北邮大学英语精读2 阶段作业三

更新时间:2023-03-08 04:58:03 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载



1. The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is more than 6000 kilometers long,

about 7 meters high, 5 to 6 meters wide. It is known to be the only one of the structures built by men on Earth that can be seen from the moon.

The Potala(布达拉宫)in Tibet, China, is the world’s highest palace. It is over 3 kilometers above the sea level.

The great Pyramid in Egypt is the biggest burial place ever built. It is about 137 meters high, or about the height of 40-storey building. Each side of the Pyramid is about 230 meters long, or about as long as 2 city blocks.

The Sears Tower in Chicago, U.S.A., reaches a height of 443 meters. It has 110 storeys and covers a total floor space of 420,000 square meters. It is the tallest office building in the world.

1. The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world because it is _____.

A. over six thousand kilometers long B. about two hundred and thirty meters long C. about as long as two city blocks

D. more than three kilometers above sea-level

2. The biggest burial place that men ever built is in ______.

A. Tibet B. Egypt C. the Potala D. the Great Wall

3. The Sears Tower is about ____, so it is the tallest office building in the world.

A. seven meters high

B. one hundred and thirty seven meters high C. four hundred and forty-three meters high D. four hundred and twenty thousand meters high

4. The only one of the objects built by men on the earth that can been seen from the

moon is _____.

A. the Great Pyramid B. the Great Wall C. the Sears Tower D. the Potala

5. The Potala is in _____.

A. Chicago B. Egypt C. the U.S.A D. China


得分:[5, 5, 5, 5, 5] 提示:[1]A.细节题。本题问“长城是世界上最长的墙,这是因为______。”中心词是“the longest wall”。答案在第一段的第二句,该句大意是“长城有6000多公里长,7米高,5至6米宽”。据此可知答案是A。B的意思是“长城长度约230米”,C的意思是“长城约有两个街区长”,D的意思是“长城比海平面高3公里多”。 [2]B.细节题。本题问“人类建造的最大的墓穴是在_____。”中心词就是“the biggest burial place”,答案在第三段的第一句话,该句大意是“埃及的大金字塔是最大的墓穴”。据此可知答案是B。 [3]C.细节题。本题问“希尔斯大楼的高度大约是______,所以它是世界最高的办公大楼。”中心词是“the Sears Tower”,答案在最后一段的第一句,该句大意是“美国芝加哥的希尔斯大楼高达443米”。据此可知答案是C。A的意思是“7米高”,B的意思是“137米高”,D的意思是“420,000米高”。 [4]B.细节题。本题问“从月亮上能看到的地球上的唯一的建筑物是_____。”中心词是“The only one of the objects”,或者“can been seen from the moon”。答案在第一段的最后一句,该句明确告诉我们答案是B。 [5]D.细节题。本题问“布达拉宫在______。”这个题目算是一种常识,我们知道答案是D。如果有的同学不知道“the Potala”就是“布达拉宫”,解决办法就是在原文中找到这个词进行定位。 二、单项选择题(共15道小题,共75.0分) 1. Lincoln's story is the type which we think ___________ myth. A. of as B. over like C. of like D. over as 知识点: 第一部分 学生答案: 得分: [A;] 标准答案: [5] 试题分值: 该题选A,题目大意是“我们已经把这类故事看成了神话。” think of…as: regard as把……看成 提示: 1. think of him as a good friend把他看作是好朋友 2. I always think of him as a thief.我总是把他当作小偷。 3. We think of the Great Wall of China as one of the wonders of the world.我们把中国的长城看作是世界的奇迹之一。 2. At that time,life was very different ___________ what it is today. A. against B. from C. at A; 5.0 D. for 知识点: 第一部分 B; 5.0 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: 得分: [5] 试题分值: 该题选B,题目大意是“那时的生活跟今天的生活大不相同。” be different from:和...不同 1. An industrial robot must be different from a medical robot.一提示: 个工业机器人肯定与医务机器人不同。 2. Drawing style of artists could be different from one another.绘画风格可能会因各艺术家而异。 3. Life in the USA will probably be different from what you expect.到美国后的生活会与你想象的有所不同。 3. He peeked ___________ my test paper. A. on B. through C. at D. over 知识点: 第一部分 C; 5.0 学生答案: [C;] 标准答案: 得分: [5] 试题分值: 该题选C,题目大意是“他偷看我的考试卷。” peek at:偷看;窥视 1. I peek at the list.我很快看了一眼名单。 提示: 2. She peeked at her neighbors from behind her curtains.她从窗帘后面窥视她的邻居。 3/ No peeking at your presents before Christmas morning!不要在圣诞节早晨前偷看你的礼物! 4. ___________, most students have been faced with the temptation to look at a neigh-bor's test paper. A. In short B. After all C. Above all D. At times 知识点: 第一部分 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: B; 5.0 得分: [5] 试题分值: 该题选B,题目大意是“毕竟大多数学生都曾受到过偷看邻座考卷的诱惑。” after all:毕竟;终究;到底 1. It turned out he went by train after all. 结果他还是乘火车去的。 2. You should be charitable with him; he is a child after all. 你应该对他宽容些,毕竟他还是个孩子。 提示: 3. You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after all, he is over seventy. 你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。 4. Don′t blame him for breaking that vase; after all he is a child. 别怪他打碎那个花瓶,他毕竟是小孩子嘛。 5. I was so tired after all that gardening that I was out for the count for ten whole hours last night. 把花园里所有的活干完后,我实在太累了,昨晚沉睡了足足有10个小时。 5. When I was in the army I received a kind of ___________ test which all soldiers took. A. appraise B. apt C. attitude D. aptitude 知识点: 第一部分 D; 5.0 学生答案: [D;] 标准答案: 得分: [5] 试题分值: 该题选D,题目大意是“当我在部队服役时,我曾接受过一种所有士兵都参加的智能测验。” 提示: aptitude:天资,才能;颖悟 He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude. 他因天资聪颖从三年级跳到了五年级。 6. We usually shrug ___________ the words we are really glad to hear. A. of B. around C. off D. ahead 知识点: 第一部分 C; 学生答案: [C;] 标准答案: 得分: [5] 试题分值: 5.0 该题选C,题目大意是“对于我们实际上非常乐意听到的话却耸耸肩膀不屑理睬。” shrug off:耸肩表示对……不屑理睬(尤指表示怀疑,冷漠等) 提示: 1. shrug off the teacher’s words对老师的话不予理睬 2. He seems to shrug off all the mistakes he made.他耸耸肩对其所犯的错误表示不屑理睬。 3. She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.她能够不顾困难,保持乐观。 7. His daily ________ begins with checking E-mail messages. A. rude B. routine C. rural D. racial 知识点: 第二部分 学生答案: 得分: [B;] 标准答案: [5] 试题分值: B; 5.0 该题选B,题目大意是“他每天的日常工作是以检查邮件开始的。” routine:adj.常规的;例行的;乏味的 提示: 1. This type of work rapidly becomes routine.这种工作很快就变得乏味无聊。 2. The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine.操作员必须能对机器进行日常维护。 8. Read the paper and __________ it __________ to the other teachers. A. hand…in B. pass…on C. turn…on D. live…on 知识点: 第二部分 B; 5.0 学生答案: [B;] 标准答案: 得分: [5] 试题分值: 该题选B,题目大意是“读一下这篇论文,然后把它交给另外的提示: 老师。” pass on:convey to another传递;转达;转达;传染 1. pass on a compliment转达一句赞美的话

