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浙江大学远程教育学院 《综合英语B(3)》课程作业

姓名: 年级:

赵红霞 2013年秋

学 号: 学习中心:

713081582002 武义


Unit 1 Leisure Activities

Section One Blank-filling

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Puns are even more subtle forms of word play. They use the technique of _ L____ sounding words or _ E meanings of the same word. Puns are thought by some _C _ to be the lowest form of humor, but I disagree with this. Puns require more subtle and G language skills than most humor forms, but even the very young can use them in their ____N____ forms.

Some _ B _ humorists think too much of today’s humor is not very I or sophisticated. They dislike the suggestive or M language used too frequently, and they feel that most humorists are not very O . It is true that some of today’s humor is rather J , but I don’t think humor is to be blamed for.

A. shocking B. professional C. critics D. difference E. alternative F. trick G. sophisticated H. countless I. intelligent J. shocking K. replies L. similar M. vulgar N. simpler O. creative

Section Three Translation from English into Chinese

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.

The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny?

As one who has enjoyed humor since I first recognized it, I've made an attempt to explain and discuss humor with students in such diverse cultures as Latin America and China. I've done some serious thinking about funny stories. It has been a labor of love!

Why is it that several students in a class will fall out of their chairs laughing after I tell a joke while the rest of the students look as if I've just read the weather report? Obviously some people are more sensitive to humor than others. And, we recognize that some people tell jokes very well while others struggle to say something funny.




Section Four Writing

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic TV Programs and

Me. You should write at least 150 words. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 介绍电视节目在现代生活中的作用; 2) 描述你经常收看的一类电视节目;

3) 说明这类电视节目给你带来的好处。(标准答案和题目不一致)

My favorite pastime is writing. You may not think it is a pastime. But to me it is, because it is a form of relaxation that takes my mind away from other things when I feel tired.

I began to like writing when I was a pupil in primary school. I was imaginative and created many interesting stories at that time. When I told my stories to my friends on our way home from school, they enjoyed them. Then telling a story I wrote on the way back home soon became my regular practice. That made me really happy. I had never thought of writing as entertainment before. Sometimes I wrote down my stories and passed them around among my classmates.

When I was in high school, I began to like poems. This was because of the influence of my best friend. She liked poems very much, so gradually I learned to appreciate poems. When I am writing poems, I can concentrate for a long time, totally losing myself. No matter whether I am happy or sad I start writing poems to express myself.

Let me tell you a little secret. Now I’m writing a science fiction about time travel. I’m sure it is original and interesting. However, writing definitely takes time, and how I wish I could have more time to pursue this hobby. I may not become a professional writer, but I will always enjoy writing.

Unit 2 The Power of Words

Section One Blank-filling

For the last 25 years, for example, I’ve prepared a(n) _ E Christmas letter for long-distance friends, and I often add a handwritten word of thanks or _ D . Acknowledging some success or good _G_ that has happened during the year seems particularly appropriate considering the F of the Christmas season.

Be H with your praise. Superlatives like “greatest,” “smartest,” “prettiest” make us all feel good. Even if your praise is a little ahead of _ L _ , remember that ___M___ are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.

Today I got a warm, J letter from my old boss and mentor. Norman Vincent Peale. His little note to me was full of K phrases, and it sent me to my typewriter to ___A____ a few overdue letters of my own. I don’t know if they will make anybody else’s day, but they made mine.

A. compose B. sought C. uplifting D. congratulations E. annual F. spirit G. fortune H. generous I. consideration J. complimentary K. uplifting L. reality M. expectations N. anniversary O. spontaneous Section Two Translation from English into Chinese

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.

What does it take to write letters that lift spirits and warm hearts? Only a willingness to express our appreciation. The most successful practitioners include what I call the four “S’s” of note writing.

1) They are sincere. No one wants false praise.

2) They are usually short. If you can’t say what you want to say in three sentences, you’re probably straining.

3) They are specific. Complimenting a business colleague by telling him “good speech” is too vague; “great story about Warren Buffet’s investment strategy” is precise.

4) They are spontaneous. This gives them the freshness and enthusiasm that will linger in the reader’s mind long afterward.

It’s difficult to be spontaneous when you have to hunt for letter-writing materials, so I keep paper, envelopes and stamps close at hand, even when I travel. Fancy stationery isn’t necessary; it’s the thought that counts.


1)真诚 (sincere)。没人要听虚假的赞美。

2)简短 (short)。如果不能用三句话表达出你的意思,你很可能过火了,写得太长。 3)具体 (specific)。赞扬一位业务伙伴 “演讲精彩”则太笼统含糊;告诉他“关于沃伦·布菲的投资策略讲得很精彩”才是一语中的。

4)自然 (spontaneous)。这使得便笺充满了生气,洋溢着热情,并使读者的心灵长久地感受这种生气和热情。



SectionThree Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition Means of

Communication. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1) 语言交流 (面对面、电话、网络语音聊天)的优势;

2) 书信、邮件交流的优势;

3) 你更倾向于哪种交流方式,原因是什么。

Means of Communication

The older form of communication is speech. In the beginning of human history, people could only use direct verbal speech to communicate. But it had many shortcomings. For instance, we couldn't speak to a person far away when we needed. Therefore, distance was a barrier. And the spoken word could not be kept secret easily. Thus, people wanted to invent a new method of communication.

The next big step forward in communication was the invention of writing. Writing is one of human being's most important inventions. It solved the problem of distance and keeping secrets. With the advent of the digital era, people gradually abandon the habit of writing letters because of its snail speed although letters do bring warmth and love to the recipient and they turn to contact each other via sending e-mail thanks to its fast speed and convenience.

As for me, I prefer text messages and emails. Not just because of their convenience. Since I often find myself awkward dealing with people directly, these ways can save me the discomfort. Besides, irrespective of the effort required, writing letters is also on my list of preference. Because both I and my friends know that, a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near, and a letter from such a friend acts as the best medium. The power of words can be infinite, especially written words.

Unit 3 Gender Differences

Section One Blank-filling

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Over the past few decades, it has been proven _ L times that the various types of behavior, emotions, and interests that _ O being masculine and feminine are ___G _ by both heredity and culture. In the E of growing up, each child learns hundreds of culturally patterned H of behavior that become C_ into its gender identity. Some of this learning takes place K . In other words, the child is told by others how to act in a(n) B feminine or masculine way. Other details of __D behavior are taught unconsciously, or indirectly, as the culture provides different images, aspirations, and adult J for girls and boys. A. individuals B. appropriately F. attitude G. patterned K. directly L. innumerable C. incorporated H. details M. superior D. gender E. process I. consideration J. models N. lost O. constitute Section TWo Translation from English into Chinese

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Their research showed that many teachers who thought they were nonsexist were amazed to see how biased they appeared on videotape. From nursery school to postgraduate courses, teachers were shown to call on males in class far more than on female students. This has a tremendous impact on the learning process for, in general, those students who become active classroom participants develop more positive attitudes and go on to higher achievement. As a matter of fact , in the late 1960s, when many of the best all-women's colleges in the northeastern United States opened their doors to male students, it was observed by professors and women students alike that the boys were \over\the classroom discussions and that active participation by women students had diminished noticeably . A similar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in law and medical school classrooms in recent years.


