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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy

Topic 1 You’d better go to see a doctor.

Section C

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Learn some new words and phrases:

still, X-ray, serious, check over, worry about, advice, taxi 2.Learn some useful expressions:

(1)But my left leg still hurts when I move it. (2)It’s nothing serious.

(3)Two pills each time, three times a day. (4)Thank you for your flowers and fruit.

(5)I hope I’ll get well and return to school soon. 3.Go on learning how to express your feelings. 4.Learn to ask for/give advice. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

图片/教学挂图/录音机/幻灯片/小黑板/白纸 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)

通过游戏,复习疾病及建议的表达方式,增强学生学习英语的积极性,导入本课生词。 1. (通过做游戏,进行对话练习,复习上节课的重点词汇和短语。) T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game.

(游戏规则:全班分成两组,A组为男生,B组为女生,A组一名男生说病情,B组一名女生给建议,然后B组下一名同学说病情,A组下一名同学给建议。学生说得又快、又准确的那组为优胜组。) S1GA: I have a stomachache.

S1GB: You should take some medicine. S2GB: I have a fever.

S2GA: You’d better drink lots of boiled water.


S3GA: I have a headache.

S3GB: You’d better stay in bed and have a good rest. …

(如果个别同学不会回答或答错,应由本组组内同学快速补充。) (教师用○来统计组内表现好的人数。) (板书)

GA ○ ○ ○

GB ○ T: Maybe Group A is better, do you think so?

(全班同学击掌三下,用来表示鼓励。) 2. (通过师生问答,导入新课。)

(教师出示一张事先准备好的Michael受伤并被同学们用出租车送进医院的图片。) T: What happened to Michael? Ss: He hurt his leg.

T: Yes, his classmates sent him to the hospital by taxi. How is he now? Let’s come to 1a and find out the answer. (板书并要求学生掌握。)

taxi Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)

利用图片进行师生对话,呈现1a中的重点生词及短语,为听力扫清障碍。并通过对1a的学习,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相关心,互相帮助。 1. (出示文中Dr. Jiang为Michael检查的图片。) T: Did Dr. Jiang check him over? Ss: Yes, he did.

(板书并要求学生掌握短语check over,理解Dr.。)

check over, Dr. = Doctor T: Did Michael take X-rays? (出示一张X光照片。) Ss: Yes, he did.

(板书并要求学生掌握。) X-ray T: Is there anything serious? (板书并要求学生掌握。) serious Ss:We don’t know.

T: There is nothing serious. Don’t worry about him. But his left leg still hurts when he moves it.



worry about, still T: Can you give him some advice? S1: He had better not move his leg too much. S2: He should take some pills. (引导学生回答。) S3: …

(板书并让学生掌握advice,理解pill。) advice pill 2. (提出问题,使学生集中注意力,边听1a边寻找问题的答案。)

T: Your advice is very useful. But what kind of advice did the doctor give him? Now please listen to the tape and answer the following questions. (1) What advice did the doctor give Michael? (2) What presents did Michael’s friends bring to him? (核对答案。)

3. (再放1a录音,学生跟读,并模仿语音语调。)

T: Now, listen to 1a again and read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ss: …

4. (让学生朗读1a,独自完成1b。)

T: Very good. Now let’s finish 1b. Come on! (本题可放幻灯片或出示小黑板,便于讲解。) (核对答案。)

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:11分钟)

让学生看图,说出故事情节,培养学生根据所给图示进行描绘的能力。 1. (让学生表演1a,要求学生注意语音语调。)

T: Well done! Next, let’s practice 1a and act it out. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (找几组同学表演,并对优秀表演者给予掌声鼓励。) 2. (根据图片内容,完成2。)

T: Look at the pictures and number them in the right order. (核对答案。)

T: It’s easy to number the pictures. Can you describe the pictures according to the given words? Now, let’s try. Example:

Michael got well after two weeks and returned home with his classmates.

(找几个学生分别对每幅图进行描述,并给予点评,注意时态和句式结构。) 3. (根据图片内容,讲述故事。)

T: Well done, you’re great! Now, look at the pictures again. They show us a whole story. Can

you tell it to the class? Please tell the story like this: Jane, Maria, Kangkang and Michael


played in the park yesterday afternoon. Suddenly Michael had an accident … (找几个同学进行讲述,对优秀讲述者给予掌声鼓励。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)

通过对应用文体中请假条的学习,培养学生的语言运用能力。 1. (练习如何写请假条,完成3。)

T: Michael hurt himself. Now, help Michael to complete the note for leave. (核对答案。)


sincerely (让一名学生在黑板上用汉语写一张请假条,并注意格式。)

T: Look at Michael’s note for leave. Compare the two notes and find out the same and differences. (找几个学生讲述,并强调相似之处和不同之处。) 2. (写请假条。)

T: Suppose you are ill. Please write a note to me for a day’s leave. (找几个学生在黑板上写请假条并给予点评。)

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)

通过把Michael受伤事件编成短剧进行表演,培养学生综合运用语言的能力及表演才能。 1. (让学生根据1a和2的内容自编自演短剧,使其对文章的理解得到升华。要求学生注意场景和道具。)

T: Now I will ask one student to act as Michael. And the other student acts as his friend, then

make a dialog, please. Example:

S1: Look, how fast! It’s cool!

S2: More slowly, Michael, it’s dangerous! S1: Ouch!

S2: Oh. How are you feeling, Michael? S1: Ouch, my leg! I’m feeling terrible. …

2. Homework:

让学生设计卡片,提高综合能力。发给每个同学一张16开白纸,对折后,让学生设计图案和文字,必要时教师给予指点。几分钟之后,找几名学生读一读自己设计的卡片,并展示。如时间不够,可让学生课下做,下节课检查。 板书设计:

You’d better go to see a doctor. Section C Don’t worry about …! But my left leg still hurts when I move it. 4

check … over … It’s nothing serious. take … to … Two pills each time, three times a day. have an accident Thank you for your flowers and fruit. I hope I’ll get well and return to school soon.


