(浙江、江苏)2016高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法突破 专题八 定语从句典题在线知能提升

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专题八 定语从句

1.(2015·高考湖南卷,T29)It is a truly delightful place,________ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.

A.as B.where C.that D.which

解析:选D。考查定语从句引导词的选择。句意:它确实是一个令人感到快乐的地方,它看起来一定跟100年前一样,有着蜿蜒的街道和美丽的村舍。本句中先行词是a truly delightful place,且后面的定语从句中缺少主语,可用which或that引导;又因为前后两部分用逗号连接,所以所填词引导非限制性定语从句,故用which。

2.(2014·高考江苏卷,T22)The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication,especially at work ________ a good impression is a must.

A.which B.when C.as D.where

解析:选D。考查定语从句。句意:这本书极大地帮助了我的日常交流,尤其是在必须给人留下好印象的工作当中。本题采用还原法解题,将先行词work还原到定语从句中,即:a good impression is a must at work显然关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,故选择关系副词where。

3.(2014·高考安徽卷,T22)The exact year________ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.

A.when B.where C.why D.which

解析:选D。考查定语从句。本题定语从句中的谓语动词 spent为及物动词,故从句中缺少宾语,故选用关系代词which。

4.(2014·高考浙江卷,T5)I didn’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade,________ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.

A.when B.where C.which D.why

解析:选A。考查定语从句。句意:我直到五年级才成为一个热衷攀爬的人,那时我去解救一个挂在树枝上的风筝。先行词fifth grade为表示时间的名词,后面从句缺少状语,故用when引导。

5.(2014·高考四川卷,T4)Until now,we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children,________ is quite unexpected.

A.that B.which C.who D.it

解析:选B。考查定语从句。句意:到目前为止,我们已经为那些贫困的孩子筹集了50 000英镑,这很出乎意料。分析句子结构可知,句子中间是逗号,不可能用it作第二句话的主语;也不可能用that,因为that不能引导非限制性定语从句;再分析句子可知,关系词指代的是整个主句的内容,故选which,此处引导非限制性定语从句。

6.(2014·高考大纲全国卷,T29)September 30 is the day ________ which you must pay your bill.


A.by B.for C.with D.in


7.(2014·高考福建卷,T31)Students should involve themselves in community activities________they can gain experience for growth.

A.who B.when C.which D.where

解析:选D。考查定语从句引导词的选择。句意:学生们应该积极参与社团活动,在这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。分析句子结构可知,本句的先行词是community activities,将其移到后面的定语从句中为:they can gain experience for growth(in) community activities,由此可知关系词代替先行词在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故用where引导。

8.(2014·高考湖南卷,T31)I am looking forward to the day________my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.

A.as B.why C.when D.where

解析:选C。考查定语从句的引导词。句意:我期待着有一天,我的女儿能读懂这本书,并能理解我对她的感情。本句中含有定语从句,先行词是the day,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用when引导定语从句。

9.Many countries are now setting up national parks ________ animals and plants can be protected.

A.when B.which C.whose D.where


10.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those ________ lives were affected.

A.whose B.that C.who D.which



