七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way 第4课时教案

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Unit 4 Finding your way 第4课时

Vocabulary 【自学探究】

一、预习本课的单词,弄清他们的词义和词性,把不会读的单词写下来 __________________________________________________________ 二、一起来想想crazy的用法吧。 a. be crazy about/on.表示“醉心于”“痴迷于” He is crazy on/about skiing .他痴迷于滑雪。 b.be crazy for sth .表示“渴望某物”;be crazy for sb.表示“迷恋某人”。


【教案】 教学内容 教学目标 7B Unit 4 Vocabulary 课型 新授课 1.To recognize a range of adjectives describing feelings of likes. 2.To differentiate meanings between a range of semantically related words 3.To use appropriate adjectives to describe feelings 情景教学法、归纳法 课件 教学步骤 Step1 Lead-in 教师活动 学生活动 根据图片提示回答问题。 根据图片回答happy, angry等表示心情的形容词。 根据以上提示积极个性化补充 教学重难点 The differences among ‘be crazy about ,love, be fond of, and like’ 教学方法 教具准备 Show some pictures of Zhouxingchi and 通过展示周星驰的ask the students questions. 一组照片,让学生Do you like him? 回答问题,引出本节课的重要短语。 Why do you like him? What is he crazy about? What is he fond of? Step2 Presentation Show some pictures to ask “How does he feel?” (angry, happy) Introduced the preparation phrases: 介绍一些与感觉有关的短语,为学习be crazy about 课文第一部分作铺

be interested in be surprised at be fond of Ask the questions and let the students answer them according to their real situations. Are you crazy about football? Why? Do you love dogs? Are you fond of music? Which animal do you like best? Do you like fish? Why? Do you love dancing? Look at Part A in the book. The teacher explain them carefully. like “喜欢”(反义词 dislike)指不反感,但不引起强烈的感情的迫切的愿望。 Eg) He likes having a walk after supper. love “热爱” (反义词 hate)指引起深厚的强烈的感情,并有依附感 Eg) We love our motherland. be fond of “喜欢,爱好(对什么感兴趣) 介于like和love之间 Eg) She is fond of small animals. be crazy about “喜欢到疯狂,狂热的爱好” Eg) He is crazy about boxing. dislike “不喜欢,厌恶” 垫 设置相关问题让学生根据实际情况来回答。让学生学以致用。 通过书上的练习和思考,尽可能多的说出相关短语。 用上面所学的相关短语和形容词搭配来回答问题。

Eg) I dislike to go there. Step3. Practice 1.Get Ss to do exercises in Part B and check it together. 2. Translate some phrases 对…狂热 和他玩 带他散步 听音乐 喜爱音乐 醒的早 她最喜爱的食物不喜欢篮球 对……吠 弄醒他 Step 4. Check out Ask Ss to do the class exercising paper, and check the answers with Ss together There are lots of foods that Millie _______ (like). Daniel likes_______ (study) very much. Eddie hates _______ (wake) up early. Andy practises football even when it _______ (rain) My dog ________ (bark) at any stranger who _______ (come) into my house. Millie has a lovely dog. She ________ (play) with _______ (he) every day. Amy wants ________ (find) out how her friends feel about different things. My mother likes fish, but my father ________ (like) it. Step 5. Homework 补充的翻译短语来检查学生的学习情况。 通过补充练习来检测学生掌握情况。教师在行间走动,了解学生实际情况 做练习,检测自己学习情况。 独立完成相关习题。

7B unit 4 Vocabulary be crazy about love 板书设计 be interested in like be surprised at dislike be fond of hate 教学反思 【当堂巩固】 (经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!) 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. “What shall I do?” He said to ________ (he).

2. Can’t you listen to your teacher ________ (careful) in class? 3. They could not find ________(something) ________(usual). 4. We are ________ in the _________ books now. (interest) 二、选择题。

( ) 1. Look, there’s ______ elephant in the park, ______ elephant is coming to us.

A. the ,the B. an ,an C. a ,the D. an , the ( ) 2. He is fond of ______ music.

A. hear B. hearing C. listening to D. listen to ( ) 3. Mother told me ______ in bed.

A. don’t read B. not read C. don’t to read D. not to read ( ) 4. Please ______ more English in class.

A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell

( ) 5. They ______ to the Funny World Museum next Saturday. A. go B. went C. are going D. goes

( ) 6. It will ______ six months to build a new library. A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay 三、改错。

1. He, likes his father, is fond of reading newspapers. ________ 2. Listen! I have important something to tell you. ________ 3. Our classroom is much bigger than your. ________ 4. Are you afraid of swim in the sea ? _________ 5. Mother told me don’t watch TV in the evening. _________

