宝马公司企业文化 BMW organizational culture
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(全英文-课件)宝马公司企业文化BMW organizational culture
BMW’s organizational culture第一组 XXXX
(全英文-课件)宝马公司企业文化BMW organizational culture
Sth. about BMW’s Dream Factory
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG -BMWIt is a world well-known manufacturer which produces cars and motorcycles. Compared with some famous car brands such as Fiat, Ford, Renault, Rolls-Royce, BMW is a very young factory. But in the 1930s, it produced the world's best sports cars and luxury cars. It recovered from the destruction of World War II and the financial recession in the 1950s.Page 2
(全英文-课件)宝马公司企业文化BMW organizational culture
production followed the market
sustainable human development
personalized products
conclusion of its success
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production followed the market “生产紧随市场”的经营哲学
Construction of BMW’s global production network complies with the "production followed the market". Based on local market conditions, Companies establish production networks, and follow the market demand in production management, taking a flexible management. In the production of BMW, the plants are in a common system for the production of a large number of collaboration as well as a team of employees cooperates with each other.
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Meanwhile, the company adopted a flexible management style; each plant can deploy staff flexibly according to different production models, and be famous for flexible working hours and logistics management and reflexes.
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Personnel Concepts——focusing on sustainable human development注重人的可持续发展的人事理念
BMW regards sustainable development of staff as a key factor in business success, but also an important guarantee of being the world’s leader, and put this concept into the company's operating philosophy. Since BMW’s personnel policies focus on the future, so that staff performance can be improved. That improves the efficiency of the company without reducing manpower costs.
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BMW's eight personnel policy
1. Mutual respect and a positive attitude towards the differences; 2. Thinking beyond national and cultural boundaries; 3. Performance is the basis for reward; 4. The results of teamwork are higher than individual work; 1.相互尊重,以积极态度对待分歧; 2.超越国家和文化边界的思维方式;
3.工作表现是报酬的基础; 4.团队合作的成果高于个人工作之和;Page 7
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5. Guarantee offer attractive jobs to loyal and responsible staff; 6. Respect the human rights of employees unquestionable; 7. Social standards in dealing with suppliers and business partners are the basic guidelines for doing business; 8. Generous employee benefits and a strong sense of social responsibility.
5.保证为忠诚和有责任感的员工提供有吸引力的工作职位; 6.尊重员工的人权不容置疑; 7.以社会标准对待供应商和商业伙伴是做生意的基本准则;
(全英文-课件)宝马公司企业文化BMW organizational culture
relevant example Munich as
a special status and geographical advantages of BMW's global headquarters, urban infrastructure construction in Munich, excellent university research capabilities and a high level of quality of life, cutting-edge technology to attract talent from around the world to protect the BMW's strong R & D capabilities. 慕尼黑作为宝马全球本部的特殊地位和地理优势,慕尼 黑的城市基础设施建设,出色的大学科研能力以及高水平的生活质量, 吸引着来自世界各地的尖端科技人才,保障了宝马公司强大的研发能 力。
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BMW's personalized products There is no doubt that BMW's personalized products on the technical performance is extremely striking and its purpose is very clear, That is hope to be able to show a perfect. In addition to merchants from time to time for people to bring some concept car, Buyers can also according to his be fond of make combination, choose a variety of advanced materials to create a perfect type of products in their heart, whether in appearance color, leather and interior decoration are gourmet of car products conform to your mind.Page 10
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relevant example
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conclusion of its success
The BMW story illustrates how a single organizational culture can thrive across many countries.
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1、Design and technological power BMW’s unique brand positioning has a combination of three elements: design and technological power, which made a dynamic image of BMW distinguished young, this image with the traditional brand - Mercedes-Benz apart from the traditional luxury Mercedes Benz cars neatly bypasses the flat/Mercedes Benz the strong opponents. Through the difference between the old and new, make the BMW separated from other label, to attract a new generation.
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2、High quality There are many different kinds of BMW car, respectively in different series to set their rank. From smaller fashionable three series, five series, to provide a safe and comfortable space to develop suitable for senior staff of seven series trailer, until the eight series coupe unique and elegant
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3、Close with customers BMW adopt different communication channel, including advertising marketing project planning, and the establishment of public relations. Combination of different channels to make the BMW create opportunities for direct contact with customers, many different message, the strategy in turn help BMW to build a positive image.
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