云南省盐津县豆沙中学仁爱版九年级英语下册导学案Unit6 Topic2 SectionD 导学案

更新时间:2023-12-01 15:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Unit 6 Entertainment and friendship

Topic 2 who is your favorite character in literature?

Section D

课时:第4课时 备课人:张苏 审核人:胡正琴 【学习目标】

阅读并理解Gift of the Magi这篇文章 【自学】


narrator husband precious possession wealth chain possibly comb jeweled rim hunt couple the couple sudden all of a sudden cut off live through long for at present 二、从文中找出并写下下列短语的意思。 放好,收好 尽力做某事 【教学重\\难点】

1.have sth done 请/让某人做某事

2. Merry Christmas :圣诞快乐!与对方问候此句话,对方通常也这样回答。 3.助动词do/does/did +动词原形表示强调,意为“的确/确实…….” 【合作探究】

1、学生分小组翻译 Functions中的句子.(注意红色字体的单词) 2. 阅读1a回答下列问题。

① what are the precious possessions of the couple?

②what gift did the couple give to each other?

③how did the couple manage to give gifts to each other?


Do you know the meaning of the title?if not, try to find some information about it after class. Then share it with your chassmates. 【课后检测】

完成《同步练习册》Section D

