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MT103简介及栏位详解 MT103 (单笔客户汇款) 简介及栏位细解
1. 核心MT103是通用报文,收发此类电文无须进行用户使用组别登记。除了77T(信函内容)栏位,用户可以使用MT103报文中所有其它栏位。
2. MT103+是通用报文,收发此类电文无须进行用户使用组别登记,但收发双方有协议。用户应使用MT103栏位和格式限制,在报文中使用规定代码使报文自动化处理。(MT103+使用时,规定在报头{3:{119:XXX}}中必须标明代码字STP)MT103+是核心MT103的兼容子集并且独立于MT103,SWIFT对它的网络监查更加严格。
3. MT103延伸汇款资料使用组准许它的签署者使用包含大量延伸汇款资料的77T栏位。这些汇款资料可随意在非SWIFT格式中使用,例如:EDIFACT 或ANSI-X12。 希望使用MT103延伸汇款资料的收、发用户事先必须进行延伸汇款资料使用组 登记。
MT103 Single Customer Credit Transfer Status Tag Field Name Content/Options M 20 Sender’s Reference 16x
--------> O
13C Time indication /8c/4!n1!x4!n --------|
M 23B Bank Operation Code 4!c
O 23E Instruction Code 4!c[/30x]
O 26T Transaction Type Code 3!a
M 32A Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount 6!n3!a15d
O 33B Currency/Instructed Amount 3!a15d
O 36 Exchange Rate 12d
M 50a Ordering Customer A or K
O 51A Sending Institution [/1!a][/34x] 4!a2!a2!c[3!c]
O 52a Ordering Institution A or D
O 53a Sender’s Correspondent A,B or D
O 54a Receiver’s Correspondent A,B or D
O 55a Third Reimbursement Institution A,B or D
O 56a Intermediary Institution A,C or D
O 57a Account With Institution A,B,C or D
Field 50a: Ordering Customer
This field specifies the customer ordering the transaction.
According to the Money Laundering Act, the complete name & address and account number
(Option K), or other identification data (Option F) of the sender must be entered. Since
October 29, 2007 the preferred option is F Format field 50F
With Option F, for Subfield 1 (Party Identifier) Line format 1 or Line Format 2 must be used:
Line format 1: /34x (Account Number) or
Line format 2: /4!a,/30x (Code) (Identifier)
With Option F, for Subfield 2 (Name & Address) the following Line Format must be used for all lines:
Subfield 2 1!n/33x (Number) (Details) Codes
With option F for -Subfield 1- Line Format 2 (Code) (Identifier) one of the following codes
must be used:
ARNU Alien Registration Number CCPT Passport Number
CUST Customer Identification Number DRLC Driver’s License Number EMPL Employer Number
IBEI International Business Entity Identifier (no country code allowed) NIDN National Identity Number SOSE Social Security Number TXID Tax Identification Number
With option F -Subfield 2- (Name & Address) each line when present must contain one of the
following codes:
1 Name of the Ordering Customer 2 Address Line 3 Country and Town 4 Date of Birth 5 Place of Birth
6 Customer Identification Number 7 National Identity
8 Additional Information Usage rules:
Subfield 1 Line Format 2 (Code) (Identifier) · Each code must be followed by a slash ‘/’.
· Each code (except IBEI) must be followed by the ISO country code, a slash ‘/’ and the
corresponding number.
Subfield 2 (Name & Address)
· Each code must be followed by a slash ‘/’.
· The codes 3, 5, 6 and 7 must be followed by the ISO country code, a slash ‘/’ and the
corresponding number/ details.
· Each code must appear on a separate line.
· Codes must appear in increasing numerical order.
· Codes may be repeated if more than one line is needed to provide the information indicated by the code (for example two lines for address details). · Code 2 must not be used without code 3 and vice versa.
· Code 4 must not be used without code 5 and vice versa.
· The use of code 8 is only allowed to continue information on the indentification of the
ordering customer provided under Subfield 1 – Line Format 2. Example1:
:50F:/CCPT/RU/1234567890987654321 1/WOODY ROADRUNNER 2/RABBIT STREET 1 3/RU/MOSCOW Example2:
This means that the customer identification number of Woody Roadrunner assigned by ABC
Bank is 123456789/8-1234567890.
M 59a Beneficiary Customer A or no letter option
O 70 Remittance Information 4*35x
M 71A Details of Charges 3!a ---?
O 71F Sender’s Charges 3!a15d
O 71G Receiver’s Charges 3!a15d
O 72 Sender to Receiver Information 6*35x
O 77B Regulatory Reporting 3*35x
O 77T Envelope Contents 9000z
M=Mandatory O=Optional
五.MT100与MT103的比较: 变化 MT100 MT103
栏位名称改变 20 Transaction Reference Number
32A Value date. Currency Code. Amount
70 Details of Payment 20 Sender’s Reference 32A Value date, Currency. Interbank set
tled Amount
70 Remittance Information 可选项改变 56a A,D Intermediary 57a A,B or D Account With
Institution 56a A,CorD Intermediary Institution
57a A,B,C or D Account with Institution
栏位标记改变 50 Ordering Customer
59 Beneficiary
Customer 50a 50A or 50K Ordering Customer 59a 59A or 59 Beneficiary Customer
费用状况 71A Details of Charges Optional 71 Details of Charges Mandatory
新增栏位 13C Time indication 23B Bank Operation Code
23E Instruction Code 26T Transaction Type Code
33B Currency/Instructed Amount
36 Exchange rate
51A Sending Institution
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