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Part I Listening Comprehension (25题,每题1分,共25分)听力 Section ANews(两篇 5题)

Section B Conversations(两篇 10题) Section C Passages (两篇 10题)

ABC三部分均为选择题,A选自课外;BC选自《新视野大学英语视听说教程--第二册》 Unit1-5,原文原题,选项有增删,选项顺序有变动。)

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20题,每题1分,共20分)词汇与结构 共20小题,全部为选择题;

题目选自《新目标大学英语--第二册》Unit1、3、5、7单元Text A 课后练习language in use中第4、5题,题目为书上的原题,但改为选择题。

Part III Reading Comprehension (30题,30分,每题1分) 阅读理解 Section A选词填空题(四级题型)(1篇 10题选自背诵段落) Section B信息匹配题(四级题型)(1篇 10题) Section C 深度阅读理解(四级题型)(2篇 10题)


Part I Writing (15分)



Part I Listening Comprehension Unit 1

Long conversation

1C She often fails to turn in her homework on time. 2 D It presents great difficulty for her.

3 A He has a good personal relationship with the woman. 4 C Work harder in her Spanish class.


1 D She showed dissatisfaction with the slow pace of her class. 2 A She had to learn the material that she already knew. 3 C It proved to be an unbalanced way to learn the language. 4 D She taught Spanish speakers how to speak English. Unit 2

Long conversation

1 A There are so many plants that it is hard to see the sky. 2 D They are separated from the world outside of the jungle.

3 C Because Emily gave her an empty bottle. 4 A Small and common things should also be valued. Passage

1 D They may be more distant from the actual nature. 2 A By experiencing it with the five senses. 3 B Nature seems very far away from them.

4 D Real nature experiences come from physical contact with nature. Unit 3

Long conversation

1 D They are likely to dress like people in the 1960s. 2 A They are brightly colored.

3 A Because regular noodles don’t fit the theme of the party. 4 D They will make and have fancy mixed drinks. Passage

1 A He will soon graduate from school. 2 A Going for long walks in the countryside. 3 D Drifting down the river.

4 D Cooking potatoes in the hot ashes. Unit 4

Long conversation 1 A They are foolish.

2 B She wanted to use her fame to help starving children in Africa. 3 B He had doubt about her real intentions.

4 D She will stick to her original plan and prove it to the man. Passage

1 B He did quite well in mathematics and science.

2 D Because it was there he had his first contact with a computer. 3 A Harvard University made him feel bored.

4 C He spent many long nights in front of the school’s computer. Unit 5

Long conversation

1A She is going to move to Santa Fe. 2 A It is tedious. 3 D Its history. 4 B Its colorful scenery.


1 B That parents buy their young kids expensive electronic products. 2 D Old-fashioned paper books.

3 C They keep children at different age levels occupied. 4 D It is understandable.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure Unit 1

4 (p11)

1) harmonious

Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a harmonious society. 2) enrich

Collegeeducation can help enrich our knowledge, but more importantly, it prepares us for entering society and serving society in the future

3) adopted

He adopted a more cautious approach and decided to run more tests 4) intense

They have warned the world to expect more frequent and r 5) restraint

6) dynamic 7) flexible

8) collapsed

9) exemplified

10) diversify

5 (p12)

1)equate with 2) at the expense of 3) at issue 4) is compatible with 5) speak of 6) is embodied in 7) be subordinate to 8) in action Unit 3 4 (p61)

1)available 2) utilize 3) commute 4) inhabits 5) practically 6) urban 7) inadequately 8) mobility 9) awesome 10) practicable 5 (p62)

1)in sync with 2) derive from 3) in awe of 4) have an impact on 5) breaking down 6) caters to 7) was…preoccupied with 8) thanks to Unit 5 4 (p117)

1)registration 2) lured 3) overflowing 4) lengthier 5) locals 6) paved 7) arrays 8) panic 9) dairy 10) sipping 5 (p117)

1)turn…against 2) turned down 3) turn…in 4) turned out 5) turn over 6) has turned up 7) turning on 8) turned off Unit 7 4 (p168)

1)bundled 2) previous 3) have…appealed 4) revolves 5) access 6) simplify 7) envisioning 8) scrambling 9) interactive 10) vanish 5 (p168)

1) a. call for b. called up c. call off 2) a. stuck to b. stick by c. stick with 3) a. draw back b. drew on c. draw…into

Part III Reading Comprehension Unit 1 The sacred is found in preparing and sharing meals with family and friends over a dinner table; in harmonious and respectful relations in the workplace; in being a gracious and hospitable host to guests who visit your home; in appreciating the gift of learning and taking “education” as one of life’s greatest gifts; in having a sense of inner self-discipline and restraint, not needing to share every emotion or ventilate every emotion; in being polite and respectful to old people, knowing that they have a wisdom which comes from experience; in being willing to give yourself to the needs of your family even at the expense of personal sacrifice; in having the freedom to live simply and non-ostentatiously, in a humane and caring way, without needing to be famous. Unit 3

Amsterdam Smart City Projects cover the living, working, mobility, public facilities and other aspects of city life. In this project, the lighting can be adjusted for a range of situations via remote operation or sensors, helping to improve security and save energy. For example, lighting can be dimmed or adjusted according to the weather. The Smart Parking Project allows you to book your parking spot in advance in private or public spaces. It enables drivers to spend less time looking for parking and reduces air pollution.The Smart Home aims to achieve automated and sustainable living. The energy, gas and water bills can be saved not only by intelligent switching on and off and controlling electrical appliances, but also by the insights into consumers’ habits. Unit 5

Chinese educators have long realized the importance of reading to the country. Some of them suggested establishing National Reading Day in 2003. They emphasized that people should read books, especially the classics. Through reading, people can better learn how to be grateful, responsible and cooperative, and the purpose of education is to cultivate these basic qualities. Reading is particularly important for primary and middle school students. If they don’t foster the interest in reading during this critical period,it will be very difficult to cultivate the habit of reading later. Unit 7

At a time when researchers are still sorting out the complex relationship between adolescents and the mass media, the entire nature of the media system is undergoing dramatic change. The explosive growth of the Internet is ushering in a new digital media culture. The young are embracing the new technologies much more rapidly than adults. In addition, because of their increased spending power, youths have become a valuable target market for advertisers. These trends have spurred the proliferation of websites and other forms of new-media content specifically designed for teens and children. The burgeoning digital marketplace has spawned a new generation of market research companies, and market research on children and the youth is outpacing academic research on young people and the newer media. The emergence of this new

media culture holds both promise and peril for the younger generation. Part IV Translation (5句,每句2分,共10分) 汉译英,整句翻译;

五个句子选自《新目标大学英语--第二册》Unit1、3、5、7单元Text A课后练习第9题汉译英句子翻译,句子为原句。

Part IV Translation Unit 1 9 (p16)

1) 1)爱人者有仁爱之心,自爱,爱亲人以及他人。A loving person is a person who is kind-hearted, loves himself, loves his family and all the other people. 2) )所谓“和而不同”,是指君子之间保持相互尊重、和谐、友爱的关“Harmony but not sameness” means that a gentleman keeps mutually respectful, harmonious and friendly relations with other people.

3) 中国人庆祝春节与西方人过圣诞的方式基本相同,大量购物,互赠礼物,大快朵颐。The Chinese people observe the Spring Festival in much the same way that the Westerners do Christmas, doing a lot of shopping, exchanging presents, and having big meals.

4) 我们需要改变的不一定是自己的生活方式,或者物质条件,而是我们对待生活的态度。What we need to change is not necessarily our lifestyle, or our physical conditions, but rather our attitude toward life.

5) 与自然世界和谐相处是风水(feng shui)的一项原则,这一点从房屋建筑、景观(landscape)设计和家具陈列(lay out)中都可以反映出来。To live in harmony with Nature is the underlying principle of Feng Shui, which can be exemplified in building houses, in designing landscapes, and in laying out furniture. Unit 3 9 (p65)

1) 任何一项新技术在生活中得以应用之后都将过时,然后被更新的技术所取代。Any new technology, after being put to use, will get outdated and replaced by newer ones.

2) 智能技术将被广泛应用到城市建设之中,从而极大地改变我们的生活方式Smart technologies are going to be widely used in city construction, reshaping our lifestyle to a great extent.

3))在未来,人们每天乘坐飞车上下班,让机器人做家务。In the future, people are commuting by flying cars every day, leaving housework to robots.

4) 要解决城市现有设施不足问题,一种办法是改进城市公用设施并使之数字化,另一种办法是建设全新的智能城市。To deal with the existing inadequate infrastructures, one way is to modify and digitize the municipal public utilities, and the other is to build entirely new smart cities.

5) 太阳能将为智能城市提供能源,其城市居民使用低能电器,从而减少能耗。Solar energy is about to provide energy for smart cities, in which the residents use low energy appliances, thus saving on energy consumption. Unit 5 9 (p121)

1) 在去英国之前,你要搞清楚在哪里找到住宿的地方,如何注册网上课程等诸如此类的问

题。Before you go to the United Kingdom, you should figure out such issues as where to find accommodation, and how to register for the online courses.

2) 在巴黎的每一天我几乎都能找到新的街区去逛逛,到新的咖啡馆去坐坐,到新的画廊去参观一番。Almost every day in Paris, I could find new neighborhoods to explore, new cafes to sit in, and new galleries to visit.

3) 读书是为了了解世界,而旅行是为了体验生活。To read is to get to know about the world, but to travel is to experience the life.

4) 被一直当作外乡人的滋味并不好受,她希望毕业后再也不用回到这里。Always being regarded as an outsider is really uncomfortable, and she wished not to come back again after graduation.

5) 在国外留学时如果你不介意被打扰,那就找个室友分摊房租吧。While studying abroad, find a roommate to share the rent if you do not care to be disturbed. Unit 7 9 (p171)

1) 大多数老师和学生仍喜欢用传统教科书而非电子书籍Most teachers and students still like to use traditional textbooks rather than e-books. 2) 他不是果敢地面对困难,而是抱怨自己运气不佳He complains about his bad luck instead of facing up to his difficulties resolutely.

3) 我得说,亨利与其说是个作家,还不如说是个记者。I should say Henry is not so much a writer as a reporter.

4)并非机器出了故障,而是我还没学会操作 It is not that the machine is out of order, but that I have not learned to operate it.

5) 与其不受教育,不如不降临在人世间,因为无知是不幸的根源Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune.

