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高一英语必修二导学案 Unit4 Wildlife protection


1. 认识保护共同生活在地球上的动物和植物的重要性和急迫性。 2. 掌握与野生动物保护有关的词汇和短语。 3. 深入理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识。


To analyze the whole text and know about structure and the main idea of the text。 学习难点:

To grasp the two reading techniques: 1. 略读或浏览阅读;2. 扫描式阅读 学习指导: Read , copy and recite



1. _____into ____ 形成,产生 2. for _____确切地3.______to根据,按照 4.处于危险中______ 5关注________ 6.对?有影响_______ 7.灭绝 _______________________ 8.保护?免受_________

9. 保护 区_______________ 10.平静地 _______________

合作探究 Procedure:

step1. look at the some pictures about the endangered animals and discuss why they are in danger of disappearing.

Step2.Look at a report on some endangered wildlife in China,then complete the exercise :

A.the process of having less of something that you used to have ______ B.running after animals in order to kill or catch them _______

answers: loss hunting step3.Reading (scan)(A级)

1.Look through the text HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE and get the main idea of each paragraph. (方法引导:略读或浏览阅读,忽略不懂的句子和生词,快速阅读课文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的内容大意,不求甚解。题目的作用不可忽略。

Type of writing and summary of the idea

HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE Type of writing Idea of 1st paragraph Idea of 2nd and 3rd paragraphs Idea of 4th paragraph

2.Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions. 1.)Who is the main character in the story? 2.)What animals has she seen and talked with? 3.)What has she learned? 学习反思:

Can you get the main idea by yourself? Have you learned how to get the main idea of this kind of passage?

Step3.Reading (Skim ) read passage and then fill in the following chart.(方法引导:采用扫描式阅读进行有目的的阅读)(B级)

1.Read the passage carefully and put these sentences in the right order. A.Daisy found her being watched by an elephant. ﹝﹞ B.Daisy woke up and found a flying carpet.﹝﹞

C.As Daisy landed, things began to disappear including the monkey. ﹝﹞ D.Daisy and her flying carpet were in a thick rainforest.﹝﹞ E.Daisy looked at an antelope which was looking sad. ﹝﹞

Answers:31542 2. Read the text again and finish the chart Main idea Supporting details Paragraph 1 Animal: a Tibetan antelope 1 Why we need 2 Situation: being hunted for the fur wildlife protection under its stomach 3 Result: numbers are decreasing rapidly 1 Animal: 2 2 Situation: 3 Result: 3 and 4 1 Animal: 2 Situation: 3 Result:[来源:学科网] Answers: A good example of wildlife protection ; an elephant in Zimbabwe ; previously hunted with numbers decreasing rapidly ;protected by farmers who make money from tourism;

What we can get from wildlife protection; a millipede from tropical rainforest ; produces a drug naturally which can protect us from mosquitoes ; Daisy plans to tell WWF about the drug ;

Step4.Look at the words below. Each has two meanings listed, but only one is used in the reading passage. Choose the meaning that has been used. word meanings distant affect 1. far away in space or time 2. unfriendly 1. to do something to make a change 2. to make believe you have a particular feeling appreciate 1. to thank someone 2. to understand how serious something is powerful certain 1. important 2. having a strong effect (影响) on 1. confident and sure without any doubt 2. some, enough or to a degree Answers:11212 Step5.疑难破解:(方法引导:结构复杂的句子是影响阅读理解的主要因素之一。 弄懂复杂句的关键是先找到句子主干, 然后理清其余句子结构。 尝试分析下面复杂句的结构并译成汉语.)(B级) 短语:

1.渴望做某事___________________ 2.如释重负____________________ 3.突然大笑起来__________________ 4.残忍地做某事 _______________ 5.只有一定数目的_________________ 6.在茂密的森林里 _______________ 7.保护 ?不受 ___________________8.注意____________________


1.Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.



如:Is she the man who wants to see you?他就是想见你的那个人吗? 翻译:请递给我那本绿皮的书。


2.The antelope said,“Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours?” 那只羚羊说,“我们的毛正被用以制作你穿的那种毛衣?”

在本句中,is being used 是现在进行时的_________,表示动作正在被执行。现在进行时的被动结构为_________________.

翻译:A hospital is being built in the south of the city.__________________________


Answers:1.定语; land; 定语; animal主语 Please pass me the book whose cover is green. 2.被动语态; be+being+及物动词的过去分词;在城市的南面正建成一所医院; He was being asked some questions by the policeman. Step6.retelling (方法引导:多听磁带,提高语音语调)

Try to retell the text according to the chart in step5

One day, Daisy _____ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ______ to _____ with an _______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their_____ which can be used to make ______ like hers. In three years they may all be ______ . Later, she _____ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ______ and got to know the farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the _______ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ______ . At last she _____ at the thick rain _____ where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no ____ and no ____.” Although finally everything was _____, she had _____ so much.

Step7:Deal with the language points appearing in the text ) (方法引导:看会并记住语言点的用法)

1. protect vt. ~sth. from/against?保护??避免??

He’s wearing the sunglasses to protect his eyes from/against the strong sunshine.

2 as a result 结果 A句.As a result, B句.

I got up late this morning. As a result, I could catch the first bus. as a result of= because of 为介词词组,不能引导句子。 He was late as a result of getting up late. 3. die out灭亡;逐渐消失

4.peace n. peaceful adj. peacefully=in peace adv. The Chinese live in peace after liberation. 5 in danger- out of danger

6.The little girl is in danger because she has fallen into the river. However, she is out of danger now with the help of the army..

7.contain vt.

包含 This book contains information that you need. 容纳 This room can contain 56 students. 8.affect vt. This movie deeply affects me.

effect n. have an effect on; have a good/bad effect on The computer game has a bad effect on students’ study. side effect副作用

This kind of medicine has side effect. 9.attention n.

draw/get/attract/catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 That handsome boy attracts/catches/draws/gets her attention. fix/focus one’s attention on sth. 讲精神、注意力集中于??

They fix/focus my attention on that handsome guy. pay attention to sth.

Please pay attention to what I said just n Step8: 当堂检测

1.It's too bright in the sun. You'd better wear a pair of glasses to_____ your eyes__ the sun.

A. Stop; from B. Protect; from C.keep; from D.protect; for

2.As we all know, tigers and pandas are __now, but tigers are __ to people. A.dangerous; dangerous B.in danger; in danger C.in danger; dangerous D dangerous; in danger

3.My friend was very sick with a stranger fever, _____ , he could neither eat or sleep

A.As a result all C.However D.Otherwise 学习反思:


