
更新时间:2024-04-06 09:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



按字母顺序排序! 一、交际用语

Afternoon, sir. Where to?--- Please get me to the airport?

Ami, I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.

Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor. but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?--- Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.

Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.

Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?---about eighty-five dollars. Can you turn down the radio, please?----I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Could I borrow your CD of english songs?----I’m sorry, it’s not at hand now. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?----At the office

David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. ----I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that.

Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?----Yes, they are.

Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?---Around the street corner. Do you know who telephoned me?----I hared it was Sally.

Do you like watching football matches? ----Football? No. It's a waste of time. Do you think the exam will be put off?---- Not likely.

Don’t takee too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15.----I see. We have 30 minutes left. Ed said that this boy fell of a tree.----Oh, dear. I hope he wasn’t hurt. Everyone knows where the shop is, but who’s the owner?----Steve.

Excuse me , how can I get to she nearest supermarket?----Sorry,sir.I’m a stranger here myself. Excuse me , how far is the airport from here?----It’s about thirty miles.

Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?----No, you’d better change at the next stop. Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.----That's quite all right.

Excuse me, is this table taken?----Yeah, I’m savingthesesaets for friends.

Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive?----In half an hour.

Excuse me, which is the express tranto Tokyo?----On your right. It’ll leave in 5 minutes. Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?---Certainly. Here you are Go that way and take a seat.----Thanks, but I’d rather stand.

Have you got a table for four, waiter?----Yes, sure. This way, please.

Hello, can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?---I’m sorry, but it’s completely booked. Hello, could I speak to Don please?--- Who’s speaking.

Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? ---sorry, he is busy at the moment Hello, Sally. How’s everything? --- Just so-so

Help yourself to the steak, maggie. ---Thank you, Helen.

Hey, babara. You look so pale.----I’m just getting over the flu.

How do I get to Cairo?---- You shuld catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris. How long have you lived in london?----my whole life.

How’s the movie? Interesting?--- Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.----Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes. I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.--- Neither do I

I don’t think I’m late. Excuse me, what’s the time?---It says 8:00. But it’s 5 minutes slow. I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.---Please wait for minute. He is busy now. I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.---- Neither have I.

I heard your motorcar was stolen.--- Mine wasn’t, but Bill’s was. I think the Internet is very helpful.--- Yes, so do I.

I wonder if Henrrywill come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he’s promised.----Do’t worry, he always keeps his words.


I wonder if Tim could control the situation.---Well, if he can control it, no one can. I wonder if you could help me. ----Of course.

I’d like to know something about your life in Paris.---I’ll tell you. I’m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting.---That’s OK.

I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office.---Can you take a message for me?

I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.--- Really? Maybe she’s out In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.---- I’ll take your advice Is the toileton the ground floor or 2nd floor?---On the Groun floor. Is there a drugstore near here?--- Yes, there is a big one.

Is there anything serios, doctor?----No, just stay in bed and drin more water. Is this the motel you mentioned?--- Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected

I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? ---- A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet. Jack, are you leaving, now? It’s 7:20.---- no, I’ll set off in 30 minutes.

Joe will come to the party at Jane Ian’s, won’t he?---- yeah, he’ll bring his cousin, Sandy. Let’s take a walk.--- Yes, let’s.

Linda, can you give me a lift after work?----No problom, we got the same direction. Look at the rainbow! What a view!---Yes, how beautiful it is.

Look. 25% off. The $2500 camera is on sale today.---Yeah, a surprising bargain. May I give you a hand?----Thank you, you are so kind. May I have a look at your photo album?-----Yes, of course. May I help you, madam?--- Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of oranges May I know your address?--- Sure. Here you are

Must I do the washing-up tonight? ----Leave it if you're exhausted. Must we hand in our home work now?---No,you needn’t Nice weather,isn’t it?---Yes,it is

Oh, sorry to bother you. ---- That’s okay

Oh, the box is too heavy.----Can I help you to carry it?

Oh, you are back at work. How was your holiday?----We had rain every day and stayed at hotel. Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. ----It's no trouble at all.

The lecture given by professsor Smith was really interesting.----I couldn’t agree with you more. There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?---Sure.

There’s a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper?---Fine, but it’s my trait this time.

Wait here and I’ll get my car and go there together.---Why bother? It’s within walking station. Well, Mary, how are you?--- I’m fine

What a beautiful dress in the window?----Yes, really. If I had the money, I’d buy it. What about going for a walk?---- Why not? A good idea

What do you find difficult in learning English? ---- Listening and speaking. What do you think about this story?----I like it very much. What if my computer doesn’t work?--- Ask Anne for help

What kind of TV program do you like best?--- It’s hard to say, actually What subjects are you studying?---I’m studying philosophy. What would you like, tea or coffee?---- Coffee, please

What’s the problem, Harry?--- I can’t remember where I left my glasses.

What’s the weather like in you hometown?----It’s cold in winter and hot in summer. When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?----They leave every hour. Where are you from?----Britain.

Where to? I’m so thirsty.----Why don’t we enjoy some beer at that bar? Which langguage do you speak at home?----English, most of the time. Who has done your hair, Susan? ----That hair stylist. Why are you so late? ----I came across an old friend.

Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?----Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr.Brown Will you have some dessert, Judy? ----No, thank you. I’m on a diet.


Will you please turn down the TV?---Sorry, I haven’t realized you’er sleeping.

Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?--- Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents

Would you like to order now?----Yes, I’d like fish and the soup.

Would you like to see the menu?---No, thanks. I already know what to order. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?--- Of course not


( Above ) all we should put the theory into practice. ( Until ) you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.

(As a rule ),we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. (Has ) the tree (been chopped) down?

(spending)all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. (The ) majority of people agree with him.

(The ) majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city (What ) they are doing has never been done before. (What) I enjoy most is (that) I can have a holiday from work.

A 15-year-old boy was ( arrested ) for stealing 22 charity boxes form local shops. A lecture hall is ( one ) where students. attend lectures. After (winning) the bid, major construction began in Beijing. After stopping for a few minutes. the bus moved ( on ) to its next stop. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, ( however ) Although I am a good swimmer, I don’t like ( swimming ) in the sea.

An adviser said in China ( a sandwich ) course should be developed in some Universites… Ancient Greece is the ( origin ) of western civilization Are trees(being planted)along the road right now?

At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs ( to do ) more to improve the… Before I got to the cinema, the film ( had begun ) Before she left on the trip, she ( had trained ) hard.

Boggis’ little secret was that she wanted to see herself the ( twelve-year-old ) girl. Bush’s farm ( lane ) is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America. By next year he ( will have worked ) in New York for five years. China is (in) the east of Asia.

Could you please pay me (in) advance?

Did you have a neighbor who was always ( getting above ) your business? Do you feel like ( having something to eat ) today? Do you know who are ( conducting) the survey?

Don’t worry, your watch ( is being repaired ) and you can have it in no time. Don’t you think the small donkey can really pull the heavy ( cart ) Dr.Hoffman proposed that we ( put off ) the meeting until next week.


Edgar began ( work ) as an office boy years ago.

Everything ( would have been destroyed ) if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade. Frank plays ( a lot better than ) Alex

Good-bye, Miss Liu. I’m very pleased ( to have met you ). Hardly ( had I got ) home when it began to rain.

He (has been working) in the laboratory the whole morning He asked me where (I came) from. He has (written) four successful books. He is very keen (on) football.

He ( adjusted ) himself quickly to the new condition of his work. He ( treated) the children so badly that they were terrified of him He is a kind-hearted and ( respectable ) gentleman.

He is over fifty, but he looks as though he ( were )only in his thirties. He is the man (whose) dog bit me.

He keeps ( looking ) at himself in the mirror.

He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays, ( does ) he? He speaks so quickly that I didn’t ( catch ) what he said.

He was ( engaged in ) the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing. He was ( over the room )about his new job. He, as well as I ,( is ) a student. His attitude toward us seems ( friendly )

History is the story of ( whatever ) happened to the people before today. How the fire in the dance hall started ( remains ) a mystery. I (asked) her to marry me and she agreed.

I (don’t have to) finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend. I have given (up) eating meat.

I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to(mention) it to anyone else I stopped (smoking) last year.

I am pleased to take ( this opportunity ) to exchange views with you.

I am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the…( Moreover )… I broke my leg when I (was) skiing in America. I don’t think he will be back in an hour,( will he )? I don’t think this kind of medicine has any ( effect )

I don’t want you to make any trouble, (on the contrary ) ,I urge you to solve the problem. I have lived here (since) 1997.

I haven’t read ( the whole )book, but I read half of it,At least I know something about the …. I prefer classic music ( to ) pop music.

I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of ( advantages ) over city life. I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my ( services )


I thought that this would be a funny trick ( to play on ) Jim.

I tried ( finishing ) the book in a few days, but actually I couldn’t, just because of too much… I was busy with my paper when I heard someone ( moving about ) in the room above. I’d like to know what you ( did with ) the plants I gave you. I’d rather stay at home than ( take ) a walk.

I’m in Greece at the moment. I like the weather (there). If he was fitter, he (would) live longer. If I get the new job, I (will) buy a better car.

If I had more money, I ( would ) travel around the world. If the man ( is to ) succeed, he must work as hard as he can.

If there were life on Mars, such life forms ( would be ) unable to survive on earth. If you don’t promise to help build more houses, ordinary people ( will not benefit ) If you go to America, you will find that there are better ( communications ) by road….. If you have made a dicision, please stice ( to ) what you want.

If you want to learn something, you had better pay ( attention ) in class55 .

If you want to visit someone in England, you’d better make arrangement ( in advance ). I'm leaving for New York (in) three day's time

In addition to rice, we need to ( supplement ) our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. In China, children ( have to start ) school at seven.

In the fifties last cuntury many, new cities ( grew up ) in the desert. In this factory each worker must receive a ( two-month ) training course. It was convenient (living) close to work.

It ( happened ) that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. It happen (on) a winter night.

It is ( such a big job ) that he has to ask for help.

It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good ( command ) of the basic It is hoped that the weather will ( stay ) warm for three more days. It is very convenient ( living ) here.

It was well know that Thomas Edison ( invented ) the electric lamp It’s not safe (playing) in the street. Jack enjoys (listen to) Peking Opera.

Jean could be a very attractive girl, but she ( pays no attention ) to her clothes. John ( used ) to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital. John and Mary ( had been in love ) for years before they got married.

John Preston was tired ( of ) living in east London, in which had moved after his wife’s death Last month, he paid a visit to the village ( where ) he had once worked for five years. Last week I bought a flat ( whose ) biggest room faced south. Let me ( look into ) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.


Let’s go to the cinema, (shall we)?

Let’s not wait any longer, he might not ( turn up ) at all. Mark is a clerk ( with ) a job in a top bookstrore.

Mary forgot ( to write ) a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. More and more people in China now ( drive ) to work regularly.

Mother was busy, Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she ( was listening to ) Mr.Liu, ( whose wife I met ) at imoversotu om Changchun, works at Changhou Company now. Mr.Smith ( played ) a most important part in the development of our city.

Mr.Smith, together with his wife and children,( is ) going to the party this weekend. My father (would) take me to work with him is when I was a child.

My teacher told me (to talk) to English people as much as I can to practise my English. My aunt has lived in New York ( since ) 1995.

My parents are not interested in modern music .They are ( behind ) the times. Next year, I (-不填) plan to go to ltaly.

No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting.It is at least five years since it (took place) Not always ( can people do what ) they want(to).

Not until most of the people had left the airport ( did he see ) his sister was there Of you have made a dicision, please stick ( A ) what you want.

On his first sea ( voyage ),he was stillquite young but showd great courage to face the storms. Once he starts a job, he won’t stop ( until ) it is finished.

Once you’re into basketball, you’ll find ( it ) great fun to play as a way to relax.

One day while Mr.King was working, he had an ( accident ) and his left leg was badly injured. One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier ( to operate ) than the old one. Our Lab was being ( rebuilt ) when we visited the university.

Parliament didn’t think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement…(therefore)… People wandering in the fairground or park area ( don’t have to ) wear a uniform. Please leave the key under the door ( in case ) you go out. Please stop ( shouting ),It cannot help the situation. Sadam ( was married ) for 25years. She (keeps) talking when I am watching TV. She asked me whether (I was ) English. She come from (the) People’s Republic of China. She has brought (up) two children by herselp.

She likes to spend time (playing) with her grandchildren. She paid the builder (to repair) the gate

She ( owes ) her success to hard work and strong will.

She has always ( looked up ) to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university. She was convicted (of ) murder.


Silk ( has been used ) by Chinese for thousands of years now.

Smith drove all the ( way ) to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of Some of the citizens have been ( awarded ) medals for bravery. That place is (in) the south of the city.

That’s the ( very ) gentlemean I’ve been telling you about. The next train to Beijing (is due ) here at 3’o clock.

The ( politician ) is concerned with successful election, whereas the statesman is … The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension ( to some extent) There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has ( resulted in) poverty. The ancient letter was written ( with ) a pen. The bedroom needs (decorating )

The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. i’d like to have it again (twice as much) The big man has always been eating ont the go,( so ) he has got stomachache. The definition leaves ( much room ) for disagreement. The farmer caught the boys ( stealing ) his apples.

The heavy rain stopped us ( from arriving ) at the station on time. The man ( made for ) the gate when he realized that we had spotted him. The mistake was ( caused ) by the carelessness of the assistant. The patient acted on the doctor’s ( advice ) and finally recovered. The picture is pleasant ( to look at )

The population of the earth ( is; are ) increasing fast. One third of the population here… The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible ( for ) the explosions that… The public transport system in many cities in the world ( is still run ) by the local authority. The refrigerator is ( empty ) ;we must buy some food. The road (was) built last year.

The roof of our house is broken ,so it needs ( repairing ).

The sun heats the earth,( which ) is very important to living things.

The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to (take in )what he was staying. There wasn't any paper in the box,( was there )?

The volunteers started looking after other children ( whose ) parents died of AIDS last year. The work ( will have been done ) by the time you get there. These plants are rather difficult ( to look after ) They (have been driving) for hours. They all (asked for) the job.

They are (such diligent) students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations. They handed in theire paper ( in trun )

This is the problem ( to which ) we have no good solution as yet. Three people,( including a child ),were injured in the accident.


We (have painted) the bathroom and plan (to paint) the bedroom this year. We need (to repair) the machine.

We want to sit at the table near the window. I’m sorry, but (it has been taken) already. We advised him to give up smoking,( and do ) a lot of exercise. We are ( confident ) int eh future of our motherland.

We are told that it is ( where ) we are born that decides our nationality. We consider ( is necessary that ) the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. We failed in our ( attempt ) to climb the mountain.

We have kept ( up ) our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends We have our house ( cleaned ) every week by a cleaner.

We lived on a (side street) when my wife studied in Oxford, It is quiet there, so very suited for. What ( type ) of blood does Tom have?

What’s happened to Tom?( He’s been taken)to hospital. When (is) the old block of flats (being demolished)?

When I was a child, we (had to ) wear a uniform for school. When was the building (completed)

When a fire ( broke out ) at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings… When we were having a meeting, the director ( was told ) the bad news by telephone.

Where (have you put) the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere. I (put) it right here, but now it’s gone. While ( raising ) money, he had worked very long hours. Why ( is…begin) the old block of flats()demolished next month? You like playing football (don’t) you.

You look(tired). What (have) you (been doing)? You ( ought ) to lock the door at night.

You must explain ( to us, in ) how they succeeded () the experiment. You should make ( sure) your house or flat is secure.


A survey was carried out ---①by ②sharply ③Although ④to ⑤walking ⑥walk ⑦on ⑧to make ⑨for ⑩for

Altough international travel---①interesting ②from...in…from ③which ④to ⑤live ⑥before ⑦effects ⑧lesson ⑨best ⑩for

A study ( ) that fitness is the key---①has show ②to ③who ④even if ⑤more likely ⑥were ⑦exercising ⑧however ⑨to reduce ⑩encourage

A study has shown that fitness is ---①to ②or ③those who do not ④the least ⑤whether or not ⑥to be fat ⑦being ⑧smoking ⑨one ⑩to exercise

Buck and his mother and all the men smoked tobacco and talked---①while ②was living on ③was never heard ④but ⑤that ⑥travelling up ⑦off ⑧share ⑨had never seen ⑩of


Before 1836 the Texas are a __to Spain and then to Mexico---①belonged ②under ③free ④other ⑤as ⑥declared ⑦rebels ⑧signed ⑨elected ⑩of

Bill was on holiday and---①-②who ③had had ④about ⑤--- ⑥for ⑦anything ⑧his ⑨and ⑩--

Frank knew he was very---①sometimes ②in ③mind ④listened⑤be admitted ⑥remember ⑦nobody ⑧whenever ⑨only ⑩like

In the UK. In business situations---①for ②to ③pleased ④shake ⑤to ⑥or ⑦the ⑧avoid ⑨especially ⑩turns

Jules Verne’s most famous book is---①meaning ②invevted ③at ④story-teller ⑤to be ⑥who ⑦easy ⑧ways ⑨as well as ⑩sometimes

Many teachers believe that the student should be responsible for---①if ②context ③one ④learning ⑤with ⑥assigned ⑦minimum ⑧student’s ⑨sources ⑩other than

Molley Wilson _______ a dancer---①had been ②decided ③had trained ④became ⑤got married ⑥after ⑦up ⑧because ⑨before ⑩had met

More and more people ---①have ②have been asking ③due ④who ⑤不填 ⑥which ⑦estimated ⑧to have them installed ⑨yet ⑩to install

Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anthing---①unless ②way ③wether ④disguss ⑤anybody ⑥supposed ⑦idea ⑧allow ⑨soon ⑩no

Most workers spend eight---①workdays ②enjoy ③extra ④to ⑤rather ⑥under ⑦As a result ⑧little ⑨end ⑩helth

Mr.Smith,a passenger on---①avoid ②and ③of ④take ⑤shortly ⑥boders ⑦rest ⑧view ⑨accept ⑩reason

No man can change the weather---①what ②make ③such as ④sign ⑤air ⑥on ⑦that ⑧weather ⑨above ⑩eyes

Peter Blake is a successful businessman---①used ②was ③decided ④been ⑤so ⑥which ⑦own ⑧on ⑨-- ⑩but

Plants are very important living things. ---①were ②food ③Therefore ④types ⑤main ⑥covered ⑦no ⑧without ⑨float ⑩fall

Smoking may be a pleaseure for some people---①Howerver ②discomfort ③on④In fact ⑤suffer ⑥surely ⑦persuade ⑧entirely ⑨rather ⑩sense

The anciant Olympic Games---①were ②of ③were held ④meaning ⑤for ⑥introduced ⑦named after ⑧where ⑨were defeated ⑩therefore The country’s 35 million---ADBCB ACBDB

Traffic in India means---①have been sold ②in ③vehicled ④with ⑤on ⑥pulled ⑦watch out ⑧are recommended ⑨by ⑩that

There are advantages and disadvantages---①both ②to ③than ④do ⑤prepares ⑥yet ⑦on ⑧new ⑨as ⑩have



10th August, 2004---1.The company 答案 machinery and---

2.Where is 答案 In Chicago--- 3.When did 答案 In the ---2000 4.The company 答案 it plays--- 5.The letter is答案 its ---and abroad. A 15-year-old boy, who was---1.The boy 答案 dressed up---Aid.

2.Which of 答案 He had---times. 3.Why did 答案 Because the---way. 4.According to 答案Because he---family. 5.What does 答案 The boy---phone. A day in the Life---1.What does this答案Lily’s daily---

2.Their breakfast答案toast. 3.Which of the答案They usually--- 4.From the passage答案is good looking. 5.How does Lily答案She feels---choice. A funny thing happened on the---1.The author’s 答案 unhappy

2.According to 答案 both A and B. 3.According to 答案 more disconnected. 4.What are 答案 All of the above. 5.What is 答案 It actually--- A: What was your very first job? ---41214

After her husband had---1.The reason 答案 she was---

2.Mrs Richards 答案 make sure--- 3.The man 答案 an electricity--- 4.What did 答案 He stepped--- 5.The man 答案 thought he --- Airline companies are responsible---21244

An Extraordinary Change---1.What does 答案 very unusual---

2.The sentence 答案 dissatisfied--- 3.The word 答案 part ---roufe. 4.Which of 答案 not ---waves. 5.The last 答案 the qualities--- Anna is our only daughter---1.According to 答案 got an---

2.It can be 答案 mainly a--- 3.What does 答案 look like--- 4.My daughter 答案 character 5.From the 答案 affectionate. As far back as 700 BC---1.According to 答案 the unusual---

2.Except that 答案 four. 3.The word 答案 newly-born--- 4.It took 答案 return to--- 5.Only after 答案 get the--- Benjamin Disraeli, the famous---1.Why does 答案 a miniature--- diversity.

2.Why does答案 Because they---prosperity. 3.London is 答案 many young---backgrounds. 4.The last 答案 young people feel---. 5.The passage 答案 the cultural diversity---. Bill Cooper is portfolio---1.In the 答案 for --- running.

2.It was 答案 through his---. 3.It was 答案 one ---stocks. 4.From the 答案 hard work. 5.Bill Cooper 答案 only indicated--- “But I just---”1.From the 答案 complaining about---

2.The three 答案 the price--- 3.The supply 答案 the production--- 4.What does 答案 The cost--- equipment. 5.The author’s 答案 explain--- Crime Prevention Initiatives---1.This passage答案how to---street.


2.If you want答案never leave---copies 3.Based on the答案go to public places. 4.Why should答案Because it’s---a burglary. 5.From the答案we cannot---attacked. Cynthia Woolly---1.From the 答案 the best---.

2.Cynthia Woolly 答案 the team--- 3.From the 答案 at a ---.

4.Which of 答案 She doesn’t--- 5.The right 答案 providing ---with. Dear Folks---1.According to答案 looks very---

2.Yichen lives 答案 it is the--- 3.The most 答案 to keep--- 4.Yichen seems 答案 less confident--- 5.On her 答案 Lanzhou. Every day, the news of the---1.People learn 答案 both A and B.

2.According to 答案 every man---society. 3.The passage 答案 400 years 4.According to 答案 are affected--- 5.Today the 答案 new inventions--- Hello, new students---1.What does 答案 frightened.

2.What does 答案 money given--- back. 3.The sentence 答案 if you are---time. 4.From the 答案 it’s better--- time. 5.This passage 答案 offering --- life. I had two jobs growing up and---1.The author 答案 how --- properly.

2.The phrase 答案 working in---occupations. 3.The author 答案 challenging. 4.The author 答案 joining a ---. 5.The business 答案 never be ---risks. I was 15 when I walked---1.How did 答案 He happened---.

2.According to 答案 it ---himself. 3.After he 答案 proud of--- 4.The author 答案 persuading his boss to let--- 5.The main 答案 it helps---. In the UK, in business---1.The first 答案 how to---situations

2.If you are 答案 leave the ---well. 3.English people答案 income and---. 4.In the last 答案 it’s usual--- group. 5.The subject 答案 British social---. In the United States---34311

John Preston lives in a flat---1.What does the答案renewed.

2.The word”shabby”答案 in bad condition 3.The word “drawback”答案disadvantage 4.The sentence答案we have quite a---. 5.Which of答案It generally--- Learning Styles---1.Which of答案Sensory learner.

2.Which of答案They remember---quickly. 3.Which of 答案 They prefer---watch. 4.From the 答案 do more--- 5.According to答案he cannot---things. Lillian Hanson, a college student---1.Mrs Hanson答案 she hadn’t---

2. Mrs Hanson答案 to further--- 3.In the 答案 that she is 73--- 4.The computer 答案 they were--- 5.Mrs Hanson 答案 cares for--- MAPPING THE FUTURE---1.Which of答案Beijing’s---city.

2.According to 答案 Factories. 3.Which of 答案 The main---affected. 4.Which of 答案 Some --- information. 5.Based on 答案 The newly---Beijing. May you wish upon a thousand---1.From the 答案 husband and wife.

2.In the third 答案 her motorhome. 3.Which of 答案 They leam---


4.At the 答案 Global Positioning--- 5.The family 答案 their life--- Morgan Rees has always been---1.The topic 答案 Morgan Rees---

2.The topic 答案 He was --- 3.Which of 答案 He bought--- 4.What is the 答案 Since he--- 5.The passage 答案 how ---again. My mother raised me as---1.From this 答案 poor

2.The author 答案 badly. 3.From the 答案 which are ---. 4.In the 答案 the three---. 5.What is 答案 The ---firefighter. PALO ALTO,California---1.A study of 答案 children --- more time watching TV.

2.According to the答案 is more ---day. 3.The time 答案 three hours. 4.Which one 答案 Children usually eat more--- 5.Why can 答案 Both A and B. Paper was invented by the---1.Where was 答案 In China.

2.Scandinavia 答案 in 1500. 3.Every four 答案 one tree. 4.All over 答案 faster. 5.The latest 答案 houses. PAT the Dog---1.Which of the答案Only---better.

2.Pets are答案elderly---alone. 3.The first答案people feel relaxed---pet. 4.The dog 答案 She picks---him. 5.The sentence答案when I---unconscious. People travel a lot with---24334

Robert was born in a small town---1.Robert can 答案 his father---

2.The English 答案 there were ---city. 3.Robert brought 答案 he was ---wallet. 4.Robert put 答案 he hoped---thieves. 5.In fact 答案 the thief---. Some people think they---1.According to 答案 are the---

2.The idea 答案 some bike--- 3. “Bicycle lanes” 答案 special--- 4.Which of 答案 In New--- 5.The best 答案 A Solution--- STUDY WHEN AND WHERE YOU---1.The passage答案informing the---Courses. 2.Which of the答案 It requires---skills 3.Based on答案meet the---line. 4.We can 答案we --- computers. 5.According to答案simply---hours. Telecommuting---1.From the 答案 through the ---

2.Which of 答案 One ---schedule. 3.The passage 答案 their ---money. 4.The phrase 答案 fit for. 5.The passage 答案 a new --- The British School System---1.Which of 答案 Dancing and music.

2.Which of 答案 State--- them. 3.It can 答案 Primary ---schooling. 4.According to 答案 they will ---English. 5.What is 答案 Objective. The entertainment profession---1.What is 答案 Getting the ---

2.A successful 答案 younger singers--- 3.For a pop 答案 they make--- 4.According to 答案 can be ---. 5.The most 答案 keep smiling. The Extended Family---1.why did Mis答案Because---down.

2.When she got答案together---some time. 3.How did she答案Because---schoolmates. 4.The sentence答案I had---affairs. 5.What does答案What the---like.


THE FITTES DO LIVE LONGER---1.In the second 答案 supporting

2.What does 答案 inactive. 3.It can be答案 the new study contradicts---. 4.What can 答案 It has ---research. 5.What’s the 答案 Objective. The greatest recent social---1.According to 答案 at about---.

2.We are 答案 many --- five. 3.When she 答案 was --- one. 4.According to 答案 marry before---. 5.Which of 答案 Today more ---born. There have been changes---1.What does 答案 Trends in??

2.During the 答案 the ??down??UK. 3.According to 答案 soar 4. According to 答案 The highest--- 5.The last 答案 the birth---now. To us it seems so---13234

Traffic in India means---1.Why is India答案 Because there---scooters.

2.From the答案 a hybrid---carts. 3.What does答案If we---traffic. 4.In the last答案Because driving---dangerous. 5.What does答案Drivers---carts. Until the twentieth century---1.When did 答案 When cigarettes---

2.Among which答案 People in--- 3.Which of 答案 How long--- 4.Which of 答案 Women with--- 5.What does 答案 Family income--- We are all in a rush---42131 We often use gestures---44143

We walked in so quietly---1.When she 答案 to see---

2.When the 答案 cleaner. 3.After reading 答案 It has --- 4.Why did 答案 To find--- 5.Which of 答案 Clever. What was your very first job?---1.Why did he答案Both B and C.

2.It can be答案he got---chance. 3.Why did he答案Because was---things. 4.It can be答案he prefers---job. 5.What does the答案disorderly. When companies need new---31342

When I was a little girl---1.This passage 答案 the ---stamps.

2.According to 答案 on Saturdays. 3.Their mother 答案 She wanted--- 4.What does 答案 We were--- 5.What is 答案 A Memorable---


一、1.日常活动2.主要工作(职业活动)3.社交生活 Dear Bob,

I’ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting. I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o’clock. I have lunch in the office. And I come back home at six. As a secretary, I deal with phone calls, emails and faxes during work hours. I also do the paper work for the manager.


After work, I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home. Sometimes, I also like to chat on the Internet. Best regards, Michelle

二.1童年的梦想2.目前的情况3.对未来的希望 Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for telling me about yourself. I’d like to let you know more about me too. As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true. I’m now a librarian, dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it. Since there are more and more electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e-library built soon. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Best wishes, Ian


One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house. As soon as she was inside, two men opened the car door, started the engine and drove away in just one minute. When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110. Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby. So the girl got in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped. Twenty minutes later, they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green. Needless to say, the car thieves were caught red-handed.

四.1.自主(autonomous )学习与远程教育2.自主学习与合作(collaborative )学习3.你自己的学习情况 Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education. It is an essential skill for distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do not meet their tutors or classmates very often. However, distance learners can learn a lot from each other. So autonomous learning and collaborative learning go hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks by myself. Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning tasks or share experiences. I have found both forms of learning very helpful.


五.1.有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好2.你对这种观点的看法3.你的结论 Some people believe that country life is better than country life. I don’t agree with this. Town life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. But there are also many disadvantages. It is much nosier than in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car. It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life.

六1.保持身体健康的重要性2.保持身体健康的方法3.重申保持身体健康的意义 Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body, we can do nothing. For me, there are three main ways to keep healthy. First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables everyday. Secondly, it is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress. When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy. 七、1. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式2. 阐述你的理由3. 作出结论

In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, bus and so on. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “green ”form of transportation. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best. 八、1. 描述你家的位置2. 各个房间的功能3. 表达你对你们家居条件的态度 My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It


is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter’s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and generally relax there. I think my home is cozy and I like my home. 九、1. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么2. 你喜欢它的理由3. 作出结论

CCTV today offers a great variety of programmes to meet different needs and tastes. For example, the weather forecast, serials, films, sports and so on. My favorite TV programme, however, is the news. There are several points that are worth mentioning. For one thing, it covers news about important events both at home and abroad. Besides, the news it provides is timely and reliable. Finally, it broadcasts in the evening during the so-called “golden time ”. It saves me much time reading through news-papers for current affairs. In short, watching the news on CCTV has become part of my daily life.

十1. 你理想的工作是什么2. 你的理由3. 如何实现你的理想

Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities in business. I like reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day. Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.

十一.描述你敬佩或特别喜欢的家庭成员。1.该题的具体要求:内容要点:1)人物的姓名,关系(name and relationship);2)描述外貌,性格(describe his/her appearance and character);3)描述行为(describe something that happened to him/her.)。

I’m going to write about my best friend, Zhou Fang, who I’ve known since we were both kids. She is tall, slim and charming. I look up to her because she usually takes care of me and helps other people. I learned a lot from her such as singing, dancing and swimming. I’m like her because both of us are patient and dyna


mic. She likes climbing and reading, and me too. She doesn’t like shopping, and me neither. She’s ambitious and humorous. When we are together, I feel very relaxed. She enjoys learning new things, and she often says to me, “Studying English isn’t easy, but don’t quit.”

十二.写推荐信(1)假设你是Mary Brown,你以老师的口吻给Mr Smith 写一封70-80词的推荐信,说明一位想从事会计工作的学生王玲想约见他。

Dear Mr Smith, I am writing to you to give you some information about Wang Ling. He would like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible. He wants to be an accountant and I believe this is a good career for him because he likes working to deadlines and working alone. He has a good eye for detail and an excellent memory. He prefers taking responsibility. He is patient and dynamic. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Mary Brown

十三、假设你是Betty Pull,你以老师的口吻给Mr Blake 写一封780词的推荐信,说明一位想从事医生工作的学生Sally Carr想约见他。2.该题的具体要求:内容要点1)该生所要从事的职业;2)该生各方面素质和能力。 Dear Mr Blake,

I am writing to you to give you some information about Sally Carr. She would like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible. She wants to be a doctor and I believe this is a good career for her because she likes taking responsibility and meeting new people. She has a good eye for detail and an excellent memory. She prefers working on her own. She is intelligent, patient and hard-working. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Betty Pull

十四.写投诉信(1)假设你是A. Banister, 你对正在你家进行的装修工程感到不满意,你向经理Mr Townsend 写一封70-80词的投诉信,将你的问题和所作的决定告诉他。(2)假设你是游客Mary Brown, 你曾于元月14,15日住在Hotel Royal,你对那里的住宿感到不满意,你向经理(不知姓名和性别)写一封70-80词的


投诉信,将你遇到的问题和希望得到的解决方法告诉他。 3.该题的具体要求:内容要点:(1)你遇到的问题;(2)你的决定或希望得到解决的方法。 Dear Mr Townsend,

I am writing to you to complain about the work on my house. I am not pleased with the work you have done. The chimney is not satisfactory, and I am unhappy about the path. I am also concerned about the roof. The quality of the work is not good enough in my opinion. I am also appalled by the mess in the garden. Generally I am very dissatisfied with the work. I am therefore withholding payment until you put it right. Yours sincerely, A.Bannister Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to complain about my stay at Hotel Royal. I stayed there on the 14th and 15th January. I was dissatisfied with the shower. It was too cold. I was unhappy with the room. It was very dirty. Also I was surprised by the restaurant. It closed very early. I would like the hotel to refund me some of the money I paid.

Yours faithfully, Mary Brown

十五.写提出忠告的电子邮件..假设你是Jim,你给一位健康状况欠佳的朋友Pat写一封120词左右的电子邮件,以自己的情况向她提出坚持锻炼的忠告。4.该题的具体要求.内容要点.(1)你朋友的问题及你的简况;(2)你向朋友提出的忠告。 Dear Pat,

Last time I saw you, you didn’t look too good. I felt just the same a few months ago, and so I started going to the gym, and I’m also on a diet and now I’m feeling really good. I hope you don’t mind if I give you some advice. You should go to the gym and get a personal trainer. You shouldn’t take the lift when you go upstairs and you shouldn’t take the bus to work. You should walk through the park. Always have fruit for breakfast and never eat too much fat. I am sure that if you stuck to this routine for a month, you would see the difference, and if you gave up smoking too, you would feel fantastic. Anyway, let me know how you get on.

Good Luck! Jim



Our university has links with several countries throughout the world. We use video conferencing and email a lot. We have many computers, 200 desktop computers and about 100 laptops. Students send their work form home to their teachers by email. The university communicates with parents by the Internet. Teachers do not use paper to communicate with each other or with the Head. All students’ registration and records are done electronically. All data about students is electronic. 十七、写一篇80词左右的短文,说明许多城市存在的交通问题并提出解决方法。该题的具体要求:内容要点(1)存在的交通问题及其原因;(2)解决的办法。 Today more and more people live in cities. As a result, a lot of cities suffer from traffic congestion with slow traffic and very full streets. There are too many cars and not enough roads, and people are not using the buses and the underground enough. I think the government should restrict the number of cars and try to make people use public transport. At the same time, more buses should be bought and the underground should be extended to more places so that more people can take public transport very conveniently. I hope to see a clear traffic in cities. 十八、写一篇80词左右的报道,内容是:罪犯:三位男人,一位女人(有组织的古董盗窃团伙),判决:有罪,审判日期:昨天,罪行:偷窃罪;从北京博物馆偷窃古代瓷人(antique porcelain figures),拘捕:在北京一公寓正在与伦敦商人通电话时被捕,证据:这个女人是博物馆职工,把钥匙给了盗窃团伙,判刑:十年监禁。该题的具体要求:内容要点:包含所提供的所有素材。

Three men and a woman, who were part of an organised gang of antique thieves, were found guilty yesterday of stealing antique porcelain figures from a museum in Beijing. They were arrested by police in a flat in Beijing, while they were talking to dealers on the telephone in London. Police believe they are part of an organised gang of antiquities thieves. The woman had been a museum employee. The judge heard evidence that the woman had given the keys to the gang. They were sentenced to ten years in prison.


十九、写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍中国的风俗习惯,给即将到中国访问的外国朋友提建议。该题的具体要求:内容要点:主要的文化差异及风俗习惯。 In China, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and say, “ni hao?” meaning “How do you do?” The reply to it is another “ni hao?” If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner, it is usual to take a present – some toys for the children, or flowers, wine, tea, etc. for the host or hostess. But don’t give the presents at the door and don’t expect the hosts and hostesses to open the gifts. We only open the gifts until after the guest leaves. You don’t need to telephone the next day to thank the host, unless you want to. Chinese people tend to talk about personal things, and talk about a person’s age, so don’t feel offended about that. Good topics for small talk are children’s education, food, sports, health, holiday, weekend activities and so on.

二十、写一篇短文,描述你所认识的一位朋友。字数约为80词。该题的具体要求:内容要点:(1)人物的姓名,关系(name and relationship)。(2)描述外貌,性格(describe his/her appearance and character)。(3)描述行为(describe something that happened to him/her.)

I’m going to write about my mother, Yang Meishun, who I like very much. My mother is medium height. I look up to her because she’s gifted in many ways and I learned a lot from her, such as cooking, knitting and handiwork. She likes cooking, walking and reading, and she doesn’t like singing KTV. She is warm, good-natured and outgoing. I remember once one of my friends wanted to learn embroidery, and my mother taught her patiently. She always invites my friends to come to our house. We get on very well. I like my mother very much.


On-the-job training and life-long learning is very popular now. Many people attend courses after work in order to improve themselves with more advanced knowledge and skills. I am one of them. I work as an accountant, and therefore I study at Shenzhen TVU, majoring in accountancy. I think the courses are specially designed to help us to pass the national examination for the professional title in accou


nting. We study part-time, attending the tutorials in the evening or at the weekend two or three times a week. Most of the time, we study at home, reading books or the Internet resources. By the end of each term, we take final examinations. If we pass all of the exams, we will gain enough credits and then get diplomas and degrees.

二十二、假设你是吴华,想去北京21st Century 报社应聘,请根据下面表格写一封80-90词左右的应聘信。姓名吴华职业记者工龄11年出生年月1965年7月6日出生地中国吉林长春外语英语、日语、德语有何特长会使用计算机 个人简历1990年北京大学新闻系毕业 1990年至1996年12月在深圳日报社工作 1997年至1998年在英国BBC学习一年 1999年回报社新闻编辑部,任主任至今 Dear Sirs,

My name is Wang Hua. I have been a journalist for eleven years. I’m writing to apply for the post of journalist you advertised for in the 21st Century. I was born in Changchun of Jilin Province on July 6th, 1965. I graduated from Journalism Department of Peking University in 1990. And then I worked in Shenzhen Daily From 1990 to December of 1996. I also studied in BBC in England for one year from 1997 to 1998. After that, I came back to Shenzhen daily in 1999 and have been the director of the news editorial department since then. Since I have such experience and I am good at computer and acquainted with three foreign languages including English, Japanese and German, I think I have the qualities to fit the job. Please give me an opportunity of personal interview on your most convenient date. I should be grateful if you could kindly give me an early reply. Yours sincerely, Wang Hua




American Prof. Iycidro from Shenzhen TV University will give us an English lecture on American Indians and American History. The lecture will be held in the hall of Culture Center from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday of May 5, 2004. All the students can attend it and your friends and the students from other universities are also warmly welcome. Please don’t be late. After the lecture, you are required to write a composition in English to talk about your impressions on this subject. The Students Union Shenzhen TV University May 2, 2004

二十四、假设你是一位顾客, 在一家商店买了一台彩色电视机。回家后发现没有图象,经过与商场营业员交涉,没有得到满意解决,你向商场经理Mr Gao写一封70 – 90词的投诉信,将你的问题和希望得到的解决方法告诉他。 Dear Mr Gao,

As a customer, I am writing to you to complain about the colour TV set that I bought from you market. When I brought it back home, I found it had no picture. Although I talked about this problem with the salesman, but I didn’t get a satisfactory solution. So I have to write to you. You must check it and put it right or exchange another one for me. Otherwise you should refund me the money I paid. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Mary Brown

二十五、你同学建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信说将回国工作。请根据下列提示回信:词数 80左右; Dear Jianhua,

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago. I’m very glad to know that you have finished your studies abroad. And what you are studying is well needed nowadays in China. It will be quite easy for you to find a good job. I know a few big companies in our city are hoping to hire people like you. I’m working for the computer company now, and I must work from nine clock to five . If you are free, please come to visit me . I am looking forward to your letter . Best wishes, Minghua


二十六、根据下面的中文提示,写一封电子邮件给你以前的一位同学,字数要求不少于80): 1.了解对方最近的学习情况。2.你的学习情况。3.请对方说说提高英语水平的经验。 Dear Jane,

How are you getting on with your study these days? Do you enjoy your study? Now we are studying politics, economics, maths, English, writing and so on. I find politics and maths interesting and easy to handle, while English is still my headache. The worse thing is: I have to take an English exam in the coming month. I am quite anxious about it. You are always good at English, I know. Can you tell me how to improve my English? I’ll really appreciate your help. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Jack

二十七、My favorite means of transportation. (我最喜欢的交通方式) In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, bus and so on. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a “green ”form of transportation. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best. 二十八、关于“广告的利弊”的讨论。

Recently our class held a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of advertisement. Daily life needs advertisements because they can often information on goods, services, culture, employment and so on. With advertisements, customers can save a lot of time in shopping. Advertisements also help factories or service providers find their market. In a word, advertisements have many advantages. However, we also find advertisements a waste of time when we don’t need them, for example, when watching TV programs. To make things worse, some advertisements are misleading and cheating. Furthermore, huge advertising expenses are shared by customers, which seems to be unfair.


二十九、了解对方毕业后的情况2.你的近况。3.遨请对方方便时来访。 Dear li fang:

It has been five years since we separated after graduation from college. After I have leaned by chance that you live in the same city with me, I am so excited about the fact that we are so near but never get any chance for a meeting. Five years is long enough to bring about many changes to us. I work in a trading company and met my husband there who is the vice manager of the same department I work. We just got married last year and we will have a baby in three months. I am very happy with my present life. I am so eager to know more about you. So would you contact me for a meeting as soon as you read my email? You can reach me any time at 33335555 Yours! Yang li

三十、l.告诉对方你最近将出去旅游。2.了解对方所在地的旅游景点。3.请对方给予帮忙安排。 Dear Zhang lan:

I am very glad to let you know that we will have a one-week holiday next month. You know I have been looking forward to a trip for nearly two years. So I collected two of good friends to enjoy the trip with me. After much consideration, we at last planned a trip to your city. You know we have got round to nearly every place worth seeing in my province. So this time we must take the chance to make a long journey. Your city is well known for its places of historic interests which greatly attracts us. But one week is not long enough to visit all of them. Thus we need your brief introduction of the places most worth a visit. Since it is the first time to go to your city, would you help us with an arrangement for a local trip and accommodation? Thanks! Guo feng

三十一、了解对方近来状况.2.通知对方同学将在元旦举行聚会.3.请对方参加。 Dear Zhouyi:

Another year has passed since we met last time on the reunion party of former classmates. The only news about you is that you got a promotion, so would you re


ply me an email with more details about how you are getting on? This letter is mainly to inform you that this year's get-together of the former classmates will be held on the fist day of new year. You know this is the only occasion when we can catch up on each other. We are looking forward to your attendance by the time.

Yours! Liang shan

三十二、了解对方最近的学习情况。2.你的学习情况.3.请对方说说提高英语水平的经验。 Dear Li hua:

It has been two years since we went to different colleges after our graduation. I know you were the best in English in high school, so I believe you are still in a leading place with English in your class. Last year I took the college English test band four, but I got so low a mark that I want to try again this term. I don't like my other subjects to be disturbed by only the English test. For a satisfactory result, I need your help with your experience of English learning. Thank! Deng ping

三十三、你的近况.2.请对方帮你购买英语语法书.3.遨请对方方使时来访。 Dear Lihua,

Five years is long enough to bring about many changes to us. I work in a trading company and met my husband there who is the vice manager of the same department I work. We just got married last year and we will have a baby in three months. I am very happy with my present life. Now I need an English grammar book. .Can you help me to buy one? I can't find a suitable one here. I haven't seen you for ages. If you have time, please come here. I will show you around my city. It is worth seeing. I am so eager to know more about you. So would you contact me for a meeting as soon as you read my email? You can reach me any time at 33335555 Dengping


三十四、告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试。2.洵问对方如何做准备。3.请对方建议一些参考书。 Dear Lihua,

I t has been two years since we went to different colleges after our graduation. Last year I took the college English test band four, but I got so low a mark that I want to try again this term. I know you were the best in English in high school. And I heard from Wangling that you passed CET-4 and go a high mark. Can you share some experience with me and recommend some useful references ? Thanks! Limeng

三十五、my hometown (我的家乡)

My hometown is called Wencun, located in Taishan county, Guangdong province. My hometown is at the seaside of the South Sea, it takes about two hours to get there from Jiangmen city. The population is about 50 thousand. They are mostly farmers and usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old traditions, but they are very kind, for example, if you ask someone for directions, they are always try the best to help you out. It's a quiet place and I like it.

三十六、Spring Festival

Spring Festival is Chinese new year, it is also called the lunar new year and it’s the greatest traditional festival in a year. Before the day, we clean the room, sweep the floor, dust the furniture. We are all very exciting. In the evening, we have dumplings and have a big meal. In the morning of Chinese new year, we have noodles. We go out and visit friends and relatives. We say Good Luck and Happy New Year to them. We are dancing and singing. Everybody is happy and gay. 三十七、Why we learn English

English is one of the world's most widely used languages. and is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the world. English is often necessary for official business, education, information, international trade and other activities in many countries. Our country is a developing country, if we want our country strong and rich, we must learn the advanced technology and science fr


om the developed country. We should use English as a weapon in our life. So we must learn English well.

三十八、My ideal job (我理想中的工作)

Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities in business. I like reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day. Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.

三十九、 my family (我的家庭)

My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter’s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and generally relax there. I think my home is cozy and I like my home. 四十、 my job (我的工作) Dear Mr Blake,

I am writing to you to give you some information about Sally Carr. She would like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible. She wants to be a doctor and I believe this is a good career for her because she likes taking responsibility and meeting new people. She has a good eye for detail and an excellent memory. She prefers working on her own. She is intelligent, patient

My favorite sport(我最喜欢的运动)

My favorite sport is swimming. There are three reasons why I like the sport best.

First, it is good for keeping fit. It benefits the heart, the lungs(肺)and the limbs


(四肢). Thanks to the sport, I lost my weight and am graceful in form.

Second, it is easy to find a place to swim. In the country, I can swim in lakes and rivers. In the city, there are many swimming pools spotted among the residential areas.

Third, it can be done in any weather. It is very cool swimming in hot summer. In cold weather, swimming is especially refreshing.

Swimming is a very popular sport. I hope you can enjoy it too.

Health and Eating Habit(健康和饮食习惯)

An eating habit is closely related to health. In order to keep fit, we should pay more attention to our eating habits. My suggestions for a good eating habit are as follows:

First, don't eat too much or too little for each meal. Eating too much will cause overweight and eating too little, malnutrition(营养不良).

Second, don't eat between meals. Sometimes we like eating biscuits and chips before the mealtime; as a result, we lose our appetite(胃口)for lunch or dinner. Third, eat more vegetables and fruits everyday.

In my opinion, a good eating habit leads to a healthy life.

Talking about myself (利用所给提示,写一篇短文介绍自己)

My name is Holly. I'm thirty-seven years old. I'm from Beijing. I'm a math teacher in a primary school. My school is far away from my home, so I usually drive to work. There are three people in my family. They are my wife, my daughter and I. My wife is a doctor in a big hospital and my daughter is a ten-year-old pupil. In my spare time, I like reading books, watching TV, playing table tennis and so on. I used to go fishing in the weekends, but I don't now because I have to attend class in the TV University.

My family (我的家庭)

There are five persons in my family: my parents, my wife, my daughter and I. My father used to be a senior engineer. His responsibility was designing new machines. My mother would work in a factory. They are retired now. My father is very serious about everything in life and pays attention to the details. My mother is patient and hardworking. I take after my parents. They have influence upon me to make me a good teacher. My wife is a nurse and she is very busy everyday. My daughter is a pupil. She is pretty and lovely and looks like her mother.


High School Life and College Life (利用所给提示写一篇短文,说明高中生活和大学生活动不同)

High school life is quite different from college life. In high school, the students have to wear school uniform. Teachers always ask students to do many tasks in the classroom and supervise students' behavior in detail. In college,

students have to be responsible for themselves. They have more freedom in college than in high school. For example, they put on the casual clothes

instead of uniform. Tutors give them lectures and assignments, and they must spend more time studying by themselves in the library. That means students must manage themselves very well. Although I often recall my high school life, I like college life more.

My TV University Life (利用所给提示写一篇短文,描述你在电视大学的生活) Our TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education. The form of study is very convenient for adult learners like me. I can learn my courses anywhere in my spare time by computer. There are many web-based courses and sources on line. Moreover, I not only use email to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums. Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week. The e-learning life is meaningful and demanding. I enjoy my TV university life.

Living in a big city(利用所给提示写一篇短文,说明居住在大城市的优缺点) In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences. People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls, dine out in good restaurants; and more important, they can have more educational opportunities.

However, with the expansion of the city, more and more people are flowing into the big city, the traffic is heavier and heavier, the pollution is more and more serious, and the living condition is worse and worse.

Most people love the advantages of city life, but a big city also has its disadvantages.

Help for elderly people(利用所给提示写一篇短文,说明如何帮助老年人和解决老龄化问题)

It is reported that China has stepped into an aging society. As the aging of the population quickens, the number of elderly people is becoming very large. Therefore, it is necessary to find good ways to deal with the problem.


According to traditional Chinese moral values, it is the sons or daughters who should take the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents. The youth should not only look after their elderly parents in material terms but also understand their loneliness and do their best to spend more time with them. But because the family plan has been carried out for many years in China, it is a common picture that a young couple has to support four elderly parents. This trend will reach its peak in coming years. The government is responsible for guaranteeing the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguard(保护)their legitimate(合法的)rights and interests and establish a multi-level old-age insurance system.

My English Studies (利用所给提示写一篇短文,描述你在英语学习上的经验教训)

I have been learning English for more than twenty years. Recalling my English studies, I would like to share some good ways and some frustrations with you. First, I am independent in English studies. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, I try to find the patterns and rules on my own.

Second, I am an active English learner. I never wait for a chance using English. I look for such a chance, and create an language environment by myself. I am willing to make mistakes and not afraid of losing face.

Try your best to enjoy the pleasure of English studies, bear in mind that \(焦虑于事无补)



