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Grammar Unit.1

31.This dining-room is___ only by employees of the company. (C) A.to use B.to have used C.to be used D.for the use 32.This article___ any more.(B) A.need not to be corrected B.doesn't need to be corrected C.needs not to be corrected D.needs not be corrected

33.This magazine is borrowed from the library. You___ all over it.(A) A.shouldn't have scribbled B.ought to not have scribbled C.need not scribbled D.have not to scribble

34.In those days he___ work day and night, with no time to care for his childen.(A) A.would B.can C.need D.should

35.At the beginning of the twentieth century no one___ have realized the enormous effect that the War was to have.(A)

A.could B.must C.should D.ought to

36.There was an organ so large that it had to have seventy men pump the air into the pipe. What a tremendous sound that organ___ !(A)

A.must have done B.have done C.makes D.was made 37.Your temperature has dropped, so you ___ take that medicine.(C) A.do not B.must not C.needn't D.should not have

38.Mr.Jack___ volleyball in the afternoon, but now, because of his leg wound, he___in the evening.(C)

A.used to playing... is used to taking a walk B.was used to play... used to take a walk C.used to play... is used to taking a walk D.was used to playing... used to taking a walk

39.As it turned out to be a small house party, we___ so formally.(A) A.need not have dressed up B.must not have dressed up C.did not need to dressed up D.must not dress up

40.He___ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.(D) A.would act B.must have acted C.should act D.may have acted

41.It is very hard to imagine that she___ Mr.Smith's wife by this time, had it not been for her own perseverance.(C)

A.might be B.must be C.might have been D.must have been 42.---The door was open

---It___ open. I had locked it myself and the keywas in my pocket.(C) A.can't be B.mustn't be C.can't have been D.mustn't have been

43.Troden smiles at us and at himself, because this picture is reflected in mirror as all selfportraits___.



A.should have been B.were C.must be D.could be 44.Please take a message___ he call.(B) A.may B.should C.shall D.will

45.The swimmer was very tired but he___ reach the shore before he collapsed.(D) A.might B.could C.succeeded D.was able to Unit.2

31.What an amazing book! It' s the most interesting. I’ve ever read. But I’m sure it won't interest_________.(D)

A somebody B any C. nobody D. Everybody

32. The population of Asia is increasing sharply. Cities like Shanghai and Jakarta would _______have a population of 20 million by 2010.(B) A both B each C. either D every 33. I think ______he has said is right.(B) A all what B. all that C which D all which

34. __________of us knows the reason why winter is colder than summer.(A) A. Every one B. Everyone C. Someone D. All

35. When she was combing, she discovered that there were ________on her shoulder.(C) A a little grey hair B. a few grey hair C. a few grey hairs D some grey hair

36.________and________were present at the ball.(A) A. The wit, the beauty B. The wit, beauty C. Wit, the beauty D. The wit, beautiful

37. There ________nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.(B) A. to be B. being C. to have been D .be

38. He sat in front of the house, his dusty face __________ his age.(A) A masking B. masked C. masks D. was masking

39. Adam and Eve walked slowly out of the paradise, _______ their heads in sorrow ,________ about the future.(D)

A. hunging, wondering B .hung, wonder C. to hang, wonder D. hanging, wondering 40. _______, we had to stay in the hut for the night.(B) A. Being too dark to go on B. It being too dark to go on C Being it too dark to go on D. With it being too dark to go on

41. When I caught him ________me. I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.(A)

A. cheating B. to cheat C. cheat D. to be cheating

42._______regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.(D)


A .Not received B. Since receiving C.Having received D.Not having received

43. The country's chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _________ the most important of these.(C)

A. have been B. are C. being D are being

44. Kim changed her major from French to business ________.(D) A with hopes to be able to easier to locate B hoping she can easier to get a job employment C with the hope for being able to find a job D. hoping to find a job more easily

45.________he began to make friends more easily.(B) A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found B. After entering the new school

C. When he had been entering the new school D. Upon entering into the new school Unit.3

31.__________to go to the exhibition this Saturday.(C) A. No every student wants B. Not every student want C. Not every student wants D. None student want

32. Not until a monkey is several years old_______to cubit signs of independence from its mother.(B) A. it begin B. does it begin C. and begin D. beginning 33.________found these days.(B)

A. Rare are new species of animals B. Rarely are new species of animals C Rare new species of animals are D. Rarely new species of animals are

34. We have been told that under no circumstances _______the telephone in the office for personal affairs.(A)

A. may we use B. we may use C. we could use D. did we use 35.By no means ______ their own language well.(D)

A. it is true that all English people know B. is It true that do all English people know C. it is that do all English people know D. is it true that all English people know

36 Most people would agree that only in exceptional circumstances _____ the truth from the patient.(B)

A. a doctor should hide B. should a doctor hide C .a doctor would hide D. a doctor will hide 37.____but a fool can make such a mistake.(D) A. Everyone B. No other C. Not all D. None

38.I didn't choose any of the three offers because I found_____Satisfactory.(A) A. none of them B. all of them not C not all of them D. either of them not

39______ an official delegate, he is supposed to be more respectful.(C) A. He is B. That being C. As D. Because of 40. My health is_____.(C)

A. as poor, if not poorer than, my brother


B. poor as my brother's if not poorer C. as poor as, if not poorer than, my brothers D. as poor, if not poorer than my brother’s

41.The great use of a school education is______ to teach you things _____ teach you the art of learning.(B)

A. as much, as B. not so much, as to C. much as, as D. much more, as

42. I would like to go to a school_____ the one my sister goes to.(B) A. as B. like C. in D. to

43. Please tell my friend your interesting experience exactly _____ you have told it to me.(A) A. as B. that C. the same D. And 44._____dew are glittering in the sun.(A)

A. Drops of B. Sheets of C. Stretches of D. Layers of 45._____national swimmers sunned themselves on the beach.(A) A. A team of B. A pack of C. A board of D. A choir of Unit.4

31.Mr.White works with a chemical import and export company, but he____ for this industrial fair, since he is on leave.(D) A.has worked B.works

C.has been working D.is working

32.The doctor____ the little girl's pulse. He says it feels normal.(B) A.feels B.is feeling C.has been felt D.is felt

33.The naughty boy! He____ where he leaves his things.(C) A.always forgets B.will always forget C.is always forgetting D.has always forgotten

34.Those who have applied for the post____ in the office.(A) A.are being interviewed B.are interviewing C.interviewing D.to be interviewing

35.Henry, I____ you, it is your fault.(D) A.will tell B.told C.have told D.am telling

36.If you climb the moutains in such bad weather, you____ trouble.(D)


A.ask for B.have asked for C.will ask for D.are asking for

37.Jack____ a tough time at the office at the moment and he____ about fifty cigarettes a day!(A) A.is having, is smoking B.is having, smokes C.has, is smoking D.has, smokes

38.You have love your only son and indulge him so much that you____ him harm.(A) A.are doing B.have done C.will have done D.are going to do

39.A new TV series____ handicapped chidren they can and should think about career development.(B) A.have taught B.teaches C.teach D.were taught

40.Although medical evidence shows that AIDS____ not transmitted by casual contact, there still____ fear of infection, which has caused unwarranted prejudice against even those merely suspected of having the disease.(C) A.is.... exist B.are... exist C.is.... exists D.are... exists

41.This kind of glasses manufactured by experiences craftsmen____ comfortably.(B) A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn

42.The old man was pleased at seeing so many people____ .(C) A.presented B.presenting C.present D.to present

43.____ have paid attention to this matter.(A) A.The authorities concerned B.The concerned authorities C.The authorities concerning D.The concerning authorities

44.He thought he had lost his____ for good. However, he found his pillow already taken by the dog when he ntered the room.(D)


