mobile phones, I hold that we inpiduals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationship are reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.

5. Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need

第一段:开篇引用+表义(我们的地球给我们人类提供了丰富的自然资源,但是因为人类的贪婪,我们的资源正慢慢枯竭等等…)+深意(我们应该节约资源,保护地球) 第二段:正能量(节约资源有利于子孙后代可持续发展,否则。。。还

可反面论证下)+举例(用我们经常看到**现象,把例子印出来:比如过渡开采煤矿造成资源紧缺啊,过渡捕鱼,捕猎造成生态失衡啊,围湖造田啊,比如一些旅游景点过度开发,环境被破坏都可以) 第三段:再次强调保护自然资源重要性+我们自己具体应该怎么做

范文: Earth, as a remark has it, provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed. In other words, natural resources of the world are abundant enough to meet the demand of human beings. Nevertheless, should people exploit natural resources of the Earth recklessly and excessively, these resources would be exhausted one day. Simple as the remark may sound, it conveys a thought-provoking notion that we should effectively protect, rationally exploit and economize on natural resources.Saving such resources as water, coal, oil and wood could ensure the sustainable development of the society and environment. Otherwise, nothing would be left for the future generation. The Amazon rainforest, which is called the lung of the Earth, is a case in point. Due to deforestation, the area of the Amazon rainforest has been dwindling year by year and many species there are endangered. In short, we have only one Earth. On no account could we exploit natural resources excessively.

Hence, it is imperative for us to cherish and protect the nature for the benefit of future generations and ourselves. Only in this way can we preserve a beautiful, harmonious, abundant and varied world.


Self-help Traveling of College Students

So called self-help traveling refers that travelers themselves arrange travel route, travel time,and all the other matters during travel, without any guide and team leader. Nowadays this kind of traveling model is gaining more and more popularity among college students. According to the survey, over 80% of college students prefer self-help traveling to following a tour group.

Why are college students so fond of self-help traveling? Above all,self-help traveling gives travelers more freedom and space. College students don’t like being restricted. They want to arrange their travel as they wish. Moreover, self-help traveling provides college students a good chance to improve their adaptability and viability. Besides, the expenses in self-help traveling are controlled by travelers themselves. It is a good choice for those college students who have not much money for their disposal.

As a college student,I enjoy self-help traveling very much, and I have benefited a lot from it. For one thing, I have appreciated many amazing scenery that those travelers who follow tour groups can not. For another, self-help travel helps me learn how to deal with people better.

Shopping on the internet

Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology ,shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.

Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries .On the other hand , lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. What’ s more the delivery will increase the risk of items’ damage.

In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.

My Opinion on Campus Lectures

In recent years, more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students unions with an aim to improve the students quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, and psychology and world issues.

Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First they broaden the students’ knowledge horizon and cultivate interest in different fields. Second, they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable.

With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed. So, in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, set as more time as possible to attend good lectures

which are helpful to our life and study.

Food Safety

Nowadays, unsafe foods can be found, now and then, in the market, which has aroused a lot of public attention. It is reported that these foodstuff ranges from substandard milk powder, tainted/dyed steamed buns to pork with lean meat powder.

Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. To begin with, it is a waste of resource, especially in our country. Second, it has bad effect on the reputation of the real manufacturers and brings about moral Crisis. Above all, all that matters is food.people’s health and lives are severely threatened if someone buys some unsafe foodstuff.

Measures should be take to deal with the problem. On the one hand , strict laws should be passed to punish the producers and the sellers. On the other hand, consumers should be told to distinguish the genuine goods from the false ones. At the same time, the government should strengthen the supervision of all aspects of food. I firmly believe this problem will be solved in the near future.

Welcome to the Hanshan Normal University. I feel very honored to have an introduction of our university to you.I hope you can have a good time in our university.

Our university was founded in 1903.It is a school with a long history, rich cultural accumulation and the distinctive characteristics. Our university have many outstanding teachers. Our university whit advanced facilities, and complete equipment.Our library is very huge,with a collection of 1320000 books.

Our university produces many graduates, many of whom have become distinguished teachers. They have contributed significantly to education.

