跨文化交际英语阅读教程Unit 02课后翻译

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Checking Is Believing 参考译文:



Reading B This freedom is, of course, in sharp contrast to traditional media. Publishing companies, for example, can be very selective about their authors. Such companies have high standards and will only publish a book if the author is well qualified and experienced in the subject area. Publishers get other experts to review a book before it is printed and further improvements to the book are made by editors and book designers employed by the publishing companies. Editors frequently make suggestions to make the book longer or shorter and to improve the author’s use of language to make the writing clearer and more easily

comprehensible to readers. Designers handle the layout of a book, including the cover, photographs and other graphics and even the font type and style of the text.



Reading C Few such restrictions apply to the Web. It is an unregulated medium at every level. There are no bosses deciding who will get published, no reviewers to check the reliability of information, no editors or designers to improve the way it is written or presented and few enforceable laws or government regulations to check the acceptability of the information or to make authors accountable for their material. The Web therefore lacks the quality assurance controls which operate in most media and

which help the public to trust what they view, read and hear. The results of this lack of quality control are easy to see. The Web is littered with sites which would be illegal if presented by the more traditional media. The Web allows people to publish their opinions, even if these are unfounded and use discrimination.



Reading D TV, video and radio companies work under even stricter regulations than publishing companies. The law controls the content of their programmes in order to limit the amount of bias (sexual, racial and political) listeners and viewers are exposed to. Strict legal limitations are

also placed on the amount of sex and violence in programmes. The language used in such programmes is also carefully controlled so that the audience is not offended by excessive bad language. Where doubt exists about a programme, the company responsible for broadcasting the programme will get lawyers to check that the content and language used in the film do not break any laws.



Reading E It is clear, then, that students who wish to use the Web as a source of information to help them complete assignments will need to be cautious about using material found on it. It is important to check whether a site has been created and registered by a recognized body such as a university or a publisher or whether it has been created by an individual, i.e. a private Net account holder. Look for the organization’s

logo or a structure chart showing its various departments and offices, its mission statement, and also for some information on its history and its plans for the future. In other words, check for the features that you would expect to find on an official and professionally produced website.



Reading F This is not to say that sites produced by individuals are all unreliable — far from it — some are excellent. Some very highly respected professors and authors of academic textbooks have their own websites and these are valuable and trustworthy sources of information. But if an author of a website fails to provide a means for browsers to make contact or has forgotten to put up his/her affiliations and some biodata giving their qualifications and experience, then he or she is just asking to

