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*Orientation, name=\

-20., -2.5, 20., -20., -2.5, 21. ** Name: Load-1 Type: Surface traction

*Dsload, orientation=\Surf-1, TRSHR, 10., -0.707107, 0.707107, 0.


using a local coordinate system to define shear directions

It is sometimes convenient to give shear and general traction directions with respect to a local coordinate system. The following two examples illustrate the specification of the direction of a shear traction on a cylinder using global coordinates in one case and a local cylindrical coordinate system in the other case. The axis of symmetry of the cylinder coincides with the global z-axis. A surface named SURFA has been defined on the outside of the cylinder.

In the first example the direction of the shear traction,

, is given in global coordinates. The sense of the

resulting shear tractions using global coordinates is shown in Figure 34.4.3–3(a).

Figure 34.4.3–3 Shear tractions specified using global coordinates (a) and a local cylindrical coordinate system (b).


Step 1 - Specify shear directions in global coordinates ...


SURFA, TRSHR, 1., 0., 1., 0. !suefa是自定义名称;trshr为载荷类型标签,见附表一;1.为载荷量,见关键字*DSLOAD; 0., 1., 0.为投影前向量。 ...


In the second example the direction of the shear traction,

, is given with respect to a local cylindrical coordinate

system whose axis coincides with the axis of the cylinder. The sense of

the resulting shear tractions using the local cylindrical coordinate system is shown in Figure 34.4.3–3(b).


Step 1 - Specify shear directions in local cylindrical coordinates ...



3.附表一:Distributed surface load types.

Load description Load type label Load type label Abaqus/CAE load for for type element-based surface-based loads loads TRVECn, TRVEC TRVEC Surface traction TRSHRn, TRSHR TRSHR TRVECnNU, TRVECNU TRSHRnNU, TRSHRNU Pn, P TRVECNU TRSHRNU P PNU HP Pressure (surface-based loads only) Surface traction (surface-based loads only) Pressure General surface traction Shear surface traction Nonuniform general surface traction Nonuniform shear surface traction Pressure Nonuniform pressure PnNU, PNU Hydrostatic pressure (available only in HPn, HP Abaqus/Standard) Viscous pressure (available only in Abaqus/Explicit) VPn, VP VP Stagnation pressure (available only in SPn, SP Abaqus/Explicit) Hydrostatic internal and external pressure HPI, HPE (only for PIPE and ELBOW elements ) Uniform internal and external pressure PI, PE (only for PIPE and ELBOW elements ) Nonuniform internal and external pressure PINU, PENU (only for PIPE and ELBOW elements ) SP N/A N/A Pipe pressure N/A 4.关键字 *DSLOAD

Data lines to define a general surface traction vector, a surface shear traction vector, or a general shell-edge traction vector:

First line:

1. Surface name.

2. Distributed load type label TRVEC, TRSHR, EDLD, TRVECNU, TRSHRNU, or EDLDNU.

3. Reference load magnitude, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option.

4. 1-component of the traction vector direction. 5. 2-component of the traction vector direction. 6. 3-component of the traction vector direction.

For a two-dimensional or axisymmetric analysis, only the first two components of the traction vector direction need to be specified. For the shear traction load labels TRSHR and TRSHRNU, the loading direction is computed by projecting the specified traction vector direction down upon the surface in the reference configuration. For nonuniform loads in Abaqus/Standard the magnitude and traction vector direction must be defined in user subroutine UTRACLOAD. If given, the magnitude and vector will be passed into the user subroutine in an Abaqus/Standard analysis.

