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Simple EV3 Wheelbot
by Benjamin Goff Copyright Maine Robotics 2014 Version 1.0 Beta
Parts List Pt 1Electronics(1) EV3 Robot Controller (2) Mindstorm Wires, any size
(2) Large EV3 Motors
Wheels(2) Large WheelsNote: the exact type of wheel does not matter, but the two wheels must be identical! The instructions will be using the bottom left wheels, but feel free to experiment with different wheelsParts Pictures from http://www.77cn.com.cn
(2) Small Pulley Wheels
Parts List Pt 2Beams/ Technic Lift Arms(5) 5-Hole Technic Lift Arms (2) 7-Hole Technic Lift Arms (2) 11-Hole Technic Lift Arms (2) 2x4-Hole L Shaped Bent Technic Lift Arms (2) 3x5-Hole L Shaped Bent Technic Lift Arms
Axle Connectors(1) Hole-Hole-Axle Connector, Perpendicular (1) Axle-Hole-Axle Connector, Perpendicular
Parts Pictures from http://www.77cn.com.cn
Parts List Pt 3Axles(1)#3 Axle (3)#7 AxlesNote: Axles are measured by the number of studs long they are. So a#7 Axle is 7 studs long if it is held next to a regular Lego brick.
Pins and Connectors(4) Long Pins w/ Bushings (any color) (2) Axle Pins (7) Black or Blue Long Pins
(18+) Black Friction Pins
(1) Half BushingParts Pictures from http://www.77cn.com.cn
(5+) Bushings4
Parts Laid Out
1. BottomLay out pieces as shown and push together, lining up holes on the Lift Arms
Build Base Pt11. 2.
Build Bottom: Connect the (5) 5-hole Technic Lift Arms using the Long Pins. Build Back Horizontal Reinforcers: Connect Friction Pins to (2) 11-hole Technic Lift Arms as shown in the lower right hand figure.
2. Back Horizontal Reinforcers
Build Base Pt23. 4.
Attach Bottom pieces and Back Horizontal Reinforcers to Motors. Note: the Motors have been placed upside down in the picture!
The bottoms of the Motors are a light gray, if you see white on top then flip the Motors over.
Build Pivot Wheel1.#7 Axle Axle-Hole-Axle Connector Bushing (2) Axle-Pins
Layout Pieces:
Step 2 Order: Hole-Hole-Axle Connector, Bushing, Bushing, Half-Bushing, Axle-HoleAxle Connector, Bushing#3 Axle Hole-Hole-Axle Connector Half(3) Full Bushings (2) Pulley Wheels
Slide Full Bushings, Half-Bushing, Hole-Hole-Axle Connector, and Axle-Hole-Axle Connector onto#7 Axle. See upper right picture Attach Pulley Wheels and#3 Axle to Hole-HoleAxle Connector (to the end hole) and push AxlePins into Axle-Hole-Axle Connector.Axle-Pins8
Attach Pivot Wheel to Base
Flip the Base over so that the white tops of the Motor are showing!
The Pivot Wheel should attach to the bottom Back Horizontal Reinforcer
Upper wheel shows deeper impression. Lower wheel shows the shallower impression. This side should face the motors
Build Wheel and Axle Assemblies: Put#7 Axle through Large Wheel and then slide on bushing. Repeat for the other wheel. 2. Put the Wheel and Axle Assemblies through the center hole of the Motors. Note: some wheels have a deeper impression on one side than the other. The Shallower side should face TOWARDS the motors
. 1.
Attach Large Wheels (Drive Wheels)
Older wheels may need a bushing on both sides to hold the wheel on.
Build Side Assemblies Pt 11.(2) 2x4 L Shaped Bent Lift Arms (2) 7-Hole Lift Arms (2) 3x5 L Shaped Bent Lift Arms (4) Long Pins w/ Bushings (2) Axle-pins and (6) Black Friction Pins.
Lay out Pieces:
Note: The pieces change color in between pictures, this is to make them easier to see.
2. Connect pins as shown in image on right. Note: the two side pieces are mirrored not identical.
Long Pins w/ Bushings Black Friction Pin Axle-pin
Black Friction Pins Black Friction Pins11
Build Side Assemblies Pt 23.
Attach 7-Hole Lift Arms to 3x5 L Shaped Bent Lift Arms. The 7-Hole Lift Arms should cover 4 holes of the 5-hole arm of the L Shaped Lift Arms. See upper left image. 4. Connect the 2x4 L Shaped Bent Lift Arms to the exposed ends of the 7Hole Lift Arms. The 7-Hole Lift Arm should cover 3 holes of the 4-hole arm of the L Shaped Lift Arm. Note: The completed Side Assemblies should be mirrored and form an“S” shape when viewed from the side. A backwards“S” may also work.
Attach Side Assemblies and EV31.
Attach Side Assemblies to the“Necks” of the Motors, as seen in the picture on the left. Note: Do not push Long Pins w/ Bushings fully in yet.
Connect EV3 by lining up top most forward side holes with the top of the Side Assemblies and pushing in the Long Pins w/ Bushings.
Note: The screen of the EV3 should be over the back of the Motors and the ports labeled 1 through 4 should be facing the same direction as the Large Drive Wheels.13
Attach Wires to Motors and EV31. 2. 3.
Rotate the EV3 so you are looking at it from the back and can see ports A, B, C, and D Connect a wire to Port C of the EV3 and the left side motor. Connect a wire to Port B of the EV3 and the right side motor.14
Complete!Note: The Long Pins w/ Bushings are used because they are easier to grab with fingers. This makes taking the EV3 off to replace batteries slightly easier.
电流互感器工作原理及特点 - 图文09-14
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