2016北京成人本科英语三级学习材料英语三级 - 二期

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16. You might have ____ the accident if you had had your headlights on.

A. missed B. avoided C. escaped D. dismissed

17. This composition is good ___ some spelling mistakes.(2005-4-35)

A. except B. except for C. but D. besides

I go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. (除去,不包括)

Besides English , I can speak Japanese. (包括)

Your handwriting is good except for a few grammar mistakes.

I can answer all the questions except for the last one.(2001-49)

除了最后一道题,所有题目我都答对了 (从整体中减去缺点=不会回答)

The boy has performed ecxellently____he was a little nervous.(2002-6-51) A: besides B:except for C:beside D: except that

The streets were deserted ___ the policeman on duty.

A. except B. except for C. but D. besides

There is nothing but a desk in the classroom. (nothing but=only)

教室里除了一张桌子什么都没有。 There is nothing but sand. 除了沙子没别的。

He did nothing but sleep at home yesterday. 他昨天在家什么都没做除了睡觉。

It's too late, I have no choice but to take a taxi (除了打的我别无选择)

25. If one ____ a crime, he will be punished.

A: makes B: commits C:performs D: achieves

I tried to commit suicide myself. (自杀) commit a robbery 犯抢劫罪 commit murder犯谋杀罪

补充:If he comes back, please let me know.如果他回来了,请通知我。

(从句中的谓语动词用comes back,表示一般将来时,绝不可用will come back)

If I were a bird, I could/ would fly into the sky. 虚拟语气

3. If it were to snow tomorrow, I would not go out.

明天要是下雪的话,我就不出去了。 (与将来事实可能相反)

3. If it should rain tomorrow, the crops would be saved.

如果明天下雨的话,庄稼就得救了。 should/ were to+ do

If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination.

如果他努力学的话,他就通过这次考试。 (与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句) If +主+had done sth, +主

+would/should/could/might +动词完成式(have done)

44: Had you come ten minutes earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the train. But you were late.

If you had come ten minutes, you wouldn’t have missed the train. But you were late. It is known that....... 总所周知.... It is well known that....总所周知.... It is reported that.....据报道..... It is believed that.....人们相信...... It is said that......据说.......

It is suggested that....有人建议......


It has been proved that...已证实(证明)... 补充:19. The report of an earthquake(地震) in the south China Sea has not been _____ yet. (2012)

A. conflicted B. confused C. confined D. confirmed 20. The clouds are gathering. We’re better hurry and _____ the department store in case it rains. A. hand in B. face up to

C. head for D. back up

补充:26. If you insist on doing that, please take me into __.

A. think B. thinking C. thought D. consideration

27. The letters PTA _____ parent-teacher association.

A. stand for B. call for C. reach for D. care for

28. On _____ side of the street were

standing young boys and girls to welcome the President. A. both B. two C. either D. every

take me into thought把我考虑在内 stand for代表 head for朝....走去 hand in上交 face up to面临 back up支持

make a bargain交易 superior to 比....更优越

in the end=finally=at last最后

20.He let me use his computer and ___ return I treated him to dinner.

A. for B. as C. in D. of

21. It was not until she has arrived

home______ remembered her appointment with the doctor.

A. when she B. that she C. and she D. she


It is (was) +被强调部分+ that( who) +....... He didn't go to bed until his wife came back.

It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.(强调句)

21.【解析】选[B]。“not until ……that”是固定搭配,表示“直到……时候,才……”,选B。 补充:2002/6--55

Not until most of the people had left the airport ______ his sister was there.(倒装句) A: that he saw B: had he seen C: did he see D: that he had seen 22.We didn’t know his telephone number; otherwise we ___ him.

A. had telephone B. would telephone C. must have telephoned D. would have telephoned

23.Don’t risk ___ the chance which so many people dream of.

A. losing B. to lose C. lost D. your life to lose

24. I see no ___ in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there.

A. reason B. excuse C. point D. chance 动名词

The children are fond of listening to stories. It’s no use(good) talking like this.

suggest finish enjoy mind deny avoid regret require consider practice escape

be busy doing spent…. (in) doing feel like doing

have difficulty/trouble (in) doing be (get) used to (doing) sth

look forward to doing devote..... to doing prevent(stop)... from doing can’t(couldn’t) help doing

be (well) worth doing; insist on doing

give up smoking persist in doing keep on doing

want/need/require doing=to be done

forget doing sth(已做过的) forget to do sth未做过的

think of doing sth try doing sth 尝试或试着做某事

try to do sth 努力做某事

go on doing sth go on to do sth 25. ___ to speak when the audience interrupted him.

A. Hardly had he begun B. No sooner had he begun C. Not until he began D. Scarcely did he begin

26. He finished reading and went on ___ a composition.

A. write B. to write C. writing D. being written 补充:表时间的特殊引导词

no sooner … than(一...就...), hardly …when(刚一...就...) , scarcely … when(几乎没 有……的时候)

go on doing sth 继续做(原来做)的事 go on with sth继续做某事

go on to do sth 继续做另外一件某事

27. _____ by the teacher in class, John felt quite depressed and kept silent the whole evening.


A. Criticizing B. To criticize C. Criticized D. Having criticized 28. Now the committee ___ seven members. A. consist of B. is consisting of C. is consisted of D. consists of The table is made of wood. The paper is made from wood.

The medical team is made up of five doctors and twelve nurses.

The car is made in Germany.

补充:43. ______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.

A. When compared B. Compare C. While comparing D. Comparing

29. There are no seats ___ for those who are late for the show.

A. available B. enough C. supplied D. make

30. The problem ___ at the meeting next week is of great importance.

A. discussed B. to be discussed C. being discussed D. discussing

补充:21. There is only one boat ____ for hire. I’m afraid you have to wait for the next one. A. superior B. capable C. complicated D. available

22. I think fishing is a nice hobby but needs a good deal of ______. A. relation B. limitation C. strength D. patience Give me something to drink/eat. I have a meeting to attend.

I don't have a pen to write with. I have a lot of homework to do I have no house to live in. (动词不定式做后置定语)

31. The trip will be till next week because of the bad weather.

A. put out B. put off C. put on D. put up

32. It is recommended that the project ____ until all the preparations have been made. A. not be started B. will not be started C. is not started D. is not to be started “put out”意为“放出、伸出”,“put off”意为“推迟、拖延”,“put on”意为“穿上”,“put up”意为“举起、抬起”,根据语境,应选B。

“recommend”引导的定语从句动词用“should”,表示虚拟语气,有时也可以省略“should”。 1: 主语+ suggest; insist; order; demand; advise;

require....+ that + 主语 + (Should )........ 注意:这些动词后面的从句要使用虚拟语气 The teacher suggested that they hand in the exercise at once.

It is suggested that we should go there on Sunday.

My suggestion is that we should go there on Sunday.

在句型“It is important (necessary, strange, natural) that ....”中,that 后面的从句中的谓语动词用:should + 动词原形 1.我们有必要出去散散步。

It’s necessary that we should have a walk now

It ‘s important for us to keep the balance of nature.

It ‘s important that we should keep the balance of nature. 2006/11--52 改错题

It is very important that the students' voice is heard by the authorities of all our school.


1 We strongly suggest that Smith is told about A B his physical condition as soon as possible.

2:Polite manners in China demand that a person

stands up when Anyone enters a room or when anyone hands him something. 46.Should we come tomorrow, I will take her to the museum. 47. Only in this way, we can wipe out the enemy troop.

51. Though Jane tried her best this time, but she still failed in the exam.

33. It’s time ___ about the traffic problem downtown.

A. something was done B. anything will be done C. everything is done D. nothing to be done

It's time that we went to bed. It's time for....... It's time to........

“It’s time”引导的主语从句用虚拟语态,根据语境推断,应选A。

It's time to go to school. It's time for supper. It's time sb did sth

It is about time that we go to supper, for we stll have a meeting to attend this evening. 该是吃晚饭的时间了,因为晚上还有一个会议要出席(参加).(2007-4-53)

It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time we are going home.(2012-5-53) 3


Let's finish our homework; it's time we______ football. (2004-11-44)

A: played B: will play C: play D: are playing 让我们完成家庭作业,是该踢球的时间了。 34. John is determined to carry out the very important experiment ___ happens, he will not change his plan.

A. That B. Whatever C. What D. Wherever 1: What he needs is more practice.

2: You must remember what the teacher said. 3: She is no longer what he used to be

“whatever”表示“无论发生什么”,让步条件状语从句 said/ happen

where--go when--start why--be ill

Whatever the price is, they are prepared to pay.(2007-11-25)

无论价格多少, 他们都准备购买。 Isn't that what they called peace and freindship?(2004-4-27)


He didn't live up to what had been expected of him. (2012-5-31)他辜负了人们对他的期望 live up to实现、达到

what had been expected of him他所期望的 You should carefully think over what the manager said at the meeting.(2010-11-16) 你应该认真(仔细)考虑经理在会上所说的话 35. ____ at the station, John found the train had just left.

A. On reaching B. On arrival C. At reaching D. At arrival

36. Soon he got______ his difficulties and succeeded.

A. across B. away C. over D. through reach=arrive in/at=get to come across =meet sb

work out = solve look through=read make out=understand Be dead=die

be away from = leave

join the army= be in the army Be on = begin

cross the road=go across the road

look up the word in a dictionary=refer to a 查阅字典dictionary

get over the difficulty get off the bus get on the bus get up early get along well with sb get home get married get better get through get together get away get across

选[C]。“get over”表示“克服困难”,“get away”意为“逃脱、离开”,“get across”意为“越过,被理解”,“get through”意为“到达,做完”,根据语境,正确答案为C。

to one's surprise令人吃惊的是 to one's delight令人高兴的是 to one's joy令(使)人高兴的是

to one's astonishment令人惊呀的是 to one's disappointment令人失望的是

to one's great relief令人感到放心或欣慰的是 to one's amazement令(使)人感到惊愕的是 to one's regret使人感到遗憾的是

25. To our great__________ , Tom's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgment Because I had not finished my homework, I couldn't go to play basketball with Tom.

Not having finished my homework, I couldn't to play basketball with Tom.

When I heard the news, I burst into tears. (On) hearing the news, I burst into tears.

get over the difficulty get off the bus When I heard the news, I couldn’t help jumping

(On) hearing the news, I couldn’t help jumping. When it was seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks beautiful.

______ from the top of the mountain, the city looks very beautiful.

To see is to believe.=Seeing is believing. developing/ed countries; reading material Generally speaking; fallen leaves; frozen food swimming-pool;get lost; exciting match moving/interesting/amusing film;Once seen Given more time; Filled with hopes broken heart; (On) hearing the news Having finished his homework;

Seen from the top of the mountain

37. ___ he had forgot to take his notebook. A. That occurred to him B. To him that occurred

C. He occurred that D. It occurred to him that 38. They discussed the problem three or four times and finally came to ____ . A. end B. conclusion C. result D. judgment

选[D]。固定搭配“It occurs to sb that”意为“在某人身上发生某事”,正确答案为D。 38.【解析】选[B]。“conclusion”表示“结论”,“end”表示“结尾”,“result”表示“结果”,

“judgement”意为“判断”,根据语境,应选B。 draw a conclusion as a result in the end


come to judgement

39.It ____ around nine o’clock when I drove back home because it was already dark. A. had to be B. was to be C. must have been D. must be

40. I’d rather that you ____ tomorrow than today.

A. came B. will come C. had come D. is coming

would rather (that){ 现在-----过去时 { 过去----过去完成时 { 未来、将来--过去时

I would rather you paid me(pay) now. 现在

I would rather you had gone (go)there yesterday. 过去

I would rather you came tomorrow. 将来40.【解析】选[A]。“would rather”表示虚拟语态,应用过去时,所以选A。 I would rather do sth I would rather not do sth

I would rather that sb did...

23. I'd rather you________there next week.

A. went B. B. go

C. should have gone D. had gone

Do you mind if I open the window ? ----Well, I'd rather you_______.

A: don't B: didn't C: won't D: mustn't Do you mind my opening the

window?=Do you mind if I open the window? 21. It's such a difficult problem ________no one can work it out.

A. as B. that C. so D. /

22.By the end of this term, we___________ 3,000 English words in all.

A will learn B. will have learned C. have learned D. had learned 改错题:

1: The Great Wall is so a well-known tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.(2010-11-50)

I am used to read the paper after lunch. That's one of the things I really enjoy. 43. The children were surprised when the teacher had them _____ their books unexpectedly.

A. closed B. to close C. closing D. close 44. It is not use _____.

A. to buy books and not to read them B. buying books and not to read them C. buying books and not reading them D. to buy books and not reading them IIt’s no use( good) doing sth It’s useless doing sth It’s no use quarrelling.

It’s no good staying up too late.

55. It is no good try to remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned. 48. In fact, I would rather leave for San Francisco than staying in Los Angeles. have sth done= get sth done have sb do sth= get sb to do sth let sb do sth= ask sb to do sth make sb do sth= tell sb to do sth

The old lady have her house cleaned once a week. 这位老人每周请人打扫一次房间。

41.I wish I ____ to study English years ago. A. had started B. started C. could start D. would start

(过去的过去) do/does--did--had done

42.I didn't go to the party, but I wish I___there.

A. were B. would be C. had been D. will be 43. I wish I_____a big house.

A: has B: have C: will have D: had 与现在事实相反--- were/did

I wish I were a bird. 我希望我是一只鸟 I wish I often got letters from him. 与过去事实相反-- had +done

I wish (that) I had seen the film last night. 与将来事实相反---

would/could/should/might..+ do I wish I would go with him next week. 我希望我下周和他一起去

allow sb to do sth urge sb to do sth

permit sb to do sth pursuade sb to do sth force sb to do sth warn sb not to do sth help sb (to) do sth expect sb to do sth advise sb to do sth give sth to sb

lend sth to sb find sb do/doing sth make an apology to sb say hello to sb used to do sth get used to (doing)sth be sure to do sth notice sb doing sth 81.要么你错了,要么他错了。

82.要是他在这儿,一切问题都会解决。 83.她问老师为什么有些字很难记住。 84.她英语说得跟她老师一样的流利。 85.有些人浪费食品而有些人不够吃 81. Either you or he was in the wrong. 82. If he was here, everything would be all right.

83. She asked the teacher why some words were hard to remember.

84. She can speak English as fluently as her teacher.

85. Some people waste food while others haven’t enough


76.At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third-floor window. 77.But it will be the driver's responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.

78.If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time?

79.By now you’ve sat with you legs crossed, with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at the right time.

80.The young wage, earner often earns good money, and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence.

76 从三层楼高的窗户里掉下来的速度相当于每小时30英里的速度。

77 但是确保14岁以下的儿童不系安全带时不坐在副驾座将是司机的责任。

78 如果司机特别不计后果,或很大胆,那么旅途将和悬疑小说一样让人惊悚。司机会不会即时超过大卡车?

79 到现在为止,你坐在那里,双腿交叉,双手交叉抱在脑后,于是结果发生的正是时候。 80 当年轻的工薪阶层,赚到了比较容易赚的钱,就会有经济独立的需求了。

45. This is the place ____ the foreign guests are going to visit.

A. where B. when C. how D. which This is the place

The foreign guests are going to visit the place. This is the place that/which the foreign visitors are going to visit.

1、The man is singing?

2、 Do you know the man ?

3、Do you know the man /the man(who) is singing?



定语从句通常放在先行词的后面,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词。(who, whom, that, whose, which等)。

who, whom, that 在定语从句中指人时的区别:(1)Who/That 做主语或宾语 (2)Whom 做宾语

That; which在定语从句中指物时的区别: 先行词为all, anything nothing

That 先行词有最高级,序数词修饰 先行词有only,very,any等词修饰 先行词既有人又有物

Whose--可做定语(表示所属关系) which 引导非限制性定语从句 介词+关系代词 定语从句的类型 限制性定语从句

This is the book that I am looing for. 非限制性定语从句

Many children, whose parents are

working in the big cities, are taken care of by their grandparents

1. He is the boy _____ won the prize. A. whom B who C which D when

2. He is the boy_____ they are looking for. A. whom B who C which D when 3:Guilin is the most beautiful place

_____people all over the world want to visit.(2006)

a. where b in which c what d that

1) He is the student____ father is a worker. A. that B. Who C Whose D where

2)The room ____window faces south is mine. A. that B. who C whose D where

3)Jack____ brother teaches physics is a doctor A. that B. who C whose D where

当关系代词作介词宾语,且介词不是和从句的谓语构成固定短语时,介词可以提前,这样就出现了“介词 + 关系代词”型定语从句. 指物时,用介词+ which ,指人时 用介词+ whom.

The workers, some of whom stayed for four years, came from different country.


The Chinese team got 16 gold medals, of which 12 were won by women


1.Though all_____ he said was of little help to me, I thank him all the same. (2006年) a that b what c who d which

2.My sister, the photo of ____ I show you yesterday, will come to see us this weekend. ( 2008—37题)

a who b whom c whose d that

3.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small village____he grew up. A.which B.where C.that D.when

4.Can you tell me the name of the factory____you visited last week? A.what B.where C./ D.when

5.Is this the house _____Shakespare was born? A.at which B.which C. at where D. in which

6.I still remember the days _____we studied together in the school.

A. that B which C. where D when

49. Next week he will visit the airport which he worked 30 years ago. 6

30)Everyone who takes the exam will receive their score report in six weeks. 54)It was in the primary school where my teacher introduced me to computer. 1.能把你昨天讨论的那本书借给我吗?

Could you lend me the book (that) you talked about yesterday?.

2. 他是第一个在月球上行走的人

He was the first man who walked on the moon. 3 这就是他五年前住过的房子

This is the house where he lived five years age. 4. 同意这项建议的请举手

The people who agree to the suggestion please raise your hand.

Anyone who agrees to...... Those who agree to.......


He will never forget the days when he spent in France.

6:窗户朝南的房间是这层楼最好的一间。 (2006-11-46)

The room, whose window faces the south, is the nicest one of all.


Have you ever visited the Summer Palace, _____ there are many beautiful halls, ridges, and a huge lake.(2012-11-16)

8:有16万人丧生的海啸对人类来说是一场可怕的灾难. (2005-11-24)

The tsunami in which over 160.000 people were killed was a terrible disaster for human beings..


