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1. Romance is the most prevailing literary form in the ___feudal____ Ages. 2. Chaucer used __heroic____ couplet in the writing of The Canterbury Tales.

3. A Shakespearean sonnet is composed of three four-line quatrains and a concluding ____couplet___.

4. Francis Bacon is the major __essayist____ during the Renaissance. 5. In terms of style, Paradise Lost by Milton is a/(an) ___epic___.

6. The most prominent artistic feature in Gulliver’s Travels is ___p142____.

7. Walter Scott is a novelist that marked the transition from romanticism to __realism_____.

8. Two prevailing themes of Jane Austen’s novels are_____marriage and love__. 9. One of the central themes of Jane Eyre is the criticism of the bourgeois system of _______education_.

10. Hardy’s works known as “novels of characters & environment” are the most representative of him both as a __naturalistic ______and critical writer. 1. Shakespeare used the __blank____ verse in the writing of his plays.

2. The British Enlighteners fall into two groups: the _moderate_____and the radical. 3. Henry Fielding is called the Father of __English novel_____.

4. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, “My Heart Leaps up” are all lyrics on _______. 5. Elizabeth Bennet is the heroine from Austen’s famous novel __pride and prejudice__.

6. Among all the Romantic figures, Jane Austen is the only one who gave descriptions of social life in a more ________way.

7. Scott is considered “the father of British ___historical novel_____”.

8. In terms of literary school, Charles Dickens is a _critical realistic_____ writer.

9. David Copperfield, one of Dickens’s best novels, is written based on the author’s own experience, so it is regarded as a/an ___ autobiographical _____ novel.

10. Strong elements of ________and a tendency toward symbolism are the defects that spoil at times the mainly realistic effect of Hardy’s art. 1. Written English literature started in the ___8th___ century.

2. The Canterbury Tales contains the General ____prologue____ and 24 tales, two of which left unfinished.

3. In the English Renaissance period, scholars started to stress the capacities of the human mind and achievements of human culture. The most significant feature was ___humanity_____.

4. Due to the great success of Paradise Lost, Milton later created another epic: __paradise regained_______.

5. Robert Burns used _scottish dialect_____ to write his poems.

6. Many critics regard Shelly as one of the greatest of all English poets especially for his ___lyrics___.

7. William Wordsworth is regarded as a “worshipper of ___nature_____.” 8. The most obvious feature of Romantic poems is the use of _______.

9. The literary creation of Charles Dickens falls into three phases, and his Hard Times is from the ____third____ stage.

10. Hardy’s works known as “novels of characters & environment” are the most

representative of him both as a naturalistic and ____realistic____ writer.

1. The most significant idea of the Renaissance is___A______. A. humanism B. realism C. naturalism D. skepticism

2. Shakespeare’s tragedies include all the following except___B_____. A. Hamlet and King Lear

B. Antony and Cleopatra and Macbeth C. Julius Caesar and Othello

D. The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

3. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is often regarded as a typical example of___B______. A. allegory B. romance C. epic in prose D. tragedy

4. ______B___ marked the beginning of Romanticism in Britain.

A. The Civil War B. the publication of the preface to Lyrical Ballads C. the Death of Goldsmith D. the adoption of the Bill of Rights

5. Which of the following statements about Neo-Classicism and Enlightenment Movement is true? __________

A. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 17th century.

B. Neo-Classicism found its artistic models in the classical literature of the ancient Greek and Roman writers like Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, etc.

C. Neo-Classicism put the stress on the classical artistic ideals of order, logic, proportion, spontaneous emotion, and passion.

D. Satire was much used in writing in the neo-classic works. English literature of this age produced a distinguished satirist Daniel Defoe.

6. Romanticism was a literary trend prevailing in English during the period from 1798 to 1832. The Romantic writers _____A__.

A. paid great attention to the passion and emotion of man

B. were discontent with the development of industrialism and capitalism, and presented the social evils minutely in their works C. took pains to portray a world of reason and order

D. tended to glorify Rome and advocated rational Italian and French art as superior to the native traditions

7. “All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” is the viewpoint from _______D___. A. Shelley B. Browning C. T.S. Eliot D. Wordsworth 8. Shelley’s greatest achievement is his poetic drama ____D____. A. To--- B. Ode to the West Wind C. A Song: Men of England D. Prometheus Unbound 9. The period of English critical realism is most famous for its ________. A. plays B. novels

C. poems D. essays

10. Which of the following women does not belong to the famous Bronte Sisters?A A. Mary Bronte B. Charlotte Bronte C. Emily Bronte D. Anne Bronte

11. ___B_____ is written in the first person and is the most autobiographical of all Dickens’s books. A. Oliver Twist B. David Copperfield C. Great Expectations D. Dombey and Son

12. Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best-known novels, portrays man as __________.

A. being hereditarily either good or bad B. being self-sufficient

C. having no control over his own fate

D. still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion

13. Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and ________ as its theoretical base. A. the theory of psycho-analysis B. Darwin’s evolutionary theory C. the French symbolism D. Utilitarianism

14. ________ is one of the most original and controversial writers of the early 20th century, whose novels explored with outspoken candor the sexual and psychological relationships of men and women. A. James Joyce B. D. H. Lawrence C. Virginia Woolf D. Doris Lessing

15. __________ established “stream of consciousness” as a valid way of writing fiction.

A. D. H. Lawrence B. William Golding C. James Joyce D. T. S. Eliot

1. ________ is a long composition in verse or in prose, with the knight being the central character. A. Fable B. Romance C. Ballad D. Epic 2. ___C______ does not belong to Shakespeare’s great tragedies. A. Othello B. Macbeth C. As You Like It D. Hamlet 3. In John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, the author intends to show the prevalent political and religious persecution of his time, with __A________ being the most famous scene. A. Vanity Fair B. the City of Destruction C. the Celestial City D. Doubting Castle

4. Literature of Neoclassicism is different from that of Romanticism in that _________.

A. the former celebrates reason, rationality and order while the latter sees literature as an expression of an individual’s feelings and experiences. B. the former is heavily religious but the latter secular.

C. the former is an intellectual movement, while the latter is concerned with the personal cultivation.

D. the former advocates the “the return to nature” whereas the latter turns to the

ancient Greek and Roman writers for its models.

5. ________D__ was a progressive intellectual movement going on throughout Europe in the 18th century. A. The Renaissance B. Puritan Movement C. Romantic Movement D. The Enlightenment

6. The publication of __________ signifies the beginning of the English Romantic period.

A. Prometheus Unbound B. Don Juan C. Lyrical Ballads D. Queen Mab

7. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is taken from ______B____. A. The Solitary Reaper B. Ode to the West Wind C. To Autumn C. Song to the Man of England 8. Active romanticists are represented by Byron, Shelley and ________D__. A. Wordsworth B. Keats C. Burns D. Coleridge 9. The prevailing tone in Pride and Prejudice is __________. A. bitter satire B. mild irony C. strong approval D. strong disapproval

10. _______A___ introduces to the English novel the first governess heroine. A. Jane Eyre B. Pride and Prejudice C. Middlemarch D. Oliver Twist

11. The third stage of Dickens’s writing career is marked with ___C_______. A. na?ve optimism B. intensifying pessimism C. excitement and irritation D. youthful idealism

12. ___________ described the French Revolution as the setting of the novel. A. Oliver Twist B. Wuthering Heights C. A Tale of Two Cities D. Vanity Fair

13. __________ believes that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by some mysterious and hostile fate. A. Charles Dickens B. Thomas Hardy C. George Bernard Shaw D. T. S. Eliot

14. Which writer belongs to “stream-of-consciousness” school? A A. Virginia Woolf B. Thomas Wolfe C. Sommerset Maugham D. Thomas Hardy

15. The publication of ______B____ signifies the emergence of Modernism. A. The Golden Notebook B. The Waste Land C. To the Lighthouse D. Sons and Lovers

1. ______A__ is the national epic of the English people, the monumental work in English poetry of Anglo-Saxon period. A. Beowulf B. The Faerie Queene C. The Canterbury Tales D. Paradise Lost

2. The work that presented a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval

English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely ______B____. A. Piers the Plowman B. The Canterbury Tales

C. A Tale of Two Cities D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 3. ______A____ does not belong to Shakespeare’s comedies? A. Henry V B. The Merchant of Venice C. A Midsummer Night’s Dream D. The Twelfth Night

4. ______D__ is not among the prominent writers of English Renaissance. A. Marlowe B. Bacon C. Shakespeare D. Milton 5. ________ is the poetry of John Donne and other seventeenth-century poets who are characterized by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form. A. Metaphysical Poetry B. Narrative Poetry D. Lyrical Poetry D. Imagist Poetry 6. ________C__is not a famous novelist in the 18th century. A. Henry Fielding B. Samuel Richardson C. Thomas Hardy D. Daniel Defoe 7. Jane Austen’s view of life is a ____A_____ one. A. romantic B. sentimental C. realistic D. pessimistic

8. __________’s works are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. A. Thomas Hardy B. Charles Dickens C. Charlotte Bronte D. George Eliot

9. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a____C____.” This quotation in Pride and Prejudice sets the tone of the novel. A. house B. title C. wife D. fame 10. “All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence for ever.” These above lines are uttered by the heroine in_________. A. Romeo and Juliet B. Mrs. Warren’s Profession C. Tess of the D’Urbervilles D. Jane Eyre

11. __________ is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist. A. William Butler Yealts B. John Galsworthy C. James Joyce D. George Bernard Shaw 12. Which one is correct according to the time when they appeared? B A. romanticism, neoclassicism, humanism, critical realism B. humanism, neoclassicism, romanticism, critical realism C. romanticism, humanism, realism, naturalism D. realism, critical realism, romanticism, humanism

13. _____D___ is not among the outstanding dramatists in the history of British literature. A. Sheridan B. Marlowe C. Bernard Shaw D. Bacon

14. ____B____ is regarded as the founder and great master of the English historical novel, whose works marked the transition from Romanticism to Realism. A. Austen B. Scott C. Dickens D. Thackeray 15. The publication of ____B______ signifies the emergence of Modernism. A. The Golden Notebook B. The Waste Land

C. To the Lighthouse D. Sons and Lovers

Write out the opening sentence in Pride and Prejudice and then put it into Chinese. Analyze the major functions of the opening sentence in Pride and Prejudice.

Explain briefly the major plot and major characters of Jane Eyre/ Pride and Prejudice Explain briefly the theme in Great Expectations/Tess

C. To the Lighthouse D. Sons and Lovers

Write out the opening sentence in Pride and Prejudice and then put it into Chinese. Analyze the major functions of the opening sentence in Pride and Prejudice.

Explain briefly the major plot and major characters of Jane Eyre/ Pride and Prejudice Explain briefly the theme in Great Expectations/Tess

