
更新时间:2023-07-23 07:00:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




班级_________ 姓名___________


( ) 1. A. where B. what C. when D. weekend

( ) 2. A. watched B. play C. took D. went

( ) 3. A. gym B. library C. cinema D. camp

( ) 4. A. shorter B. smaller C. singer D. longer

( ) 5. A. sad B. hurt C. worried D. happy

( ) 6. A. last B. cooked C. was D. drank

( ) 7. A. milk B. foot C. bread D. beef

( ) 8. A. window B. door C. music D. desk

( ) 9. A. better B. bigger C. cleaner D. fatter

( ) 10. A. tomato B. often C. usually D. sometimes

( ) 11. A. give B. football C. ruler D. schoolbag

( ) 12. A. train B. river C. sea D. lake

( ) 13. A. snowy B. rainy C. heavy D. windy

( ) 14. A. plant B. grass C. flower D. tree

( ) 15. A. old B. cool C. warm D. cold

( ) 16. A. deep B. tall C. fall D. long

( ) 17. A. bigger B. funnier C. thinner D. singer

( ) 18. A. third B. danced C. visited D. learned

( ) 19. A. sweater B. shoes C. clothes D. jeans

( ) 20. A. ten B. fourth C. fifth D. first


1.red 2.pen 3.ten 4.bus 5.hot 6.May 7.two 8.bike 9.June 10.cold

11.ship 12.warm 13.cool 14.July 15.four 16.blue 17.five 18.pencil 19.plane

20.cloudy 21.yellow 22.green 23.eraser 24.August 25 ruler 26.snowy









do_________ swim_________ ski________ sing_________ write________ dance________ run_________ swing_________ stop________ study______ have_______ take_______ play______ make_____ ride______ get______



live_______ teach________ go_______ watch_______ be_______ do_____ have______ like______ ride______ play______ study______ read_______


clean_________ do_____ read_______ take______ buy________ get______ go______ wash________ eat_______ play________ have_______ see_____ ride_______ am/is______ are______ sleep_____ study_______ stop_____


shelf_________ knife_________ potato__________ tomato_________ photo_______ sheep_______ foot_______ bus______ dish_______

watch________ baby_________ city________ child_________ desk______ woman________ this________ that_________


big________ heavy_________ thin________ young_________ old_______ strong_________ good_________ small________ funny_________


one_______ two______ three_______ four_______ five_______ eight_____ nine_______ twelve_______ fifteen________ twenty_______

thirty-one___________ fifty__________ sixty-two___________


boy_______ man________ teacher________ black________ big________ long________ kind________ new________ old________ quiet_________ taller_______ stronger_________ go________ in front of_________

on______ hot______ cool______ winter________ sad_____ aunt_______


by_______ I________ their________ for_______ sea______


work________ farm________ drive________ teach________ sing________ dance_________ clean________ write_______ science________ post____


us(主格)_____ I(宾格)______ she(宾格)______ he(宾格)_______ you(形容词性物主代词)_______ we(形容词性物主代词)________

they(宾格)________ their(主格)________ I(名词性物主代词)________ (十一)写出下列单词的原形。

studied_________ writing__________ thinner_________ teaches_________ took_______ has_______ stopped________ went_______ running________ heavier__________ were_______ leaves_______ swimming__________ (十二)写出下列单词对应的形容词。

sun________ wind________ rain________ snow_______ cloud_______



I’m_________ they’re_______ can not________ do not________

doesn’t_________ isn’t_________ let us_______ what’s _________

centimeter_______ kilogram________ were not_________


1. ---W________ does your sister do? --- She is a worker.

2. --- H_______ does your aunt go to work? --- By subway.

3. --- W_______ are you going? --- I’m going to the zoo.

4. Remember the traffic rules. And s______ at a red light.

5. Your ruler is shorter. My ruler is l________ than yours.

6. ---What day is it today? --- It’s W_________.

7. ---When is your b___________ ? --- It’s in May.

8. --- What are you going to do this weekend?

--- I’m going to v________ my grandparents.

9. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I p_______ badminton.

10. My father is a c_______. He works in a gym.


1. My hair is _________ (更长) than yours.

2. You look so ___________ (年轻).

3. They _____________________ (照相)in the park yesterday.

4. We are going to __________________(学英语).

5. There _______(be) no libraries in my school five years ago.

6. Tom ______________(起床) at 6:30 every day.

7. Ten years later(之后), I am _________________(想当) a doctor.

8. How _______ Mike ________ (感觉) today?

9. I _____________________ (骑了马) yesterday.

10. Ben is very _______(伤心). Her mother is ________(担心) about her.

11. ---How do you go to Beijing? --- Usually I go _____________(乘火车).

12. ________ _______(减速) and stop at a yellow light.

13. ---Where is the cinema, please? --- It’s ________ (在…旁边) the hospital.

14. --- What are you going to do ______________ (下周).

15. --- What does your mother do? --- She is a _____________(警察).

16. --- What are your _________(爱好)?

--- I like ________________(读故事) and _________________(猜字谜).

17. --- What should I do if I am ill?

--- You should ___________________(看医生).

18. --- Where is the ____________(电影院), please?

19. --- She likes __________(游泳) and _________________ (骑自行车).

20. --- Does she _______________(教语文)? --- Yes, she does.



1. Look! My brother ____________ (play) the piano.

2. It’s 6:30. It’s time __________ (get) up.

3. He often _________ (have) dinner at home.

4. I ___________________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.

5. Mike _________________ (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays.

6. Miss White ____________ (teach) us English.

7. Wu Yifan likes ___________ (ride) bikes.

8. I ______ (be) ill yesterday. I ________ (have) a cold.

9. We often _________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. He __________ (read) a book now.

11. Listen! She _________ (sing) in the classroom.

12. I want _________ (go) to the cinema this evening.

13. ---What can you do? --- I can _________ (sweep) the floor.

14. Thank you all for ________ (come).

15. It _______(be) an egg five days ago. Now it ______(be) a chick(小鸡).

16. He _____ (be) a student. He likes _________ (take) pictures. He often

______(go) to the park ______ (take) pictures. Yesterday he ______(take) some pictures in the park. Look!He ___________ (take) pictures in the park now. Tomorrow he ___________________ (take) pictures in the zoo.

17. I _____ (be) 10 years old. My brother ____ (be) 11. We _______(be) in

the same class. Yesterday we _______ (be) 迟到) for class. Our 生…的气)us.


1. Did you help _______ (they) clean ________ (they) room.

2. Your parents are teachers. My parents are ________ (farm).

3. My birthday is on the ________ (one) of January.

4. I am _______ (short) than my sister. But she is _______(thin) than me.

5. Look! There are some ________(knife) on the desk.

6. ---Is this ______ (you) skirt? --- No. _____ (I) skirt is red.

7. --- How many ________ (bus) can you see? --- I can see five.

8. Look! It’s _______ (rain) outside(外面)!The weather reporter says it will be ________(sun) tomorrow.

9. Mr. Wang is ______ (we) math teacher. ______ (He) class is so much fun.

10. I’d like some ________ (tomato) and _______(fish) for dinner.

11. February is the ________ (two) month of the year.

12. There are five _______(sheep) and ten ________ (horse) on the farm.




1~5 DBDCB 6~10 ABCCA 11~15 AACAA 16~20 CDACA


颜色1, 16, 21, 22_________________________________

学习用品_2, 18, 23, 25____________________________

天气___5, 10, 12, 13, 20___________________________

月份___6, 9, 14, 24, 26____________________________

数词____3, 7, 15, 17______________________________

交通工具__4, 8, 11, 19____________________________



doing, swimming, skiing, singing, writing

dancing, running, swinging, stopping, studying

having, taking, playing, making, riding, getting


lives, teaches, goes, watches, is, does

has, likes, rides, plays, studies, reads


cleaned, did, read, took, bought, got

went, washed, ate, played, had, saw

rode, was, were, slept, studied, stopped


shelves, knives, potatoes, tomatoes,

photos, sheep, feet, buses, dishes

watches, babies, cities, children, desks

women, these, those


bigger, heavier, thinner, younger, older

stronger, better, smaller, funnier


first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth

ninth, twelfth, fifteenth, twentieth

thirty-first, fiftieth, sixty-second


boy: girl man: woman teacher: student black: white big: small long: short kind: strict new: old old: young quiet: active

taller: shorter stronger: thinner go: come in front of: behind

