
更新时间:2023-05-27 23:23:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1.How disappointed they were when their team was _____(击败)by ours. 

2.Two policemen as well as an expert were sent to_______(处理) the complex case.

3. I advise you to have your leg esince it still hurts

4.It is important for us to develop the habit of_______(分析)sentence structures.

5.Have you _______(通知)that the meeting has been called off ?

6.He got rather angry because the secret plan had been to the newspaper.

7.The_______(建设)of the building will take at least one year.

8.He ______ (捐献)generously to the Red Cross.

9.What do you think of the final _______(结论)they came to from the experiments?

10.She opened the door ______(谨慎的) so as not to wake the baby.

11.The US_______(组成)of fifty states

12.This article can be ______(分成) into four parts.

13.If it is ______ (方便的) to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday.

14.The tides are caused by the_______(吸引)of the moon for the earth.

15.Please ______(安排) for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock.

16. To their .______(高兴), their son was admitted into a famous university.

17. The story ______ (使人想起)me of an experience I once had.

18. The house is situated in very pleasant ______(环境).

19. She was ______(乐观的) about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic.

18. The program gives students the ______(机会) to learn more about global warming.

19. I cannot ______(集中于) on my work when I’m hungry.

20. She ______ (故意的)ignored me when I passed her in the street.

21. If someone or something makes an_______(印象), they have a strong effect on people or a situation.

22.He is so careless that he is_______(不断地)making mistakes in his homework.

23. He asked us to_______(帮助)him in carrying out the plan.

25.Only after you________(获得)a good knowledge of law, can you become a lawy

26.After finishing school, I went to college______ (与此同时)all my friends got well-paid jobs.

27.Has the bill presented by the lawyer been_______ (批准)by the committee(委员会)?

28.After a hard day’s work, I felt ______(完全地 )tired.

29. The ______ (症状)don’t appear until a few days after you’re infected.

30. The winter here is cold and ______(潮湿的).

31. He received a prize at the graduation ______(典礼) of the university.

32.She often ______(结束)her class with a funny story.

33.We spent an_______(令人愉快的)evening chatting about old times

34. He hurt his legs. There is no _______(可能性)that he will win the match.

35. They married last month, but I didn’t attend their ________(婚礼).


36. The birds flew away in all_______(方向).

37. He is collecting ________(资料)for his new book in the countryside.

38. He needs ________(准确的)data in order to succeed in the experiment.

39. I made an_______(约会) with the doctor at 3p.m.

40. They have just________(雇佣) five new waiters

41. The driver of the car received serious__________(受伤) to the legs and arms.

42. Are all the children being_________(中毒) by lead in the atmosphere .

43._______(粗略地)speaking, I would say that about 100 people attended the meeting.

44. It seemed that he was________(不情愿) to help his mother with the housework.

45.The factory is well_______ (配备好装备的)with modern equipment.

46. Don’t be so _____(贪婪的) for money.

47. He ______(描述)himself as a doctor.

48.He has been______ (指控)of stealing other’s bike.

49.His finger is_______(流血).

50.We must face difficulties_______(勇敢地).

