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Pioneer Girl: the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder


第一章 我们在大森林里的小屋


Chapter 1 we in a cottage in the woods

In 1867, I was born in the American state of Wisconsin.Our family and dog jack lived in the trees in a cabin.The forest is very dangerous, we have to contend with dangerous animals such as bears, leopards, but we had a good life. 第二章 西进

爸是一个真正的拓荒者。我们离开树木里的安全屋,去西部的新土地。我们坐着四轮马车,经过一路的艰辛,来到了堪萨斯洲。 Chapter 2 to the west

Dad is a real frontier.We left the safe house in the trees, to west of the new land.We sat and carriages, after all the hardships, arrived at Kansas state.

第三章 我们在草原上的小屋

我们在草原上建了一间房子,做了一扇木门 、床、凳子和一张桌子。印第安人不喜欢我们这些人。爸爸烤了玉米面包才送走了两个

凶神恶煞的印第安人。1874年我们前往明尼苏达州的“胡桃林”。 chapter 3 we house on the prairie

We built a house on the prairie, made a wooden door, bed, stools and a table.Indians don't like the rest of us.Dad roasted corn bread just off the two devils indians.We went to Minnesota, 1874 \

第四章 我们在“李子溪”的房子

我们在河岸上挖了土房子。爸爸开始种庄稼,我们去上学。妈妈生了个小男孩,但不久便死了。玛丽病得失明了。 Chapter 4 in our \

We dug earth house on the river bank.Dad began to plant crops, we go to school.My mother gave birth to a boy, but she soon died.Mary disease and clear.

第五章 草原上的小镇

1879年,爸爸在铁路工地上上班。后来我们搬到了迪斯梅特镇。爸爸在镇外认领了一块土地。我们艰难地熬过了那年的冬天。之后我们返回郊外的农场,在那里住了许多年。 Chapter 5 town of the grasslands

In 1879, my father work in railway construction.Later we moved to the tees metcalfe town.Dad to claim a piece of land outside the town.We struggled through the winter of that year.After

we return to the outskirts of the farm, where he lived for many years.

第六章 记录下我的历险经历

十五岁那年,我成了一名教师。之后我结婚了,生了一个女儿,名叫罗斯。我开始把我的历险经历一一记录下来。我们虽然贫穷,但是我们曾尽我们怕所能创造食物,我们一家在一起,永远是快乐的。 Chapter 6 to record my adventures

When I was fifteen, I became a teacher.After I got married, gave birth to a daughter, named rose.I started my adventures recorded one by one.Although we poor, but once we do what we fear can create food, our family together, will always be happy.

