更新时间:2024-02-23 01:15:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载
I. Translate the following into Chinese. ( 20 % )
1. Scud missile
3. Secretary of State
5. House Speaker
6.Social Security
7. Princess
8. House of Windsor
9. recession
10 . political asylum
11. 人工智能 12.科技文明
13.国会 14.文献
15.军事文明 16. 亚太经济合作组织
17. 欧盟组织 18. 联合国
18. 发动机 20.飞行员
A contract is an agreement between two or more people (1) ________ one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by (2) ________. Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both (3) ________. It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in (4) _______ for what is given or done by the other. If one person does (5) ________ was promised and the other does not, that other may be sued in court and required by court order to make good. He or she (6) ________ also to be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things (7) ________ by both parties must be stated in definite terms (8) ________ the court will hold that the contract is (9) ________ vague and general to be enforced. (10) ________, the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.
1. A. in which B. which C. that D. on that
2. A. another B. other C. the other D. others
3. A. parts B. people C. parties D. aspects
4. A. replace B. change C. payment D. exchange
5. A. that B. what C. the thing D. something
6. A. need B. has C. ought D. may
7. A. to be done B. to do C. done D. being done
8. A. and B. or C. else D. so
9. A. so B. too C. rather D. over
10. A. Similar B. The same C. Similarly D. Too
Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem – how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus's six buildings comfortable.
Some parts of most modern buildings – theaters and offices as well as classrooms – are more than sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter . The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.
Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces . It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working overweight male genius.
1. What is characteristic of the buildings on Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh?
A. They are more comfortable to live in than other buildings.
B. They collect body heat to regulate the temperature inside.
C. They use light bulbs to heat the classrooms.
D. They consume less fuel to keep the classrooms cool.
2. According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used ________.
A. to provide a special form of air-conditioning
B. to provide heat for the hot water system
C. to find out the source of heat
D. to collect heat and reuse it
3. The phrase “the hottest prospect” in this passage refers to ________.
A. the person who suffers most from heat
B. the person who needs more heat than others
C. the person who gives off most heat
D. the person who make better use of body heat
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according the passage?
A. The harder a s
tudent works, the more heat he or she produces.
B. The bigger a student is, the more heat he or she sends out.
C. A girl student sends out more heat than a boy student.
D. A large and hard-working boy student gives off the most heat.
5. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?
A. Recovery of Body Heat C. Modern Building's Heat System
B. Body Heat and Sex D. Ways of Heating Buildings
题目:保护环境 (Protect the environment against pollution)
1.飞毛腿导弹 2. 北大西洋公约 3.国务卿 4. 众议院议长 5.社会保障计划
6.公主;王妃 7.温莎王室/英国王室 8.经济衰退 9.政治避难 10.人际关系
11.artificial intelligence 12.Science and technology civilization 13.Parliament
14.Literature 15.Military civilization 16. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
17.EU organization 18.the United Nations (U.N.) 19. Engine 20. Pilot
1—10: A C C D B / C A B B C
1—10: A C C D B / C A B B C
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