18年高考英语听说考试真题 C

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Part A Reading Aloud

In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.

For thousands of years, human beings have been fascinated by whales. It is uncertain when, how or why the ancestors of the whale gradually moved into a purely aquatic environment. Freed from the gravity of the land, the whales evolved to become the true ocean beings of the planet. For most of our shared history, our relationship with the whales has been a distant one. If a memory remains behind the eyes of these gentle creatures, it is rarely if ever shown. Rather our first furtive attempts to enter the whale's domain seem greeted with curiosity and a longing for communication and understanding. (59’’)

Part B Role Play

In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.

Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.

Q1: 他们为什么这样做?

________________________________________________________________(10”) A1: Listen to answer 1.

Q2: 那意味着我可以穿任何衣服吗?

________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.

Q3: 我怎么知道在我的公司该穿什么?

________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.

Now please get ready to answer five questions. Y ou are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.

Q1: Listen to question 1.

A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)

Q2: Listen to question 2.

A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)

Q3: Listen to question 3.

A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)

Q4: Listen to question 4.

A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)

Q5: Listen to question 5.

A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”) Part C Retelling

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.

Now please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)

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